Trends With Benefits



Each week, we gather a roundtable of experts from the Digital Trends Staff to discuss all things tech. Topics range from the big tech stories of the week to predicting the future, all while maintaining a somewhat civil decorum.Tech should be a tool to better our lives and create incredible experiences. We help get you there.


  • TWB 259: Tech Fails of the 2010s

    20/12/2019 Duration: 34min

    What a decade of tech it has been! On this episode we take a look at some of the lowlights, the not-quite-theres, and the ahead-of-their-time services, products, and companies of the last 10 years. From the not-so-coolest cooler, to the exploding phones, there is a lot to revisit! This is part one of two, since next week we'll take a look at the Tech Wins of the 2010s.

  • TWB 258: Cooking Technology

    13/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    The ever-evolving ways that we cook our food is the subject of today's show and in particular how technology has changed it. From instapots, to Blue Apron, to ordering food delivered, our idea of 'cooking' has changed....for some.

  • TWB 257: World Television Day

    21/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    Per the United Nations, today is World Television Day. On today's episode we'll walk through some of the history of TV, but also the rapid technological advancements that are happening now. The myriad terms of 4K, 8K, HDR, streaming, etc., are constantly evolving. We'll also cover what the future of television will look like and where we may be watching our favorite shows in the coming decades.

  • TWB 256: Golden Era of Streaming TV

    14/11/2019 Duration: 31min

    Disney+, Apple TV+, HBO Max, and Peacock are just latest entrants into the streaming tv wars. Is this what we were all looking for when we started cutting the cord? There is so much content that we may be in the golden era of streaming television. However, it may not last. We'll discuss where we came from, where are, and where we think we're headed.

  • TWB 255: Do you even TikTok?

    08/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    TikTok isn't new, but it's reaching all time levels of engagement. From the origins, to the hardware, we'll walk through the phenomenon of TikTok and where it places in the pantheon of social media. Is it the next Facebook, or the next Vine?


    31/10/2019 Duration: 32min

    In honor of Halloween, on today's episode we'll recant 4 stories of tech, that have terrified offices for years. From the legend of Bedlam DL3, to AI gone terribly wrong, to Google Maps to nowhere, we bring you these horrifying (but not deadly) blunders and mishaps of technology.

  • TWB 253: Tech the Vote

    24/10/2019 Duration: 29min

    Election interference is something we've become all too aware of in the last few years. However, what seems to not be changing quickly enough, is the technology behind how we vote. From the scandals of the hanging chad, to the country of Estonia voting with the Blockchain, we'll cover the tech that's being used now, some of the problems, and what ideal ways to vote would be. For instance...would you want to vote via Facebook?

  • TWB 252: The Future of Work

    18/10/2019 Duration: 32min

    Following up on last week's episode regarding the robots taking your job, we now look at what the humans will be doing in the near future. Is there still a place for us in the work force, or will our robot overlords take over everything? We don't think so and we'll walk through some of the ways our lives will change.

  • TWB 251: Will the Robots take your job?

    10/10/2019 Duration: 35min

    Will the Robots take your job? The answer is not quite as easy as a yes, or no. On this episode, we'll walk through some of the pros and cons of our rapidly evolving robotic workforce. Should we all bow down to our new robot overlords, or can we all just work together? From warehouse and manufacturing, to autonomous vehicles, to even AI journalists, we're entering into a new world.

  • TWB 250: World Food Programme

    03/10/2019 Duration: 29min

    The United Nations World Food Programme held a recent meeting in NY to discuss how technology can help solve some of the world's problems. On today's episode we'll walk through some of the solutions that we found out about, and also discuss ways we can all help out.

  • TWB 249: The Gig Economy

    26/09/2019 Duration: 32min

    While there have been different terms for what it is called, whether it's contractor, freelancer, weekend worker, etc., the Gig Economy is a tremendous economic force in today's world. However, it's never been more controversial than it is now. Should Uber/Lyft drivers be classified as full time employees? What would the ramifications be for all of us who enjoy the cheap rides? We'll discuss this and more on today's episode.

  • TWB 248: Becoming a Cyborg

    19/09/2019 Duration: 33min

    Advancements in biomedical technology are starting to reach a frenetic pace. From new solutions for prosthetics that could bring freedom of movement back , to 3D printed organs, we'll take a look at some of those incredible achievements. However, at what point do we move beyond fixing current issues, and start down the path of enhancing humanity? We'll discuss the history, to present, to future and ask ourselves the question; Do you want to be a cyborg?

  • TWB 247: Smartphone Cameras vs. DSLR

    12/09/2019 Duration: 28min

    Will smartphone cameras overtake DSLR? The evolution of the smart phone camera is truly remarkable. It wasn't too long ago that everyone needed to purchase a separate device to capture anywhere near quality photos. Now it's all integrated into one device that fits in our pocket. We'll discuss how they've evolved, where we are now, and where they're going in the future.

  • TWB 246: DOWNLOAD NOW! (Digital Advertising)

    05/09/2019 Duration: 30min

    READ THIS! That is an example of extreme advertising, and that's part of the discussion we'll be having today. Whether you like it or not, advertising is an important part of paying for everything we enjoy. But how far will it go, before it ruins the actual product? We'll discuss the origins, the trends, and the future of advertising in the technological world we live in.

  • TWB 245: Hurricane in the Membrane

    29/08/2019 Duration: 28min

    Predicting the weather is not an easy task. No matter how correct a meteorologist and their equipment can be, there are still inaccuracies. But we've also come a long way since we started and there is amazing promise for the future. Today we'll go through what's being done, what works, and how we could even possibly change the weather ourselves in the future.

  • TWB 244: Camping vs. Glamping. How Tech Has Changed The Great Outdoors

    22/08/2019 Duration: 33min

    Technological advancements are of course something we love here at Digital Trends, but what about when it comes to the outdoors? Certainly survival gear and medical tech are helpful. But what about Bluetooth speakers, or the ability to watch your downloaded Netflix in the woods? We'll take a look at whether changing camping to glamping has ruined the experience, or brought us into the new age of the wilderness.

  • TWB 243: Tech and the Music Industry

    15/08/2019 Duration: 33min

    The way we listen to music has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades, but in particular over the last few years. From CDs, to MP3s, to the advent of our favorite streaming music services like Spotify, Apple Music, even YouTube, etc., things change fast. We'll take a look at what brought us to where are and what the effect has been on how we find the musicians we want.

  • TWB 242: Mobile. The Good, The Bad, The Foldable

    08/08/2019 Duration: 33min

    It feels like we've had smartphones our entire lives, guiding us to where we need to go, serving as our communication tools, and providing us access to the never-ending internet. However, it's really only been a short time. How did we ever live without them!? We'll explore some of the history of mobile communication, where we are now, 5G, and discuss when we'll just have them implanted in our brains.

  • TWB 241: Cooking up genetics with CRISPR

    01/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    The idea of physically editing yourself is rapidly making the transition from science fiction, to reality. With incredible scientific advancements in the field of gene-editing, thanks in part to CRISPR, we have figured out more ways to change ourselves and the world around us. From removing disease, to creating higher yield crops, there are a lot of benefits. There are also a lot of concerns. We'll tackle all of this and also ask the question; If you could edit yourself, what would you add?

  • TWB 240: Into The Future of Transportation

    25/07/2019 Duration: 33min

    Autonomous vehicles, ride-sharing, e-scooters and flying taxis are just part of the transportation solutions we have, or will, see in the near future. But what does it mean for us? Should we all give up our vehicles and embrace these new means of travel? We'll discuss these questions, plus other solutions on the horizon such as the potential of hyperloop and even your very own jetpack.

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