Drive With Julian Clover



Julian Clover presents interviews and features from Cambridge 105 Radios Drive.


  • Drive Chef Jamie Mountford

    01/05/2019 Duration: 23min

    Drive Chef, Jamie Mountford, is in the studio with Steffi.

  • Drive: Allison Muller remembers Lyra McKee

    25/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    BAFTA winning documentary film maker and close friend to Lyra McKee, Allison Muller, joins Steffi on the line.

  • The Great Austerity Debate comes to Storey’s Field Centre

    01/11/2018 Duration: 10min

    The Great Austerity Debate follows a week in the life of a young single mother as she juggles the perfect storm of insecure work, low income, debt and ever-decreasing resilience, after 8 years of austerity. Produced by the Menagerie Theatre Company and coming to Storey’s Field Centre, Cambridge on Friday, Director Patrick Morris spoke to […]

  • Paul Christoforou meets Robyn Hitchcock

    01/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    On November 1, 1978 the seminal album Live at The Portland Arms by The Soft Boys was recorded. Almost 40 years to the day, founding member Robyn Hitchcock returned to the venue on Tuesday to perform a sell-out show. Paul Christoforou spoke to Robyn before the gig.

  • Morganway Play Live

    30/10/2018 Duration: 14min

    SJ, Callum and Kieran from Country Folk-Pop band Morganway dropped in to the studio to tell Tim Willett all about their gig at the Portland Arms this weekend.

  • ‘Back from the dead’ jockey Declan Murphy speaks to Steffi Callister

    19/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    Legendary jockey Declan Murphy came back from the dead. Steffi Callister has been speaking to Declan about his award-winning autobiography Centaur – and that fateful day at Haydock Park on board the favourite, Arco.

  • Dubai Future Champions Festival at Newmarket

    11/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    Friday sees the start of the two-day Dubai Future Champions Festival at Newmarket. To find out more Steffi Callister spoke to the general manager of Newmarket Racecourse Sophie Able.

  • Drive: The Grafton Centre’s Open Mic Event

    25/09/2018 Duration: 09min

    John O’Shea, Manager of the Grafton Centre in Cambridge talks to Leigh Chambers about the Centre’s redevelopment and upcoming Open Mic event on Wednesday.

  • Drive: Speakout Festival

    24/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    Sue Bennett and Agnes Martin tell Neil all about their upcoming Speakout Festival.

  • Drive: Tax Relief Entitlements

    24/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    Neil is in for Monday, and he’s joined by Clare Merrills from HMRC; who outlines why employees could be missing out on their full tax relief entitlements

  • Mayor Gawthrope’s Coffee Morning Mission

    18/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Mayor of Cambridge, Councillor Nigel Gawthrope tells Neil Whiteside about his mission to visit as many Macmillan Coffee Morning events as he can on Friday 28th September, beating previous Mayor Jeremy Benstead’s record of 10 from 2016. If you’re hosting a coffee morning and you’d like the Mayor to attend. Email

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