Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine



In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • Smart Passive Income: Interview with my mentor Pat Flynn

    03/08/2017 Duration: 53min

    Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income is on the podcast today. Pat is a father, husband, and the author of the best-selling book Will It Fly. He’s probably most known for his top-rated podcast, Smart passive Income Podcast and as the Crash Test Dummy of Online Marketing. Pat has been my personal mentor as I started the Epic Success podcast, and I’m honored to have him on the show. He is an amazing teacher, and I know you will enjoy today’s episode.  In today’s episode, you’ll hear: How a major setback in his career during the 2008 recession brought him to the world of online business What that first year was like as he ventured out into the world of online sales, ebooks, and podcasting Why he started podcasting and how he stayed motivated and fought through his fears around visibility as a podcaster Why the process of validating ideas is so important to creating a successful online business Pat’s advice to those entering a niche that has heavy competition Pat’s tips on live video and his personal take on Faceboo

  • 011_Entrepreneur Mindset Series: 7 Morning Success Strategies of High Achievers

    27/07/2017 Duration: 48min

    Episode 11 Entrepreneur Mindset: Morning Systems 7 Steps to the Morning Plan that Successful Entrepreneurs use    Today, I start a new series called the MINDSET OF AN ENTREPRENEUR. So much of our success starts in the mind. How we think and how we go about that process of planning for success is a game changer. If you want to learn the habits and mindsets of successful entrepreneurs so you can emulate them to assure your success –then this series is for you! In this episode, you will learn: The 3 lies that we tell ourselves that sabotage our success How the Ultra Successful set Big Audacious Goals, and you can too The Epic Thing and the domino effect Time Blocking for the WIN The 80/20 Perato Principle Mindset Morning Habits of all the top Successful Entrepreneurs Compound Interest for your Business and the “Fitbit Effect” How to emulate the morning systems of those that are High Achievers step-by-step Links in this Episode: Free Download: The Epic Morning Guide: The Morning Mindset of the Entrepreneur Sma

  • Being a BOSS-MOM: Interview with Dana Malstaff -Building a Business and Nurturing your Family

    20/07/2017 Duration: 49min

    Today, I have the pleasure of talking with Dana Malstaff, CEO and founder of Boss Mom. Dana has successfully created a movement of moms who love their families and are building businesses at the same time without all the mom guilt. Her community has grown to over 20,000 women who are pursuing their passions, raising their families, and building each other up in the process. I know you will be inspired to let go of any guilt around your life or business as Dana gives us all permission to feel what we feel and then to move forward.   In today’s episode, you’ll hear: Dana’s own story of feeling guilt when faced with having babies while wanting to build a business How she entered the entrepreneurial world and began to search for people who understood her How she handles (and loves) the people in her life who don’t get what she’s doing The powerful culture she has created and how it has lead to an amazing community of over 20,000 women Why it's so important to be completely YOU in business – quirks and all Why Da

  • 009-Success Leaves Clues: Interview with Entrepreneur Lisa Druxman, founder of Fit4Mom, Founder of Stroller Strides, Fit4Baby, and Body Back Programs

    13/07/2017 Duration: 40min

    009-Success Leaves Clues: Interview with Lisa Druxman, founder of Fit4Mom, Founder of Stroller Strides, Fit4Baby, and Body Back Programs   On the show today, I’m interviewing Lisa Druxman, founder of Fit4Mom, and creator of the Stroller Strides, Fit4Baby, and Body Back Programs. Lisa had a light bulb moment as a new but overwhelmed mom 16 years ago. She used her passion to begin a business out of her own necessity to find a village of moms she could learn from and grow with. Today, she is the CEO of a national franchise company that is empowering moms and helping women find their strength and their confidence. Her franchise opportunity is also allowing women to have an amazing career that supports motherhood. In this episode, Lisa shares The story behind Fit4Moms - how it all began with a simple neighborhood idea that grew into a national franchise The growth mindset she adopted to successfully grow her business Lessons from her difficult journey into becoming a franchise that cost her 6 figures The differen

  • 008 Building a Personal Brand: Interview with IBloom Founder Kelly Gore

    06/07/2017 Duration: 46min

     I’m thrilled to introduce you to my personal mentor and friend, Kelly Gore. Kelly is the founder of iBloom and is a business coach and strategist for Christian women in business. She believes and is living proof that you can build a business you love while staying true to your values and priorities.   If you know Kelly even a little bit, you know that every time you talk with her you will walk away inspired, encouraged, and with so many practical ideas that you can start implementing right away. This episode is no exception!   In this episode, Kelly shares Her story of becoming an “accidental entrepreneur” and growing to where she is now What a Business Meeting with God is and how it is the most important key to her success How she handled the multiple transitions in her business and life as she became wife, then mom How she balances her life and business as a wife and mom of 2 How she successfully manages distractions and is able stay focused and productive to complete her to do list Her unique process for

  • Pull back the Covers of Multi-Level Marketing: Interview with Shannon Blas: National Vice President of Arbonne-007

    29/06/2017 Duration: 48min

    What do you think when you hear the term ‘network marketing’ or ‘MLM’?  Do you feel excited about the possibilities available? Or is it followed with an eye roll and a disbelief that real success is actually possible? Maybe it’s met with confusion or frustration at your own attempts to make an income from this business model?  Wherever you are on the scale, I’m so excited to introduce you to Shannon Blas - National Vice President, Arbonne Independent Consultant. Shannon’s story is incredible! She’ll share how she went from never even having a thought cross her mind about becoming a network marketer to becoming one of the top earners with Arbonne. Her story will clear up any disbelief or confusion you may have about whether or not someone can have genuine success with network marketing.   Shannon is so authentic and a true leader. This interview is full of so many nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to any MLM or entrepreneur’s journey! In this episode, you’ll hear   Shannon’s own story of how she went from

  • Habit Mastery- Harness the Power of Your Brain to Master Habits-006

    22/06/2017 Duration: 31min

    Harness the Power of Your Brain to Create the Habits You Want in Your Life   Habits. Change. Do those words ever just make you cringe? Perhaps because more often than not, you find that the habits you don’t want in your life are controlling you and the habits you do want seem so far out of reach.   Trust me...I’ve been there.   In today’s episode, I’m taking the mystery out of habit change! We will look at how our brains are wired and how that knowledge can help you finally kick old habits to the curb and adopt those healthy habits you desperately need.    In this episode, I’ll share:   The one fact about your brain that changes everything Why multi-tasking or focusing on more than one habit at a time doesn’t work The scientific reason behind why willpower isn’t enough The truth about how long it takes to change or create a new habit (and it’s not 21 days!) How understanding the way our brains are wired will absolutely give you the power to finally see success in your business and life Simple and practical t

  • Interview with Mompreneur and Motivator Molly Richards–How she built a thriving at home business that aligns with her values and how to build your fire and passion to crush it in your at home business-005

    15/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    Epic Success Podcast Episode #5- Interview with Mompreneur and Motivator Molly Richards–How she built a thriving at home business that aligns with her values and how to build your fire and passion to crush it in your at home business.   In today’s episode, I chat with fitness and lifestyle coach, Molly Richards of Molly Richards Fit and the MomSanity Academy. Over the last 7 years, Molly has built a business that is not only successful but also aligns with her values and what is important to her family.   In this episodes, she shares: how she built her organization with integrity how she turned her pain into what fueled her launch how mentors and personal development helped her grow to what she is today the snowball effect of little successes how finding your Tribe helps you grow towards being authentically you and achieving your full success. The 4 specific things she did to grow her business from home.   Bonus! Molly is giving her Momsanity academy away for free to our listeners!!  MomSanity Academy:  htt

  • Dreams to Launch - 004 - The Blueprint to turning your dream into a Success

    05/06/2017 Duration: 32min

    Epic Success Podcast Episode #4- Dream to Launch – Mind mapping and Reverse Engineering steps I use to make my businesses launch! With Dr. Shannon Irvine     On today’s episode, we talk all about the process and systems to launch a dream and start a business or take your business to the next level! I share how I started Mosaic Vision- our non-profit that serves over 600 orphans in Uganda Africa. I walk through my mindset issues and my decision-making process. I share my mind mapping and reverse engineering process that I used to launch all of my successful businesses including Mosaic Vision. Learn More about Mosaic Vision and how you can change an orphans life today!! This system will give you the tools you need to make your dreams a reality! This system is a collaboration of methods from some of my amazing mentors like @patflynn @chalenejohnson and @amyporterfield! I give you literally the blueprint to take a dream from idea to fruition! You will find after using this that it becomes your go to process for a

  • Epic Success -12 Step Goal Setting IMPLEMENTATION - 003

    19/04/2017 Duration: 31min

    In this episode we continue to work on IMPLEMENTATION of my 12 step goal setting checklist, so download that Free checklist if you haven't. Today is the secret sauce of what takes all the guess work out of goal setting and which goals should be priority. Imagine setting up your life and business so you do not have to sacrifice your family for your business or your health for your dreams! It is vital to take this part step by step - think of it as your guidebook. You know when you get those lego guidebooks and you think, this thing is impossible to build..... Then you start step by step, brick by brick, and at the end you are acting like the architectural engineer guru because you just put together the Battle Ship Galactica!!!! Well imagine that feeling on steroids because this isn't a fun toy - but your awesome fun God inspired EPIC LIFE and BUSINESS! I am so thrilled for you to listen to the podcast today! This Episode is the 2nd part of a goal setting series with a new cutting edge system that is different

  • Epic Success - 12 Step Goal Setting System-002

    19/04/2017 Duration: 27min

    Episode 2 Is all about a Goal Setting Systems that WORK!! Grab a pencil and your FREE 12 Step Goal Setting Checklist and lets get to the roadmap to your EPIC life and Business!! I share my own personal break down story of when I was sick of feeling like one area of my life was thriving and  another was flailing -  leaving things half done, and goals half achieved, and not being the wife and mom I wanted to be. I used that pain as a catalyst to creating the system I use today! By the end of this episode you will have 12 well designed integrated goals written and ranked - which is a pivotal part of the process. This is NOT traditional goal setting that puts in on paper to never be seen or executed well - this is the first step of a whole system that actually makes making and achieving goals FUN! God created you for a purpose. You have gifts and talents that only you have to share with the world. You have things you want to achieve and this time you will! You will start seeing successes in your business, your ma

  • Epic Success Podcast Introduction by host Dr Shannon Irvine -001

    19/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    Hi! My name is Dr. Shannon Irvine and this is the introduction to the Epic Success Podcast! This podcast is for you if you want to have an EPIC life and business that you LOVE and you want to learn systems to get you there!! Subscribe to the EPIC SUCCESS PODCAST on ITUNES! This podcast exists because I am obsessed with helping others dream big, believe God, and I love teaching the roadmaps to achieving your dreams!  That is a proven productivity powerhouse!! I have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years from brick and mortar business (restaurants) to on line marketing and consulting, and the last 12 years I am the founder and Executive Director of Mosaic Vision Ministries - a non profit serving AIDS orphans in Uganda. I am a wife, a mother of 2 amazing kids, and I am passionate about God and serving others with what He has given me. I bring a unique combination of experience as an entrepreneur, a PHD in Neuropsychology which helps explain the mental process behind success, and the an ten year obsession in lea

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