Rnz: Afternoons With Jesse Mulligan



Jesse hosts an upbeat mix of the curious and the compelling, ranging from the stories of the day to the great questions of our time.


  • Free Speech and why it's in peril

    18/06/2024 Duration: 23min

    Toby Young isn't afraid to lose friends and alienate people. He's one of Britain's most controversial journalists, associate editor of The Spectator and founder of the Free Speech Union. He says more than 20 times a week, his organization hears from people under fire for saying something perfectly lawful but which someone has found offensive. He'll be on tour in New Zealand commenting about the state of free speech around the world as well as the shelved hate speech law reforms here.

  • Update on Oz with Brad Foster

    18/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    Brad Foster reports on protests in response to a proposed windfarm off the New South Wales coast by residents and a promise by the Opposition that should they win the next election they will not be built. He also foreshadows tonight's NSW Budget, and talks weather, rents and skinny dipping in Tasmania.

  • Book Critic: Anna Rankin

    18/06/2024 Duration: 07min

    Today Anna talks to Jesse about The Economic Possibilities of Decolonisation by Matthew Scobie and Anna Sturman.

  • Demand high for book on The Treaty of Waitangi

    18/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    If the success of a new book is anything to go by, New Zealanders are keen to gain a greater understanding of Te Tiriti, The Treaty of Waitangi. The book was released earlier this year by Roimata Smail, she speaks to Jesse.

  • Seals and their 'silly season', what to expect

    18/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    Its around this time of year that young seals spread their flippers. Whether it's in a KFC parking lot or the hand tools section of Bunnings, the wee pups really get around and potentially get themselves, and us, into all sorts bother.

  • Clever students helping to keep ball costs down

    18/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    It's school ball season, but students can struggle to afford the clothes and tickets. However, at Otumoetai College in Tauranga they have a great scheme. Charlotte Willacy speaks to Jesse.

  • Saving Southern film makers

    18/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    A recent report has highlighted what's been described as a ''dire situation'' for our film and production industry in Otago and Southland. Now a new initiative is aiming to turn that around.

  • Expert Feature: Divorce coach

    17/06/2024 Duration: 16min

    For our expert feature today we're joined by New Zealand's first certified divorce coach Kimberlee Sweeney. She's been practising for nine years, and for many of those years was the only coach in the country.

  • Made in NZ: Heyrex

    17/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    This week on Made in NZ we meet the clever people behind a new gadget designed to monitor your dog's health, behaviour and location. Jesse speaks to Stephen Goodger of 'Hey Rex', an AI pet wearable.

  • Television Critic: Dom Corry

    17/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Today Dom talks to Jesse about House of the Dragon, docu-series Second to None and Presumed Innocent, a new Apple TV+ adaptation of the book previously made in to Harrison Ford film.

  • Kerikeri quiz team keen to take on The Chase star

    17/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    The "Egg Cups" far north quiz team are gearing up to take on an equally brainy quiz master from The Chase when he arrives next month.  The local team speak to Jesse.

  • The environmental consumer contradiction, policy change needed

    17/06/2024 Duration: 11min

    Many of us now consider the environment when we make a new purchase - choosing the brand with the recyclable bottle, the low carbon footprint or even just a nice picture of a dolphin on the bottle.

  • Christchurch quakes reveal buried city history

    17/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    Since the Christchurch earthquakes 15 years ago archeologists have been busy. They've dug up nearly a million artifacts, unearthing and illuminating the city's history.

  • Critter of the Week

    14/06/2024 Duration: 07min

    Patangaroa or sun stars are a species of starfish found in the intertidal zones of Te Ika-a-Maui and the West Coast of the Te Waipounamu.

  • Gardening with Lynda Hallinan

    14/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    Lynda Hallinan is back with some great gardening tips for the weekend.

  • Cauliflower and kumara soup with rosemary and lemon

    14/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    Today Kelly Gibney's got a great recipe for a hearty and healthy soup that's perfect to pack up and take for lunch during the week. She shares her recipe for cauliflower and kumara soup. You can find out how to make this at home here.

  • Film Review with Sam Hollis

    14/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    RNZ producer and film critic Sam Hollis reviews Eileen, a psychological thriller with a Kiwi connection, and Hit Man, the latest from Richard Linklater.

  • Freaky Friday

    14/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    We're back sharing more of your spooky, unexplainable or coincidental stories. If you have a tale to tell, email us at afternoons@rnz.co.nz. Today, Marlborough resident Dave Pearce tells about a close encounter that took place 50 years ago.

  • Kiwi stuntman talks thrills and spills

    14/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    You may not recognise him, but you'll certainly recognise his skill. Mark Harris is a stuntman and stunt coordinator with almost 40 years of experience in his industry. His credits include titles like The World's Fastest Indian, Goodbye Pork Pie and Hercules. Charlotte Ryan speaks to Mark to find out what makes a stuntman tick.

  • Keeping an ancient art alive

    14/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    At a time when many are searching for tangible, offline connections, blacksmithing could be primed for a comeback. Today, Charlotte Ryan speaks to blacksmith and instructor Judy Waterson about her work and why there seems to be a resurging interest in this ancient artform.

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