Vinings Lake Church



Messages from Vinings Lake Church in Mableton, Georgia. Vinings Lake is a fully-inclusive, non-denominational community church serving the Smyrna, Mableton, and Vinings area.[ Services at 9:30 & 11:00 ]


  • Uncertain Faith - pt. 4

    16/05/2023 Duration: 53min

    What is faith? Is it something we think? Feel? Intuit? Apprehend? Is it a verb or a noun? Is it something that takes place in my heart? Mind? Soul? Can faith be strong? Weak? Can we have little faith? Big faith? Medium faith? No faith? Are there different kinds of faith? Is faith the same as belief? Is faith the same as certainty? What does it mean to KNOW? Is faith necessary? What is doubt? Is doubt weakness? Bad? Necessary? In this series we will discuss faith, doubt, and everything in between.

  • Uncertain Faith - pt. 3

    09/05/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    What is faith? Is it something we think? Feel? Intuit? Apprehend? Is it a verb or a noun? Is it something that takes place in my heart? Mind? Soul? Can faith be strong? Weak? Can we have little faith? Big faith? Medium faith? No faith? Are there different kinds of faith? Is faith the same as belief? Is faith the same as certainty? What does it mean to KNOW? Is faith necessary? What is doubt? Is doubt weakness? Bad? Necessary? In this series we will discuss faith, doubt, and everything in between.

  • Uncertain Faith - pt. 2

    23/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    What is faith? Is it something we think? Feel? Intuit? Apprehend? Is it a verb or a noun? Is it something that takes place in my heart? Mind? Soul? Can faith be strong? Weak? Can we have little faith? Big faith? Medium faith? No faith? Are there different kinds of faith? Is faith the same as belief? Is faith the same as certainty? What does it mean to KNOW? Is faith necessary? What is doubt? Is doubt weakness? Bad? Necessary? In this series we will discuss faith, doubt, and everything in between.

  • Uncertain Faith - pt. 1

    23/04/2023 Duration: 01h06s

    What is faith? Is it something we think? Feel? Intuit? Apprehend? Is it a verb or a noun? Is it something that takes place in my heart? Mind? Soul? Can faith be strong? Weak? Can we have little faith? Big faith? Medium faith? No faith? Are there different kinds of faith? Is faith the same as belief? Is faith the same as certainty? What does it mean to KNOW? Is faith necessary? What is doubt? Is doubt weakness? Bad? Necessary? In this series we will discuss faith, doubt, and everything in between.

  • Did Jesus Die for Our Sin? - pt. 3 The Modern Signficance

    26/03/2023 Duration: 01h10min

    The first century writers use sacrificial language to give theological meaning to the death of Jesus. This week we are asking one question that requires contemplation: Outside of temple language like debt, atonement, sin, blood sacrifice, and forgiveness, what does Jesus’ death mean for us?

  • Did Jesus Die for Our Sin? pt. 2: The Theological Significance

    19/03/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    After Jesus was killed, his followers struggled to make sense of what just happened. Many in the first century began to make theological claims about the significance of Jesus’ death. One of those claims comes from a sermon found in Hebrews. The author writes, “Jesus was the once and for all sacrifice.” This week I want us to see how this revolutionary idea was a giant leap in human consciousness during this time.

  • Did Jesus Did for Our Sin? - pt. 1 The Historical Significance

    12/03/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    What have you been taught about the death of Jesus? What were you told happened on that iconic cross? This week, we begin with the actual story of Jesus’ death. Before all the theological meanings there is the historical meaning. Why did Jesus die? Historical speaking, the cause of Jesus’ death is not a mystery. He did not die for sin, He died from sin. 

  • Human Flourishing - pt. 6 Showing Up: Light of the World

    05/03/2023 Duration: 59min

    The entire framework of waking up, growing up, and cleaning up is just an intentional way to become and remain a fully-integrated human. We practice these actions so that we will  “show up” in all of our glory as a true emanation of the Divine Source. So that human flourishing will come to fruition in ourselves, our collective, and our world. This week, we end our series by SHOWING UP.

  • Human Flourishing - pt. 5 Cleaning Up: Internal Universe

    26/02/2023 Duration: 53min

    We live in two dimensions. Some call this, the upper and underworld, the vertical and horizontal plane, or the conscious and unconscious realm. I call it the external and internal universe. The external universe is what is happening around you. The internal universe is what is happening in you. This Sunday, I want to share about my trips to my internal universe. By doing so, I hope to inspire you to take your own journey. Maybe we will come to find the words of Jospeh Campbell to be true;  “The very cave you are afraid to enter, turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.”

  • Human Flourishing - pt. 4 Cleaning Up: The Shadow

    12/02/2023 Duration: 59min

    Swiss psychologist Carl Jung gave language to a part of our internal landscape he called “The Shadow.” Though this metaphor is contemporary, the concept behind it can be found in most wisdom traditions. Long before Jung, Jesus illustrated this very idea through Greco-Roman theatre and hyperbole. After his vivid presentation, he calls his audience into what can feel like a terrifying, ominous, and unknown task. He calls them to hunt for their own shadow.

  • Human Flourishing - pt. 3

    05/02/2023 Duration: 55min

    Part 3 of our message series on human flourishing.

  • Human Flourishing - pt. 2 Growing Up: Immature Gurus?

    29/01/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Is there a difference between waking up and growing up? Is it possible to have seen the light yet remain spiritually undeveloped? Have you ever met an immature guru? In my experience, the greatest hinderance to our further growth can be our previous awakening. Said another way, waking up cannot substitute for growing up. This week we look at the second criteria for a fully integrated life, Growing Up. 

  • Human Flourishing - pt.1 Waking Up: I Saw the Light

    22/01/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Have you ever had an awakening experience? How did it happen? Was it something you read, someone you met, somewhere you went? How would you describe this awakening? Was it disorienting, calming, affirming, terrifying? The very phrase “waking up" is a metaphor explaining something that has happened to us, in us, among us, through us. But what is it exactly? What does it mean to wake up? Wilber's first criteria to a fully integrated life: Waking Up.

  • Shane Claiborne

    15/01/2023 Duration: 53min

    Our good friend, speaker, activist, and best-selling author Shane Claiborne joins us.

  • Jonathan Findley

    08/01/2023 Duration: 45min

    Our good friend Jonathan Findley shares a message for the New Year with the VL family.

  • A Christmas Story - pt. 2: Receive the Gifts

    19/12/2022 Duration: 54min

    Something new is being birthed in and through Matthew’s collective. We asked, what is the new thing that wants to come through our collective? Rest assured, with all new ideas, perspectives, and dreams there will be opposition. Someone (Herod/Empire) has a vested interest in keeping things just as they are. Matthew’s community knows this well, as they dodge the Imperial threats. But along the way, they are visited by the most unexpected people, Magi/Astrologers. These foreign religious astrologers surprise the family with GIFTS that ultimately fuel the new path they have set out for. May we all keep our eyes opened for our Magis as we continue to give birth to the new.

  • A Christmas Story - pt. 1: He Had a Dream

    11/12/2022 Duration: 55min

    The image of Mary giving birth to Christ has captured our attention for a couple thousand years. The Divine is showing us He is at work in and through the human. For Matthew’s audience, this image would have taken on personal meaning. Births are messy, painful, and often involve stretching. His community knows this experience all too well. Like a birth doula, Joseph courageously agrees to assist. What is the new thing trying to come forth from the heart of our community? What if, like Joseph, we helped each other give birth to what is within us? Let’s do that.

  • Let's Get Biblical - pt. 7: Poetry and Dictionaries

    05/12/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    Is the Bible true? Are the Genesis creation accounts true? What about Jonah? I suppose we would have to ask, what do we mean by true? Which leads us to another question, is there more than one kind of truth? This week we will explore how to read the Bible literately (not literally). Maybe these authors are more interested in us engaging their stories than believing them?

  • Let's Get Biblical - pt. 6: The Bible Doesn't Say Anything

    21/11/2022 Duration: 01h07min

    Every act of reading is an act of interpretation. Everyone interprets. No one interpretation is objective. Everyone interprets with opinions and bias. This is why some readings lead to life while others lead to death. The question we are asking is, Are we aware of our own social location when reading the scripture? Are we aware of what factors we rely on that lead to our interpretations? This week we will talk about the many sources that lead to our interpretations. Just in time for family thanksgiving!

  • Let's Get Biblical - pt. 5: The Bible Doesn't Say Anything

    14/11/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    I often hear Christians use the phrase “The Bible Says.” While this is a useful metaphor for some, it can also lead to problems. The Bible doesn’t say anything, it reads. And every act of reading is an act of interpreting. Somebody somewhere has to make decisions about its meaning. We all do it. There is no way around it. It’s why scripture has been used to heal and harm, liberate and oppress, and redeem and destroy. This week we will open the door to the art of interpretation.

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