Midwest Monsters



Three Guys from Indiana talking about all things horror!


  • Midwest Monsters Episode 77 - The Monster Mash 19

    01/10/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    We return after a bit of an unintentional break from our Mash format. On this episode we cover Chopping Mall, Popcorn, and Killer Klowns from Outer Space. We hope you enjoy the show! 

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 76 - The Tremors Franchise

    15/09/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    Time for a mid-month episode and this time we have taken a look at the Tremors films! Available now on iTunes, mixcloud, podbean, and our blog. We hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 75 - The Re-Animator Trilogy

    02/09/2016 Duration: 01h32s

    We've injected some new life into another franchise, as we visit the Re-Animator trilogy this time. We hope you enjoy the show! 

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 74 - The Final Destination Franchise

    16/08/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    We really did not have a choice on covering these films and it was inevitable in the end that we would watch them regardless of any scenarios thrown out there. We hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 73 - The Monster Mash 18

    01/08/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    We return with our favorite format, the mash (and judging by the downloads many of you agree)! This time we cover C.H.U.D., Fade to Black and In the Mouth of Madness. We hope you enjoy!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 72 - Summer Horror

    17/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Things have begun heating up, as it is that time of year, and so has our debates! Ok, not really- but we do give it the old college try here and cover what we define as "Summer Horror" and what we like to watch regularly for the season. We hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 71 - Zombie films

    03/07/2016 Duration: 01h21min

    Another roundtable discussion occurred when we sat down to talk about the sub-genre of zombie films. We tried not to reanimate discussion on Romero's zombie films and covered quite a few! Listen in as we discuss all things zombies - past, present and future!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 70 - The Monster Mash 17

    15/06/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Three randomly selected films from each of us, discussed for your listening pleasure (hopefully)! In this episode we discuss a slasher predecessor in Alice Sweet Alice, Wes Craven's ambitious The Serpent and the Rainbow and Stuart Gordon's underrated Dolls. We hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 69 - It Could Happen to You

    01/06/2016 Duration: 01h13min

    Back again and this time with a little reality thrown in the film chatter. We discuss movies that, at times have sobering realism and much of the cruel nature of the real world in them. We look at why these films are possible in everyday life and the cinematic potential within these scenarios. We hope you enjoy! 

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 68 - The Monster Mash 16

    15/05/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    We return with this mid-month's offering of another mash! On this episode we discuss Brainscan, Tourist Trap, and Body Bags. Thanks for listening!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 67 - Vampires

    01/05/2016 Duration: 01h30min

    Struggling with personal reflection? Let us take care of the reflecting, as we discuss our thoughts on vampires in cinema. Grab your garlic-seasoned stakes and join us for a round-table discussion on vampire movies!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 66 - Monster Mash 15

    16/04/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    This go-around we cover Deadly Blessing, Howl and Deathgasm. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 65 - Modern Horror

    01/04/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    New month, new episode! Listen in as we discuss 4 misunderstood horror films.  Future appreciated cult films you could even say. Zombie Strippers, Strippers vs. Werewolves, Jersey Shore Massacre, and Jersey Shore Shark Attack are covered in this episode and hopefully in the process, we can enlighten you as to why these films are being overlooked! Thanks for listening!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 64 - The Candyman Franchise

    15/03/2016 Duration: 01h20min

    Helllllennnn...Annnnnie...ok skip the roll call. Join us as we navigate through the Candyman Trilogy. You'll be hooked! Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 63 - Monster Mash 14

    01/03/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    We are back at it again with another installment of the "Monster Mash". This go-around we cover 3 modern films: The Final Girls, Last Shift, and The Houses October Built. We are glad to be back on the normal schedule of two shows per month again, so look for us again in a couple weeks. Thanks for all of your support and we hope you enjoy the show!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 62 - Winter Horror

    01/02/2016 Duration: 01h39min

    Warm up your ears with our winter horror episode! This time we are joined again by none other than our good friend Ryan "Ry-Bones" Williams. Listen in as we discuss four different selected winter horror films, followed with a round-table discussion on other winter horror films. We hope you enjoy and stay warm friends!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 61 - Monster Mash 13

    01/01/2016 Duration: 58min

    It's officially a new year with a new episode for your consumption! We are back at it with another Mash episode where we take a look at Pumpkinhead, Children of the Corn, and the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. We hope you enjoy the show and Happy New Year monsters!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 60 - DOTD Chicago '15 Coverage Special

    14/12/2015 Duration: 37min

    You know what the deal is! We love Days of the Dead weekends, especially this one in Chicago to conclude the season each year. Join us as we discuss our recent weekend there and it just might make you want to join us at one of the three Midwest shows they will have in 2016!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 59 - Monster Mash 12

    16/10/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    Continue on with your Halloween season fun and listen as we discuss The Tingler, Society, and Lords of Salem!

  • Midwest Monsters Episode 58 - Ti West

    01/10/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    Kick off Halloween season with us as we focus on modern director Ti West! His unconventional approach to film-making has provided some very beautiful and terrifying imagery. Listen in as we discuss his filmography, for better and for worse, thus-far. We hope you will enjoy! 

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