Napoleon Church Of The Nazarene

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 224:37:27
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We exist to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The church is so much more than a building. It is a body of believers called by our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with those who do not yet know who Jesus is. As the church, we gather together regularly through Sunday Morning Worship, activities, groups, and much more.SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES9:00AM & 10:30 PM630 Appian AveNapoleon, OH


  • Family Matters// wk. 2

    26/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    Pastor Chip wraps up the Family Matters series highlighting these three main points about great families: Great Families Encourage Growth, Great Families Protect Each Other, and Great Families Serve Others. Chip uses key scriptures to highlight each point. Join us in the next following weeks as we lead up to Easter Sunday!

  • Family Matters

    20/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    What does the Bible teach us about our family life? In this sermon series, "Family Matters", we take a look at some key verses in the Bible that talk about what a godly family looks like. This week, Pastor Chip takes us through some verses in Ecclesiastes that encourage us to enjoy life through Christ. As families we need to take time to slow down from the business of life and enjoy time with our families. Great families have Fun Together!! Take time to experience love and joy as a family by going out and doing something fun together!

  • RESET// My Witness

    29/01/2018 Duration: 45min

    We end our RESET series with Pastor Ken Behrens teaching on resetting our "Witness". As Christians, we are called to be the salt and light of the world; to share with others the life we have found in Jesus and the light that He brings in a dark world. But sometimes we draw back from being a witness because we are afraid of what others might think or that we might say something wrong. So this teaching is to encourage us to step out and share with others who are lost what Jesus had done for us and to share the hope and life our Savior brings!

  • RESET// My Community

    22/01/2018 Duration: 47min

    Week four of the RESET series is focusing on resetting "My Community". Church is not an event but a family to belong to. As we look through scripture, we see how vital the church body in the life and growth of a believer. We see in God's Word how we each have different gifts and roles in the body of Christ to edify and encourage one another. We find love, acceptance, significance, and security in Christ and as one body united in Him.

  • RESET//My Identity

    15/01/2018 Duration: 46min

    Week three of the series RESET, talks about reseting our Identity. This world likes to label everything including people. Too often we label ourselves with lies of who we are according to past mistakes. But thats not how God sees us. We look at the book of Ephesians where Christ talks about being adopted to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will. Our identity is found in Christ whom redeemed us and has called us by name. A label may describe you, but your identity in Christ defines you!

  • RESET// My Faith

    09/01/2018 Duration: 44min

    Stepping into week 2 of the RESET series, Pastor Chip preaches on resetting our faith. "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." -Hebrews 11:6. Pastor Chip takes us through some passages in scripture highlighting stories of little faith and great faith and how God is amazed by both. We need to trust Jesus, get away from our securities and step out in faith. "Lord cause me to believe so that I may see!"

  • RESET//My Heart

    02/01/2018 Duration: 48min

    Happy New Year! Welcome to the first week of our new series, "RESET"! We all want a better version of ourselves, right? We may try to obtain that every new year with resolutions for ourselves in some way, shape, or form. How about a resolution for our heart, soul, and minds? Pastor Chip teaches on reseting our hearts. He walks us through Jesus' parable about the sower, describing the different types of soil and how the crops grew on them. He explained that each different type of soil represent a different type of heart that we may find ourselves having. The end point is that to have a good heart, we need to RESET our hearts to make it available to God's Word. "He who has an ear, let him hear!"-Jesus

  • Vintage Christmas//Truth: God came to be with us so He could live in us

    26/12/2017 Duration: 35min

    We end the Vintage Christmas Series with the truth that, "God came to be with us so He could live in us". Pastor Chip recaps on the all the vintage truths in the Christmas Story of Jesus' birth. The last truth he highlights is that God came to be Immanuel, "God with us!" He knows us and knows what we are going through and everything that we feel. Jesus was fully human and fully God and He came to dwell among us so that He could save us! Merry Christmas!

  • Vintage Christmas// Truth: Jesus' birth warrants a response, Come to Jesus

    19/12/2017 Duration: 38min

    Pastor Ken takes over teaching on week 3 of our Vintage Christmas Series. Pastor Ken reads from the Luke 2:8-20 and highlights the account of the shepherds who heard the great news of Jesus' birth. We receive some background and history about shepherds which Ken ties into later in the message. He also takes us through Matthew 2:1-12 talking about the wise men. The focal point is the truth that no matter who or where you are, our natural response to Christmas is to come to Jesus.

  • Vintage Christmas// Truth: Trust and Obediance are always God's way

    11/12/2017 Duration: 44min

    Week two of the sermon series, "Vintage Christmas" hits on the truth that trust and obedience are always God's way. Pastor Chip walks us through the accounts found in Luke and Matthew when Mary and Joseph would find out they have been chosen to be the parents of Jesus the promised Messiah. It would take trust and obedience from both of them to follow God's plan. From their story we learn that you don't have to understand the plan to "Trust" that God has a purpose!

  • Vintage Christmas// Truth: Redemption is at the heart of Christmas

    04/12/2017 Duration: 50min

    Pastor Chip kicks off a new sermon series called, "Vintage Christmas". He discribes the word "vintage" as something that is classic, timeless, quality or choice. He takes us though the lineage of Jesus, which then brings us to the book of Ruth, where we find the truth that redemption is at the heart of Christmas. These truths on Christmas are classic, timeless, "Vintage!"

  • SHIFT// Our Joy

    27/11/2017 Duration: 42min

    We conclude our SHIFT series with how to "Shift our joy". Pastor Chip teaches that joy is different from happiness; that it is internal, Christ-centered, and a choice. He shows what God says about joy through passages from the Bible and talks about how we can have joy!

  • Petras & Naomi Rahmat

    20/11/2017 Duration: 51min

    Our special guests, Petras and Naomi Rahmat, share about their testimony of faith and their journey from Pakistan to the U.S. They encourage us all that our mission field is our own back yard and call us to spread the gospel with boldness!

  • SHIFT// Our Thanks

    13/11/2017 Duration: 45min

    In week two of the series "SHIFT", Pastor Chip talks about shifting our perspective of "thanks" and how giving thanks creates a deeper connection to God. Pastor Chip explains what thankfulness is and goes through scripture, highlighting the different ways we can give thanks to God.

  • STUCK// With my relationships

    30/10/2017 Duration: 45min

    STUCK// With my relationships by Napoleon Church of the Nazarene

  • STUCK// In my circumstances

    23/10/2017 Duration: 42min

    Pastor Ken Behrens takes on our third week of the Stuck series, with "Stuck in my circumstances". Pastor Ken takes scripture from the book of Habakkuk to talk about how we become "Unstuck" from our circumstances when we let God redeem our plans and embrace "Yet Living!"

  • STUCK// With myself

    16/10/2017 Duration: 40min

    Week two of the series "Stuck", talks about being "stuck with myself". "Why do I do what I do? Why do I keep doing what I do?" Pastor Chip highlight three areas where we can be stuck with ourselves: Our Trying, our Isolation, and our Paradigm. We become "Unstuck" from ourselves when we surrender to the Lord's power, embrace His community, and when we are overwhelmed by His love.

  • STUCK// In my past

    10/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    We begin week one of a four week series titled, "Stuck". This week, Pastor Chip talks about being " my past". We can feel stuck in our past mistakes, our past hurts, and our past identities, but we can become unstuck when our failure is redeemed, our hurt is released, and our identity is realized though Christ Jesus.

  • Ministry Focus Month// Missions

    05/10/2017 Duration: 37min

    Pastor Chip ends the Ministry Focus Month highlighting our missions ministry. Member of our missions council share their hearts and experiences with missional work in our local area as well as around the world!

  • Ministry Focus Month// Worship/Hospitality

    25/09/2017 Duration: 45min

    This week for Ministry Focus Month, Pastor Chip invites Worship Pastor Ben Hartford, to speak about the worship ministry as well as the many hospitality ministries at the church. Pastor Chip touches a little bit on the different gifts of the church and how we each have one or more of these gifts to use for the kingdom of God.

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