Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith



Welcome to Allen Smith's: Ask The Trucker "LIVE", the #1 Trucking Show on Blog Talk Radio. Focusing on Driver Health, Careers, Regulations and the Important Issues facing the Industry.


  • GATS is for Truckers! Ask-a-Lawyer and MORE

    10/08/2017 Duration: 01h54min

    GATS is for Truckers! Ask-a-Lawyer and MORE  6 PM et Call in 347-826-9170 The Great American Trucking Show (GATS) is right around the corner! GATS will be held Aug. 24-26 in Dallas, Texas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Join the discussion tonight as our guests Idella Hansen and Desiree Wood of RWIT share the highlights of the "Ask-A-Lawyer event at GATS"  Topics include: Wrongful termination,Discrimination,Harassment,Retaliation,Whistle blower protection,Lease Violations,DAC Reports,Employment labor,Sexual Harassment, Misclassification A “Lady Truck Driver Forum Panel Discussion” sponsored by the “Truckers Justice Center” will be held on the main exhibit floor Les WIllis of Godspeed Expediters will once again be in charge of the parking lot, aka the  TA | Petro Truck Parking Community Located at the Cotton Bowl’s Fair Park, the TA-Petro Truck Parking Community will provide truck drivers with free shuttles to and from the convention center, food vendors, showers, restrooms and more. t

  • Trucker Health at GATS- Rig without Cigs-MATS2GATS-GutHealth

    03/08/2017 Duration: 01h48min

    THURSDAY 6PM ET 347-826-9170 Trucker Health at GATS- Rig without Cigs-MATS2GATS-GutHealth Once against the Great American Trucking Show, #GATS, focuses on "the driver". A key element of the focus continues to be truck driver health.  Along with the well know Health Pavilion which offer free screenings and mammograms for drivers, comes an emphasis to aid drivers with many of their health issues and difficulties, including, smoking, weight, physical fitness, emotional wellbeing, and the all-around importance of Gut Health. Our first of 3 guests tonight is Julie Dillon, Communication and Wellness Manager at St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund /  This year Julie brings to drivers the "Rigs Without Cigs" program offered to drivers and their families to help them kick the nicotine habit. So many drivers need help from the habit and addiction and St Chris is offering all kinds of help to them! Pre-registration begins August 1st. - register online at  Rigs without Cigs Registration. Tom Kyrk of Road Tested Liv

  • Open Forum- Vote NO! FAA anti-trucker bill and ELDs

    01/07/2017 Duration: 02h02min

    Open Forum- Vote NO! FAA Anti-Trucker bill and ELDs!! Saturday 6PM ET Call in 347-826-9170 Two major trucker issues right now affecting Trucker wages are:  1) the last minute FAA reauthorization amendments that the ATA has "urged" Lawmakers to slip in an aviation bill this week. The amendments are the Fisher Amendment and the Denham Amendment. The ATA vowed last year that this was their MAIN priority. The reason?  To keep drivers wages low.  If the amendments are allowed in the FAA bill, it will ensure that drivers will only be paid piece work wages and nothing more.  All detention time, waiting, paperwork, etc... will be expected to be done for free. Read more Anti-Trucker wage language in 2 bills to ensure cheap labor and high profits TO CALL NOW. WE ONLY HAVE A FEW DAYS TO STOP THIS!! 202-224-3121 Tell your Reps to SAY NO to FAA reauthorization bill’s Anti Trucker wage amendments Fisher Amendment in the Senate bill and Denham Amendment in the House bill (State preemption,meal & rest break Amend

  • Trucker Lori Baker reaches the incarcerated and families through Mercy Heart

    20/04/2017 Duration: 01h43min

    Lori Baker reaches the incarcerated and families through Mercy Heart Thursday 6PM Call in 347-826-9170 The Mercy Heart organization strives to help a part of American society that many may have dismissed. As we  share our concerns about the health and wellbeing of truck drivers, there are truck drivers reaching out to those who many times are in even greater need, the families and those incarcerated. Lori Baker joins us tonight to share her past struggles and experiences as a lady driver and her road-ministry work in relationship with Mercy Heart Organization of Texas. Watch the video as Lori talks about Mercy Heart and how they work to help empower and restore families caught up in the crisis of incarceration.

  • Truck Show Fitness Challenge- MATS 2 GATS

    22/03/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Tom “Captain” Kyrk of Road Tested Living join us as he keeps us all up to date with this years Trucking Shows Health Fitness Challenges. We’ll get to hear this year's version of the MATS (Louisville, KY) to GATS ( TX (GATS) Fitness Challenge and we'll  be discussing the history of the group, what to expect, how to Register and the changes for this year's challenge.  Registration starts March 20th at MATS.  FaceBook Page MATS2GATS Fitness Challenge This year's format will be a group fitness challenge with a goal of losing 2,000 combined pounds! The great folks from Tough Tested ( TT)are helping to sponsor this year's contest as well as providing prizes and t-shirts for those involved. Carolyn O'Byrne of, John Reed Teddy the trainer, among others will be participating and giving advice and suggestions to those who want it.  Get motivated to make some changes in your life and start on the path to losing some weight and building some new friendships. We look forward to hearing you on the

  • Looking at Trucking from both sides

    10/03/2017 Duration: 02h03min

    Looking at Trucking from both sides Friday 6PM ET 347-826-9170 AskTheTrucker “Live” Open Forum will take a look at both sides of the trucking industry, the professional driver side as well as the trucking association side. Our guest for tonight is Joe Rajkovacz, Director of Governmental Affairs and Communications for the Western States Trucking Association.Prior to his present role at WSTA, Joe has been a company driver, small business owner operator, and Regulatory Affairs Specialist  for OOIDA. Mr. Rajkovacz will share his views for many of the issues which face the trucking industry associations and will also address professional driver concerns, including wages, ELDS, turnover, retention, and the twice defeated Denham Language which has threatened to override states’ rights. Had the Denham Language passed in the FAST ACT or the FAAAA reauthorization bill, the Federal Government would have preempted states rights to pay drivers for all time, including detention time and rest breaks. Denham Language

  • Carrier Student Truck Lease Scheme – Class Action Lawsuit

    25/02/2017 Duration: 01h43min

    On January 31st 2017 Utah U.S. District Court judge, Judge Robert J. Shelby, granted certification to a nationwide class of truck drivers who allege fraud and other statutory claims against C.R. England. The court issued this favorable ruling for truck drivers, certifying a class action in the C.R. England Student Driver- Truck Lease lawsuit. Truck drivers allege claims of fraud, false advertising, and company unjust enrichment against C.R. England For many professional drivers this was a step towards a huge victory against a practice which has been considered at best unethical and at worst a deceitful contract designed for driver failure and company profit. Tonight our guest will be attorney Robert S Boulter who leads the case against the CR England trucking giant, representing thousands of drivers in this class action lawsuit. Robert S. Boulter  of  Boulter Law is a State Bar of California board certified specialist in franchise law and distribution law. He dedicates himself to representing small busin

  • Trucker Wages: The Devastating affects if Congress amends F4A

    03/02/2017 Duration: 01h52min

    Trucking industry lobbyists (including ATA) have stated that they plan to target the new Republican control in Washington, D.C. to pass legislation which would negatively affect driver wages by preempting State Labor laws. This new legislation ( Such as Denham Amendment of 2015 which failed) would create law that would prevent drivers from ever being paid for all working time. (Detention, waiting, paperwork, etc…) Since November 2015 the ATA and other organizations have been attempting to re-interpret the intended meaning of the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act (F4A) in attempt to prevent drivers from being paid for anything other than the miles they drive. The F4A was written to prohibit states from interfering with the regulations of freight rates in effort to deregulate the aviation and trucking  industries.This legislation is NOT just an “intrastate driver” issue. If passed it would affect all drivers. Our guest tonight is Craig Ackermann of Ackermann & Tilajef, P.C. Craig has been

  • Truckers Insurance Exchange -ACA & Alternative Health Care Coverage Options

    05/01/2017 Duration: 01h45min

    Some of the most stressful words can many times be the words “HEALTH INSURANCE”  Although the Affordable Care Act has allowed millions more to have health insurance, the costs for others have sky rocketed, and many can not afford the premiums.  We now have a Republican President and Congress who has vowed to repeal the ACA, which is adding even more stress to many, mainly, what’s going to happen to the way we will be able to obtain health care coverage? Many owner operators have been able to obtain their health insurance for subsidized low premiums, but others have been priced out and have decided to take the penalties for not having health insurance at all.  Anyone who has ever been ill and has needed to be hospitalized knows this can be a huge risk Tonight we will be discussing the many topics relating to Health Care, the Affordable Care Act, and alternatives options that will relieve you from government penalties. Our guest tonight is Marc Ballard, Director of Business Development at Truckers Insur

  • Self Awareness: The Key to Well-Being

    01/12/2016 Duration: 02h02min

    Self Awareness: The Key to Well-Being Here we are in the holiday season, a season like no other, which can bring and create more activities, spending, emotions, and indulgence...than any other! So how does all this affect us during and even AFTER the season is over?  So many questions to be contemplated, mostly within ourselves, and as we know,  it's not easy to be in touch or totally honest with oneself. For many, the season brings joy, for others sadness or loneliness, and for others it can even bring guilt. So how do we prepare for this onslaught?  How do we cope, and deal with these repercussions, if any?  Tonight we have a very special guest, Dana Gore, of I am My Imagination, to talk about many of our emotions and thought patterns which already exist, but seem to be magnified during the holiday season. The focus is on our well-being and self-awareness, including the battle within ourselves.  Can we win the battle?  We'll find out tonight as we explore a part of ourselves that we may not even know

  • Top 10 indigenous all-natural cures

    03/11/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    AskTheTrucker "live' Thursday night health show Top 10  indigenous all-natural cures (you'll be surprised to hear what they are..... Are they legal?) Thursday Nov 3 6PM ET 347-826-9170 Before World War II, there were few processed foods, no genetically modified organisms, no chemical pesticides, no over-the-counter medications loaded with artificial food dyes and heavy metal toxins, no artificial sweeteners, or fluoride in the tap water, Very few Americans suffered from many of todays diseases and had much less of the modern day "chemical cures". What they DID have, were a lot more natural cures and not the side effects of todays pharmaceuticals. So what did people use for natural cures? Our guest tonight, Carolyn O'Byrne of Life Coach Service will join us as we talk about the Top 10 Indigenous all natural cures.... including Hemp Seed Oil, Cannabidiol (CBD), and Medicinal mushrooms:( Oh My)      

  • Trucking Open Forum: Parking, Speed Limiters, Wages

    15/10/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Trucking Open Forum: Parking, Speed Limiters, Wages Saturday 10-15-16   6PM ET Join us as we discuss trucking's most pressing issues affecting professional truck drivers. Just a few of the most controversial topics right now are: Truck Parking, Speed Limiters, ELD's, and Wages, but there are many more to address. Tonight we open up the lines to discuss what is on YOUR mind about the issues affecting drivers and the trucking industry. Listen from your computer or call in from your phone. 347-826-9170  

  • Solutions to improve and increase truck parking

    01/10/2016 Duration: 01h56min

    It’s been over 7 years since the focus of Americas truck parking shortage took center stage when New York truck driver Jason Rivenburg was murdered as he parked in an abandoned gas station. His widow, Hope Rivenburg,brought the truck parking crisis to the forefront, lobbying for the bill “Jason’s Law” ,which was eventually included in MAP-21. The National Coalition on Truck Parking was created by the U.S. DOT's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to address the shortage of truck parking across the nation. From Jasons Law, to Map 21, to the National Truck Parking Coalition, many drivers are still struggling to find adequate truck parking. The question is: “ What are the solutions to improve and increase truck parking.” Tonight our guest is Nicole Katsikides, Deputy Director for the Maryland State Highway Administration Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering.  Nicole did much of the analytical work for the Jason’s Law Truck Parking Survey report, which led to the National Coalition for Truck Parkin

  • Uncovering the Health Benefits of Essential Oils

    22/09/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Uncovering the Health Benefits of Essential Oils Thursday 6PM ET 347-826-9170 Essential Oils! They've enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. There are many TODAY who are achieving amazing results from the different uses of essential oils, including many of the wonderful health benefits.  As we learn the devastating effects of chemicals and toxins it's only logical that more and more people are searching for "natural" ways to address life's many challenging health issues. Our guest is Vicki Simons, an Independent Distributor with Young Living Essential Oils, one of the most pure and trusted essential oils available today.   Her website is Vicki has been researching essential oils and their benefits for some time now and she'll be sharing her knowledge with us on AskTheTrucker "Live' !! Just a few of the topics will include:  What are essential oils? Do all essential oils co

  • Speed Limiter Open Forum- The Pros and Cons

    17/09/2016 Duration: 01h51min

    Speed Limiter Open Forum- The Pros and Cons 9-17-16 347-826-9170 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration & National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a notice of proposed rulemaking on Aug. 26,2016,seeking to mandate speed limiters on heavy-duty trucks On Sept 7th  The FMCSA Proposed Rule was open for comment Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations: Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Speed Limiting Devices On 9/13/ Road Safe America released a press release “Drivers Urged to Fight Back Against Speeding Tractor-Trailers by Speaking Out” stating FMCSA & NHTSA have not gone far enough with their proposed rulemaking    Tonight’s Trucking Open Forum will begin with the discussion of speed limiters, specifically the pros and cons. Will setting a limit to a trucks speed create safer roads, less crashes,& less fatalities? What do statistics suggest?   Is makin

  • Xypper Freight- Transforming how independents,Shippers,and Brokers do business

    27/08/2016 Duration: 01h34min

    Xypper Freight- Transforming how independents,Shippers,and Brokers do business Saturday August 27th 6PM ET Call in 347-826-9170 Inviting all Owner Operators, Shippers, and Brokers to call in with your questions about XYPPER- The “Real Time” Freight Matching System!  One of the most challenging aspects for owner operators is being able to find good paying freight. There’s no shortage of load boards, but even these have their disadvantages, especially for the one truck independent. Tonight we will introduce XYPPER, an app that is like no other when it comes to REAL TIME FREIGHT MATCHING.  That’s because with XYPPER, the freight finds you, the Carrier. Our guests will be the developers of Xypper, Val Lanzieri & Fabio Lanzieri as well as Developer Advisor Ray Gompf. Watch video:  Automatic Trucking Load Matching App for Carriers, Shippers, and Brokers BENEFITS of XYPPER Free of charge to sign in the systemEliminates the cost-time searching for loadsStreamlines

  • Health Pavilion at GATS 2016 focuses on Trucker Wellness

    04/08/2016 Duration: 01h35min

    Health Pavilion at GATS 2016 focuses on Trucker Wellness Thursday Aug 4th 6PM ET 347-826-9170 For the 2nd year in the row, the Trucking Solutions Group (TSG) joins truckings finest to bring quality health information, products, and services to professional drivers at the GATS Health and Wellnes Pavilion. The Lanstar Health and Wellness Pavilion once again combines efforts and organized partnership with the Trucking Solutions Group and will prove to be even bigger and better than last years event! Join us as we have as our special guest Rick Ash, Chairman of the Trucking Solutions Group, along with TSG member Les Willis of Godspeed Expediters, LLC. The Great American Trucking Show ~AUGUST 25-27 ~2016 Dallas, Texas TSG will be conducting their sixth annual blood drive in partnership with Carter Blood Care and their third annual bone marrow donor registry drive in partnership with Make It Happen USA. New this year is sleep apnea screening with Dr. John McElligott and the St. Christopher Fund as well as D

  • Open Forum- Vital Summer Health Tips for Truckers

    21/07/2016 Duration: 01h25min

    Open Forum-  Vital Summer Health Tips for Truckers Thursday 7/21/16  6PM ET  347-826-9170 The summer of 2016 is anticipated to reach record temperature highs all over the country, and with high temperatures are great health risks.  Truckers are not exempt from the dangers and health risks of these elevated temps. Often drivers are so focused on either p/u or delivery, they ignore the warning signs of scorching temperatures. Join us as we discuss the dangers and health risks for OTR drivers as well as what precautions they can do to prevent serious repercussions from heat exposure. Also, we'll be announcing who won the Kindle Fire from Carolyn O'Byrne, "The Trucking Health Coach" of  Carolyn is the author of the "hot off the press book. "Gut Instinct", which is quickly becoming a truckers "best seller" Don't miss another AskTheTrucker "Live" Show Get text alerts to your phone  

  • Truckers Gut Instinct

    23/06/2016 Duration: 01h56min

    Truckers Gut Instinct Thursday 6-23-16 6PM ET 347-826-9170 Professional truckers are pretty savvy over the road, but one thing they may not be up on is their "gut instinct". Life Coach and truck driver advocate Carolyn O'Byrne of Life Coach Service will be joining us to explain how information in her new book "Gut Instinct" can positively change one's life, both physically and emotionally, all by just understanding how your "gut instinct" works. Carolyn will also be sharing with us how we can enter the Life Coach Service contest drawing and win a Kindle Fire! Be one of the first to download her new book. We'll also be exploring what's going on at GATS this year and how drivers are playing a big part in this years Great American Truck Show! Call in to be a part of the show 347-826-9170 or just listen in through your phone!  

  • St Chris Driven to be Healthy Challenge 2 at GATS

    16/06/2016 Duration: 01h29min

    St Chris Driven to be Healthy Challenge 2 at GATS Thursday June 16th  6PM ET 347-826-9170 Once again Julie Dillon and the St Christopher Truckers Fund puts Trucker to the forefront as they bring the St. Christopher Fund 2nd Annual Driven to be Healthy Challenge. This is a 6-month challenge for ALL current CDL holders with 2 categories for both monthly and overall winners! Registration will start on July 1st. The challenge kicks off at GATS (you do not have to be present) on August 25th in the GATS  HealthPavilion. You may register at the Driven To Be Healthy Page on Anyone preregistered for the health challenge will be automatically entered to win a SCF Blue Tiger headset to be given away at GATS! The 2 grand prize winners will win a 3 day, 2 night trip! One of the trips is to Las Vegas and the other is a fishing trip in Minnesota! So, If you are a current CDL holder, join us for the St. Christopher Fund 2nd Annual Driven to be Healthy Challenge. This is a 6-month challenge for ALL

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