Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show



Your marching orders for battling the culture of death in America! Listen to Created Equal's weekly pro-life current events podcast with your host and long-time front-line activist, Mark Harrington!


  • Sidewalk Counseling in America Today - Lauren Muzyka

    04/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    Lauren Muzyka—founder, president, and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life—and her team have taken amazing strides to optimize the success of this 11th-hour ministry. Today, she joins Mark Harrington to talk about their approach, the support that they offer to sidewalk ministries around the world, and what the future of sidewalk advocacy looks like in a post-Roe America. To learn more about Sidewalk Advocates for Life and the support that they offer, go to: Please watch/listen, share, and leave a five-star review of the podcast. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and is available on all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship website:

  • Standing Up to the Lions – Ray Comfort

    21/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    Why are Christians hesitant to speak the truth today? Fear has paralyzed the church and rendered the average Christian ineffective. We are called to stand firm in the face of adversity and preach the gospel to the masses. On this rerun episode, Mark is joined by Ray Comfort from Living Waters to discuss his book, "So Many Lions, and So Few Daniels,” which guides readers in facing challenges fearlessly and trusting in God's guidance. Get Ray's book here: Additionally, Mark asks Ray about Living Waters' recent movie, "What Is It?", which addresses the issue of abortion. Find out more:   If you want to get involved in outreach with Created Equal, or want guidance on local efforts, get in contact with us at\   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - ✔️ Spotify -

  • Unlimited Abortions in the Holy Land? | Sandi Shoshani

    14/12/2023 Duration: 33min

    In February, I visited the Holy Land – Israel! On today’s episode, I interview Sandi Shoshani, National Director of Be'ad Chaim, from Israel Pro-life, about the current state of the abortion debate. Sandy shares about the current laws (or lack thereof) restricting abortion. She also discusses how a country comprising the three monotheistic religions can accept abortion, and how people who went through the holocaust can be perpetrating another holocaust on their own people. Israel needs our prayers and support.   Find Sandi at   *As noted in the intro, this show was recorded in February, 8 months prior to the Hamas terrorist attacks in October of 2023.*   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - ✔️ Spotify - ✔️ Everywhere else -   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show

  • How to Get Abortion Clinics Shut Down – Missy Martinez-Stone

    07/12/2023 Duration: 18min

    On this week’s rerun episode, Mark speaks with Missy Martinez-Stone, CEO of Reprotection, an organization that explores the often overlooked side of the abortion issue - the supply side. Reprotection investigates abortion facilities that break state and federal laws, with the ultimate goal of shutting them down based on their own misdeeds. By partnering with Sidewalk Advocates for Life and Heartbeat International, Reprotection collects critical information to hold these facilities accountable within their own field. Missy explains that to successfully shut down an abortion facility, they must first determine if a violation occurred, who is responsible, and what the protocol for filing complaints is. Additionally, they need strong community support and the willingness of local agencies to enforce the laws. Despite the challenges, Reprotection's efforts have yielded results, closing facilities and saving countless unborn lives in the process. You can find Missy's work, and even report a violation at https://rep

  • Fired for Honoring His Oath | Chet Gallagher

    30/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    During the sit-ins of Operation Rescue, the largest civil disobedience movement in American history, Chet Gallagher, a Las Vegas law enforcement officer, refused to arrest peaceful pro-life advocates and was arrested instead. He was then fired from his position at the police department for not obeying orders. On this rerun episode of the Mark Harrington Show, Mark interviews Chet to discuss his arrest and his continued pro-life activism including his recent participation in sit-ins in Sterling Heights, MI, Little Rock, AK, and Mt. Juliet, TN. This is a powerful testimony of how law enforcement should be interposing for the unborn.   LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship website:   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - ✔️ Spotify

  • Hard Questions: Rape? Ectopic? What about IVF? – Stephanie Gray Connors

    22/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    This weeks episode is a rebroadcast of Mark’s interview with Stephanie Gray Connors, Co-founder of the Canadian Center for Bio Ethical Reform. Stephanie is an international speaker, debater, and author of several books including Love Unleashes Life and Conceived by Science. You can purchase her books here: On this episode, you’ll be inspired by one of the world’s foremost pro-life apologists as she discusses abortion, infertility and invitro fertilization. LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship websites:   ✔️ Instagram –   ✔️ iTunes - ✔️ Spotify -  ✔️ Everywhere else -

  • The Penalty is Always Worth It – Dr. Monica Miller

    16/11/2023 Duration: 21min

    This weeks episode is a rebroadcast of Mark’s interview with Dr. Monica Miller, a pro-life activist since 1976, who has been courageously arrested multiple times while advocating for the unborn. In this episode, Mark and Dr. Miller discuss her jail time from earlier this year, sidewalk counseling in 2023, and the current state of the pro-life activism.   Read her article: Find Dr. Miller and her latest book here:   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes – ✔️ Spotify – ✔️ Everywhere else -   Be sure to follow The Mark Harrington Show on Mark’s Facebook, X, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on all the popular podcast platforms as we

  • Why Ohio Fell

    09/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    Ohio's Issue 1 was passed by Ohio voters.   Despite almost a year of sacrificial efforts by thousands of volunteers to educate voters about the extreme nature of this amendment, unlimited and unrestricted abortion is now part of the Ohio constitution.   Created Equal managed to directly reach over 750,000 voters at doorsteps and by phone. In doing so, we had meaningful conversations with tens of thousands of voters and exposed the truth about the radical abortion industry. We also funded several highly effective TV ads that exposed abortion to millions of Ohioans.   Sadly, the enemies of life are now emboldened to take their murderous agenda to up to a dozen states in 2024.   On today's episode. Mark shares his special insights and lessons learned from the failed effort to defeat Issue 1.   The campaign is over, but the battle is not. We don’t have time to lick our wounds.   If abortion doesn't stop, neither do we.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s

  • Final Call on Ohio Issue 1

    03/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    Ohio’s Issue 1 election is just 4 days away!   The ad wars are raging. A newly released "Yes on Issue 1" ad exploits the tragic story of the 10-year-old rape victim who was driven to Indiana last year for an abortion. This horrific case of abuse never should have occurred, and what this young girl and her child have suffered is devastating. But the truth is if Issue 1 passes parents will have no control over this life-changing decision and predators will be free to prey on children with impunity. Created Equal’s NEW AD changes the narrative and pivots to one of our most powerful messages. The ad hits TV, digital, and streaming services today!   Watch the ad here:   Extremist abortion advocates are airing ads filled with propaganda and lies. If Issue 1 passes all restrictions and regulations protecting women and babies that have been enacted in Ohio over the last several decades including parental consent will be wiped out in a single day. Ohioans will defeat this radical meas

  • New “Vote No on Issue 1” Ad Hits Back

    26/10/2023 Duration: 23min

    Created Equal’s new media buy features a TV ad that debunks the lies of pro-abortion advocates by revealing how unregulated abortion isn’t safe for women. The ad features a horrifying 911 call from a mother whose daughter was killed in a botched abortion and shows pictures of other women who have died.   TV Ad: Stop Unregulated Abortion in Ohio – Click here:   The ad's narrator says, “As long as abortion remains legal, it must be regulated. But the pro-choice industry is pushing a dangerous agenda in Ohio... abolishing laws that protect women’s lives during an abortion. Do you care about women’s lives? Then Vote No on Issue 1.”   If Issue 1 passes, all restrictions and regulations protecting women and babies that have been enacted in Ohio over the last several decades will be wiped out in a single day.   Painful, late-term abortions will be legal through all nine months of pregnancy. Parental rights protections regarding minor children will be abolished. Safety regulations gov

  • Debunking the LIES of Ohio’s Issues 1

    19/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    The lies from the Vote Yes on Issue 1 side keep getting bigger and more disgusting. Abortion supporters need to spread misinformation to win because their arguments are weak. Those who support killing babies will stop at almost nothing to keep child-killing legal. On today's episode, Mark exposes the lies to the light of truth.   Please support our efforts to defeat Issue 1 in Ohio at

  • Beheading Babies and the American Left

    12/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    You would think that no one could condone the slaughter of innocent men, women, and children in Israel by Hamas. But Democrats like Rep. Rashida Talib have failed to condemn the beheading of children. Protest rallies have supported Hamas in major US cities.   How can this happen?   Mark answers that question on today’s program.   For more insights look at Linda Harvey’s blog post.   There is little we can do to help Israel except to pray. However, there is something you can do to stop the beheading of children in America. Mark provides ways you can get involved in defeating Issue 1 in Ohio that would enshrine child killing in the Ohio Constitution.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on all the popular podcast platforms as well as on Mark’s flagship websites:   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - https://po

  • The Lies in ’Vote Yes on Issue 1’ Ads

    05/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights is running TV ads supporting Ohio Issue 1. These ads make false claims about the abortion amendment on the Ohio ballot on November 7, 2023, such as how voting no on Issue 1 will criminalize miscarriage care and birth control. Also, the ads claim that if the amendment doesn’t pass an abortion ban will go into effect. On this week’s episode of the Mark Harrington show, Mark reacts to the pro-abortion Issue 1 ads running in Ohio, explains the facts, and shares some good news regarding Ohio's Heartbeat Bill.  This is a culture war for Ohio, and we need your support! Please get involved by visiting ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - ✔️ Spotify - ✔️ Everywhere else - The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is available on

  • Abortion Survivor Pleads With Ohioans in New TV Ad | Claire Culwell

    29/09/2023 Duration: 26min

    Recently, Created Equal aired a new TV ad during Wednesday's GOP Presidential Debate that gives a face to the victims of abortion. The ad features testimony from a woman who survived an abortion attempt that took the life of her twin. Today, Mark interviews the subject of this ad, Claire Culwell. You can find Claire's book and book her for speaking engagements by visiting Also, on today's episode, Mark recaps Created Equal's efforts in canvassing Ohio by speaking with Mary Rose Short, the coordinator for Northeast Ohio. We are still moving full steam ahead in preparation for the Abortion Amendment vote in November, and we need your help! For those near Ohio, we need boots on the ground, going door to door. But for those who are farther away, you can still assist us with phone banking! This is a culture war for Ohio, and we need your support! Please get involved by visiting   ✔️ Instagram – ✔️ iTunes - https:/

  • ”Gruesome” Newsom Spews Abortion Lies

    21/09/2023 Duration: 21min

    Lately, Democrats have been spewing the lie that late-term abortions don't happen, or if they do, they are rare, and for extreme circumstances. Like most Dems, California Gavin Newsom doesn't want to admit that he and all other pro-abortion advocates want abortion after birth to be legal because of the "pain" that the mother experiences.   Fact: Late-term abortions are often performed on healthy babies.   Substantiation: The American Medical News-- the official newspaper of the AMA -- conducted a tape-recorded interview with Ohio abortion Doctor Martin Haskell concerning this specific abortion method, in which he said: "And I'll be quite frank: most of my abortions are elective in that 20-24 week range. . . . In my particular case, probably 20% [of this procedure] are for genetic reasons. And the other 80% are purely elective."   What about the pain the baby experiences? How terrible is it for them?   On today's episode Mark debunks the BIG lie and refocuses the debate on the ones who are really experiencing

  • A Reaction: Harris’s Non-Answers on Abortion

    14/09/2023 Duration: 27min

    Why won’t she just answer the question? Because she want’s abortion up until birth, following in lockstep with the rest of the pro-abortion agenda.   On this episode of the Mark Harrington Show, Mark reacts to Vice Presidents Harris’s abortion non-answers on Face the Nation this past week. While both Harris and the host, Margaret Brennan are both on the pro-abortion side of the aisle, credit must be given to Brennan for pressing Harris on where abortion limits should be set. She asked the question multiple time, and Vice President Harris gave the same diverted answer. You can see the entire interview here:   On the second half of the program, Mark takes us back to the basics, by sharing his town-hall presentation on The Reality of Abortion. America has been fed the lie that abortion is just harmless medical procedure that will make women’s lives better and happier. The truth however, is far more tragic for the mother, and, of course, deadly for the child. ✔️ Inst

  • About FACE: Will Activists Go to Prison for Defending Life?

    07/09/2023 Duration: 34min

    Recently, pro-life activists Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Rosemary (Herb) Geraghty were each found guilty on all counts the Biden administration brought against them for allegedly violating the FACE law. The jury found all of the defendants guilty of both charges they faced in court, and they were taken into custody. They will stay in federal prison until sentencing, which will take place after a second trial starting tomorrow for the other pro-life advocates involved in the rescue.   Mark interviews lead counsel Martin Cannon from the Thomas More Society about the case and what it means for the defendants and the pro-life movement. For more, go to: Also, Mark will debunk the BIG lie that late-term abortions don’t happen in Ohio or the US. Watch this clip: Please pass this video along to anyone who doubts that fully viable children are being murdered routinely in America.

  • Ending Abortion: An Encouraging Word in Challenging Times

    04/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    Jonathan Van Maren of the Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addressed our summer interns during their graduation ceremony this year. Jonathan's message we very encouraging even for veterans of the culture wars. His inspiring talk will provide you hope for the battles ahead.   You can learn more about Jonathan’s work at CCBR by going to   To join the fight against abortion through volunteering, or financial support, visit Stay up to date on the fight by following Mark:

  • Human Faces: The Difference Between Looking and Seeing

    31/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    Keturah Dumaine, Eastern Executive Assistant for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) is my guest on today’s episode where I provide a summary as to why the use of abortion victim photography is critical to ending abortion. Human faces matter. Our faces are a gift. The human face changes our perception of injustice from indifference to compassion. The human face is what makes a person personal. It is the difference between looking and seeing. Dr. Monica Miller says, "If the primary purpose of abortion victim photography is to reveal the tragedy of abortion, then the most effective photos will focus on the humanity of the victim." Abortion workers need physical or psychological distance from the victims, and especially from their human faces. To kill, abortionists must avoid seeing the face; to end the killing, the human faces of the victims must be seen.   CCBR’s website:   Recently, CCBR adopted photos of the faces of abortion victims that have never been seen on

  • Why Do Republican Candidates Refuse to Outlaw Abortion?

    24/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    Some argue that the POTUS's view on abortion doesn't matter because the President has little influence over it. This is not true. The president can use the bully pulpit to influence public opinion, curb abortion through executive orders, sign legislation, and nominate pro-life justices to the federal courts. During the recent GOP presidential debate, candidates made excuses for their unwillingness to act on abortion by stating that the issue is now in the hands of the states to decide. This is a cop-out! The fact is the US Constitution already protects preborn children. The 14th Amendment reads: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. States have recognized pre-born children as "persons" at all stages of pregnancy. Protection for preborn children was ro

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