Burden And Blessing Podcast



We discuss culture and current events in the light of God's Word of Truth.


  • Bible Study | Psalm 13

    27/02/2022 Duration: 21min

    The 12th episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. Living in a fallen world, we may often feel abandoned. Not only by the people around us, but even by God. David wrestled with this in his own life, but ultimately comes back to the words and promises of God which assure the child of God that God will never forsake His children! 

  • Skeptics Series | If God is Good, Why is There Suffering?

    23/02/2022 Duration: 28min

    There is difficulty is understanding how God could be all powerful yet still allow evil and suffering to exist. Within this thought is a question about God's love. In this episode, Pastor Neal Radichel and Pastor Mark Tiefel dig into this question and discuss the balance between God's justice and God's love. Though many wrestle with this question, there are solid answers given in God's Word. 

  • Psalm 109 Devotion

    21/02/2022 Duration: 06min

    This brief meditation captures the devotional thoughts from the Psalm 109 Bible study from February 18, 2022. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 109

    18/02/2022 Duration: 27min

    The 11th episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. It's difficult for the believer to wait patiently for the LORD's justice, especially in the face of wrongdoing. In this psalm, David prays that God would see the way David's enemies are treating him. While it is not easy to submit these kinds of situations to God's will, there is peace and comfort in knowing that God is aware and that He will show His children mercy. 

  • Skeptics Series | What Makes You Think Christianity is the Only Way to God?

    16/02/2022 Duration: 29min

    How do we practice our faith as Christians today in a society that advocates for religious plurality? Pastor Neal Radichel and Pastor Mark Tiefel explore this thought in this episode. We see from God's Word what makes Jesus unique not just as a person, but as the Savior of the world. We also see evidence throughout the Bible that points to Jesus as the only way to God. 

  • Psalm 52 Devotion

    14/02/2022 Duration: 05min

    This brief meditation captures the devotional thoughts from the Psalm 52 Bible study from February 11, 2022. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 52

    11/02/2022 Duration: 24min

    The 10th episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. This psalm pairs well with the events of the previous - Psalm 142. In Psalm 52, David speaks against a man (Doeg the Edomite) who betrayed David to King Saul. As David describes the actions of Doeg, we see a stark contrast between the one who trusts in man's power, and the one who trusts in God.     

  • Apostles Series | Paul

    09/02/2022 Duration: 25min

    We dig into the life of one of the most important figures in Christianity - the Apostle Paul. Paul was unique when compared to the rest of the 12 Apostles. God used the prior events of Paul's life, when he was known as Saul, to shape him into the leader that he would become. Paul was also instrumental as a writer of Scripture - the Holy Spirit using him by inspiration to author much of the New Testament. 

  • Psalm 142 Devotion

    07/02/2022 Duration: 05min

    This brief meditation captures the devotional thoughts from the Psalm 142 Bible study from February 4, 2022. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 142

    04/02/2022 Duration: 20min

    The 9th episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. This was written during a dark period of David's life - literally and metaphorically. The heading of the psalm indicates that this psalm was a prayer from David to God when David was hiding out in a cave. The intensity of the persecutions and dangers that David faced had grown, he even admits in the psalm that he has no power against his persecutors. David's only hope was that the LORD God would hear his prayer. As God demonstrated to David, so also we hope - He will never leave or forsake us!   

  • Skeptics Series | He/She was such a good person, why would God let them suffer?

    02/02/2022 Duration: 26min

    The Skeptic or Skeptical Christian might respond to the loss of a loved one, "He/She was such a good person, why would God let them suffer like that?" Explore the depths of this question today by considering why we can’t always understand God’s timing and bigger picture (Isaiah 55:8-9), how God is always trying to draw a person and family closer to Him (Pro. 3:5-6), and in comparing that temporary suffering to the eternal suffering Jesus endured for us all to give us peace in life and death. We pray the Lord would bring you this peace again today!

  • Psalm 34 Devotion

    31/01/2022 Duration: 06min

    This brief meditation captures the devotional thoughts from the Psalm 34 Bible study from January 28, 2022. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 34

    28/01/2022 Duration: 28min

    The eighth episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. Psalm 34 speaks to many of the current struggles that Christians go through. How do I know about God? Does He care for me? What about tribulations and sufferings? Each of those questions and more are addressed in Psalm 34. Grab your Bible and join us for this study! 

  • Apostles Series | Simon Peter

    26/01/2022 Duration: 34min

    Pastor Mark and Pastor Nathanael discuss the monumental legacy of Simon Peter in the Scriptures. Peter is probably the most well-known apostle, but not always for the best reasons. Join us in this study as we take a look at the familiar lessons about Peter's life and gain surprising and helpful insights for our faith! 

  • Psalm 133 Devotion

    24/01/2022 Duration: 05min

    This brief meditation captures the devotional thoughts from the Psalm 133 Bible study from January 21, 2022. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 133

    21/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    The seventh episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. Psalm 133 might be one of the shortest psalms in the Bible but it is still filled with valuable truths for our lives. Join Pastor Neal and Pastor Nathanael as they discuss David's inspired and meditative thoughts on the blessing of unity from the Lord! 

  • Skeptics Series | Why do people feel a need to believe in God?

    19/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    Part 1 of the Skeptics Series  Pastor Mark and Pastor Neal dig into the question of why people feel the need or longing for God. It's part of basic human nature to perceive and commune with the divine. The many religions in the world are an example of the answers that mankind offers satisfy this question. From a skeptical standpoint, many people today see the need to believe in God as a weakness or an outdated notion. However, it's really part of who we are and the Bible describes how God created people with a desire to find out who He is. This question is best answered by the unique gospel of Christ crucified as given to us through the Bible.  

  • Bible Study | Psalm 56

    17/01/2022 Duration: 24min

    The sixth episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. In Psalm 56 we see more of the trials which David endured and how his life was difficult in many ways that are different than our lives. We also see the quiet confidence of faith that trusts in God's ways, despite what seems contrary to faith on the outside. David echoes the sentiment over and over that God is the most reliable foundation for one's trust. 

  • Bible Study | Psalm 59

    14/01/2022 Duration: 22min

    The fifth episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. Psalm 59 contains several strong sentiments as David seeks God's deliverance from an array of enemies. The Bible speaks to many of the trials David endured as he sought to follow the plan that God had ordained for his life. For David, the fact that God was his strength and refuge was what he turned to in this difficult moments. Though we face difference trials from David, the source of these hardships (sin) is the same. May the study encourage you as you seek to follow God faithfully and as you endure trials for being a believer of Christ Jesus.   

  • Bible Study | Psalm 5

    10/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    The fourth episode in our ongoing series on the book of Psalms. Psalm 5 demonstrates the clear standard that God has for complete righteousness. He does not tolerate wickedness and unbelief. Like David and the rest of humanity, we are helpless before God's demands. But we find peace in the message of God's mercy which is proclaimed in His house. May the LORD guide you this week through this psalm.   

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