Leadership Xxl

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:59:04
  • More information



Senior Tech Executive, Author, Leadership Coach, LinkedIn Influencer, Disruptive Thinker


  • Leadership XXL (31) - How To Stay Calm And Perform Under Pressure

    30/10/2016 Duration: 07min

    The most important task of any manager in very stressful, high pressure and extremely demanding situations is to keep calm and to keep one's shirt on. It's not about finding quick solutions in the first place. It's about avoiding chaos, about stabilizing the situation, and re-injecting self-confidence into the organization. And only afterwards looking for adequate solutions. To get around the risk of facing stressed leadership I'd like to present you in this podcast episode of Leadership XXL two formulae which help me to stay even-tempered and focused during critical times and crisis. They are straightforward in concept and with will and repetitive practice also in execution. Enjoy!

  • Leadership XXL (30) - The Power Of Being A Realistic Optimist

    23/10/2016 Duration: 06min

    We all know the common idiom about the glass being considered as either half-full or half-empty. And the related assessment if in consequence someone has an optimistic or a pessimistic outlook on life. Personally, I favor a third way which I call Being A Realistic Optimist. Meaning that in general and for most situations I am a (very) positive, i.e. an optimistic thinker. However, in particularly challenging situations (e.g. before and during very complicated negotiations with many unknown and unfavorable variables) from time to time I might apply a more conservative style. As you´ll hear in this podcast episode, this has certain advantages. Enjoy!

  • Leadership XXL (29) - 12 Irrational Ideas That Limit Personal Success

    16/10/2016 Duration: 05min

    This podcast episode discusses in depth the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). It was created and developed by the American psychotherapist and psychologist Albert Ellis. REBT is a practical, action-oriented approach to coping with problems and enhancing personal growth. It places a good deal of its focus on the present: on currently-held attitudes, painful emotions and maladaptive behaviors that can sabotage a fuller experience of life. One of the fundamental premises of REBT is that humans, in most cases, do not merely get upset by unfortunate adversities, but also by how they construct their views of reality through their language, evaluative beliefs, meanings and philosophies about the world, themselves and others. Enjoy this very engaging podcast episode!

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