Pod Save America



Four former aides to President Obama Jon Favreau, Dan Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor are joined by journalists, politicians, comedians, and activists for a freewheeling conversation about politics, the press and the challenges posed by the Trump presidency.


  • “Impeachment: we’re in it.”

    12/08/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Trump says he’s open to background check legislation, House Democrats announce they’re in the middle of an impeachment inquiry, Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide is investigated, and the media focuses on Joe Biden’s latest gaffes. Then Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell talks to Jon L. about impeachment, immigration, and more. 

  • “America’s grief vs. Trump’s grievances.”

    08/08/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    The President lashed out at multiple politicians and media figures while visiting mass shooting victims in Dayton and El Paso, Democrats in Congress make a renewed push for gun safety, and a number of House Republicans are heading for the exits before 2020. Then the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer talks to Dan about Fox News.

  • “8chan in the White House.”

    05/08/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    A white nationalist terror attack in El Paso, Texas and a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio focus the country’s attention on the President’s racism and America’s gun violence crisis. Then Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke talks to Jon F. about the terrorist attack on his hometown and what we can do about the threat of white nationalism.

  • “Go to Pod Save America 3-0-3-3-0.” (Debate recap special!)

    01/08/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan break down all the highs and lows of the second set of Democratic primary debates hosted by CNN in Detroit, Michigan.

  • “Charm city offensive.”

    01/08/2019 Duration: 58min

    The President trashes the city of Baltimore because Rep. Elijah Cummings criticized his immigration policies, Trump advisors are telling reporters that racism is a good political strategy, the House Judiciary Committee effectively begins an impeachment inquiry, and 20 Democratic candidates prepare for the second round of debates. Then Pod Save the People’s DeRay Mckesson talks to Tommy about Trump’s criticism of his hometown.

  • 2020: Bernie Sanders on democratic socialism and Cardi B

    26/07/2019 Duration: 51min

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders sits down with Jon F. to talk about why he feels he's uniquely prepared to lead a movement for change in the 2020 presidential election, his Medicare for All plan, his strategy for getting an agenda through Congress and whether Cardi B will perform at his inauguration.

  • “Mueller: The Season Finale.”

    25/07/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies for six hours before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, Democratic leaders remain hesitant on impeachment, and Joe Biden gets scrappy with his opponents over health care and criminal justice reform. Then House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff talks to Jon F. about the Mueller hearing and impeachment.

  • “The Jackson Pollock of racism.”

    22/07/2019 Duration: 48min

    Trump doubles down on his racist attack, the Administration proposes further restrictions on refugees and asylum-seekers, and the President heads into 2020 with an electoral college advantage. Then Adam Serwer of the Atlantic talks to Jon L. about Trumpism and the battle for a multiracial democracy.

  • “Jerry Nadler’s Revenge!” (LIVE from Salt Lake City)

    19/07/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    The House inches closer to impeachment after Trump’s racist week, CNN selects the Democratic debate lineups with an NBA lottery-style drawing, and Stacy Stanford from the Utah Health Policy Project joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, Dan, and Erin Ryan on stage in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • “Get Mitch Or Die Trying.” (LIVE from Denver)

    18/07/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    The House votes to condemn the President’s racism, Mitch McConnell’s job and the Senate are up for grabs in 2020, and Governor Jared Polis joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, Dan, and Erin Ryan on stage in Denver, Colorado. Check out: votesaveamerica.com/getmitch

  • “Racist Hall of Fame.”

    16/07/2019 Duration: 01h19min

    The President tells four Democratic Congresswomen of color to go back to the countries where they came from, House Democrats continue their intraparty feud, and Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders debate their health care plans. Then Politico’s Tim Alberta talks to Jon F. about his new book on how Donald Trump took over the Republican Party.

  • "Megan Rapinoe!!!" (BONUS episode)

    12/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    Jon, Jon and Tommy sit down with World Cup champion Megan Rapinoe for a special bonus episode. They chat about her team’s triumph, her beef with Donald Trump, and how she’s using her platform to fight for pay equity and LGBT rights.

  • “A prison of political caution.”

    11/07/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    The Affordable Care Act is in legal jeopardy, House Democrats argue over how to handle the latest Trump scandals, Tom Steyer runs for president, and our new PollerCoaster results show a 5-way tie for first. Then Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib joins to talk about Nancy Pelosi, impeachment, and the humanitarian crisis at our border.

  • “Dems in disarray!”

    08/07/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Trump looks for a new rationale to rig the Census, Nancy Pelosi triggers an intraparty skirmish, Joe Biden goes for a campaign reset, and Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren shake up the primary. Then attorney Warren Binford talks to Tommy about her interviews with migrant children at the detention center in Clint, Texas.

  • “The empty National Mall in Trump’s heart.” (July 4th Mailbag)

    04/07/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    Jon and Dan answer your questions about Trump’s jingoistic July 4th, 2020 strategy, Medicare for All vs. Medicare for America, Ivanka’s foreign trip, and the Sixers free agency moves. Then Texas activist Marcel McClinton talks to Tommy about his decision to run for the Houston City Council right after graduating high school.

  • 2020: Michael Bennet on fixing Washington and defeating Mitch McConnell

    02/07/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Dan talks to Colorado Senator Michael Bennet about the threats facing our democracy, what he’ll do to fix Washington, our immigration system, and how he plans to get to universal health care. Plus, his take on fighting back against a partisan judiciary.

  • “A largely accurate affair.”

    01/07/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    The President kisses the asses of three different murderous dictators during his trip abroad, Kamala Harris is having a moment, Joe Biden is having some issues, and strategists and pundits are worried that the Democratic Party is moving too far to the left. Then Ari Berman of Mother Jones talks to Jon Lovett about the Supreme Court’s gerrymandering decision.

  • “Girlfriend, you are so on.” (Debate recap special!)

    28/06/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Twenty Democratic candidates debate over the course of two nights in Miami, and Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan break down who helped themselves, who didn’t, and what comes next.

  • 2020: Steve Bullock on winning back Trump voters and making dad jokes

    27/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    Jon talks to Montana Governor and Democratic presidential candidate Steve Bullock about getting dark money out of politics, making college and health care more affordable, and why he loves a “good” dad joke. 

  • “Fear and electability in Miami.”

    25/06/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Tensions with Iran grow as the President threatens obliteration, the U.S. government is holding young children in inhumane detention facilities, and Trump is accused of rape. Then Change Research co-founder Pat Reilly and Jon, Jon, and Tommy break down the results of the very first poll in the Crooked Media/Change Research PollerCoaster 2020 series.

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