Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq



Al Kawthar Academy was established under the guidance of Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq to cater for the religious, spiritual and educational needs of English speaking Muslims. Its endeavour is to become a reliable reference and a valuable resource of authentic Islamic material in various media.For more information visit our website:


  • The Striking Blow A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Ul Qāriʿah

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    The Striking Blow A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Ul Qāriʿah - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 21st June 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: The commentary of this sūrah is a brief depiction of the Day of Reckoning and its terrifying nature. Sturdy mountains will be uprooted and reduced to cotton wool. People will be confused and bewildered just like scattered moths around a light. Amongst all this havoc, the Qurʾān describes the destiny of a person being measured by the scales of Justice. Those whose good deeds are found to be heavier than their evil deeds, will be blessed with bliss and happiness, and the people whose good deeds are found to be lighter than their evil deeds, will face utter destruction and an abode of abyss. This commentary details the significance of the fear of Allāh and the great need to live a meaningful and worthy life before Allāh. The manner of achieving this has also been discussed in great detail. ************************************************

  • The Quake Of Reckoning A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Ul Zilzāl

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h21min

    The Quake Of Reckoning A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Ul Zilzāl - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 27th September 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: The commentary of this sūrah draws a vivid picture of the scenes of the Day of Judgement upon the quake of reckoning. The day on which all secrets will be disclosed and the earth will cast forth its burdens. Every soul will be resurrected and held accountable for every deed committed. We learn the many forms of charity in Islām and we are reminded never to consider any good deed trivial or any sin minor. One should never hold back in doing good, regardless of its supposed trivial nature. Any good, even if it is equivalent to the weight of an atom, can become a means of salvation. On the other hand one should refrain from all forms of sin for every sin is major when one realises whom it is committed against. Learn more about the quake of reckoning and the horrifying events that will surround it. Learn about the effects and damag

  • The Kʿabah & The Quraysh A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Fīl & Sūrat Quraysh

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h23min

    The Kʿabah & The Quraysh A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Fīl & Sūrat Quraysh - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 22nd February 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: Allāh employs a unique method in displaying and manifesting His many miracles. There is no constraining or circumscribing Allāh’s powers irrespective of if it conforms to logic or not. The exegesis of two interconnecting sūrats is contained within this talk. The first of which outlines the miraculous nature of how the Kaʿbah was protected from destruction by the Abyssinian viceroy of Yemen, Abrahá, and his assembly of elephants. The story is expounded on in great detail. Allāh’s power in destroying his ploy, despite of his might and power, is demonstrated within this talk. This event was a harbinger and foretelling of another great miracle which occurred 50 days later, the birth of the Messenger ﷺ. The talk then progresses to the second sūrah which outlines Allāh’s countless blessing bestowed upon mankind. We are r

  • The Night Of Qadr A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al Qadr

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    The Night Of Qadr A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al Qadr - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 29th November 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: A night which is better than a thousand months, what are its virtues and when is it? When was the Qur’an revealed and how should we understand predestination (Qadr)? These and many other important questions are answered in this Tafsīr of Sūrat al Qadr. An important discussion of the fickleness of the human mind in comparison to the greatness of Allah's creation is covered in much detail. ********************************************************************** Website: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram - Tunein: **********************************************************************

  • The Greatest Loss A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl ʿAsr

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    The Greatest Loss A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl ʿAsr - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 6th April 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: One of the greatest blessings and gifts that man has been bestowed with is time. Man neglects the importance of time and thus becomes extremely preoccupied in the pursuit of mundane desires. Ultimately, these pursuits result in the spiritual decline of the rūḥ (spirit). This is a form of ingratitude to Allāh as this gift of time is not utilised by man in the manner in which He desires. This ingratitude distances the rūḥ from Allāh and hurls it into a great loss. This beautiful sūrah, swearing by time and its significance, expounds on the importance of revitalising the soul and saving it from utter destruction and great loss by performing good deeds and counselling others to patience and perseverance as well as the truth. Furthermore, the talk details the prescriptions of the Messenger ﷺ which allow us to learn how to value and appreciate th

  • The Father of the Flame A Tafsir of Surat 'l Lahab

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h23min

    'The Father of the Flame: A Tafsir of Surat 111 - Lahab' delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 29th June 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester Video: Sūrat ʼl Lahab is a damnation of Abū Lahab and his family. Being the paternal uncle of the Prophet ﷺ meant that he had a great responsibility to assist and support the Prophet ﷺ. However, when he chose to oppose the Messenger ﷺ, it was considered so evil by Allāh that he and his family have been damned in the Qur’ān for all eternity. He is the only enemy of the Prophet ﷺ mentioned in the Qur’ān by name. Despite all the wealth he amassed and the children he had, nothing could avail him before the wrath and punishment of Allāh and thus he is destined to enter the flaming fire of hell. Along with his and his family's traitorous behaviour some of the core messages of this detailed exegeses is that, it is not who you are but what you do that is significant with Allāh, even if you are related to a Messenger ﷺ. Along with this message

  • The Evil Whisperers A Tafsir of Surat 'l Nas

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h20min

    The Evil Whisperers A Tafsir of Surat 'l Nas - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 27th April 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: Sūrat ʾl Nās focuses on the battle between truth and falsehood and between humans and Shayṭān. Its main aim and focus is to teach us to seek refuge in Allāh from the evil of the retreating whisperers from among men and devils. Study the words of Allāh with the detailed exegesis of this Sūrah and find out how you can save yourself from the evil deceptions and delusions of humans as well as devils. ********************************************************************** Website: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram - Tunein: **********************************************************************

  • The Clear Proof A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al Bayyinah

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    The Clear Proof A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al Bayyinah - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 25th October 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: This surah speaks about the relationship between the Muslims and the non- Muslims after the advent of Islam. The people of the book were awaiting a clear proof in the form of the Prophet ﷺ. However, despite all indications that they should have believed, upon the arrival of the Messenger ﷺ they desisted and rejected the divine message. The surah ends with the declaration from Allah of the ultimate abode of those who believe and those who reject. An account is given of those who are considered the best and those who are the worst of creation. In addition, we also learn why the Qur’an was initially not send down as a bound book and remained as an oral message and the tradition of Islam. The answer is also given to the question, “Are Humans superior to Angels”? ********************************************************************** W

  • The Beginning Of Revelation A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al ʿAlaq

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h25min

    The Beginning Of Revelation A Tafsīr Of Sūrat Al ʿAlaq - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 31st January 2014 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: How were the first words of the Qurʾān revealed and what were they? This important subject is covered in detail in this Tafsīr of Sūrat al-ʿAlaq. Other important subjects covered include: - The Islamic way of praising and criticising others. - The great rank of Khadījah رضى الله عنها . - Abū Jahl’s persecution of Rasūlullāh ﷺ and the Muslims. - The corrosive nature of wealth. ********************************************************************** Website: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram - Tunein: **********************************************************************

  • From Darknesses to Dawn A Tafsir of Surat 'l Falaq

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h51min

    The Evil Whisperers A Tafsir of Surat 'l Nas - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 30th March 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: Sūrat ʼl Falaq is considered to be one of the most recited Sūrahs of the Noble Qurʾān. It is regarded as an extremely virtuous and blessed Sūrah and it is one of the best sūrats ever to be revealed. The Prophet ﷺ says, ‘Allāh has revealed two sūrats to me this night, the likes of which have never been seen before. They are Sūrat ʼl Nās and Sūrat ʼl Falaq’. [Ṭabrānī] Along with lessons and wisdoms, these sūrats also have protecting, guarding and preserving qualities. For this reason, the Prophet ﷺ himself would seek refuge in Allāh from the evil eye of men and Jinn by reciting these two sūrahs. [Tirmidhī] This particular sūrah begins with mention of daybreak and the evils of all that Allāh has created. The subsequent verses are about the evils of the night, witchcraft, sorcery and magic. The sūrah is concluded with the mention of the

  • Materialistic Greed & Rivalry A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Takāthur

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h29min

    Materialistic Greed & Rivalry A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Takāthur - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 24th May 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: Shaytan’s insinuations and whispers of fear of poverty have driven man to relentlessly pursue the amassing and accumulation of wealth and glory. This has created a sense of selfishness and ingratitude in man resulting in aspirations for what others possess. One’s entire life becomes a life of greed and rivalry all with the intention of displaying ones worth and value and with the intent of becoming superior. The commentary of this sūrah condemns this attitude and calls for the realisation of the truth of existence. We are reminded not to be distracted by greed and rivalry in worldly material which will eventually destroy and envelop a person until death but rather appreciate the many favours we already possess. The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ outlines the true definition of a rich person in the following ḥadīth: ‘Wealth is not

  • Renunciation Of Idolatry A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Kāfirūn

    31/03/2014 Duration: 44min

    Renunciation Of Idolatry A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Kāfirūn - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 30th November 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: The content of this sūrah is an affirmation of the Oneness of Allāh, and that there is no compromise when it comes to the worship of Allāh. The revelation of this sūrah was a direct result of the polytheists in Makkah requesting that the Prophet ﷺ agree to a compromise of alternating between the worship of Allāh and their idols. This sūrah was a rejection of polytheism in its entirety. The Prophet ﷺ never diverted his attention from the worship of Allāh. To further cement his conviction and belief, he would constantly recite this sūrah in his salah as well as before retiring to bed. In this talk, a detailed etymology of the word Kāfir is also presented. Is the term Kāfir really as insolent, insulting and demeaning as is often portrayed? ********************************************************************** Website: www.akac

  • Accountability & Requital A Tafsīr of Sūrat ʾl - Māʿūn

    25/03/2014 Duration: 01h14min

    Accountability & Requital A Tafsīr of Sūrat ʾl Māʿūn - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 25th January 2013 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: The entire universe has been created in balance. Any disruption to the equilibrium and perfection of the universe brings about anarchy and chaos. When a person loses all sense of accountability before Allāh, he does not fail to commit the worst of all crimes. He or she loses all sense of morality and ethics thus resulting in imbalance and destruction to one’s own life and the lives of others. There is only one monitoring and surveillance system, which if adhered to diligently, will ultimately prevent one from disobedience and causing harm to any of Allāh’s creation. This is the consciousness and fear of accountability before Allāh. This surah beautifully outlines the reasons for social discord and the causes of disharmony. It also goes into great detail into the concept of accountability, reckoning and judgement before Allāh.

  • Allah, The One, The Unique A Tafsir of Surat 'l Ikhlas

    25/03/2014 Duration: 55min

    The Evil Whisperers A Tafsir of Surat 'l Nas - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 25th May 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: The core content of the Qurʾān can be classified as being related to one of three categories; either the Creator, the relationship between the Creator and the creation or the relationship between the creation and fellow creation. Sūrat ʼl Ikhlāṣ is related to the Creator, Allāh and His unique nature. For this reason it is considered as one third of the Qurʾān in its meanings and messages. This sūrah speaks about the oneness of Allāh and monotheism. It emphasises the importance of making religion sincere and exclusive for Allāh in all deeds and actions. Its profound meanings and messages are the very foundation of faith and the Qurʾān. Study and understand the concept of tawḥīd and oneness of Allāh, his unique attributes and the overall virtues of this sūrah by listening to this detailed exegesis. The Prophet ﷺ says in a ḥadīth, ‘Whoso

  • Abundance Of Good A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Kawthar

    25/03/2014 Duration: 41min

    Abundance Of Good A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Kawthar - Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on 30th November 2012 at Al Kawthar Academy (Leicester) Video: Following the death of the sons of the Noble Messenger ﷺ, the disbelievers taunted him saying he is without any lasting progeny. They implied his bloodline and mission had ended and thus he was weak without family honour and a memorable legacy. The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ was extremely saddened and grieved by these remarks. As a consolation, Allāh revealed these verses pronouncing the abundance of good (al-Kawthar) in this world and in the hereafter for His beloved ﷺ. Rather than his name fading away he will be remembered forever. Allāh has taken it upon Himself that never will His name be mentioned except that His beloved’s name will be mentioned in conjunction with His. The Prophet ﷺ may not have had surviving sons but he has billions of spiritual sons and far from his name being extinguished, Muslims continue to be influenced by him

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