Wonder Your Way To Brilliant



No one can give you the blueprint for your brilliant life, but listening to others who are courageously pursuing the same path is one of the best ways I know to gain wisdom for the journey.Join us each week for a new Curiosity Conversation during which we explore new topics and perspectives on living an authentically brilliant life. Each conversation will offer a new Game Changing Question that when coupled with a bit of Courageous Curiosity can absolutely change your life!


  • Turn Ordinary Conversations Into Ones that Matter

    15/09/2021 Duration: 01h21min

    In our hearts, what most of us want is to be seen, heard, known, and understood. But do we engage with each other in ways that allow this to happen? Regardless of how many ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ we have, many of us feel quite alone. Don’t miss this extraordinary conversation with Will Wise, co-author of How to Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter. Will will inspire and guide you to consider creating conversations that matter in new and extraordinary ways.Find Will Online!WebYouTubeFacebook Follow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedInYouTube

  • Miracles Begin With the Right Question

    08/09/2021 Duration: 47min

    How "miracle producing" are the questions you ask? Questions are one of the most overlooked tools of communication. They have the ability to shift perspective, change an outcome, release stress and anxiety. Join Amy Steindler and me as we unpack the power of questions and how we can unleash miracles with the right question asked at the right time.  Where to find Amy Steindler:Web:https://ovation.coach/LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/amysteindler/Follow all our other platforms!Web:https://couragetobecurious.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/couragetobecurious/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/couragetobecuriousTwitter:https://twitter.com/CuriositySpeaksLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/courage-to-be-curious

  • The Magic of Self Love

    25/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    What actually happens when you love yourself and how do you get there?Download the Journey to Selflove Guide here -- https://files.constantcontact.com/429e4631601/a29d6ee5-1e09-40de-b027-7a7b1719f50f.pdfSelf-love is all the rage now but what does that actually mean? How do you know what it feels like? And how do you get there? In this week’s ‘not to miss’ episode with Amy Steindler and Rena Rachar, experience some incredibly poignant, funny, and drop-the-mic moments as we break it all down. And stay tuned for our bonus Surprise Questions at the end when we all get really personal and revealing!

  • How to Argue in Productive and Healthy Ways

    18/08/2021 Duration: 22min

    How to turn your arguments into opportunities for deep connection.Arguing and fighting are a part of life. And despite how uncomfortable it makes most of us feel, it is an incredibly important and healthy part of life IF we know how to do it well. In this episode, I will share some powerful tips for making your moments of conflict productive so that you end up feeling even more connected at the end. 

  • How to be a Leader that People Want to Respect

    11/08/2021 Duration: 25min

    How to lead in a way that creates agency and engagement!Download the Core Values Workbook here - https://files.constantcontact.com/429e4631601/60abcbac-16c2-4321-b051-a97eb3a63aa5.pdfGetting the promotion is the easy part, leading effectively is one of the most challenging pursuits of the professional world. For whatever reason, one of the most familiar approaches to leadership is ‘command and control’ despite the fact that most people will say that they don’t like being led this way. In this episode, we look at three invaluable strategies for shifting perspective on leadership to a style that is more collaborative and responsive. 

  • Why You Feel Frustrated So Often and One Powerful Tool That Can Turn Things Around

    04/08/2021 Duration: 18min

    Closing the gap between expectation and reality.Why do we keep creating more discomfort and frustration in our lives than we actually need? We THINK that it is the outside world that does things to frustrate us, but in reality, one single practice that all of us engage in fills our lives with discomfort and frustration all the time. In this week’s episode, I share with you what this is and a powerful way to reduce or eliminate frustration and discomfort that doesn’t actually serve us. 

  • Why Curiosity is Your Key to Freedom

    28/07/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    How can curiosity liberate us in our lives, leadership, and relationships? We all get stuck, feel shame, become paralyzed by fear, and shrink under the weight of insecurity. But what if one pursuit could free us from all of these maladies? What if we could learn one approach that could - like eating the cookie in Alice in Wonderland - make us feel strong, confident, and free? We think we have the answer. Tune in to today’s episode. 

  • How to Find Love in a Can of Paint

    21/07/2021 Duration: 18min

    How can we receive love fully and give love freely?How free are you to love and be loved? We think of love as a natural instinct, but very often we can neither receive love fully nor give love freely because something gets in the way. I was 43 years old before I finally began to unpack the baggage that was getting in my way. In this week’s episode, we look at what gets in the way of love and what we can do to embrace love more completely. 

  • Five Words that will Increase Your Leadership Impact

    14/07/2021 Duration: 14min

    How can you free yourself to lead authentically?Download the Core Values Workbook here - https://files.constantcontact.com/429e4631601/60abcbac-16c2-4321-b051-a97eb3a63aa5.pdfHow do we learn how to lead authentically? There are myriad books and theories on leadership but while they can all provoke interesting reflection, none of them can direct you as to how to be the most authentic and impactful leader YOU can be. Each of us has our own unique form of leadership and in this week’s episode, I discuss how to uncover what’s at the core of your unique and brilliant leadership identity. 

  • Happiness is Only One Question Away

    07/07/2021 Duration: 29min

    What if you could break through decades of suffering with just one question? As a kid and then through my adult life I was incredibly good at ‘giving the right answer.’ I was a people pleaser, a great student, and knew how to play the standard version of the ‘success’ game. But none of that meant that I was happy? I didn’t even know what happiness was and I lived in constant shame because I was so disconnected from an experience of happiness and fun that others seemed able to experience. In this week’s episode, I talk about how one question turned all of this around for me. 

  • A Ritual to Close 2020

    29/12/2020 Duration: 17min

    In this final episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant for 2020, we take a look at the value of ritual in marking time. All cultures have rituals to mark time, make it sacred, and bring meaning and connection into our lives. The wonderful thing is that we do not have to wait for Hallmark, a religious event, or graduation from school to have permission to engage in ritual. We can create rituals and create meaning at any time that we feel moved to do so.  

  • A View of 2020 from 30,000 feet!

    23/12/2020 Duration: 16min

    This week on Wonder Your Way to Brilliant,  we take the next step of reflecting upon the year by asking the question, “How does this past year seem to fit into the bigger picture of my life?” To begin to answer this question, you need to zoom out from the specific events of 2020 and begin to look through a wider angled lens. Where are you on the journey of your life? How has this year moved you forward or propelled you in new directions?    

  • Who Have You Been in 2020?

    11/12/2020 Duration: 17min

    December is here and this is a great time to begin our year-end reflections. So, on today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant, I offer Part I of a three-part series on reflecting on this most unusual and unexpected year. We can exist and survive through chaos, but as Marianne Williamson teaches, it is when we pause and take time for honest reflection, that our wisdom emerges and we grow.  

  • The 10Gs of Giving Thanks!

    26/11/2020 Duration: 16min

    “The greatest test of faith is when you don’t get what you want, but you are still able to express Gratitude.”  This year’s Thanksgiving holiday and weekend are unlike any other we have experienced in recent times. We are in the midst of a global event that, at best, historically, has taken place every 100 years or so. Needless to say, there is little way to mentally or emotionally prepare for... no gatherings or small gatherings, perhaps being in isolation or grieving. Most of us are not having the experience we really want. So, on today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant, I offer the 10Gs of Giving Thanks... 10 Guideposts for experiencing this time.  

  • How to Strengthen Your Conflict Muscles!

    20/11/2020 Duration: 23min

    Relationships take work and commitment and I believe that this is a muscle that has weakened for many of us because we have SO MANY ways of avoiding the hard work!  When someone is annoying us, we can escape into our phones, close a door, put on headphones, etc… When we get angry or upset, we can find an emotional conspirator somewhere online to validate our position and protect us from having to do the real emotional work of reconciling. All of this has made us emotionally weak in dealing with differences and conflicts. On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant, I share a simple - but not easy - formula for strengthening our muscles for dealing with disagreements and differing perspectives.

  • What’s ‘Scary’ about these Two Words?

    30/10/2020 Duration: 30min

    On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant, for the third year in a row, I speak with Cheryl Rice, founder of the YOU MATTER Marathon: No Running Required. Cheryl has begun a global movement to spread the message - YOU MATTER. With an estimated 2M cards distributed in over 80 countries around the world, The YOU MATTER Marathon has now become a new November tradition. Tune into the episode for fun ways to share the message, even while social distancing!

  • Prepare Your Mind, Body & Spirit for Winter

    23/10/2020 Duration: 42min

    On today’s episode of  Wonder Your Way to Brilliant join me for a pre-winter ‘cleanse and prepare’ for your mind, body, and spirit. Walk away not only with an understanding of what ‘the call’ is for the winter months in terms of nourishing our spirit, but an incredible number of practical tips and strategies you can start putting into action right away. 

  • What’s Scheduled on Your Calendar for...

    16/10/2020 Duration: 16min

    We are doubling down this month on Wonder Your Way to Brilliant to think about how we can wonder our way to a brilliant winter! On today’s episode, I draw from my childhood experiences at overnight camp, the wisdom of friends and family, and my own creative mind to suggest ways we can pack our calendar this winter with experiences that can keep us engaged and energized.

  • How to Survive the Pandemic in the Winter

    09/10/2020 Duration: 19min

    On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant I take on the Productively Curious Question: “How can we approach the change in seasons and months ahead in a productive and healthy way?” Today’s show is highly practical. Let’s not get taken by surprise… let’s get ready. Let’s be creative and curious. We need each other more than ever to remain resilient.   

  • What Comes Out of Your Mouth?

    25/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    If January is the New Year on the Gregorian Calendar, September is the new year in a practical sense (for many of us) as well as in the religious sense for those of the Jewish faith. This week’s message and podcast are about setting our intentions for this new year. Join me for this beautiful practice. On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant I examine the gematria (a Jewish form of numerology in which the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are substituted with corresponding numbers) for the new Jewish Year of 5781. In other words, I have taken the Hebrew letters associated with the numbers 80 and 1 and connected them to Hebrew words that help to focus our attention. One of them is the Hebrew word for mouth. Join me to see how we can intend better around what comes out of our mouths.

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