Bb On Blast



Big Brother Bile archives and new show BB on Blast & TV on Blast


  • BBUK 2018: Chicken Done

    02/10/2018 Duration: 03h21min

    A week's worth of #bbuk in one night! Big coins! Chickens! Gamechangers! The Lewis head to head! Trolls (don't feed 'em!) Strategy talk! And so on.

  • BB20 Finale: Kaycee Closed

    27/09/2018 Duration: 01h53min

    Fates conspire for us to watch the final together! Jet packs, JC gets crucified, wall climbing, oddcasts and Kaycee cuts the wrong person but still wins (despite a crap speech). Oh, Tyler. Bitter, bloody-mouthed Bayleigh

  • BBUK 2018: Mine Shafted

    27/09/2018 Duration: 03h06min

    Ellis! Bye. Big coins cause chaos, sex stories, one upping, ant bread, dick sweets, Illuminati, blood money, hippes, strip shows and Anamelia's fire goes out.

  • BB20: Angela's Ashes

    23/09/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    The double eviction goes the worst way possible, but Level 6 slip up by evicting robot Sam. Here follows a miracle HOH. Did JC get tequila? Who cares, he evicted PURE EVIL. But was it the right move? Find out soon on Bii

  • BBUK 2018: My Endless Bruv

    15/09/2018 Duration: 03h13min

    BBUK launches with its first hipster house, set in a nightclub toilet. A great cast, so what could ruin the night? Oh, the show being cancelled. Nice one C5! Gaz does some impressions and we call round some BB superfans

  • CBB 2018 Final: Poetic Just-kiss

    10/09/2018 Duration: 02h33min

    Hardeep falls at the final hurdle, but at least Dan didn't win. BB gets the Roxy revenge storyline wrapped up in a bow with the Ryan win. Also: snogging!

  • CBB 2018: Get your Rox OFF OFF OFF!

    08/09/2018 Duration: 05h24min

    Groundhog day, lies, 'the incident', the fall out, the walk out, THAT interview (thanks everyone)! Not #metoo & the implications discussed in depth. Ben goes, Jermaine goes, Hardeep goes, Roxy's career goes. Gaz goes...

  • BB20: Scott Free

    08/09/2018 Duration: 01h46min

    Disclaimer: We'd already done a 6 hour CBB pod when we started this so we speed podded this one! Faileigh finally folded, Scottie battled back, then left again with a rude speech, disgracing CBS, your pets, Rockstar's da

  • CBB 2018: Rodri-goes

    30/08/2018 Duration: 04h03min

    Natalie evicted, Wendy the Washing machine gets turned on, Rodrigo ejected, the Public Eye bulges out, confessionals, fanny rats and Chloe gets written off.

  • BB20: Rock Salty

    22/08/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    Off the block and on the rocks! OTEV gets a cold, Rockstar takes the wrong medicine, and Fessy gets dumber still and puts Scottie on the blockie. We feel for you, Haleigh!

  • CBB 2018: Stormed Out!

    20/08/2018 Duration: 03h01min

    A storm is coming! Sort of. First night n bombs, me too, trumps, walls, politics and paradise.

  • BB20: Sent Hacking

    14/08/2018 Duration: 03h28min

    Rachel gulps home, GIFS, Angela goes rogue, Mr Pectacular, Bayleigh gets bloody, mudholes and some CBB and audio extras.

  • BB on Blast fandom special - We ARE allowed to talk about production!

    06/08/2018 Duration: 38min

    We were invited to the BB house for a Q&A with the producers! What's going on with the lease? Is there live feed? What can we expect from CBB and BBUK this year? Find out what we discussed in this pub debrief with BB fan

  • BB20: (Puzzle) Peace Out

    03/08/2018 Duration: 03h10min

    Jing and jang, stomping mudholes, jigsaw fails, crows, spirit full, hails, bails and finesse, dm slides, HOHitis and Rachel gets the shaft.

  • BB20: The Winner Takes Faysal

    27/07/2018 Duration: 03h08min

    Brostorming, honey glazed ham, cultural sensitivity, my daughter's birthday, your dad's grave, Sam's dictatorship begins, m/f/n word gate, Sam widdecombe protects the young men and Fessy makes a messy.

  • BB20: Swag Bagged

    17/07/2018 Duration: 02h15min

    85 dollar bracelets, Steve leaves, cool meeting bro, nama-stay, yatus, jody, yelling, cry phone, and Scotty goes bro hunting.

  • BB20: Ro-blocked

    06/07/2018 Duration: 02h36min

    Microchip mayhem, robotism, deletion dots, level 6, f.o.u.t.t.e, grandpa lou, app store lols, hamazon whines and the race wars begin once more.

  • Big Brother 20 - BB20 launch - Samdroid

    29/06/2018 Duration: 03h08min

    Housemates! Robots! Tech! No returnees! Looks good so far - what could possibly go wrong? Also Gaz's tales of meeting 3 #bbuk winners in a week.

  • Big Brother Canada 6: Final screeches

    16/05/2018 Duration: 02h47min

    Special eviction, beat the best, a-maze-ing, the royals, showboating, hoods, appease the beast, jury (anger) management, passion, emotional babies and an all female badass final 2.

  • Big Brother Canada 6: One fight in Paras

    09/05/2018 Duration: 02h47min

    Triple evictims, jury house larks, rosy cheeks, voodoo, dirty games, mediocre housemates and a boring banquet.

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