Bill Whittle



Audio-Only versions of Bill Whittle videos.


  • A Nation of Desire

    25/12/2023 Duration: 07min

    A message from Christmas of 2010, when the world was simpler, when I was just a wee whippersnapper. I spent all day looking for this and I'm glad I did, because despite all that has happened since then, every word of it remains true.

  • Boys Are Different

    24/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    Scott Ott brings us an out-of-this-world, alternate-reality, sci-fi tale of schools that separate boys and girls and teach them as if they were somehow DIFFERENT from each other! [** MIND BLOWN!**] Luckily enough, both Steve and Bill have been to this Strange New World and report that conditions there are surprisingly well-suited for information retention and processing. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Got Pirates?

    21/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Iran's bought-and-paid-for Houthi pirates have concentrated at the top of the Red Sea, at the southern end of the Suez Canal. These are not dirt-poor Somali's racing up in a couple of wooden boats with outboard motors; these pirates are scouting their targets with reconnaissance drones and coming aboard unarmed merchant vessels by helicopter. And what do the mighty nations of the West do in response to these pygmy provocations? Well, the commercial vessels simply run away and add another 5,000 miles of water and twenty days of travel time to sail all the way around Africa. As far as The Most Powerful Navy in the History of the World is concerned, a sternly-worded declaration was made by the US Secretary of Defense, and a ten-nation coalition -- including the full naval might of Seychelles, the smallest and least-populated country in Africa -- are involved in Serious Discussions about building Multi-National Coalitions to combat the problem. Hooray for us. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becomin

  • Dem Pollster Wonders: Why Aren't People Happier?

    19/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Limousine Liberal with excessive amounts of disposable income wonders why the Great Unwashed are unable to understand the Miracle of Bidenomics! It's almost like they are downright ungrateful for what the Progressives have done for the economy! Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Going to the Movies

    17/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Movie theater attendance has been trending down for decades, and took a near-fatal hit after Covid-19. So what are the big theater chains doing to get people back into seats? Why, encouraging them to use their cell phones more often! What could possibly go wrong? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Time Bomb

    14/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    There has been a dramatic and alarming rise in the number of near-catastrophic collisions in what has been for 22 years the single great miracle of the modern age: the US Commercial Air Transport System, which has seen some 40,000 flights per day without a single fatality in twenty-two years among US carriers domestically. But true to form, the government is now insisting on lowering those hard-earned standards in order to promote diversity and inclusion... and unless tings change, and soon, we will once again start including diversely horrific airline crashes into our lives once again. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Left-Wing Trumpmongering

    12/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    He's not just a popularly-elected political opponent! HE IS THE END OF EVERYTHING WE HOLD DEAR AS A NATION AND MUST BE DESTROYED BEFORE HE CAN ENACT HIS GENOCIDAL FASCISTIC POLICE STATE BEFOE IT'S TOO LATE!!! The Left does not know what to do with him, so they keep escalating the hysteria in the hopes that someone will listen. One is temped to ask, though: since he has already served four years as President, where are all the death camps? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Return of Dignity

    10/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    Remember how shocked you were when 'shocking' became the cultural norm? Well, we are shocked -- shocked! -- to report that that particular pendulum may in fact be starting to return toward such now-shocking ideas as 'civility,' 'seemliness' and even 'dignity.' Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Will HAMAS Steal Christmas?

    07/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    After pro-Palestinian protestors glued themselves to the street during the Thanksgiving Day's Macy Parade it's not as absurd as it sounds... especially given the fact that since the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, the Palestinians have show an almost supernatural ability to make the worst possible impression on world opinion. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Not So Fast, Scooter...

    05/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    Scott Ott brings us some astonishing news: it turns out that if you break an apple down into its components and consume all of them, it is not as healthy for you as ACTUALLY EATING THE APPLE. Turns out the world is not only more complex than we imagine... it's more complex than we CAN imagine. Now how do we get the Big Brains in Science, Politics and Economics to understand something so simple and obvious? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Boycott Everything!

    01/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Well the kindly folks over at HAMAS have helpfully put together a list of companies that you must boycott in order to STOP ZIONISM NOW! By the way, feel free to go and bake a casserole or change your transmission fluid while Steve runs through the list of things that we must all give up in order to support the continued decapitation of Israeli babies. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • No Respect... No Respect At All

    28/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    How badly have Joe Biden and his so-far-left-they-have-disappeared-due-to-the-curvature-of-the-earth Progressive base damaged their once formidable, working-man brand? Badly enough, apparently, that they are no longer taking the Black vote as a given. This of course opens tremendous possibilities for Republicans... if we are smart enough and courageous enough to seize them. Our track record on this is not exactly illustrious. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 378

    28/11/2023 Duration: 02h34min

    Recorded 09/07/23

  • Brace Yourselves!

    27/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    A violent, uncontrolled flood of democracy has broken out in Argentina! Fortunately, we Americans have a trustworthy news media on hand to remind us of the threat posed by unapproved candidates. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 377

    27/11/2023 Duration: 02h15min

    Recorded 08/28/23

  • Failing Their Way to Mars

    25/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    The blinkered souls who saw the SpaceX second Starship test as a failure -- and there are more than a few of them -- are to dim to realize one of the fundamental laws of science and engineering. Failure is your friend, and the only true sin is making the same mistake twice. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Too Much Free Speech?

    24/11/2023 Duration: 09min

    You would think that the politicians who swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution should have at least some basic idea of what it's all about. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Humans Need Not Apply

    21/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    Among the many promises of the AI Revolution is the idea of limitless wealth and limitless leisure. We don't have 'limitless leisure' just yet, but we have far, far more leisure than at any other time in the history of the world, and the evidence seems to indicate that this is a very, very BAD idea. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Burning up the Road*

    20/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    *UPDATE: Just hours before this video was to be posted, it was announced, with much fanfare, that the section of I-10 damaged by fire went from "closed indefinitely" to "open immediately." That said, changing the re-opening date from "whenever" to "weeks ahead of schedule!" in no way alters the criticisms and concerns laid out in this episode. Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

  • Veep?

    16/11/2023 Duration: 09min

    With Donald Trump the not-seriously-challenged Republican candidate in 2024, is there a chance we could see a political outsider double-header? In a culture war of competing ideas, is a career politician really the best choice for someone on bottom of the ticket? Or would we do well to try someone who knows how to articulate and defend conservative ideas? Join our crack team of elite anti-elitists by becoming a member or making a one-time donation right here:

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