Bill Whittle



Audio-Only versions of Bill Whittle videos.


  • What Bossy-Pants Biden Doesn't Know about Gas Prices Can Hurt You and Kill Mom-and-Pop

    11/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    President Joe Biden Tweets out an order to the forces that control the price of gas at the pump to drop it..."and do it NOW!" But what President Bossy-Pants doesn't know about the retail gasoline business can hurt you, and kill the Mom-and-Pop operations that run most fuel stations. Right Angle schools the amateur autocrat in the basic economics of the business. Scott Ott, Stephen Green and Bill Whittle host five new episodes of Right Angle each week, fueled by our Members. You can join now and unlock access to exclusive backstage content, and communication features that connect you with the production team of committed conservatives who create dozens of new shows each month plus a cataract of Member-written content behind the veil at Click the big green button at our site to join, or the big blue button to donate. Thank you.

  • Fallen Giants: 1,800-Year-Old Sequoias Murdered by the Best of Human Intentions

    09/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    Along the Trail of 100 Giants in Sequoia National Forest Bill Whittle and his wife see three dead ones...apparently murdered by the best of human intentions. What can we learn from this irreplaceable loss? Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott create five new episodes of Right Angle each week, thanks to our Members at

  • Stopping Predators: Does Our Society Encourage Murderers, or Simply Fail to Deter Them?

    09/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    A social media influencer stalked and murdered on camera leaves Bill Whittle wondering if our society encourages deranged predators, or simply fails to stop them. Zo Rachel engages with Bill on moral issues of our day twice weekly, thanks to the Members at

  • The People's Court: If You Hate the Supreme Court Dobbs Decision, You're Anti-Democratic

    08/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    Abortion advocates, gun-control activists, and public prayer opponents, rage against the opinions of the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court. If you're disgusted by Dobbs and other high court decisions this year, you're anti-democratic and Constitutionally ignorant. We can fix that in 17 minutes. Scott Ott, Stephen Green and Bill Whittle create 260 new episodes of Right Angle each year, thanks to our Members. You may join them now when you click the big green button at . If you'd prefer to make a one-time or recurring donation, use the big blue button. Either way, you have our gratitude.

  • Hating America: Celebrities Give the Finger to USA on her Birthday

    08/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    Jessica Chastain flips off the USA on Independence Day. Katy Perry says women have fewer rights in the U.S. "than an actual sparkler", and another celebrity is glad that NPR did not read the deeply-offensive Declaration of Independence to celebrate the nation's birth. All of this, and more, happened this year on July 4, in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood. Stephen Green, Bill Whittle and Scott Ott co-host 5 episodes of Right Angle each week, a labor of love for more than a decade, thanks to the producers who fund this enterprise for as little as $9.95/month. To join this team of conservative patriots, click the big green button at

  • The Stratosphere Lounge | Episode 330

    08/07/2022 Duration: 03h04min

    Recorded live before a global audience on Thursday, July 7, 2022. Thanks to the Members at for funding this enterprise.

  • Now What? With Dobbs, Did Conservatism Catch Its Own Tail and Now Will Suffer at the Polls?

    05/07/2022 Duration: 26min

    A growing number of Leftist commentators in the media suggest that the pro-life victory in the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision is nearly the worst thing that could happen to Republicans and Conservatives politically. In other words, the dog caught its own tail and now doesn't know what do to with it. Are Conservatives that dimwitted? Will Republicans pay the price at the polls? Zo Rachel makes two episodes of The Virtue Signal with Bill Whittle each week. Scott Ott, sitting in for Bill, is co-host of the long-running news commentary show, Right Angle, with Bill and Stephen Green. To dive into the full archive of each show, and many others, visit

  • Same But Different: Democrats Whine 'Why Can't We Be More Like the GOP?'

    04/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    Do both major political parties envy the other for the same reasons? On Bill Maher's HBO show they whine about how Republicans understand the power of the courts and know how to play the long game and avoid "purity politics" so they turn out for elections. But GOP insiders say the same thing about Democrats. Are we being played? Right Angle is a production of our Members, who unlock access to exclusive content and features on our site -- Thank you to Alfonzo Rachel for his crucial role as a Bill Whittle surrogate this week. Don't miss Zo and Bill on The Virtue Signal twice each week. Archive at

  • Sleeper Cell: Senate Candidate Caught in Racially-Charged Plot to Plant Black Democrats in GOP

    04/07/2022 Duration: 20min

    South Carolina Democratic Senate candidate Krystle Matthews, gets caught by Project Veritas on a recorded line speaking with a prison inmate about planting "secret sleeper" candidates (read: Black Democrats) in local races as the only way to "change the dynamics" in Palmetto State politics. Using racially-charged language, Matthews says more than she intends about the future of the Democratic Party in her state and across the nation. Alfonzo Rachel creates two new episodes of The Virtue Signal each week with Bill Whittle, who's out recovering from minor surgery this week. Guest host Scott Ott has co-hosted Right Angle with Bill Whittle and Stephen Green for more than a decade. To dip into the deep archive of classic conservative content, visit To meet our producers, and unlock backstage content and other exclusive features, click the big green button at the site. (30-day full refund if not delighted) To donate without joining, click the big blue button. Either way, we're grateful.

  • Deadly Ambition: NYC Mayor Credits Teen Girlfriend's Abortion for His Political Success

    01/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    Three men. Five topics. No holds barred. It's another Right Angle Lightning Round. Topics include... --New York City's Mayor and Deputy Mayor credit their political success to timely abortions. Isn't it great that even a human life can't stand in the way of political ambition? --COVID-19 is bad enough, so why would a bureaucrat lie to make it sound worse than it is when the real data is publicly published by other bureaucrats? --Rep. Marci Kaptur, D-OH, a Member of Congress since 1983, goes after "people in Washington." Doh! --ABC-15 reports that the Arizona state capitol complex is now surrounded by razor wire after two nights of 'mostly-peaceful protest' against the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision on abortion. If you build a barricade against it, how can you give peace a chance? --Warren Buffet wants his $96 billion all spent within 10 years, mostly to help children around the world. Stephen Green is here to help the generous billionaire, and protect him from the irresponsible behavior of children. Our Mem

  • Adult Male Poser Does Hormonal 180, Takes Top Prize from Teen Girls in Skateboard Contest

    30/06/2022 Duration: 10min

    The former Richard Batres, a 29-year-old who calls himself Ricci Tres and ingests female hormones, just beat a 13-year-old girl to take the top prize money in a female skateboarding competition. But the strange thing about this latest iteration of erstwhile males grabbing glory over females, is the pushback. Will feminists continue to standby as women and girls are "bullied into silence"? Special thanks to Zo Rachel for stepping up this week so Bill Whittle can recover from minor surgery. Right Angle is a production of our Members, who enjoy untrammeled access to Backstage content and exclusive features of our site, a community of committed conservatives who are changing the narrative. Join us when you click the big green button at . To donate, without joining, click the big blue button. Either way, please receive our gratitude for your generosity.

  • After Dobbs, Whoopi Warns Clarence Thomas, "You Better Hope That They Don't Come for You Next"

    29/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of 'The View', issues a warning to Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas after his concurring opinion in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization. The Dobbs case, that overturned Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, sending the abortion issue back to state legislatures, inflamed the former comic actor. But who's the "they" Whoopi says might "come for" Thomas "next". Right Angle covers the news of the day in the context of enduring conservative values, thanks to our Members who fund its free distribution to many people who don't hear this message elsewhere. Join us by clicking the big green button at Special thanks to Alfonzo Rachel for sitting in for Bill Whittle this week. Catch Zo and Bill twice weekly in The Virtue Signal. Here's the archive:

  • A Cold Civil War: Are We Already In It? Why Does the Left Aggressively Push It?

    28/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    Are we in the midst of a cold civil war? How would we know if we were? What are the political, cultural and spiritual signs? What is it about the political Left that spurs them to aggressively foster division despite the risk of actual combat? Zo Rachel and Bill Whittle explore the morality behind the politics and culture that shape the daily news. The Virtue Signal is made possible by our Members and donor. To join, and access Members-only features of our site, click the big green button at . To donate, use the big blue button. Either way, we appreciate you.

  • Bad Teacher: Coming Mass Exodus from Profession as COVID-Stalled Students Frustrate Veterans

    27/06/2022 Duration: 09min

    A new survey shows a coming mass exodus from the teaching profession, mostly over frustration with COVID-stalled students who have fallen so far behind despite remote-learning efforts. What can be done to fix American public education in the wake of the pandemic? Stephen Green, Scott Ott and Bill Whittle create five new episodes of Right Angle each week, thanks to the contributions of our Members. If you'd like to learn more and join, click this link:

  • Hard Work: The Hot Forge of the American Dream Still Works If You Can Take the Heat

    27/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    If you really want something and are determined to get it, it requires hard work and persistence. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. Seek and you shall find. Bill Whittle and Zo Rachel explore "the inevitability of hard work and persistence." The Virtue Signal comes to you twice weekly because our Members support this work. Membership unlocks access to Backstage content, and a dynamic interactive experience with like-minded people on the blog, forums and comments at

  • Grace Notes: Supreme Court's Sotomayor Publicly Reveals Shocking Facts about Clarence Thomas

    24/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor's remarks on a peculiar aspect of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, giving us a glimpse into the hidden world of the high court, but also into the characters of Thomas and Sotomayor. Scott Ott, Stephen Green and Bill Whittle have produced a panel discussion news show five times weekly for more than a decade. Our Members support this work at

  • Walt Weeps: Disney Stock Dives as Woke Agenda Moves Media Giant Lightyears from Founder's Dream

    23/06/2022 Duration: 18min

    Disney stock price is down 50 percent since October, and the new Lightyear movie meets with audience apathy. Meanwhile, the media giant's new core mission, as the vanguard of the Woke agenda, goes to infinity and beyond. Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott create five new episodes of Right Angle weekly, thanks to your Members. Join them today, or just donate to support the work, at

  • Juneteenth: Republican National Holiday

    20/06/2022 Duration: 20min

    Democrats take credit for Juneteenth, and place the blame for institutional racism on Republicans. What a flippin' flip! Zo Rachel clears the record. The Virtue Signal is a production of our Members. Learn more at

  • Worth Less: Why No One from Biden to the Media Will Admit the Real Cause of Record Inflation

    20/06/2022 Duration: 15min

    The Biden White House rails against price gouging, Vladimir Putin, gas prices, and everything but the actual cause of inflation. It's not hard to understand why everything costs so much more now. In fact, even a few minutes with a Milton Friedman video or book, makes the real cause of record inflation crystal clear. Scott Ott, Stephen Green and Bill Whittle aren't afraid to speak the truth, and neither are the Members who fund this work. Thank you to those stalwart conservative patriots. To join them, click the big green button at

  • Gun Nuts: Can We Keep Weapons Out of the Hands of Crazy People? Who Decides Who's Crazy?

    17/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    A bipartisan agreement in Congress about gun violence focuses on keeping weapons out of the hands of mentally-ill persons. But who determines who's on the no-buy list, and how? Scott Ott, Stephen Green and Bill Whittle have co-hosted a news-talk show for more than a decade, five times each week, because people like you support the work with their hard-earned dollars. When you become a Member, you meet fellow conservatives on the Member-written blog, forums and comments, and access Backstage content. Click the big green button at

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