Andrew Farley



Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.


  • Is suicide an unforgivable sin?

    19/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Do we go immediately to Heaven after we die? My brother committed suicide, and I wonder if he could have a second chance with God? Is suicide an unforgivable sin? How did Catholicism perpetuate this idea? What do you think of the Freemasons movement?

  • Forgiven but judged? Makes no sense!

    18/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    If God remembers our sins no more, are we judged for them? Why does James say to confess our sins to one another? For what reason if we’re already forgiven? Why doesn’t God just forgive and save everyone?

  • What does “repent” really mean?

    17/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    What does repent actually mean in Acts 2:38? I go to three churches, so do I need to tithe to all of them? What does Jesus mean when He says in Matthew 17 that they don’t have mustard-seed-sized faith? My wife wants to divorce me. What should I do?

  • “I struggle with sexual fantasy…”

    16/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    What is the gift of tongues? I struggle with pornography and sexual fantasy. What can I do? I’ve been a worship leader for many years, but I’m frustrated with my church. How can we keep our worship organic and meaningful?

  • Turn children or visitors away from communion?

    15/04/2024 Duration: 54min

    Why do a variety of churches practice communion differently? Is church membership biblical? What does it mean to be not of this world? I argue with my friend about the Catholic view of transubstantiation. What are your thoughts? Why does God reference Able’s blood crying out? Are people who are murdered given another chance in the afterlife to repent and believe?

  • Complete in Christ - Part 2

    14/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    Discussion Questions for Colossians 1:22-2:6: Read verse 22 and react to this statement: I am reconciled to God and holy and blameless forever. Read verse 23. How does this passage respond to those who twist the meaning of this passage to promote a universal salvation? (Hint: Notice the “if” and the condition that follows.) Read verse 26-27 and Colossians 2:2. What is the mystery Paul is referring to? What does this mystery mean to you personally? Read verse 28. What does it mean for us to be complete in Christ? What practical implications does this have in your life? How does this help you avoid distractions? Read verse 29 and react to this statement: It’s not legalism to labor and strive according to God’s power at work within me. Read Colossians 2:2. In your own words, explain what is “the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding.” Read Colossians 2:6. What attitude or approach did we have at salvation? How can we walk in that same approach today (after we’re saved)?

  • “I’m a pastor and have never taught tithing!”

    13/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    What is the purpose of the Mark 7 discussion on dogs eating crumbs from the table? What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? I’ve been a pastor for many years and have never taught tithing. Grace giving works!

  • All or Nothing - Episode 2

    12/04/2024 Duration: 23min

     In this three-part series, Dr. Andrew Farley and Pastor Tim Chalas engage in entertaining conversation filled with surprising and powerful truths. This is a fun and freeing series you don’t want to miss!  

  • “Is their blood on our hands?”

    12/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    I’ve been told we need to confront other people about their struggles, or their blood is on our hands. Is this true? Is tithing for New Testament believers? How do you prove to Jehovah’s Witnesses that Jesus is God? Do humans really have free will? We make choices everyday, but aren’t we always slaves of something?

  • “Has my job become an idol?”

    10/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Why does the New Testament talk about harvest and reward? Does some of it refer to now? I was promoted in my job, but now I feel accused like I love it too much. How can I move forward, simply giving thanks and enjoying it? Am I gaining the whole world and losing my soul (Mark 8:36)?

  • Is there a spiritual Sabbath today?

    10/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Why don’t Christians follow the Law? What does “leaders who will give an account” mean in Hebrews 13? When is the Sabbath today? When should we gather to worship?

  • “Prepare myself to hear from God?”

    09/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    The once-for-all forgiveness message is powerful! I’m blown away by God’s grace as seen in Hebrews. I’m a new believer. How can you hear God’s voice? Do I need to prepare myself?

  • Falling over in church? (slain in the Spirit?)

    07/04/2024 Duration: 54min

    How can we best understand the rapture and the tribulation and the millennium? Are we still under the moral law? How does Jesus live through us? What is New Testament prophecy? Who are those with reprobate minds? Is God really slaying us in the Spirit? Are there new apostles today?

  • Complete in Christ - Part 1

    07/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    Discussion Questions for Colossians: Read verse 5. What does it mean to you that your hope is laid up in Heaven, fully protected by God? What does it mean for your salvation? Your inheritance? Read verse 6. React to this statement: The message of God’s grace is constantly bearing fruit all over the world. Read verses 9-10. How does this passage inspire a more Jesus-centered view of “knowing God’s will”? What is God’s will? What is the result of knowing it? Read verse 12. React to this statement: The Father has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints. Read verse 13. What exactly do you think this verse is describing? So, what happened to you? And when? Read verse 14. React to this statement: You already have both redemption and forgiveness in Christ. You don’t need to ask God daily for either one! Read verses 16-17. What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ is your Creator? What does this say about His knowledge of you? Read verse 18. React to this statement: Jesus already has first place in

  • Do you need more faith?

    06/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Why do we have to wait a thousand years for God to continue with His plan? Does the Bible support the concept of the Trinity? Why did the Israelites have to look at a bronze serpent to be healed? Should we be concerned with having more faith? What about a Christian who wants to end their life?

  • Why did Jesus have to die?

    05/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Should we only listen to Christian music? Who did Adam and Eve’s children marry? Do we know exactly when Jesus was crucified? Why did He have to die? Is the Old Testament still important today? Is the gift of tongues for every believer?

  • “Are there two different gospels?”

    03/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Are there two different Gospels? Why did Paul warn Timothy about people who have a form of godliness with no power to it? Is a person automatically sanctified if their spouse is a believer? I have a friend who is living with her boyfriend. Should I consider “not even eating with such a person”? What did Paul mean by that?

  • More than Faith in a Creator. More than the Cross.

    02/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Who were the holy people in Matthew 27 that were raised at the resurrection of Jesus? Are some people today saved just by believing in a Creator God? What kind of message was poisoning the church and spreading like cancer in 2 Timothy 2? My pastor told me if I left his church, it would be seven times harder for me to come back. What are your thoughts on his statement? Why did you emphasize the resurrection life of Jesus earlier and not talk about atonement for sins?

  • Will some believers be "left behind"? No!

    31/03/2024 Duration: 54min

    Why is the resurrection of Christ so important? What is the meaning of the Sabbath? Did it exist before the Law? What "form of godliness" that "denies the power" is Paul talking about in 2 Timothy 3? How is it "three days and three nights" if Jesus was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday? When exactly is the tribulation? How long does it last? If our bodies are holy and acceptable, then why do we need new bodies? Will some believers be "left behind" upon the return of Christ? Where is repentance in this gospel you preach? 

  • Two Acts of God - Part 2

    31/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    The resurrection holds a profound significance for each of us, and it is an event that brings hope and transformation to our lives. In this final part of our “Two Acts of God” series, we explore ten incredible reasons to be excited about Jesus rising from the dead. We’ll discover that the resurrection means our faith is not in vain and that we can rest assured that our salvation is permanent. We’ll also see how the resurrection (not just the cross!) is the source of a good conscience. Check out this message to deepen your understanding of Christ’s resurrection and celebrate the very core of our Christian faith! Discussion Questions: In your own words, what does the resurrection mean to you? Why is our faith “worthless” if Christ has not been raised? (see 1 Corinthians 15:17) React to this statement: I will be saved as long as Jesus lives. (see Hebrews 7:25) React to this statement: I have an imparted-life righteousness. (see Galatians 3:21) Why do you think Peter mentions the resurrection (not the cross) as

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