Public Eye Radio



British Columbia's only weekly radio show covering politics in Canada's westernmost province, hosted Sunday mornings on CFAX 1070 by award-winning investigative journalist Sean Holman.


  • Public Eye Radio - September 26, 2010

    26/09/2010 Duration: 01h23min

    The Vancouver Sun's Chad Skelton discusses the state of our freedom of information laws in advance of Right to Know Week. The president of the Canadian Bar Association's British Columbia branch Stephen McPhee gives us an update on the recently-established public commission on legal aid. Provincial New Democrat aboriginal relations and reconciliation critic Bob Simpson shares his thoughts on the Fish Lake controversy. And our rabble-rousing panel - Eleanor Gregory, Trevor Oram, Sheila Orr and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - September 19, 2010

    19/09/2010 Duration: 01h22min

    Provincial Green leader Jane Sterk discusses why her party isn't getting media traction even though British Columbians are looking for a political alternative. Electoral reformers Shoni Field and Wendy Bergerud talk about what might have happened if voters had cast their ballots in favour of the single-transferable vote system. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, David Cubberley, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - September 11, 2010


    Independent provincial legislator Blair Lekstrom joins us to discuss the woes of the government he recently left. Former MLA Dennis MacKay will also share his thoughts on the subject. And our rabble-rousing panel - Eleanor Gregory, Andrew MacLeod, Sheila Orr and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics. 

  • Public Eye Radio - September 5, 2010

    08/09/2010 Duration: 01h21min

    Federal Green leader Elizabeth May discusses her election chances in Saanich-Gulf Islands. Drug policy research Allan Cassels shares his thoughts on the Campbell administration's controversial changes to PharmaCare. Union of British Colmbia Indian Chiefs president Stewart Phillip talks about why a proposed mine near William's Lake could seriously damage the relationship between the aboriginal community and the government. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, David Cubberley and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - August 29, 2010

    01/09/2010 Duration: 01h24min

    Former provincial Conservative executive member Blake MacKenzie discusses his departure from the party. Journalist Charles Campbell, the author of the 2006 David Suzuki Foundation report Forever Farmland, talks up his recommendations for the new chair of the agricultural land commission, Richard Bullock. Provincial New Democrat energy, mines and petroleum resources critic John Horgan shares his thoughts on the Waneta expansion project. And our rabble-rousing panel - David Cubberley, Sheila Orr, the Times Colonist's Dave Obee and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - August 22, 2010


    Would-be federal Green leadership candidate Sylvie Lemieux discusses her effort to replace Elizabeth May. United Steelworkers District Three director Steve Hunt talks about bringing the Blue-Green Alliance to British Columbia. Norman Farrell and Laila Yuile share their plan to put pressure on the business groups that tried to legally derail the anti-harmonized sales tax petition. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, Eleanor Gregory, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - August 15, 2010

    20/08/2010 Duration: 01h27min

    BC Citizens for Public Power Michelle Laurie talks about the appointment of a public-private partnership friend and foe to BC Hydro Corp.'s board of directors. Bob Viergever, who ran a recall campaign against provincial New Democrat cabinet minister Paul Ramsey, discusses the challenges of that process. Federal Liberal parliamentarian Keith Martin shares his thoughts on the Tamil asylum seekers who have arrived in Victoria. And our rabble-rousing panel - David Cubberley, Eleanor Gregory, Sheila Orr and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics. 

  • Public Eye Radio - August 8, 2010

    13/08/2010 Duration: 01h22min

    Provincial New Democrat forests and range critic Norm Macdonald speaks out about the current forest fire season. Information and privacy commissioner Elizabeth Denham shares her thoughts on the government's response to freedom of information requests. The Times Colonist's Lindsay Kines discusses the latest developments in the Pickton case. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, Sheila Orr, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - August 1, 2010

    06/08/2010 Duration: 01h23min

    We speak with Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan about the economic challenges confronting her community - the terminus of the proposed Northern Gateway Project. Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of British Columbia president Phillip Hochstein discusses the Smart Tax Alliance's campaign in favour of the HST. And our rabble-rousing panel - A-Channel's Stephen Andrew, Eleanor Gregory, Harvey Oberfeld and Trevor Oram - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - July 25, 2010

    30/07/2010 Duration: 01h24min

    We speak with CropLife Canada regulatory affairs and non-ag uses director Pierre Petelle and West Coast Environmental Law Society staff counsel Andrew Gage about efforts to ban cosmetic pesticides in British Columbia. CKNW's Brett Mineer discusses his big scoop last week, revealing British Columbia Lottery Corp. had been fined more than $670,000 for over 1,000 violations of the Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Act. And our rabble-rousing panel - David Cubberley, Bob Russell, the Times Colonist's Rob Shaw and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - July 18, 2010

    23/07/2010 Duration: 01h24min

    British Columbia Civil Liberties Association policy director Micheal Vonn discusses why senior civil servants are expected to be able to "create a crisis to force change." West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country federal Liberal candidate Dan Veniez shares his thoughts on the conventional wisdom surrounding his party. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, David Cubberley, Eleanor Gregory and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - July 11, 2010

    16/07/2010 Duration: 01h23min

    We speak with federal Liberal health critic Carolyn Bennett about her party's new national food policy. Law student and conservative blogger Kathryn Marshall discusses her experience at last month's Wildrose Alliance convention in Alberta. Western Canada Wilderness Committee policy director Gwen Barlee shares her thoughts on why California doesn't consider our run-of-the-river power renewable. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, Dave Obee, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - July 4, 2010

    09/07/2010 Duration: 01h20min

    We speak with Council of Canadians regional organization Harjap Grewal and Xeni Gwet'in First Nation Chief Marilyn Baptiste about a controversial mining project near Williams Lake. Organizing for Change provincial lead Lisa Matthaus discuss her coalition's environmental goals for fiscal 2010/11. And our rabble-rousing panel -Don Anderson, Eleanor Gregory, Sheila Orr and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - June 27, 2010

    01/07/2010 Duration: 01h26min

    We speak with former provincial legislator Paul Nettleton about Blair Lekstrom's recent decision to quit the Liberal cabinet and caucus. Terrace mayor David Pernarowsk discusses the Northern Gateway Project and the northwest transmission line. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, David Cubberley, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - June 20, 2010

    24/06/2010 Duration: 01h25min

    We speak with Canadian Taxpayers Federation British Columbia director Maureen Bader about a big boost in the number of six-figure civil servants. Former BCTV reporter Harvey Oberfeld shares his thoughts on Sun TV. Polaris Institute director Tony Clark discusses why Western premiers shouldn't be drinking bottled water if they want to conserve fresh water. And our rabble-rousing panel - Eleanor Gregory, David Cubberley, Sheila Orr and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - June 13, 2010

    17/06/2010 Duration: 01h23min

    We speak with Vancouver school board chair Patti Bacchus about the ongoing dispute between her district and the provincial government. Former Peace River North independent candidate Arthur Hadland shares his thoughts on energy, mines and petroleum resources minister Blair Lekstrom's resignation, as will provincial Conservative strategist Randy White. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, David Cubberley, Sheila Orr and Bob Russell - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - June 6, 2010

    10/06/2010 Duration: 01h14min

    Community and Rural Development Minister Bill Bennett discusses the results of the province's recent local government elections task force. New Democrat legislator Doug Routley, the deputy chair of the special committee to review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, shares his thoughts on openness and transparency. And our rabble-rousing panel - Eleanor Gregory, The Tyee's Andrew MacLeod, the Times Colonist's Dave Obee and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - May 30, 2010

    02/06/2010 Duration: 01h22min

    We speak with Northern Gateway Alliance chair Colin Kinsley about Enbridge's controversial proposed pipeline. Simon Fraser University political science professor Patrick Smithdiscusses what could be in tomorrow's local government elections task force report. Provincial New Democrat forests and range critic Norm Macdonald shares his thoughts on wildfire preparedness in British Columbia. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, Eleanor Gregory, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - May 23, 2010

    27/05/2010 Duration: 01h25min

    We speak with the Nanaimo Daily News's Derek Spalding about his fight for Vancouver Island Health Authority records about the spread of a deadly virus at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. University of British Columbia health economist Bob Evans discusses his concerns about a healthcare funding review contract being directly awarded by the BC Progress Board to a former Fraser Institute staffer. Provincial New Democrat children and family development critic Maurine Karagianis shares her thoughts on the select standing committee on children and youth's child poverty hearing. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson, Eleanor Gregory, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

  • Public Eye Radio - May 16, 2010

    20/05/2010 Duration: 01h25min

    We speak with Healthy Living and Sport Minister Ida Chong about the province's new meat regulations. Ryserson University journalism professor John Miller discusses what Canadians can expect from the new owners of CanWest Global Communications Corp.'s newspapers. Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs president Stewart Phillip shares his thoughts on the relationship between the government and the children and youth representative. And our rabble-rousing panel - Don Anderson,Michael Geoghegan, Bob Russell and Allan Warnke - debate the week that was in provincial and federal politics.

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