Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges



Live Your True Life Perspectives with Ashley Berges, a syndicated talk show, that offers real answers to lifes most important questions, from relationships to common sense authentic living. #LYTL Perspectives offers topics that are relevant to you and full of entertaining stories. Ashley has a magnetic personality and is a skilled therapist. You no longer need to pay for counseling and or success coaching. #LYTL Perspectives creates awesome driveway moments, that keep you in your car listening to the show for life changing stories, authentic advice, and impactful reality checks that only Ashley offers her listeners.


  • 86: Their life is so amazing; what’s wrong with my life?

    12/01/2014 Duration: 43min

    When other people tell you about their life and adventures you think the absolute best but when it comes to you, the opposite. Don’t believe all you hear because most of it just isn’t true.

  • 85: Stop your excuses and keep your New Year’s Resolution today.

    05/01/2014 Duration: 44min

    Berges offers her proven techniques for aiding you into successful fulfillment of your New Year’s Resolution.

  • 84: Get your New Year’s Resolution right this year!

    29/12/2013 Duration: 44min

    80% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions but only 12% are successful. Do you want to be successful? Berges gives you the formula for a successful New Year’s Resolution.

  • 83: What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

    23/12/2013 Duration: 44min

    Are you doing what you want to do on NYE? Or did you buy into the hype?

  • 82:How to successfully be alone for the holidays.

    16/12/2013 Duration: 44min

    Tonight’s edition of Perspectives is centered around successfully deal with the holiday crowds, what to do this holiday if you don’t have people to spend it with, and how to deal with the holiday parties or having no holiday parties to attend.

  • 81: How to deal with difficult relatives.

    09/12/2013 Duration: 44min

    Good people, the people we love can still give us challenges, some may say grief, but all and all the holiday season and family stress is a situation and emotional state that over 3/4ths of the American population find themselves in year after year. This stress, the tipping point I call it, begins the week before Thanksgiving and continues a few days after New Years Day. The holiday season can bring out the best and worst in anyone and the stress during the season comes at you from many directions. On tonight’s Perspectives, we’re beginning our discussion on holiday stressors and how you can beat them this year! The holidays can be overwhelming for some and depressing for others.

  • 80: Can dreams really come true?

    02/12/2013 Duration: 46min

    Lillie McCloud from the X Factor joins Berges on PerspectivesIf you listened to last week’s show, synthetic news is out of your life and you have a brand new happy YOU! Because you’re reborn, we’re talking about dreams, can dreams really come true? Can we create our own destiny? Can we conjure reality and keep it for ourselves?

  • 79: What is synthetic news?

    25/11/2013 Duration: 44min

    What is synthetic news? Why do we watch and succumb to synthetic news? We’re discussing who produces the most synthetic non-news and how to safeguard yourself from its fear based protocol. You can stop living in fear today by listening to this episode of Perspectives.

  • 78: How to protect yourself against the games people play.

    11/11/2013 Duration: 43min

    Joining Perspectives: Scott Reich, author of “The Power of Citizenship”: Why John F Kennedy Matters to a New GenerationPerspectives brings to light the games people play, but more importantly we’re discussing how to arm yourself against the games and the people. How to know if their game has anything to do with you.

  • 77: When is it appropriate to give TMI?

    04/11/2013 Duration: 44min

    We’re talking TMI and what it means to do your people homework! Perspectives begins with, “Don’t bullshit when you don’t know, ask!”

  • 76: How to be in the right place at the right time.

    27/10/2013 Duration: 44min

    Perspectives is talking about being in the right place at the right time. How making plans and sticking to them puts you in the right place at the right time. Berges tells you exactly how to put yourself in the right places, meeting the right people, and ending up knowing yourself better. Berges gives the 3 true ways to being in the right place at the right time without the use of anything outside of yourself.

  • 75: Are you your worst enemy?

    20/10/2013 Duration: 44min

    We’re talking YOU tonight. Last week we discussed the “others” and the part they play in your life. Tonight, we discuss your role in your own life and how you can be your worst enemy. Self Sabotage is something we’ve all engaged in at one time or another. Some of us self sabotage ourselves every time we get close to something good in our life.

  • 74: Don’t let others sidetrack you from your life path.

    13/10/2013 Duration: 46min

    How to maintain focus to continue on your life path. You don’t live alone on this planet, you live amongst others. Your “others” are categorized into three groups. These groups can help you stick to your life path or get you off target. Tonight’s show reveals your “others,” the situations you may find yourself, and how to avoid being sidetracked on your life path.

  • 73: Make frustration work for YOU

    06/10/2013 Duration: 44min

    How to make frustration work for you instead of letting get the best of you. Tonight’s show is dedicated to frustrated people everywhere who want to make something awesome happen, in their life.

  • 72: Actions speak louder than words.

    29/09/2013 Duration: 45min

    Actions Speak Louder than Words tonight on Perspectives. At the top of the hour we examine being thankful/grateful for what we have in our life. What are you thankful for? When you realize what you are thankful for, you begin to acknowledge and be grateful, and you bring more beautiful things to your life.

  • 71: Going against all odds.

    22/09/2013 Duration: 46min

    Guests: Generation Iron, director and writer, Vlad YudinAshley and the Perspectives Crew discuss dedication, believe, understanding with eventual elimination of distractions, and going against all odds. Throughout your life people will tell you, you can’t do something. Those times are critical to your future. Will you listen and believe them, let them hold you back, or will you go against the odds and make your dreams realities?

  • 70: Do you care too much?

    15/09/2013 Duration: 42min

    In tonight’s episode, Ashley and the Perspectives Crew discuss The War Cry, what it is in your life, and how it ultimately relates to you. Their is a complete difference between taking on other’s problems versus empathy on a healthy level. How much caring is too much? Find out now.

  • 69: Are you depressed or feeling down, it’s time to change your perspective.

    08/09/2013 Duration: 44min

    Your perspective on life is directly related to what you see, who and what you talk about, and the people and situations you surround yourself. What color glasses are you seeing the world through?

  • 68: How to release what no longer serves you.

    01/09/2013 Duration: 45min

    Berges and the Perspectives crew discuss how to release what no longer serves you, in your life. It’s human to acquire habits and people in our life that don’t help but harm us. We are notorious for self-sabtoge and self-sabotging behavior. In order to stop battling and embark on your destiny, you must remove what infects you.

  • 67: What sacrifices will you make to achieve your goals?

    25/08/2013 Duration: 07min

    Berges opens this episode of Perspectives with some heavy hitting issues that attack all of us. Perspectives Purpose Series show #8 is discussing and effectively dealing with life obstacles that get in the way of you achieving your soul’s purpose. Anyone who’s ever had to give up an addiction like caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, and internet understand how making a life change can help and momentarily hurt your flow.

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