Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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LIVE WED 12 PM ET/11AM CT/10MT/9PT What if you really can have it all?  Noreally? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we playfully explore topics from money to magic, healing to wholeness, creation, relationship, business and more. Theres no place we wont go, nothing too wacky or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of opposites attract and the result is true synergistic power.  Partnered in love and in business, theyre taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Life, & All Things Weird, where we will talk about living a life thats inspired, overflowing, and completely awesome.   Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


  • Do You Sabotage Your Change?


    Have you ever noticed you start changing a behavior or pattern and it really goes well for a few weeks and then you suddenly find yourself back at square one or even worse than when you started? What happened? Are there some things that just can’t change? Are some of us just broken? This week, we continue our conversation about change.  We will be exploring why we sabotage change and what you can do about it so you can successfully change the areas that you’ve not had success no matter what you’ve tried. The question for you is “Are you ready to actually change?” Ready for some Tools to Change Your Relationships? Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Got Change? ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    Do you know deep down in your bones you can change anything? If you don’t know that, would you like to? What change have you desired that has been out of reach no matter what you’ve tried? Would you like to receive live facilitation to assist you in changing that pesky thing/pattern/belief that really needs to be gone for good? Megan and I have radically changed virtually every area of our life in the last 18 months, even deep rooted patterns we’ve played out for 40-50 years. Isn’t it time for some change in your world? If you said YES, join us live as we explode the myth that some things just aren’t changeable and give you the tools to change anything. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • How to Find the AND in YOUR Relationship ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    Come celebrate our 6th year anniversary with us!  We will share how we (two complete opposites) continue to move from an either/or place to creating a beautiful AND in our relationship.  This dance has not always been easy but it IS our priority and the rewards have been breathtaking and beyond words. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Enjoying our relationship series and desire more?  We created a 3 part video series called "The Best Relationship Advice We Never Got" and it's only $47 during April. (Put in the code APRILFOOLS) $97 after April 30th. Check it out here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • How the Big V Leads to the Big O ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    For how many of you has vulnerability been a 4 letter word?  We think that to be vulnerable is to be weak, but having our guard up only creates separation.  Vulnerability is the key to intimacy, connection, and YES better sex. Join us as WE get vulnerable and share with you our journey into vulnerability. Enjoying our relationship series and desire more?  We created a 3 part video series called "The Best Relationship Advice We Never Got" and it's only $47 during April. (Put in the code APRILFOOLS) $97 after April 30th. Check it out here: Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • How Open is Your Relationship? Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    Say what?  What do you mean open?  Shouldn’t I be controlling everything about my relationship including my partner’s sexual energy? We go to control in our relationship so we can feel safe.  But what if control wasn’t actually giving you safety at all?  What if you could truly celebrate your partner, your relationship and still create a container that included freedom AND safety.  Join us to learn how. Enjoying our relationship series and desire more?  We created a 3 part video series called "The Best Relationship Advice We Never Got" and it's only $47 during April. (Put in the code APRILFOOLS) $97 after April 30th. Check it out here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • I’m Right You’re, Wrong! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    At the base of every conflict, is a basic fight to be right and to prove your person is wrong.  Douglas Adams said “I'd far rather be happy than right any day”.  And yet, the need to be right is a tough one to let go of. Join us as we talk about what it takes to really move from the either/or conflict of "I’m right, you’re wrong" to a place of co –creation and happiness. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Enjoying our relationship series and desire more?  We created a 3 part video series called "The Best Relationship Advice We Never Got" and it's only $47 during April. (Put in the code APRILFOOLS) $97 after April 30th. Check it out here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Never Feel Alone Again ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


    Have you ever felt really alone in your life thinking that if you just had that special someone, you wouldn’t?  And then, you start a relationship, and end up feeling alone anyway? Whether you’re in relationship or flying solo, join us this week as we talk about the key ingredient in feeling totally fulfilled in your life. Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?


    Sometime after the honeymoon, in virtually every relationship, there comes a point where you ask yourself the question, is it worth it to continue this? So how do you know?  Especially when it gets complicated, when there are really great things and really hard things, there are kids involved, or other circumstances that make it complex and unclear. Join us as we give you 5 powerful questions to create space and clarity as you choose more fully in or out of your relationship. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Have a Torrid Love Affair


    Remember those first stolen kisses?  The sexual chemistry palpable between you?  The way you lived on nothing but love fumes, over the moon excited for that next call, your next touch, your next rendezvous. So why not choose a love affair today? Experience your partner through new eyes.  Join us for the keys to unlocking the passion again in your relationship. P.S. What we’re suggesting might really surprise you! Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • THE Invisible Tug of War of Relationship


    Ever feel rejected by your partner even though you know it’s not personal? Ever react to your significant other wanting to pursue something that doesn’t involve you? Do you notice sometimes you push your lover away and don’t have a good reason why? Ever crave more intimacy in your relationship but don’t know how to create it? If you said Yes, join us as we reveal what’s really going on here and how you can open a space for the ultimate dance of relationship intimacy. P.S. This is NOT talked about in relationship books or couples therapy and it IS occurring in your relationship.  Give yourself the gift of more awareness and listen in. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • That’s Just the Way it Is!!!


    Are there hidden places and spaces where you are pretending you have “no choice”?  Some favorites are: “The Doctor says I have to take that medication.” “I’m on a fixed income. “ “Of course I’m slowing down, I’m 50!” “I have kids so “… “ I don’t know anything about business” “He won’t let me” Join us as we unveil the ways you are living in a no-choice universe and open you up to the freedom, possibility and empowerment. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Are Your Money Goals Costing You?


    A typical business coach would tell you to set your money goal for the year and strive to achieve it.  But, what if your six-figure income goal is robbing you of your true riches? Did you know the original etymology of the word goal was “Jail”?  What if all your goal setting is a way to keep you imprisoned in your limitations? What if your life and living is asking for so much more?  Could your money goals actually be creating limitation in your life instead of possibility and opportunity? Join us as we go beyond money goals into a whole new way of being with money that leads to a deeper sense of wellbeing and prosperity. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Are you trapped in the “Decoy Dungeon of Despair?”


    Are your goals and intentions for the New Year disturbingly similar to last year’s goal, and the year before that, and the year before that and… you get the idea? Or, it’s the 2nd week in January, and you’ve already got off track with your goals? If that strikes a chord, don’t stress.  You may have trapped yourself in a cycle we’re playfully calling the “Decoy Dungeon of Despair”.  Ha Ha But truthfully, it sucks to feel like a hamster on a wheel continually moving but seemingly not making real progress. What if the actual reason you’re not successful is you’ve been creating decoy goals that distract you from your true desires.  For example, you keep saying that 20 pounds has to go which not only distracts you from your true desire of being in communion with your body but it actually prevents you from connecting to it. Join us as we clear you subterfuge and guide you to claim your deepest desires and the life you’re truly meant to have. Join our

  • Consistency is the Key – NOT!


    “Consistency is the Key to Success”…how many times have you heard this in one form or another?  About a million.  And yet, how do you FEEL when you read that?  Does it feel light?  Or does it feel heavy?  Remember, light is what’s true for you.  And heaviness has a lie attached.  Would you agree that judging yourself harshly for your inconsistency is pretty much the only thing you’ve done consistently your whole life?  What if inconsistency is actually a potency and not a wrongness?  And can you even imagine how free you could feel if you harnessed the potency of inconsistency and expressed it, like fireworks, in your life and your business? Join us as we deconstruct the myth of consistency in business and life. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Celebrate Your Failures


    What if you could give yourself a total win for 2015 and come into the New Year on a platform of success? What if you could begin 2016 with true confidence knowing in your bones the creator of magnitude you truly are? Join us as we take you on a journey through your fabulous one of a kind creations of 2015, so you are ready to soar in the New Year. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Holiday Hotline


    Call in LIVE this week and get some coaching on creating a happy holiday season for you and your family. Are you experiencing any of the following:  Family drama?  Crazy holiday expectations that are adding pressure to your life?  Bad weather, bad traffic, and grumpy people that are sucking the life out of your holiday spirit? Money pressures? Why not join us LIVE Dec 16th and Dec 23rd for what's sure to be a raucous fun time and some much needed holiday clearings! Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Live From Australia


    When we ask folks about their “Having it All” life, most often it includes traveling and exploring the world.   So, why is that? What is it that travel gives us that nothing else does?  Is it something your soul desires?  Or perhaps something your body requires?  What if it’s what the earth requires too? Join us as we explore this juicy topic LIVE from Australia.  We will be getting up at 3 am Aussie time for your listening pleasure.  But don’t worry, you can still sleep in and join us at 10 am MT. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Who Do You Think You Are?


    How many times have you heard this or asked this of yourself? Perhaps when you are putting out a new program or product into the world? Or you’re standing up for something you believe in? Or moving past an old family paradigm? Or radically questioning the status quo? How many of us have this nagging thought that we aren’t good enough, that we’re too small, or too insignificant in order to make a change, or BE the change we want to see in the world. How many times have we heard “How dare you?” If you’re nodding your head, then we’re here to tell you a little secret…. Its people like you, like us… that have this worry, this thought, this nagging doubt….who are the very people meant to change the world; who are BIG enough, brave enough, weird enough, and audacious enough to stick our neck out, get way too big for our britches and fucking change the world! Join us for an awesome conversation about leaning in and getting through this with more ease and more fun!      http://livingyourso

  • You’re Too Much!


    Have you ever been accused of being too much? Too sensitive, too emotional, too passionate, too happy, too silly, too direct, too sexual, too weird, too aggressive, too __________ (fill in the blank). We’ve all had those moments where we’re choosing a BIG expression in the moment, sometimes even a truly authentic expression of who we really are. And yet, the response from others is: “There is seriously something wrong with you.” “What drugs are you on?” “You are crazy!” “You must be losing it.” “Could you tone it down a bit?” And then, often, we internalize it, take it personally, and make them right. We shut down, dim our light, and stop. In this week’s show we go deep and talk about what’s really going on here, what the gift of all of this is and equip you with tools and clearings to get to the other side of this issue. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:  https://www

  • What’s Your Financial Inheritance?


    Are you your richest relative or do you have an inheritance coming down the family line? Either way, what if I told you that you’ve inherited a whole lot more than you bargained for. Starting early in childhood, we adopt our parent’s limiting beliefs, patterns and points of view about money. Their financial filters become ours and soon we are off to the races playing someone else’s money game by default instead of creating our own. So, what unconscious gunk have you taken on that if you let it go would change your financial inheritance and your children’s and grandchildren’s. Isn’t it time to change your inheritance? You’re family line might thank you. Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

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