Harris Creek Baptist Church



This is the weekly sermon podcast from Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. Visit www.harriscreek.org for more information.


  • You Can Run, But You Can't Hide | Jonah 1

    16/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    The book of Jonah is a story about a man running from God’s call on his life. However, the most important part of the story isn’t Jonah running away from God, but God running after Jonah. Even in our faithlessness, God is still faithful!1) Jonah knew what God wanted, but did what he wanted2) Jonah’s sin impacted everyone on the boat3) Jonah couldn’t outrun God’s grace

  • I AM: The Resurrection and The Life

    09/04/2023 Duration: 43min

    1) The World is broken2) Jesus came to undo the brokenness3) Jesus invited doubters into the undoing 

  • Good Friday 2023

    07/04/2023 Duration: 19min
  • I AM: The True Vine

    02/04/2023 Duration: 42min
  • I AM: The Way, The Truth and The Life

    26/03/2023 Duration: 47min

    Have you ever been lost before? Do you remember what it felt like? How would you feel if someone gave you directions to get where you were going, only to follow those directions and find out they took you to the wrong place? As we continue our series, I AM, JP teaches through John 14, explaining what Jesus means when He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."1) What does it mean when he says "I am the Way"2) What does is mean when he says "I am the Truth" 3) What does Jesus mean when he says "I am the Life"

  • I AM: The Good Shepherd

    19/03/2023 Duration: 35min

    While many of us crave independence, we were made for submission to the Shepherd. When Jesus declares He is the Good Shepherd, He calls us to follow His leadership into green pastures and still waters.1) Sheep delight in the care of their Shepherd2) Sheep follow the voice of their Shepherd3) Sheep submit to the authority of their Shepherd

  • I AM: The Gate

    12/03/2023 Duration: 37min

    Jesus declares that He is the Gate, which really means He is our protection from our enemy. While the enemy wants to destroy us, Jesus has saved us!1) Beware of thieves2) Jesus is our protection3) Jesus is the only way to an abundant life

  • I AM: The Bread of Life

    26/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    What’s the longest you’ve gone without food? What do you think is the longest you could go without food? This past Wednesday, we started the season of Lent, the 40-days leading up to Easter. To embrace this season, we are starting a new sermon series called "I AM". To kick off our new series, JP teaches through John 6 where Jesus calls himself the bread of life, teaching us where true sustenance and life is found.1) Stuff leaves us empty, while The Savior is enough 2) Jesus came here in the flesh to take us home forever 3) We have access, we need only appetite 

  • Revival?

    19/02/2023 Duration: 39min

    When this sermon was recorded on February 19, 2023, there was a gathering at Asbury University that had been going on for over a week. Many people were calling this a revival. What exactly is a revival? To help us better understand, JP interviews Dr. Steve Seamands, who was at Asbury during the 1970 Asbury Revival, as well the beginning of what was happening at Asbury at the time of this sermon.

  • Fool Proof Counsel

    12/02/2023 Duration: 47min
  • Fool Proof Words

    05/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    We know words have the power of life and death yet we too often don’t choose our words wisely. We can have our words change by allowing God to change our hearts and then we can bring life to those around us with our words. 1) Don’t waste words2) Foolish words bring death3) Wise words bring life

  • Fool Proof Conflict

    29/01/2023 Duration: 41min

    Since we live in a broken world, conflict with others is inevitable. The good news is Proverbs has given us direction on how to wisely do conflict in a way that honors God. 1) In conflict, the wise fight to understand,2) In conflict, the wise fight to be gentle,3) In conflict, the wise fight to forgive

  • Fool Proof Love

    22/01/2023 Duration: 45min

    When it comes to love and marriage, where do you get your information and guidance? Music and movies have a lot to say about the topic, but what exactly does media and entertainment teach us? As we continue our series, Fool Proof, JP teaches through the topic of adultery and how to fool proof your love and marriage by teaching through Proverbs 5:15-23.1) Do not go outside your marriage2) Be captivated by who you have3) Discipline yourself to escape death

  • Fool Proof Week 1 - Introduction to the Fool Proof Life

    08/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    Proverbs is written in order to help us live wisely. We’ll see from the opening verses of Proverbs that in order to grow in wisdom we need to have the right posture and seek out the right person. 1) Wisdom starts with a posture of humility2) Wisdom starts with the person of Jesus

  • New Years Day 2023

    01/01/2023 Duration: 15min

    As we flip the calendar to a New Year, it's important for us to reflect on what God has done in this past year. What has He taught us? What are the sins we need to leave behind?1) The people of God need to remember what God has done2) We share what God has done to encourage each other

  • 2022 Christmas Eve

    24/12/2022 Duration: 32min

    It’s Christmas Eve! Where does your attention go during the Christmas season? Is it more about Jesus’ birth or about all the gifts and things you have going on in life? If we aren’t careful, we can start with Jesus but then the attention will shift toward ourselves. As we finish our series, “It’s Complicated,” we examine the complications around Jesus’ birth and the complications for us today as we celebrate His birthday.1) Division 2) Travel 3) Unforeseen Circumstances 4) Accommodations 5) Work 

  • Make the Most of Your Time

    18/12/2022 Duration: 33min
  • The Most Difficult Time of The Year

    11/12/2022 Duration: 43min

    When you are going through grief or loneliness in the Christmas season, it seems like there is no place for you. In this sermon we look at who our God is in the midst of our grief and who we can be to those who are grieving. The Lord hears youThe Lord is near to youThe Lord will deliver you

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