P. Andrew Sandlin's Podcasts, Preaching, And Lectures

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 111:01:22
  • More information



Full-orbed biblical Reformational truth by the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership.


  • Christian Redemption — Individual or Cosmic?

    01/11/2015 Duration: 27min

    Two mostly competing views of redemption have emerged among conservatives. The one we embrace shapes our entire outlook on life and eternity.

  • The Prerequisite of Common Grace

    01/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    Crucial to the Christian worldview is common grace, God's kindness toward and gifts to unbelievers, and a critical means of preserving continuity in history to expand his Kingdom.

  • Volcanic Reformation

    01/11/2015 Duration: 44min

    Christians must abandon their spiritual somnolence and dead orthodoxy and rouse themselves to hold onto God if they are to expect any church or cultural reformation.

  • Family Is Gospel

    30/10/2015 Duration: 31min

    You can't get the Gospel right if you get the family wrong.

  • Bad Church Ideas that Produce Bad Political Consequences

    28/10/2015 Duration: 31min

    Pietism, Apocalypticism, and Retreatism — these are bad church ideas that are responsible for much of the political apostasy baptizing our present society.

  • Being Distinctively Christian in a Destructively Anti-Christian Time

    16/10/2015 Duration: 43min

    A wide-ranging interview by Allison Burr from "Cultivating the Kingdom" on the meaning of the Gospel, the role of Christian education, the Christianity of the American Founders, the philosophical "inward turn" of existentialism, expectation in prayer, and much, much more.

  • The Gospel That Redeems Culture

    27/07/2015 Duration: 36min

    Conservative Christianity is now paying a heavy price for the underdeveloped gospel it has preached for the last few generations. The cosmological gospel of Jesus Christ designed to reorient an entire sinful cosmos is the robust gospel that can — and will — reverse our present cultural apostasy.

  • Cultural Redemption Is Gospel Ministry

    27/07/2015 Duration: 36min

    Gospel ministry is not chiefly about redeeming sinners for heaven but redeeming a sinful world in all of its dimensions. The best gospel ministers (in pulpit, classroom, auto repair shop, software lab, art house, state house, investment house) are those who practice this world-redeeming gospel.

  • The Munus Triplex: The Three-Fold Cure

    05/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Only Jesus Christ is the cure for human confusion, human autonomy, and human guilt.

  • God's Stunning Providence

    05/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    If you understand God's providence, you will be filled with comfort even in the most dire circumstances — God is not far off. He's constantly "meddling" in His world.

  • God's Truth for Single Young Adults

    05/06/2015 Duration: 36min

    Our apostate times are hazardous for single young adults. God's Word shows them how to avoid the hazards.

  • What the Gospel Is and Isn't

    05/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    The Gospel isn't a self-help plan or a ticket to ride to heaven.

  • Cease To Do Evil, Learn to Do Well

    05/06/2015 Duration: 35min

    We often hear today that the exhortation "Quit sinning" is a Pharisaic, grace-less moralism. It is nothing of the kind. The critics are often simply influenced by the antinomian temper of our times.

  • The Gospel Worldview I

    21/02/2015 Duration: 26min

    What it means to see and live in the world in terms of the Gospel, part I.

  • The Gospel Worldview II

    21/02/2015 Duration: 33min

    What it means to see and live in the world in terms of the Gospel, part 2.

  • Bodily Sacrifice

    21/02/2015 Duration: 30min

    Jesus Christ's holistic claims on us

  • What In This World Is the Will of God

    21/02/2015 Duration: 26min

    Explodes false, mystical evangelical theories about God's will.

  • Why Christian Culture

    18/11/2014 Duration: 30min

    The secular plausibility structure and its implementation as both the sexual revolution and economic rigging have created a sin-sick culture in the West that only a new Christian culture can heal. Christian culture reflects confident truth in an age of chaotic relativism, offers liberating redemption in a time of enslaving depravity, and inspires joyous hope amid an environment of cynical despair.

  • Christian Culture: Roots and Reign

    15/11/2014 Duration: 45min

    Christian Culture is rooted in the creation order and in ancient Israel. It sprouted in the Constantinian Edict of Milan and flowered in Byzantium and in medieval Europe. It blossomed in the Protestant Reformation. Not to know THIS culture is to be ignorant of vast stretches of Western civilization and to be impotent in confronting our present apostate culture.

  • Christian Culture: Ruin and Restoration

    15/11/2014 Duration: 36min

    Christian culture in Europe, Russia and North America was ruined by many factors, but one of the most destructive was the Kantian "flight to the interior," which abandoned vast stretches of "public" life to anti-Christian forces. A paradigm for the reversal of this ruin can be found in the neo-Reformational paradigm of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, Herman Dooyeweerd , and Cornelius Van Til. All of life must be redeemed by recourse to God's written Word.

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