P. Andrew Sandlin's Podcasts, Preaching, And Lectures

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 111:01:22
  • More information



Full-orbed biblical Reformational truth by the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership.


  • Answered Prayers Should Be Routine

    02/11/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Bible does not hold up the saints of those eras as enjoying more successful prayer lives than ours.

  • Christian Worldview Versus Gnosticism, Escapism, Pietism, and Defeatism

    31/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    Alien worldviews in the church have rendered it impotent against an unbelieving cultural onslaught.

  • Retreat Is Not an Option

    30/10/2021 Duration: 03min

    Kingdom advancement is the goal of Christian life on earth. 

  • Prayer Changes Things, and Prayer Changed Me

    26/10/2021 Duration: 14min

    A short autobiographical message on the power of prayer to change a life. 

  • Apostasy, Perseverance, and Assurance

    24/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    All of those justified in Jesus Christ are eternally secure, but all who abandon the Faith are without hope and destined to eternal judgment. 

  • Prayer, Fuel of the Kingdom

    24/08/2021 Duration: 41min

    No single human factor contributes more to the advance of Christ’s kingdom than mighty, faith-drenched, persevering prayer. 

  • The High Cost of Low Expectations

    10/08/2021 Duration: 42min

    Every generation historically claims it lives in unprecedented times, but certain aspects of our times are in fact objectively unprecedented, and they are unprecedentedly evil as a result of one great philosophical twist and one great ecclesial heresy. The Christian calling is to overturn these ideational errors, restore the Faith, and take back the West for Jesus Christ.

  • Fruits of a Theology of a Culture of Grace

    06/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    Western civilization and its multitudinous blessings are unthinkable apart from Christendom. As the West abandons Christianity, it cuts itself off from the societal lifeblood that makes it possible. It’s a form of cultural suicide. 

  • Roots of a Theology of a Culture of Grace

    05/08/2021 Duration: 51min

    God’s grace is not individualistically soteriological. He saves only those who trust in His Son, but His grace is so powerful and pervasive that it gradually transforms all of culture and life. We must be Genesis 1-2 Christians, not Genesis 3 Christians. 

  • The Greatness of the Holy Spirit

    06/06/2021 Duration: 45min

    The ontic Trinity is not a hierarchy, and the Holy Spirit is every bit as great as the Father and Son. Subordinating his greatness is both heretical and blasphemous. 

  • Soteriological Apostasy: Moralism, Antinomianism, and Their Cure

    05/06/2021 Duration: 15min

    Positing good works as a means of justification is apostate moralism. Refusing to posit good works as an inescapable fruit of justification is apostate antinomianism. 

  • Bronze for Gold

    05/06/2021 Duration: 23min

    Forgiveness rarely restores us to the previous glory, and nothing short of a white-hot devotion to Jesus Christ will suffice to protect us from evil. 

  • How Our Culture Has Become Gnosticized

    19/04/2021 Duration: 45min

    The oldest, most pernicious, and most persistent Christian heresy has now become the underlying heresy of our culture. Expressive individualism, same-sex “marriage,” “transgenderism,” and Cultural Marxism are all deeply Gnostic.

  • The Greatness of the Church

    19/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    Why is the church great? Because it is (1) the custodian of orthodoxy, (2) the community of memory, (3) God’s prized possession, and (4) God’s agency for victory in history.

  • Our Marxist Church and Culture —Critical Race Theory

    17/04/2021 Duration: 49min

    The old, classical Marxism was about coercive  economic equality. The new cultural Marxism is about coercive (un)ethical equality. And Critical Race Theory is about coercive racial inequality, a new form of dangerous racism.

  • Take Heed

    08/03/2021 Duration: 31min

    The failure of today’s church is principally a failure of leadership. The cure: mighty men of God, bold, sacrificial, devout, exemplary, Bible-drenched, prayer-addicted, church-loving. 

  • The Greatness of Victorious Eschatology

    25/02/2021 Duration: 36min

    The modern conservative church has been plagued by pessimistic, unbelieving, and anorexic eschatology. The biblical hope of a glorious future on the earth should animate all we do.

  • The Biblical Gospel Versus the Marxist Gospel

    25/02/2021 Duration: 43min

    The Marxist gospel is good news to lazy, irresponsible, envious rebels. It must be demolished by the biblical Gospel.

  • The Greatness of Jesus Christ

    25/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    Jesus Christ is great for many, many reasons. Here are two of them: he is the mediator of creation, and exercises his Lordship over all the cosmos. Second, he loves righteousness and hates lawlessness.This is the Lord that we serve, and his greatness in these matters and all others is incomparable.

  • The Greatness of Answered Prayer

    21/02/2021 Duration: 36min

    The Bible does not so much hold up prayer as great, but answered prayer. The failure of church and Christianity in culture, and the failures of our lives, are largely due to our lack of bold, uncompromising, fervent prayer based on the promises of the Word of God.

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