Judge John Hodgman



John Hodgman's Today in the Past podcast is now The Judge John Hodgman Podcast. Have your pressing issues decided by Famous Minor Television Personality John Hodgman, Certified Judge. If you'd like John Hodgman to solve your pressing issue, simply email it, along with your phone number, to hodgman@maximumfun.org. THAT IS ALL.


  • Call in the Family

    18/07/2012 Duration: 35min

    Katy brings this case against her older brother Steve, who refuses to leave voicemails.

  • Antisocial Networking

    04/07/2012 Duration: 39min

    Lauren brings this case against her friend work-spouse Mike. When is it rude to use your phone in the company of a friend? How much texting is too much? Only one man can decide!

  • Crumber vs. Crammer

    27/06/2012 Duration: 45min

    Scott and Jennifer are a married couple who both admit they're kind of messy -- but who's the real slob here?

  • A Quashed Plot Never Spoils

    20/06/2012 Duration: 41min

    BE WARNED: If you're sensitive to spoilers, be ready to turn down the volume! Andrew and Adam are roommates and avid media consumers. Andrew badgered Adam to start watching one of his own favorite shows, and Adam eventually gave in. However, Adam says an off-hand comment from Andrew -- spoiler alert! -- ruined one of the character's story arcs for his friend. Should Andrew be held responsible for ruining his friend's viewing experience?

  • Nature Versus Nerd-ture

    14/06/2012 Duration: 45min

    Alex and Kristina are a couple of admittedly nerdy people, and they disagree about where to send their future children for summer camp -- to nerd camp to indulge in whatever geeky pursuits they desire, or to a typical summer camp to play Capture the Flag.

  • My Dinner with Ennui

    06/06/2012 Duration: 45min

    Holly and Todd are writing partners who meet at the same restaurants every week. Holly feels their habitual meals are stifling her creativity; Todd thinks it frees up his mind to focus on other things. Who is right?

  • Sibling Drivalry

    31/05/2012 Duration: 46min

    Luis insists his big sister Alejandra monopolizes the use of their shared vehicle. Alejandra says Luis refuses rides and then pouts. Who is right?

  • Chevy Case

    23/05/2012 Duration: 41min

    Patrick and his his girlfriend Hannah moved to Portland, Oregon last year and used Patrick's trusty Camaro to get there. Hannah has since bought Patrick's car from him to use on her commute to work, and sees it as a strictly utilitarian possession – car washing is unnecessary. Patrick is rankled by her lack of care for the Camaro's appearance and thinks she should show some pride of ownership. Who is right?

  • Spare the Hodg, Spoil the Child

    16/05/2012 Duration: 43min

    Gail believes she and her nephew Ray are similarly sensitive kindred spirits. As a loving aunt, she thinks she should be able to comfort Ray when he's upset, even over rule-breaking, and help him handle his feelings. Her sister Aimee believes Gail is unnecessarily coddling Ray and encouraging him to become an overly emotional child. Who is right? Only Judge John Hodgman can decide!

  • Rashomom

    02/05/2012 Duration: 46min

    Rebekah, her mother Denise and grandmother Gloria have a case regarding memory -- specifically, is the memory of a child or an adult more reliable?  Denise insists that a grey house stood next door to her childhood home; Gloria says that's simply not true, and that the house must be a figment of Denise's imagination. Rebekah's been dragged in to adjudicate their dispute before, but she's got issues of her own with her mom's recollections of past events.  Who is right, who is wrong, who can even remember? We turn to the man who never forgets, Judge John Hodgman, to decide.

  • Judge John Hodgman 57: A Wing and A Player

    25/04/2012 Duration: 46min

    Michael and Patrick have been best friends since high school. Michael likes to think of himself as Patrick's wingman, helping alert him to interested ladies when they're out together. Patrick thinks his friend lacks the subtlety to be a wingman and also misjudges politeness for romantic interest. Is Michael helping his friend find love and happiness, or is he steering him in the wrong direction? Only the Judge can decide.

  • Early Man

    18/04/2012 Duration: 37min

    Troy believes in never being late for an appointment, party, or movie -- but in striving to avoid tardiness, he's swung the other direction and arrives extra-early. His insistence on being early is driving his wife Carmen crazy. Should they stick to their early bird ways, or should Troy live a little less by the clock?

  • Battle Royale

    11/04/2012 Duration: 41min

    Leeman and his wife Rachel are American citizens who have immigrated to Toronto for school and work. They've become permanent Canadian residents, but Rachel wants to go whole hog and become citizens. Leeman finds the idea of swearing loyalty to the monarchy ideologically troubling. Should they form a united front and become citizens together?

  • Die Flederhaus

    04/04/2012 Duration: 47min

    Two brothers, one dilapidated house, and a colony of bats - what could be more scary about this case? Noah and Adam have a bat problem, and they can't agree on how to handle it. Should they run screaming, or man up when a bat comes their way? Only one man can decide!

  • Cannery Row

    28/03/2012 Duration: 44min

    THIS WEEK: Special Expert Witness Alton Brown! Ara and her mom Julia enjoy some mother-daughter bonding time while canning, but Ara insists on following USDA safety manuals, books, and other advice to make sure their canned goods are 100% safe. Julia says Ara's meticulous methods are driving her nuts, and they should rely on her own tried-and-true methods. WHO IS RIGHT?

  • The Stick Shift Rift

    21/03/2012 Duration: 39min

    Is not knowing how to drive a manual transmission in this day and age A CRIME? That's the question for Cosmo and Jen, a married couple who own a manual and an automatic car, respectively.

  • The Wedding Clashers

    22/02/2012 Duration: 38min

    John and Lindsay are a married couple with two weddings to attend on the same day -- John's childhood best friend's and Lindsay's cousin's. Which argument will win? Family obligations, long-seated freindship, the better party? Only Judge Hodgman can decide.

  • Double Dog Dare

    08/02/2012 Duration: 40min

    Marybeth and Paul are a couple of busy animal loving attorneys who already own a dog and a cat. Marybeth would like to add another dog to their family to help their current toy schnauzer, Olive, relax. Paul argues that with their busy schedule, and the already antsy Olive, another dog would only exacerbate the situation. Can Judge Hodgman resolve the pair’s puppy problem?

  • The Master's Disaster

    25/01/2012 Duration: 36min

    Jessie and Jason are a happily married couple with a scheduling conflict. Jason is in an intensive master's program and works a full-time job, which leaves him with little to no time for household chores or time for his wife. Jason prefers to schedule his classes in sixteen-week blocks, leaving a "summer vacation" of sorts. His wife prefers that he space out his classes so that she has someone to compliment her changing hairstyles or fix a doorknob. Can Judge Hodgman find a suitable arrangement?

  • The Wonderful, Terrible, Terrible Towel Trouble

    12/01/2012 Duration: 37min

    Katie and Bobby are dating and are both fans of Pittsburgh Steelers football. Katie says she was born into the Steelers Nation, while Bobby came to fandom while dating Katie. Their issue is the treatment of the team's signature "Terrible Towel". Katie says it should be treated with the utmost respect as an emblem of the team; Bobby says once it's purchased, you can do with it what you please, whether that's wiping chairs or your feet. Who is right, and who is wrong? Only one man can decide.

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