Joshua Live Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 110:30:02
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Each week Joshua (channeled by Gary Bodley) joins One on One students to expand upon the Law of Attraction and other universal laws.


  • The Three Perspectives

    16/09/2024 Duration: 52min

    There are three possible perspectives you can choose in response to any event; the limited, the higher, or the neutral perspective. It is not wrong or bad to choose one over the other. You will have the experiences you intended to have prior to your birth. But, if you want too feel better in the face of any experience, Joshua explains just how to choose the perspective that aligns with what you truly want Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • How To Actually Create An Unimaginable Life

    09/09/2024 Duration: 55min

    Some call it Ascension, we call it the Unimaginable. But there is only one way to get there. You must raise your perspective of yourself in every area of your life. Joshua and The White Light have explained this many times before, but never in such plain language. In this amazing episode, Joshua clears sets forth the pathway to a life beyond your wildest imagination. This is one episode you don't want to miss. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'  

  • Action Leads To Your Unimaginable Life

    04/09/2024 Duration: 56min

    Would you like to live an unimaginable life? To do so, you will have to take action when inspired. But every time you receive inspiration, some fear pops up. If you can push past the fear and take the action, you will enter an experience. If you can see that the experience is good, right or even perfect, you'll gain vital information that will help you shift your perspective even higher. The higher perspective creates your unimaginable life. In this episode, Joshua explains that taking action when inspired always leads to a life beyond your imagination. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • The New Approach To Life

    31/08/2024 Duration: 59min

    Joshua's third book is titled "The New Approach to Life" and it describe the life of the Creator. Of course, the old approach to life is one where people believe that outside conditions are the cause of emotions. The Creator understands that outside events are simply the reflection of one's vibration and therefore, neutral. A creator notices the event that causes the emotion and adjusts their perspective. The new approach to life is not always easy, but it does lead to everything you truly want. In this episode, Joshua explains how to shift your approach to life from Victim to Creator. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • An Unconditional Life

    26/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    The conditions are always neutral. It really doesn't matter what conditions arise in your life, they are always neutral. When you choose a perspective on any condition, in areas such as health, finances, relationships, you might believe that the conditions are wrong. That's simply one perspective and by definition, it's limited. If you change your perspective to see any condition as right or happening for you, you've chosen the perspective of the creator and you'll always feel better. This is the work you must do to consistently feel good no matter what the conditions are. All your power exists in those times you feel good. You have less power when you feel bad based on outside conditions. In this episode, Joshua explains this concept in detail. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • What Could You Become?

    20/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    As you shift your perspective from limiting to empowering, you become something new. This is an evolutionary process. When you challenge your beliefs and your identity, you expand. That process of expansion is a personal evolution. Most people will never challenge their beliefs or shift to higher perspectives and thus they do not change much over time. However, when you do this work, you will change and you will become someone who experiences life on a much grander scale. In this episode, Joshua explains the process of Becoming. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'  

  • All Change Is Good

    13/08/2024 Duration: 56min

    The two keys to engaging the Law of Attraction are 1) Accept what is and 2) Accept what will be. This means that all change is good, because all change is for you. This is a tricky concept. As you accept more, you create more of what you want, but as you continue to ascend to higher and higher perspectives, change happens faster. There is no need to ever fear change. In this incredible episode, Joshua reveals the two keys to engaging the Law of Attraction to create the life you truly desire. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'  

  • The Vibration of Connection

    08/08/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    The illusion is that you are separate. All fear is derived from this illusion. The truth of this and all realities is connection. When you're feeling bad, you are firmly in the illusion of separation and you are feeling some type of fear. When feeling good, you are in the vibration of connection, which is the truth. To get into the vibration of everything you truly want, you must move towards more and more connection. It's the connection to others, to nature, to everything in your reality. In this episode, Joshua explains the value of connection and Oneness. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • What Heaven Really Is

    03/08/2024 Duration: 52min

    In this episode, Joshua gives us a thought experiment. Can you imagine Heaven? What is it like? Then they ask us to imagine hell and contrast it with your idea of Heaven. What they go on to explain will probably surprise you and help you shift your perspective about everything. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • Life Can Be Easy And Joyful

    29/07/2024 Duration: 01h15s

    The old approach to life is one where you see the imperfection in your conditions. It's a conditional and transaction approach based in fear and it creates a difficult life of effort, struggle and suffering. But life can be easy and full of joy. This is the new approach to life and in this episode, Joshua explains how you can adopt this approach to bring more ease and joy into your own life today. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • You Are Connected To Everyone

    22/07/2024 Duration: 59min

    The illusion is separation. The truth of this reality is connection. You are connected to everyone on Earth as well as the mass consciousness of the planet. It doesn't always feel that way, due to the illusion being very strong. However, if you can remember that you're connected, you can more easily move out of the illusion. In this episode, Joshua explains how you are influenced by the mass consciousness and how you can actually influence it. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • Summer McStravick: Flowdreaming

    17/07/2024 Duration: 01h25min

    Summer McStravick is a personal growth coach, author, podcaster, and creator of Flowdreaming, a mind-body technique designed for manifesting and growing inner emotional strength. It's especially beneficial for those who have difficulty meditating. We had such a fun conversation and I'm sure you'll love it. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' Find more about Summer here:

  • Manifesting Is A Matter Of Focus

    11/07/2024 Duration: 58min

    Most people think that to manifest anything you want you must maintain focus on that thing. This is a common misconception. Manifesting has nothing to do with holding an ideal outcome in your mind. It is about your point of focus, either inside or outside. If you focus your attention outside of you, you will be focused on the lack of the thing you want. You will continually notice that your desire is not present in your outer reality. Instead we must turn our focus inwards and understand how we are feeling. Let go of the outcome and practice feeling good in the present moment. In this episode, Joshua explains that how you feel in the moment determines what you will receive in that moment Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • What is Ascension?

    05/07/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, Joshua explain the process of Ascension. What is it exactly and how does one ascend? There are steps to the ascension process and Joshua explains them in great detail. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • The Power of Inspired Action

    02/07/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    You are being guided by your inner self to everything you truly want. What do you truly want? You truly want to experience a massive shift in perspective that results in the clarity to know who you are. Your inner self is guiding you through experiences to higher and higher levels of clarity. When you push past fear to take action on your inspired ideas, you're led into experiences that will give you more information and you'll see yourself from higher perspectives. In this episode, Joshua leads us to understanding the incredible benefits of taking action when inspired. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • Experience Teaches

    27/06/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    One of the most profound, yet difficult concepts to understand is the reality that what you think you want may be different than what you truly want. What you think you want is generated from a limited perspective believing that you lack something that would make you feel better. But what you truly want is experience. Why? Because words don't teach, experience teaches. In this episode Joshua explains why you truly want more experiences. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life'

  • White Light Special: How Gratitude Leads To Abundance

    24/06/2024 Duration: 50min

    In this special episode with The White Light, gratitude is explained in a new way. Abundance is defined as having everything you need to do whatever you need to do when you need to do it. Abundance is simply the endless supply of whatever you need depending on what you are exploring. For instance, you will always need air and so there is a limitless supply of oxygen. If you are exploring lack, from the perspective of the victim, then you will attract more lack. But when you get into the state of being known as gratitude, you will always attract more things to be grateful for. In this episode, The White Light explains the vibration and momentum of gratitude in a new way. Check out our France retreat - click here Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • How To Change Anything

    21/06/2024 Duration: 55min

    Is there something in your life you would like to change? You can try to change the condition that exists outside of you, but no amount of effort or struggle will ever really change it. It's always being attracted from the vibration you are offering. The only thing you can do is change how you see it. That is what will change your vibration. In this episode, Joshua describes a new process for changing any single condition. Check out our France retreat - click here Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Why Urges Never Get You What You Want

    17/06/2024 Duration: 59min

    Thoughts are attracted based in our emotional state of being. When you are in a fear state, like a manifestation event, you will receive urges to change or control the conditions. When action is taken on an urge, you will always be separating yourself. Since separation is the illusion, an act of separation may seem like a good idea at the time, but it's just another illusion. If you can recognize the urge before you act, you will prevent further separation and you'll become far more effective in attracting the life you truly want. In this episode, Joshua describes this process in great detail. Check out our France retreat - click here Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

  • Who Are You Being?

    14/06/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    There's a difference between who you think you are (your identity) and who you truly are. Your beliefs about yourself and the world around you form your identity. This keeps you limited. If you alter your beliefs and expand them, you will begin to change. Your identity will expand. You'll reach higher perspectives and your vibration will rise. This will allow you to connect more to your inner self and receive even more inspiration. That inspiration will lead you to the unimaginable life you truly want. In this episode, Joshua explains the process of altering your beliefs and expanding your identity. Take the Activations Survey - Click here Check out our new podcast - 'An Unimaginable Life' available on Spotify

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