Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0



Get ready for a whole new era of podcastingwith mentor, speaker & serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd - dedicated to bringing results, guidance, and excellence to entrepreneurs worldwide. Practical advice and proven strategies mixed with motivational music that will help you create YOUR ideal lifestyle. If you are serious about taking your life and business to a whole new level, this podcast is for you. Peter delivers real actionable strategies and inspiration that will help you elevate every area of your life and business. Everything has changed, and the rules youve been taught dont apply anymore. The world has enough followers, its time to become a Game Changer. Subscribe to get a new episode every Thursday. Hosted by Markado Escano.



    08/06/2017 Duration: 12min

    I am excited about this episode, ready to give you value and dive into "how to build a brand". I’ll be sharing with you exactly how to build your name into a brand so you become known for a specific topic in your industry. Before you can really build a brand, you must understand what real business is about. You must be the person capable of attracting the right people to you because you're developed. There's nothing more important than branding yourself because you are the CEO of your own life! So, how do you create a brand? Pick up a pen, take notes and get ready to execute. In this episode, you will learn . . . How to gain the market trust How to create a brand How to create your streamline that is relevant to you   Quotes: “Know your values and your why and reasons why you are doing it.” “Claim and master your topic.” “Focus on what makes you different.”    Question: What’s your biggest takeaway to building your brand?  Share it with us below.


    01/06/2017 Duration: 09min

    Stress is not your enemy! On the contrary, stress is actually a very valuable tool, if used correctly. All high achievers know how to take on more to become more and how to expand their capacity. I’m going to share with you how stress can help boost your brain power and make you more resilient, to motivate you to succeed and help you push past your comfort zone. Learn how you can use stress to your advantage!   In this episode, you will learn . . . Step-by-step method to push past your comfort zone Positive and negative stress The issue with stress How to turn frustration into clarity and focus   Quotes: “Stress is not your enemy.”   “When you shift your focus the energy comes next .”  “What's too hard for most people is just right for you.”    Question: How do you turn negative stress into positive stress?


    25/05/2017 Duration: 16min

    I am energized and ecstatic for this episode as we are going to talk about Sales! A scary subject for people that aren't good and for people don't think they need it. Sales is a huge part of success, of income, fulfilment and really making your dreams a reality. I am going to go through to the some of the world's greatest advice from the top salespeople. A huge focus to building any successful business is sales mastery, and I want to help you accomplish that! Listen in and take down notes for you to implement immediately.   In this episode, you will learn . . . How important sales is Why most people fail 3 parts to a sales presentation 5 reasons why people aren't buying from you right now    Quotes: “Being dedicated is the first key to success.” “The quicker you can get on a new page, where the buyer does not need to question your intent, that's where the magic happens.” “Add enough value and the sale takes care of itself.”   Question: What’s your #1 takeaway to increasing sales in your business?

  • YEL 049 - 5 Reminders of World Class Results

    18/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    Get real results as I detail five of the most important reminders that will improve your life and business. Consuming the right information is crucial to operating at peak optimal capacity, earn peace of mind and living out your legacy - it's one of our most comprehensive and tactical episodes yet so take note on what you should be focusing on right now to dynamically improve your results.   In this episode, you will learn . . . The reasons why establishing a morning routine is a game changer for anyone How to devote your time, energy and resources to your craft The importance of choosing a good example to emulate The effect of adjusting your speed of implementation based on relevant information The five tactical things you should be focusing on to see immediate results   Quotes: “ Do your toughest task first.” “ Don't get caught up in distractions.” “Let your vision guide you, not your current circumstances.”   Question: What morning routine would be ideal to set up your day for success?


    11/05/2017 Duration: 13min

    In this episode - understand and execute the values of world class people by learning about the five rules they follow. In today's world, everything is changing and it's adapt or die - it’s never been more important to be world class in every facet of your life, be it business or personal. If you want to be a new age game changer and be at the forefront of this culture shift, then you need to be able to personify these rules into your life. In this episode, you will learn . . . How to be world-class in multiple areas of your life Why it's important to separate thinking time from executing time The importance of putting integrity above everything else Tips to live by your standards, principles and values The five tactical things you should be focusing on to be on a world class level   Quotes: “Have time for thinking and time for execution.” “Get around people who can execute on first class.” “World class people don't cut corners.”   Question: Which of the five rules will you focus on applying into your dail


    04/05/2017 Duration: 23min

    Peter Voogd sits down with best-selling author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, ex-gang member and all-around hustler Ryan Blair as he shares his emotional and compelling narrative from the mistakes that he made before all the success to his breakthroughs amidst a troubled life. Along the way, Ryan gives us the lifehacks he learned including a mind-shift on how you look at money and income.   In this episode, you will learn . . . How to learn from your own failure and get over your hardships Why focusing on how much to give away is better rather than how much to make Never to focus on the money Tactics Ryan uses to stay motivated   Quotes: “Compensation drives behavior.” “The more value you create, the more you are able to receive.” “Money is fundamental to survival.” Question: WHAT'S BEEN YOUR BIGGEST TAKEAWAY? (SHARE YOUR ANSWER BELOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN BOTH RYAN BLAIR'S BOOKS SIGNED!)


    27/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    We focus on the distractions and how to get rid of them to ensure that you are working at optimal capacity, as Markado and I take you step-by-step on how to identify your biggest momentum killers and minimize interruptions. We all know that habits are the strongest force on the planet and that a solid foundation of habits leads to peak productivity in life as well as in business. That is why it is more important than ever for you to build momentum and limit the distractions that are costing you the most time. In this episode, you will learn . . . The biggest reason that will motivate you to minimize interruptions How to be more efficient and effective with your time What to do with your biggest momentum killers Tips on how to handle the constant distraction of the internet and social media The top three things you should be doing to make sure you're working at peak capacity   Quotes: “If you don't have the solid foundation built then you’re going to keep going back subconsciously to what’s distracting you.”


    20/04/2017 Duration: 19min

    I had the honor to sit down and interview penny stock trader, entrepreneur, now a full-time teacher & best known for earning about $4 million by day trading, Timothy Sykes! It was a refreshing interview with a lot of nuggets that could help your business exponentially grow. Tim is somebody who clears over 30 million a year while traveling the word. He has too many customers, media, and requests coming at him because of his brilliant approach to online marketing. In this interview, you’ll discover how much of a badass Tim is online.  He is extremely authentic and goes above and beyond for YOU but also to the thousands he interacts with online, daily! Tim shares with us his tactics to explode your business and go from 6 to 7 figures. I’m excited to share with you Tim’s thoughts and experiences in business as he delivered value way beyond my expectations - extremely genuine and has a huge heart.   In this episode, you will learn . . . How to maximize social media How to create multiple streams of income


    27/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Do you experience roadblocks and obstacles on your journey to success? I share with you one of my biggest breakthroughs in the past year that can make a considerable difference in your business, fulfillment, and peace of mind. It’s also one of the most important topics out there, surprisingly not talked about enough. Understanding and knowing yourself in today's world is more powerful than anything that you can focus on right now. Find out how to define and understand your strengths, values, and gifts so that you can take your life and business to a whole new level. Learn the tactics and mindset needed to dig deep and figure out who you really are because once you do, you’ll build a stronger foundation for your life, become laser focused, and achieve the results you desire. In this episode, you will learn . . . Why one of the keys to understanding yourself is to find out what lifestyle is NOT for you The importance of knowing how to spark your own fire How to protect your health of mind and set standards f


    16/03/2017 Duration: 17min

    Ahh. Money. Everyone wants some but most lack the mindset to earn more. In fact, there are retirement-age people still living from paycheck to paycheck. There are countless millennials running on empty after overspending on stuff they think will make them look good. And there are people who claim they don’t care about money -- nearly all of them as good as broke.     So let me show you the right perspective when it comes to money. The years I’ve spent as an entrepreneur and the experiences of highly successful people in my network all point to the same conclusion: Your self-worth has nothing to do with your finances. But money allows you to build dreams, learn new skills, lift people up, make smart investments, and spend on experiences that matter. Money is important because it enables you to make a positive impact and build a meaningful legacy. That means you shouldn’t waste time on a career or business that doesn’t generate the income you want. Instead, consider two or three things that do make money for yo


    09/03/2017 Duration: 16min

    When you blend music and message together, motivation happens. That’s what I’ve learned producing inspirational mixtapes for ambitious millennials. Even better than that, motivation spurs people to take action that positively changes their lives and those of others. Music does a lot of things. It can make people feel good or serve as a shelter from life’s sharp edges. But music, reinforced by the right stories, can make you turn inward and discover yourself as a person and as a dreamer. This is important because mastering yourself is key to becoming a world-class human being; which in turn, is a prerequisite to becoming a world-class entrepreneur. After all, you earn genuine respect only if you execute well on all fronts: health, wealth, integrity, financial freedom and leadership. That’s a full plate but music and the right narratives can spark sustained action. And that’s the rationale behind the release of the Know Yourself Mixtape which we offer free to YEL subscribers. You can listen and groove to the mi


    02/03/2017 Duration: 26min

    Born in Brazil and raised in a small American town, David Correy has a voice that captivates people, and a musical talent that syncs you into an inner rhythm. He did show promise even as a young child with ADD, but his beguiling performances took years of training, study, and self discovery.   David reached his status as an acclaimed recording artist by following his Mom’s advice: "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough." So he dreamt big and head out on the narrow and arduous path to greatness. It wasn’t easy. And there’s a lot of pain. But the journey was more valuable than any destination. Learn more about what it took David to become a finalist on the second season of Fox's reality competition series The X Factor and now CEO of Urban Rock Records.   Join me as I talk with David about adversities, trials and triumphs.   In this episode, you will learn...   How David Correy discovered his gifts and why he decided to share it for impact. Why raw talent and skills won’t cut it and why even th


    23/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    Everyone wants to increase their income, extend their influence, upgrade their lifestyle, and build a meaningful legacy. The best way to accomplish all that is to become an excellent leader. Be a leader in whatever industry, profession, or business you engage in and you’ll improve just about every aspect of your life, including your personal happiness and your ability to uplift others. But what does it really mean to be a leader? And what does it take to be an excellent one? Leadership means more than getting things done. That is why not all managers are leaders. Leadership is not about titles, positions, or hierarchies. Nor is it about seniority or the ability to tell people what to do all the time. These misconceptions cause many old-school CEOs to fail at connecting with ambitious millennials, especially at a time when business landscapes are radically shifting. Like everything else, there are a lot of myths and falsehoods surrounding leadership and it is critical to reject the shackling mindset behind the


    16/02/2017 Duration: 10min

    We focus an entire episode on how to be an exceptional leader as I discuss my personal leadership transformation and the specific lessons and insights that thought me how to leverage my team's strengths and develop people and leaders. I list down the reasons that leaders fail and what you should do to take full responsibility in your life and in your business. And lastly, I break down the breakthroughs that allowed me to understand the qualities of exceptional leadership.   In this episode, you will learn . . . The true purpose of leadership and how to know if you're doing it right What the top five reasons are that causes leadership to fail and what to do to avoid them The impact of emotion on your decisions and how it affects your team Why it's important for you to work for your team and not the other way around    Quotes: "Your team is a reflection of you." "Understand the power of analyzing versus being emotional." "You have to be the ROCK for the people around you."   Questions: What do people feel aft

  • YEL 038 - HOW TO REACH THE 5%

    02/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    EPISODE SHOW NOTES The vast majority (95%) of people base their actions on moods and feelings. If they don’t feel like working out, they don’t. If they’re not in the mood to write something for their dream book, they won’t. If they don’t feel like waking up early in the morning, they hit the snooze button.   No wonder only a few people become ultra successful, with the rest of humanity barely achieving anything. So if you want to be successful at what you do -- whether you plan on being a world class entrepreneur or practicing your craft like a master -- look at what most people do, then do the exact opposite: Never base your actions on moods or feelings. Instead, base your decisions on results, standards and principles. That’s what separates ultra successful people from the herd. Successful people are addicted to a sense of accomplishment, and have overcome the natural tendency to avoid tough challenges and take the easy way out. Join me as I share my experiences and thoughts after engaging extremely success


    27/01/2017 Duration: 08min

    Is there ever the right time to go all in on dreams, your goals and your ideal lifestyle? Never ever validate or wait for a perfect time. Remember, if it's easy - you don't want it because it's always easier to complain than to get results, it's easier to judge than to show appreciation so always make the tougher decision. How much did you get paid to give up on your dreams? I wanted to remind you that there's never been a better time than right now to maximize the opportunity to be the best at what you do and live a world-class lifestyle so I'm sharing one of the most-talked about tracks in the ‘Ambition Is Priceless” mixtape Part 2.   In this episode, you will learn . . . why life doesn't get any easier and what you can do about it how to make sure you maximize your opportunity to be better the reason big companies want you to stay in a secure, safe job how to step up, lead by example and be self-sufficient   Quotes: What if instead of judging people, they appreciate them. From this moment forward if it's


    19/01/2017 Duration: 32min

    Want to succeed big time? Listen to the little voice in your soul Sometimes, you need a tiny voice to tell you how to get into the big league. Call it your intuition, moral compass, core mantra or your inner self, this tiny voice was what guided top-notch life coach, philanthropist and online media legend Marie Forleo to leave a steady job at Wall Street and reboot her life as a struggling entrepreneur. Burdened with debt and living from paycheck to paycheck, Marie started building her business, waiting on tables and bartending on the side to make ends meet.   Her vision, authenticity and stamina won in the end. Described by Oprah Winfrey as a “thought leader” for the next generation, Marie Forleo runs an award-winning show and a Forbes Top 100 website, provides world-class training programs, and leverages her own experiences and interests (psychology, entrepreneurship, hip-hop, spirituality) to help others create value, find fulfillment, and make a difference.   YEL is fortunate to have one of the most succe


    06/01/2017 Duration: 21min

    Many entrepreneurs focus on how their business plays out in the market, but there’s another game that influences the final score: the one that rages in the mind. Win your inner game and you’re many steps closer to clinching success. That is how New York Times bestselling author and NeuroGym CEO John Assaraf depicts the mindset of the world’s most successful personalities, how he helps new generations of entrepreneurs develop a winning psychology, and how he recounts his own transition from a teenage gang member into a philanthropist and serial entrepreneur who have built multimillion dollar businesses and generated billions in revenues.   To go beyond his limiting environment and join the big leagues, John -- inspired by a mentor -- played the mind game. He unlearned everything he knew as a teenage crook and spent an hour everyday in the inner game, using his fears to fuel a hunger for success, purpose and meaning. The idea that positive psychology strongly influences success and happiness is nothing new. But


    29/12/2016 Duration: 22min

    We are building off of last week’s powerful podcast and unleashing the next four untold truths of what truly makes a game changer as Markado and I delve into the keys to success everyone needs to know to tap into their game changer DNA. This DNA is encoded in each and everyone of us, but unfortunately, a lot of people are okay with mediocrity and fail to take advantage of what is inside of everyone. I know you are different and you feel that nagging pull inside you that makes you want to be the best at what you do. You have the game changer DNA and you have the ability to leverage it to the max. Sit back and listen up as we discuss what it truly takes to become a world class game changer and take your life and business to the next level. In this episode, you will learn . . . What will happen when you know how to position yourself and your message. Tactical tips to leverage other people's platforms and when to move on to the next big thing. The end purpose of real business. How to turn followers in raving su


    23/12/2016 Duration: 18min

    What's a game changer? The word is thrown around so loosely these days that I want to take a moment to define the traits and truths of real game changers. I used to think of game changers simply as “the best in the world at what they do”. However, it is not that simple and one-dimensional. Over the years, I've come to realize that some people who have achieved tremendous success and significantly impacted their industries weren’t happy. Amid the noise and excitement of excelling, there's a lot of ironies and untold truths about these mislabeled game changers. The one that cuts really deep for me is when an individual has massive success without fulfilment. This is the ultimate failure. This realization compels me to overhaul the prevailing definition of a game changer. Being a game changer is not just wanting to make money or retiring at a young age. It’s not even about changing your industry or disrupting the market. Real game changers are people who are committed to improve themselves daily and bettering th

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