Creativity Cultivator Podcast - Turning Your Business, Your Team And You Into A Creativity Cultivator



Every episode will be condensed and quick, featuring a proven creative leader that will tell us one thing you can change right now that will dynamically cultivate creativity in your team, company or in you personally. Don't forget to view the show notes for each guest at


  • Robert Greenberg invented the bionic eye and helps blind people see!

    31/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    This week we welcome Dr. Robert Greenberg onto the podcast. Dr. Greenberg is the inventor of the Bionic Eye and founder of Second Sight. He goes into detail about how he invented the eye, how blind people can now see and some of the unbelievable challenges he experienced. Go to for more info.

  • Jaime Casap is the Chief Education Evangelist at Google

    24/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    What an interesting episode this week! Jamie Casap, the Chief Education Evangelist at Google, discusses education and technology. Jaime is our second podcast guest that has been invited to The White House and he also talks about how technology, isn’t actually the silver bullet. He also unpacks how so many of the same challenges in business are the same challenges in education. Don’t miss this! Go to for more info.

  • Nancy Lyons, CEO of Clockwork discusses her nationally famous work culture!

    17/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    She thought her future was going to be as a stand-up comedian, but ended up becoming CEO of Clockwork a large digital strategy company in Minneapolis. Clockwork has beer on tap, you can work from anywhere you want to at any time, but Nancy doesn’t actually believe that makes a great work culture. Nancy shares what makes her work culture famous from coast to coast. She was even invited to The White House to speak on work culture! Go to for more info.

  • Dan Janal created eight 6-figure businesses and has the NFL in his client list (among others)

    10/08/2016 Duration: 34min

    He worked with Steve Case to launch AOL, he calls The NFL a client, he helped Tim Ferriss get published in the news, he’s written 8 books, and I’m interviewing him from his home on the Pacific. Who is he? Dan Janal! I have the pleasure of calling Dan a friend. He’s direct, unique, and never says the safe or standard answer. Learn about Dan’s unique take on creativity, how to fix your toilet flapper, and some hard lessons he learned but overcame. Go to for more info.

  • Lynn Robinson talks about how intuition is critical in helping us discern good from better.

    03/08/2016 Duration: 32min

    All the big data and information in the world isn’t helpful unless you can use your intuition to understand the information given to you. This week is Lynn Robinson, author of several books, with her newest just coming out. Why is it that we trust all the fancy computers around us, but the most sophisticated computer of them all, the human brain and intuition are often overlooked? Lynn has the answers (and she may be the only person in the world that guessed the lotto numbers right and still didn’t win.) Go to for more info.

  • Frank Eliason, creator of ComcastCares is A Literal Customer Service Pioneer

    27/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    Frank Eliason, creator of the ComcastCares twitter account, is a literal customer service pioneer. At a time when customer service on Twitter wasn’t a thought, Frank started engaging customers on his own, fixing problems and changing public perception for the entire organization. Frank discusses why great customer service is so elusive but how anyone can easily turn the ship around. He also discusses the two things that will catapult any average company into a creative service powerhouse. Go to for more info.

  • Rajeev Behera, super star entrepreneur, talks about Reflektive and transparency.

    20/07/2016 Duration: 26min

    Rajeev Behera spent time at some cool companies including Disney interactive! He opens up about Reflektive, the technology, how it promotes transparency and this huge project he was working on at Disney that took a scary turn! Go to for more info.

  • Avi Steinlauf, CEO of, discusses their results only work environment.

    13/07/2016 Duration: 32min

    Avi Steinlauf is the CEO of Avi shared about his results only work environment (or ROWE) and how Trust plays an enormous role in their company, driving innovation and creativity. To take a company formed in the 60s and keep them relevant is quite an accomplishment! Go to for more info.

  • Will Burns, founder of Ideasicle uses a secret network of idea experts!

    06/07/2016 Duration: 34min

    Will Burns is a Forbes columnist and creator of Ideasicle, which is a genius, super creative marketing company concept that deals in only the best marketing ideas, passing execution off to the company who hired them. And where does Will get the ideas? From a secret network of today’s top marketing minds. Go to for more info.

  • Matthew E. May, best-selling author, reveals the 7 fatal flaws of thinking

    29/06/2016 Duration: 40min

    What fatal flaws are you committing every day and can you train your brain to overcome them? Matthew E. May is a legendary design thinking guy, sought-after speaker and best-selling author who rose to notoriety for his work with Toyota. In this episode of the Creativity Cultivator Podcast, we unpack the 7 Fatal Flaws of Thinking and discuss his new book Winning The Brain Game. We also talk about some humiliating failures… mine included. Go to for more info.

  • Soon Yu, VP of Innovation at VF Corp, discusses his epic failure score card!

    22/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    Soon Yu joins us on the Creativity Cultivator podcast. Soon is the VP of Global Innovation of VF Corporation, makers of The North Face, Jansport, Smartwool and others. In this episode, he talks failure... and lots of it! Go to for more info.

  • David Burkus, best-selling author, talks about bizarre ways leaders get results.

    22/06/2016 Duration: 40min

    David Burkus is author of Under New Management, The Myths of Creativity and Professor of Business Management at Oral Roberts University. He joins us on The Creativity Cultivator podcast! Go to for more info.

  • Jessica Kriegel of Oracle reveals our generational labels are... well... wrong.

    22/06/2016 Duration: 27min

    Jessica Kriegel, Organizational Development lead at Oracle and author of Unfairly Labeled, joins us on The Creativity Cultivator Podcast to discuss how the whole idea of generational labels is... well... made up! Go to for more info.

  • Creativity Cultivator Podcast intro w/ Justin Brady. All you need is love.

    14/06/2016 Duration: 01min

    In this intro episode, Justin Brady, tells us what to expect from the podcast. To be a business or leader that loves their staff is the only requirement to dive in! Go to for all show notes.

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