Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND
Post divorce and dating tips for Women over 40
01/11/2012 Duration: 01h05sAre you over 40 and feel you may not be cut out for the life challenges divorce or dating in your later years may bring? Are you feeling insecure or unsure about how to get started again? They say being older your priorities have changed in what you want from a relationship but do you know what you want now? Can you leave your old patterns behind? My guests today are: Amy Sherman is an educator and coach with a master's degree in counseling/psychology. Her book Distress-Free Aging: A Boomer's Guide to creating a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life and The Joy of Optimism 10 lesson ecourse. Rosalind Sedacca is a dating and relationship coach, a divorce and parenting coach and author. Her book is How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce?. She also has an ecourse for dating rescue for single women. They have co-authored a book "99 Things Women Wish They Knew About Dating After 40, 50, and Yes, 60!" which we will be talking about today. If you find yourself wanting to get out into the world again and the wo
How to be a 'Take Charge Patient'?
31/10/2012 Duration: 01h01sHow did your last medical appointment go with your doctor? Did you just walk in, answer the questions, pay for the visit and walk out with remedies for your condition? Did you feel listened to? My guest, Martine Ehrenclou, author of The Take-Charge Patient will be here to help you define what questions you should be asking your doctors and how to improve that relationship. Her mission is to show YOU how to interact effectively with medical professionals and navigate the healthcare system. Martine not only helps people become better patients but she also lectures to medical professionals on the topics of patient advocacy, patient empowerment, patient safety and on patient centered care: the collaborative relationship between patients and medical professionals. Her website is: Her book: The Take-Charge Patient may be purchased here. If you need further healthcare support, my website is:
Children's books written with history and life lessons
30/10/2012 Duration: 56minWhere are your children learning life lessons? Are they emulating the words and actions of video games? What happens when the child is having a life challenge? Video games do not answer those questions. Is your child faced with a serious medical challenge? My guest Ray Perkins writes history mystery books for kids with a spin on how to handle adversity. The journey through reading his books can share with a child some tips and encouragement to figure out how to grow in life. He bases his stories on history and develops a character similar to his own son who had a serious health challenge at the age of five. So does cancer enter your child's life and seem to take away their childhood? Does your child read? These books are short, simple reading and clearly written for the child who may have a short attention span also. Ray's latest book 'The Mystery of the Silver Statue' addresses the importance of self worth and having the power to go on, no matter what. It may be ordered here. Join me today and learn
Inspire Living, if you have been touched by suicide
26/10/2012 Duration: 01h08sToday, my guest is Carl David, author of "Bader Field; How my Family Survived Suicide". The book illustrates the degree of trauma the suicide of a family member leaves behind on the survivors as he tells his own personal story. Suicide is not the answer and those who are contemplating taking their life, this book shows them that they are not alone, that there is always another answer, another way, no matter what. In the words of Carl "Those so desperate need to know that they don't just destroy themselves, but everyone around them as well; their family, friends and acquaintances. I pray that my perilous journey through those darkest days will bring light and hope to anyone on that final path, and draw them back." Carl also states "This is my way of paying forward by taking the darkest days of my life and helping those on that final edge of desperation to see that they are loved, that there is help for them and that they are not alone." If you have anyone in your family that has passed from suicide or the
Need to go back to work and need help with your kids? Nanny?
25/10/2012 Duration: 59minAre you needing help with your kids so you can return to work? Do you know all the pitfalls and questions that should be answered PRIOR to walking ten feet from your children and entrusting anyone to their care? Warning: do not leave your children with anyone until you have listened to this show and reviewed the link to Nannie4Hire. Run through every scenerio before turning allowing anyone to be with your kids. My guest, Candi Wingate, founder of Nannies International, will be speaking about what you need to ask of anyone that is taking care of your children. She is an expert with Nannies. Her books "100 Tips for Nannies and Families" and "The Nanny Factor: A Parent's Guide to Finding the Right Nanny for Your Family" are available here. Candi has grown her business from a parent to Inc. Magazine's Inc.500 list as one of America's Fastest growing private companies. That process has taken many years and her hard work is supporting families with the fundamental structure to ansure your children are safel
Help me! I have a product at home and don't know what next
23/10/2012 Duration: 59minAre you looking to make money with your idea for a product from home? Calling all moms! Out of work people! Life changers looking for a source of income! Do you want to hear it 'straight for the horse's mouth' so to say? Do you want to hear the good, bad and ugly of making it big in the 'product to market' path? Learn about potential mistakes before you make them. My guest is Gary Bronga who is an author of Bringing a Product to Market From Your Home and several other informational booklets. He is the developer of Clipeze Worldwide, Inc. The product is a badge holder pin which is sold across the globe on the internet, retail stores and catalogs. I know you are thinking that he had a stock pile of money, but he did not, he started with $500., period. Call in with your questions and we hope to give you steps for the best path for you. Gary's website is here. The link to purchase the book is here.
Almondina - A Healthy Cookie?
18/10/2012 Duration: 58minTrying to stick to a diet, need to reduce your calories, want something healthy but not dry and tasteless? Today, my guest is Yuval Zaliouk of Almondina, the Delicious Cookie Without all the Guilt. This product serves many purposes in your diet, almonds are healthy, no cholesterol and no added fat and only 30 calories. Really!! Why am I talking about this product? Because I do believe we all have to have items to eat that remind us of something we had before, like biscotti. While everyone is barking up the 'green tree', I like to ask my clients to find something they enjoy. I was intrigued how this company got started and I like to share this. Their website is:
Do NOT do diapers for yourself or family members! Check this
17/10/2012 Duration: 57minWe come into this world with diapers and we should NOT be going out with them. For the medically compromised or elders, it is truly a dent in their dignity as a human being. Why are we allowing this to go on if there is another alternative? Perhaps maybe you just did not know there was an alternative. It is here. My guest today is Mandy Harrell of Wearever and its parent company Prime Life Fibers. We will be talking about the conditions which lead to incontinence and how it is affecting us, everyone. Everyone is touched by this as we have large extended famlies that are living longer and experiencing chronic illness at all ages. If you think this is only for the very old in a hospital, think again. I am sure if you sit in a movie or restaurant, ask the question who has a urinary bladder issue, you will have many reluctant hands raised. The Wearever brand offers the first and only washable, reusable incontinence aid that works just as well or better than alternatives - adult diapers or pads - and are m
LearningRx: no drug brain training for young and old alike
15/10/2012 Duration: 59minAre your children just barely making it through the school year? Are you at a loss of how to help them? Think drugs are the answer? Feel you do not know the education material so you step away from helping your children and hope they will 'wing it' for the year? How many years can you do this? How many years can THEY do this? Stop, step up, get them support to exercise their brain and unlock what is in there. Your children have the ability to learn and excel. It is up to you to get them help. Help is here, now. My guest, Tanya Mitchell of LearningRx, will discuss the benefits of cognitive training to help kids change their medication needs for ADHD and the impact of not treating ADHD. We will also be talking about the adult brain, elderly decline and dyslexia. All the brain symptoms that label us to keep our brain from working at its best. Tanya is the Vice President of Research and Development for LearningRx, a brain training company with 80 centers across the U.S... She is also the co-author of
NonProfits, schools or YOU, natural disaster prepared??
12/10/2012 Duration: 01h01sThink natural disaster preparedness is for the government, crazy survivalists and the first responders only? Think again. All the places you visit in a day, work, home, schools, day cares and other places of business; have you ever heard them talk about their natural disaster plan? You are entrusting your children to them and off you go to work. Are you both aware of what is necessary to know in case of emergency? Do you have it in your plan to remember things and be safe? Umm. My guests today will be Janet and Bill Liebsch of FedHealth, authors and publishers of 'IT'S A DISASTER!... what are YOU gonna do about it?". They have developed collaborative projects and ideas that can generate buzz and excitement about preparedness while helping fund volunteers and schools and educating local communities. These Public-Private Partnerships can help communities save money on preparedness products and services. It's a whole community approach to resilience. Waiting? It is just a fear Mongol thing! Really?
How to make life changes in food and healthy habits today
11/10/2012 Duration: 58minHow many books and other programs do you see each day that tell you what you 'must do' to improve your health? Today it is one thing and tomorrow it is another person saying another thing. The good, bad and ugly of healthy food and lifestyle habits are coming under fire in the media, government and healthcare providers. Not only have the thoughts and theories been tested by clinical studies but even the clinical studies these days are found to have flaws. What do you do to make your life easier and healthier? Who do you turn to? If you answered a particular diet or person, then you are potentially not looking at what is good for you. My guest today is Rachel Olsen who is the author of Morgan's Journey and is a certified raw vegan chef, athlete, speaker, motivator and nutritionist. She is an expert in helping you define what will work for you. If you are interested i making changes in your life, she also authored a 12-Week Training Journal. Putting things down on paper, making an effort everyday, and p
Gratitude: Why is this important for the rest of this year?
10/10/2012 Duration: 01h09sIs the world moving too fast in your corner? Do you feel like everything is a chore and people are just a pain in the derrierre? Just how much more can you take? Perhaps you need a little gratitude for what you do have, who is in your life and what you have the power to change. Maybe, I am only saying, you do have a choice in what is around you. Do you think? My guest is Lorraine Miller, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and author of From Gratitude to Bliss a journal which is printed by Print4Change. It is important to note, this company donates 50% of its profits to Healing Haiti that funds projects to bring food and clean water to starving chilcren in the poorest country in North America. Lorraine will be speaking to us about gratitude and the power it holds. She will be sharing her own journey of chronic stress, fatigue, depression and despair. It is possible to find tools that help you make longlasting changes in your life. What I would hope for those who listen to the show, to find some word, some phr
World Famous Hypnotist: John Cerbone
07/10/2012 Duration: 01h08sOk, so, hypnosis? What the heck is this going to do for me? Am I going to act like a babbling idiot when I am 'under the spell'? Ah, it never works for me? That stuff is crazy! Have you ever said any of those crazy things? I am calling it that because my guest is the best in the World at hypnosis, he has coined the words, World Famous Hypnotist. He knows all your fears, has heard them all before and still, yes, he can help you with hypnosis. How can that be? It takes forever and what do I have to do? John Cerbone is known as the fastest hypnotist ever. He does it in less than 6 seconds and in many cases in two seconds!! Are you kidding me? Nope. John will be my guest for this show and I hope you tune in to hear about all the people (over 120,000 across the globe) he has helped with his talent. Almost anything that is holding you back in life can be helped with this process. He is certified in Clinical Hypnosis for most medical settings. Have pain? need to quit smoking? or have other concerns i
Yoga in the Park? and assisted living homes? How?
05/10/2012 Duration: 56minThe days of 30 minutes of jumping jacks are long gone. How is your fitness plan these days? I know that mine is all over the place. Walking, swimming, and sitting! Yes, sitting! I need a new plan. My guest will be Taqiy Muhammad and Daniela Bycoffe from Power-gy in Brooklyn, New York. They are founders of Power-gy which is a combination of bringing yoga activities and good supplements to you where ever you are. Mobile yoga? What the heck is that and can I get some?? We hid away all our exercise attempts in our homes, clubs, and we wear headphones and watch TV which take the focus off the reason we are doing the action in the first place. Why? Power-gy brings yoga 'to you', be it in the community garden in Brooklyn or the assisted living homes in their area. Have yoga will travel. By sharing their work, you are interacting with each other and being present in the moment. If you are looking to share your yoga skills in the community but do not know how to start, listen up and Taqiy will offer sugges
Do you know how to stop spreading germs? Learn now.
04/10/2012 Duration: 59minWashing of the hands is the most effective way to stop spreading germs. We have all heard it, we know basically how to do it, but are we really stopping the spread of germs? Are you a germaphobe or do you think a little dirt does the body good? Yikes, see, we both exist in the same space and we are winging it. We have no training, pattern of habits or proof that we are doing it right, or do we?? My guest, Benjamin Lee, of OUTFOX Prevention is just the person to tell you how he has developed a program of 'proof' and 'habit training' that can successfully take on the spread of germs. GLO GEL!!! Really?? YES!If you have kids, own a business, have employees, go to the grocery store, ever get sick; this information is for you. Yep, I know, that includes all of us. We will be talking about new ways to reduce illness, provide tools for an effective infection control program and reduce work place absence by developing habits and taking this plan seriously before the cold and flu season begins. Most items are f
Your back saying 'oowww'? New solutions......
02/10/2012 Duration: 57minOver the last fifteen years, clients have come to me with sleep, back and neck issues. While there are many quick fixes, what can you do on a daily basis to help with breathing, muscle tension and nerve strain? I recently found the WondaWedge for back support. While I am not about claiming health cures, I am about sharing what I have found to help with daily life issues. My uncle slept in a chair the entire last two decades of his life because he could not use the CPAP machine. My kids study on the bed and floor while leaning up against a wall. In the case of a natural disaster, when you are in a shelter or hotel, you may not have access to your medical bed or other comforts you have at home. The WondaWedge and BookWedge are portable, inflatable, and they work. They provide an incline to hold your body in case of illness or stress and your book or electronics to use or see better. My guest will be Margie Williams who will be talking to us about the WondaWedge she discovered that was invented by a physi
New Urban Gardening and Healthy Eating Project
17/08/2012 Duration: 01h08sWelcome to the City of New Orleans! While we have not always been the mecca for healthy food and drink, there is a group of non profits that are trying to make a difference. Healthy food and smart eating may just become a new thing here in the Big Easy. Guests today: Marianne Cufone, of the New Orleans based, Recirculating Farms Coalition: Sanjay Kharod, of the New Orleans Food and Farm Network: Why the heck should I want the city to 'get a green change' and start to care about what the people are eating? Well, I would like to break this to you: while you may come here to eat and have fabulous food and drink, we are the residents of this area and know that perhaps we should not be eating this exquisite food day to day. However, the city residents have significant health issues and perhaps the time has come to start including healthy choices daily. The two non profits have joined together in building an Urban Food and Farm Center in the downtown New Orleans ar
Air quality perfect in your town or home? Why clean my air?
16/08/2012 Duration: 45minI know, your home is safe and the city air is perfect where you live, right? Well, is it really or are you just covering it up with sunglasses for pollution, perfume air cleaners for the smells, and blinders for the dirt and mold in the home. While I get that may or may not be on your front burner at this time, I do know that air quality can be a significant issue with your health and play a part in many chronic diseases. My guest, Michael Domon, of Austin Air Systems in Buffalo, New York, will talk with me about the air you breathe no matter home or business. Our topics will be about: why clean my air it looks ok?, what are the different types of air cleaners and why this is so important?, and in these days of natural earth events like fires, allergies, mold and dust, what are the reasons that air quality has changed?. Austin Air is the original maker of high-end filtration systems and has the largest air cleaner manufacturing facility in the world. Austin Air's superior Healthmate is now the air cleaner
School is Starting: How to help teachers in your area today
15/08/2012 Duration: 45minCan you smell the sweetness of pencil lead, sharpie markers and fresh paper for binders? I am past those days as my children are adults however as a parent, those days of waiting for the back to school sales still rings my alarm and I love to see what is available each year. While these seem to be great days for some parents, it can cause distress for single parents or teachers who cannot find extra money to purchase items required for students. My guest, Barbara Blalock of Treasures 4 Teachers, has resources for educators and students throughout Arizona. They actively seek out and collect unwanted, but reusable, materials throughout the community and make them available to teachers free and at very low cost. The materials come from various sources: manufacturers, businesses, other non-profit agencies and private donations. The program also gives back to single parents of Arizona State University who have children and adopt them to supply items for back to school. Yes, you too can start a program like th
What is in my water? Drinking water and home source update
10/08/2012 Duration: 44minYour drinking water: Is it safe? What does that really mean? I have SO been waiting to have this guest on my show as the topic of clean water is so close to home for me. I do know what is in the water, I know what should not be in the water and now my guest, Igor Milevskiy, of Pure Effect Filters will tell us how to get the important items out of our water. Pure Effect Filters is a US based water filter company that has developed some of the only filters of their kind that can filter out both: radioisotopes and fluoride, as well as: heavy metals, chlorine and a host of other contaminants. Filtration can be done from the kitchen tap to the entire house all while raising the alkaline ph and using no electricity. Drinking water standards have been under fire in other countries recently with many countries deciding what limits they want to have on their bottled drinking water. You know that she-she water you drink? What is in it? Ha, so you think! The WorldHealthOrganization has limits as do many other

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