Foundation Church Belfast



Sunday sermons from Foundation Church Belfast


  • Learning to Lament

    09/06/2021 Duration: 30min

    We look at a neglected yet formative part of our worship and spirituality – lamenting. The Bible gives us a pattern of how to bring our sorrow to God. Marc Scheibe opens up Lamentations 5.

  • Faith and the Healing Power of Jesus

    09/06/2021 Duration: 53min

    In this episode from Mark’s Gospel we see the effects of faith in the healing power of Jesus. He ministers to a diversity of people, yet always from his heart of compassion and love to restore them to wholeness. Jesus is among us by his Holy Spirit and so continues his healing work through the church, his body on earth. Main Bible Text Mark 5:21-43 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • The Liberating Power of Jesus

    26/05/2021 Duration: 40min

    As the kingdom of God comes through the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth, we see the kingdom of darkness pushing back in opposition. As the clash of the kingdoms ensues, demonic powers are no match for the power and authority of Jesus. However to our Western ears, talk of demons and demon-oppression is very odd. We have little space in our concept of reality – our worldview – for demons and unclean spirits etc. We assume these are part of a pre-technological, pre-scientific society, the stuff of fable and folk religion. Despite our cultural myopia, non-Western concepts of reality have no trouble accepting the role that demons or spirits play in the common human experience. This should at least cause us to doubt the confidence we have in our own Western worldview. In this episode we see that the liberating power of Jesus: OverthrowsDisturbsFreesEmpowers Main Bible Text Mark 5:1-20 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast.

  • Jesus and the Storm

    17/05/2021 Duration: 34min

    Jesus performs his most powerful miracle so far in the Gospel of Mark – the calming of the storm. As we see, this sign is part of Jesus’ overall mission to reveal to his disciples his true identity. Through healings and exorcisms Jesus has shown he has authority over the forces of evil. However in the calming of the storm Jesus shows he has mastery over the created order itself. He literally rebukes the wind and seas and they obey his word. The disciples are dumbfounded and scared, asking ‘who is this man?’ They knew that only God can speak to creation and it listens. Jesus’ mastery over the storm points to his authority over all storms. We may experience the peace and security found in him when we see how Jesus faced the greatest storm through his death on the cross. Yet his resurrection showed his authoritative word is ultimate. In this message we see: Jesus is present IN the stormJesus is powerful OVER the stormJesus is proclaimed BY the storm Main text

  • How the Kingdom of God is Revealed, Cultivated and Advanced

    10/05/2021 Duration: 39min

    Jesus expands his teaching on the Kingdom of God through a further series of parables. Most of his teaching about the Kingdom of God was given in parables which played a dual role: To those hungry for more the parables were the door which opened hearers to the Kingdom of God. But to those who were on the outside, who didn’t want to know Jesus, the parables served as a barrier, closing access to the Kingdom. In this message we learn that the Kingdom of God is: Revealed through hearingCultivated by GodAdvanced in power Main text Mark 4:21-35 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • How the Teaching of Jesus Locks and Unlocks the Kingdom of God

    03/05/2021 Duration: 34min

    In order to understand Jesus on his own terms it is essential that we understand his teaching. As we have seen in the previous sermon in this series, Jesus’ signs and wonders are open to gross misrepresentation unless they are understood in union with his explanations. And so in this familiar parable of the sower, Jesus demonstrates that his teaching is immediately accessible, and yet many fail to truly embrace the implications of what he claims. Moreover, the teaching of Jesus acts as a key – opening the kingdom of God to some who hear, and yet closing the kingdom to others. In this sermon we consider the various responses that hearers of Jesus’ teaching can make, culminating in the one who hears the message, accepts it, and bears astounding kingdom fruit. Main Bible Text Mark 4:1-20 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast Check out the following related resources: Read Our Vision: Foundation Church Belfast describes our vision for catalysing g

  • Opposition and Answers

    26/04/2021 Duration: 40min

    Opposition to Jesus and the Christian faith comes from diverse quarters. In this sermon we consider two dramatically different forms of opposition to Jesus: the Scribes who are direct and aggressive against Jesus, relying on the ad hominem approach; and second, Jesus’ own family. This latter group are a surprising source of opposition. They are very familiar with Jesus, comfortable that they know all they need to know. Yet they attempt to block Jesus’ kingdom ministry by thinking they know better. Whether direct and aggressive, or comfortably familiar, opposition to Jesus is seen commonly today. The first form generally appear on TV or social media, whereas the second form are found seated on church pews across the country. Jesus answers both forms of opposition differently. We can learn from his responses and consider how we may use a similar approach as we answer opposition to Jesus and the Christian faith. Bible Text Mark 3:20-35 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Chu

  • Apostles and the Local Church

    19/04/2021 Duration: 38min

    Jesus calls his Apostles to be with him and commissions them to be sent out to minister in his name. He gives them his authoritative word to preach and his authoritative power to push back the kingdom of darkness. As go the Apostles, so goes the church. The call to Apostleship is first a call to discipleship, to respond and follow after Jesus. So much what we read in this passage applies to all followers of Jesus, all across time. But how to we respond to the Apostles today? In what sense is the church to be considered ‘apostolic’? And is there a role for apostolically-gifted people today? How does Foundation Church Belfast listen to apostolic voices both ancient and contemporary? Main Texts Mark 3:13-19 Ephesians 4:11-13 1 Corinthians 12:28 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • The Authoritative Word and Power of Jesus

    11/04/2021 Duration: 43min

    Jesus often clashed with the religious establishment of his day. His teaching and miracles drew the criticism of many religious leaders who were less than pleased to see such authoritative teaching and power at work. Yet crowds of ordinary people flocked to him, desperate to hear his words or to experience his healing power. In this sermon we see vastly contrasting reactions to Jesus’ authoritative power and word. He evokes hostility as well as hunger in people. Hostility often comes when we don’t think we need Jesus. In fact, we are most hostile when we see Jesus as a threat to our way of life, our foundational beliefs and system of thought. However we are most hungry for Jesus when we realise how much we need him. When come to Jesus and understand we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, we step into his love and receive his power. Main Text Mark 2:23-3:12 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • How To Get Right With God

    06/04/2021 Duration: 29min

    This Resurrection Sunday we dial right down to the ultimate question: how can messed up human beings get right with a perfect, loving and holy God. The answer is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Through faith in him, God counts us as righteous – right in his sight, pleasing to him. When we understand the mechanics of faith we realise this is immensely freeing. No more striving to get into God’s good books, no more cynicism that there’s no point, no more frantic religious activity to maintain good terms. No, it’s all been provided for us by Jesus. We receive the gift by opening the empty hands of faith. Main Bible Text Romans 4:23-5:1 Preacher David Varney, leader Foundation Church Belfast For more information on our vision check out this post: Our Vision at Foundation Church

  • How to Turn Your Trials Into Triumphs

    09/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    Many people are facing severe trials and hardships already as we begin the new year. However Psalm 3 provides us a model of how to process our trials in a way that is constructive and not destructive. Here are the four steps we can take to move from trial to triumph: PresentConfessExperienceEmpower Therefore handled wisely our trials can actually open us up to fresh experiences of God and invigorated faith in him. Main passage Psalm 3:1-8 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast Check out these related messages: How to Pray Powerful Prayers from the series Real Religion Authority Over Sickness and Sin from the series The Gospel According to Mark

  • Context and Contradiction in the Kingdom of God

    12/12/2020 Duration: 38min

    Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is different in substance from anything that goes before it. Our behaviour and actions are determined by the context of which system we live under. If we live in the Kingdom of God, we should be more at home with celebration and joy. There is a place for fasting and solemnity but our overarching stance should be one of enjoyment. However the Kingdom of God contradicts any system or structure that we may adopt. Therefore Jesus teaches you can’t simply tack on the kingdom of God to our existing belief system or way of life – this only leads to eventual damage and destruction. Listen to how the CONTEXT of the Kingdom and the CONTRADICTION of the Kingdom make real differences to our everyday lives in gospel community. Main text: Mark 2:18-22 Sermon by David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • Why Follow Jesus?

    04/12/2020 Duration: 38min

    What kind of person needs Jesus? Who should follow him? And how should someone go about that? St. Mark describes a dinner party that Jesus was a guest of. He had recently met and called Levi to join his group of followers – a community Jesus was building to learn from him. A group that would one day take his message and his mighty works, and go and tell the world what he has done. Levi was a tax collector. In that day it meant he was regarded as a scum-bag, a colluder with the Roman state, a traitor of his own people. Religious people despised him. But Jesus saw something else. He saw someone who needed to know God, to know that he was forgiven. Levi needed to discover who Jesus is and what he can do. So Levi, after encountering Jesus, invited all his friends and ‘associates’ round for a dinner party. His fellow tax collectors and other dubious contacts. However rather than resenting Jesus attending the party, they loved it! At Foundation Church Belfast we are growing to becom

  • Authority Over Sickness and Sin

    27/11/2020 Duration: 42min

    In this sermon we see further examples of Jesus’ primary message: ‘The Kingdom of God is coming!’ Here we are shown that Jesus claims authority not only over sickness but his authority to forgive sins. This authority has a polarising effect: it will either attract or repel (as all forms of authority do). We see the healed man and his friends aware of Jesus’ authority – and they go straight to him for help and restoration. Yet we also see the response of the religious scholars. They are unsettled by Jesus’ claims about himself. He represents too much of a challenge to their belief systems and way of life. We take time to think about how to respond to Jesus today as well as consider whether miraculous healings are available for us in the contemporary church. Main text Mark 2:1-12 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast. Check out these related sermons: How to Pray Powerful Prayers – from the Real Religion series. Evan

  • The Kingdom of God: Authority, Mission, Calling

    23/11/2020 Duration: 41min

    The implications of the teaching and signs of Jesus are far reaching. In this sermon we examine the first day of Jesus’ ministry following his baptism, Spirit-empowerment and temptation. We see him teaching in the local Synagogue; his listeners astonished at his authoritative words. We see him clashing with the kingdom of darkness – demons are cast out with a word from him. All this is set on the backdrop of Jesus’ own stated mission – to preach the kingdom of God has come near, and to demonstrate what it looks like. As we consider all this we realise there are massive implications for the contemporary church. If we at Foundation Church Belfast are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and his disciples, then our prayers, our vision, the way we organise ourselves – all of this must be shaped by Jesus’ own mission – to show and tell the kingdom of God. Main text: Mark 1:21-39 Speaker: David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast Check out the

  • Who Is Jesus and What Did He Say?

    17/11/2020 Duration: 49min

    St. Mark takes us to some highly significant moments at the start of Jesus’ ministry: his baptism, his forty days of temptation, and his preaching. All of these snapshots show us who Jesus claimed to be: He was the Son of GodHe was one of usHe was Spirit-filledHe was victorious Integrated to his identity was also his mission – what he came to do. The headline message that he began to give was this: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.Mark 1:15 ESV Proclamation of the kingdom of God was only part of it. He came to call people to enter it, to become his disciples and follow him. In this message we examine these key moments in Jesus’ early ministry and think how they set the pace for us at Foundation Church Belfast as we pray, ‘May your kingdom come.’ Main text: Mark 1:9-20 Message by David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

  • The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    11/11/2020 Duration: 33min

    If you want to examine the claims of Jesus Christ to see if they have merit, start by studying the Gospel According to Mark. Over the next few months we shall be examining the central teachings of Jesus as we read and think through passage by passage of Mark. Many people who dismiss Christianity do so because of past experiences with the Church or with people who claim to be Christians. Rarely it is because they have taken time to read the primary sources, think through the claims of Christ, and conclude that he is not to be believed. As a church in Belfast we want to have a sound grasp of the life and teachings of Jesus. It is important for believers in Jesus to come to ever-increasing understanding and experience of him in our own lives and in our community. As a community on mission we are built upon the person and work of Jesus, so knowing him better is essential to church health and vibrancy. Main text: Mark 1:1-8. Sermon by David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast.

  • The Cost of Following Jesus

    03/11/2020 Duration: 34min

    Main text: Luke 14:25-33 Message by Tyler Rawson

  • God is Our Refuge and Strength

    26/10/2020 Duration: 29min

    The Psalmist shows us that it is possible to experience peace and security in the middle of immense turmoil. We access this profound resource through entering in to the kingdom city of God. This is not mere psychological escapism. Rather it is the solid promise of a God who has acted concretely in human history. Jesus opens the way to the kingdom of God. We enter through faith in him. And when we see what he has done for us, we realise that nothing in life can ultimately tear us away from the favour and love of God. Main text: Psalm 46 Message by David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast.

  • Healthy Community + Impactful Mission

    19/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    Here’s the main theme of Paul’s letter to Titus: Get the truth straight and allow the truth to shape you. In this concluding sermon we examine the results that will be noted in a church that is committed to learning and living the truth: Healthy CommunityImpactful Mission We consider how we are experiencing this at Foundation Church Belfast so far and how we long to see this be manifested more powerfully in the coming years. Main text Titus 3:9-15 Speaker David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast Check out the following related sermons: 9 Marks: Church Discipline Community Makers, Community Breakers

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