Talk And Trivia, With J&j



A brisk walk in the park... Of our minds.


  • Et Cetera Sunday: 'At Midnight'


    This is th' Et Cetera Sunday, with the Talk and the Triv, the Joel and the Jon. But who needs introductions? Jon will ramble about sarcasm and cookbooks and making things from scratch. Joel will overview Chris Hardwick's romantic drama '@midnight', based on a conversation he had with Julie Delpy in France; and admit to owning a magical VHS copy of 'The Pagemaster'.Oh, and then trailer talk: 'Marvel's Avenger's Captain America: Civil War' Trailer 1 and 'Batman v. Superman' Trailer 2!May Future Jon watch over you. Enjoy....

  • Episode 90: 'Trick R Treat' & 'Krampus'


    It's that time of the year, folks: the time when the Christmas lights go up, families are heartlessly slaughtered by the fireplace, and all the great movies are released at once! Prepare yourself for a late-night, double-feature picture show, featuring Michael Dougherty films!What? Is Joel singing The Imperial March under his breath? Nooope, he's just terrified of the Halloween horrors showcased in 'Trick 'r Treat'. Lots of masks, lots of death, and vaguely comic-strippy credits? Fair, I suppose. Then... have you been good this year? You better watch out: 'Krampus' is coming to town. Lots of jingling bells, off-screen deaths, and hot cocoa.Enjoy.<meta_aside>SPOILERS ABOUND</meta_aside>...

  • Bullsh** With J&J! - Types of Consumers


    Hello out there! This is a live broadcast of B.S. with the J's... at least it's live for us. But before we get started, can't Jon just have his rules, Joel?! Then shoehorns aside, how about a topic that we can all sympathize with: in a world of practically endless media, how do you choose what to watch? Is there a morality importance to what you view and engage in, from art to film to music to pizza? And what do those things that you choose say about you?Endulge your critical mind by listening to a couple of dudes unravel theirs. And enjoy....

  • Et Cetera Sunday: The Mirror Stage, 'Jessica Jones'


    Well hello, world. Here we are for another session of T. and T., with a focus on Et Cetera. First up, a bit of philosophy; Jon has been reading about Jacques Lacan during his Wikipedia searches (of life), and he wants to share it with you! Also sweater retirement. And to close, Joel talks all about Netflix's latest TV addition to the MCU, 'Jessica Jones'! A.K.A. 'Krysten Ritter Versus The Doctor'.Yes and yes and quite. Enjoy....

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