Naf Physio Podcast



Hosted by Adam Meakins (aka The Sports Physio), Not Another F**king (NAF) Physio Podcast promises to be unlike any other! Talking about things that matter, but don't really matter. It will be amateurish, inconsistent, with poor sound quality and even poorer interviews Be prepared for critical critique, dubious debate, quirky questions and lots of bad language!


  • 019 Talking About the Art of Science

    26/01/2018 Duration: 56min

    In the first NAF of 2018 Adam and Erik are joined by special guest Nick Tumminello to discuss the application of science in training and physiotherapy. We discuss if there is an art to science or if this is just an excuse for some people to do whatever they want. We also hear Nick’s views on how to debate and discuss things, and Adam learns what a ‘steel man’ is… and it's not his own reflection or a new Marvel superhero! Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • 018 Talking Reasoning, Responsibility, and Reform!

    05/12/2017 Duration: 49min

    In this podcast Adam and Erik discuss what the future may hold for our profession and if physios can be trusted with truly autonomous first contact practice. Could physios really become the gate keepers for all musculoskeletal conditions or will they continue to be distracted by the constant stupid ideas around how we should assess and treat, and be cast aside onto the fringes of healthcare with the other quacks... and is Adam really Batman? Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • 017_Talking_Placebo_and_Experience

    28/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    In this episode Erik gets confused but we eventually discuss the placebo effect and how it effects everything we do with patients. But the question is do we need to be focusing on it so much and using our time and resources to investigate it? We then discuss the contentious issue of experience. Do you as a clinician need to have had personal experience of the things you ask your patients to do to be effective and credible? As always hold tight… this could get a little bumpy! Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • 016 Talking Doppler Effects and New Graduate Training

    22/09/2017 Duration: 45min

    In this show Adam and Erik get their science geek on discussing Doppler effects. Then get to talking about what is and isn’t important for a new graduate to focus on and how to induct them into the world of physiotherapy. Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • 015 Talking Manual Therapy and Internal Moments

    27/08/2017 Duration: 42min

    In this episode Adam and Erik discuss why some find it hard to separate their feelings and emotions from things such as manual therapy and exercise, and also about injury prevention programs and what role internal moments have. Erik also tries his hardest to put Adam off by wearing some interesting swim wear!!! Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • 014 The Rebirth

    23/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    We’re alive!!! The NAF is back and we are rocking a new, revamped, sexy format. Be prepared for some surprise announcements, a new co-host, and as usual some controversy and bad language. In this episode we talk about the different types of isometric muscle contractions and their differences and roles in rehab from Schaefer and Bittmann, BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (2017) 9:11 DOI 10.1186/s13102-017-0075-z Come join us… it’s good to be back! Music by Kevin MacLeod - Intro - Also sprach Zarathustra Close - Vivacity

  • Holiday Extravaganza 2016

    11/12/2016 Duration: 57min

    The PT Podcast Network crew are here to spread some holiday cheer with the annual PT Podcast Network Extravaganza! They talk Jedis, rectums, Festivus, and horrible jet lag - all the holiday standards. Some say it's unlistenable...but you get to judge for yourself! Music for The PT Podcast Holiday Extravaganza: Kevin MacLeod -  

  • 013 Talking Passive Treatments and Adjuncts with Jack and Rob

    17/04/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode Adam talks with the hosts of the Physio Natters podcast Jack March and Rob Tyre about their recent podcast on adjuncts in physiotherapy. Adam gets on his high horse and holds Jack and Rob to account for some of their thoughts and opinions on adjuncts and has a good old rant about them. Watch out for some strong opinions, accents and of course language. Also if you are emotionally or financially attached to your acupuncture needles, coloured tape, massage cream or quartz crystals you may wish to move along quietly; you will find only anger here.

  • 012 Talking Scapulae with Dr Chris Littlewood and Dr Filip Struyf

    13/03/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    In this our first anniversary episode of the NAF we talk with Chris and Filip around the notorious, infamous and debatable subject of Scapula Dyskinesia. Is it cause or effect, is it defense or defect, do we need to consider it or disregard it? We get to hear Chris and Filip's thoughts about if we can and should assess scapulae for dyskinesia and if specific or general shoulder exercises matter. We also learn that Filip is a master with metaphors.

  • 011 Talking Injury Prevention with Dr Tim Gabbett

    14/02/2016 Duration: 59min

    In this month's podcast Adam talks with Dr Tim Gabbett about injury prevention in sports. He discusses Dr Gabbett’s recent paper in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on the Acute to Chronic ratio for load as a guide to reduce the risk of preventable injury. Adam and Tim discuss the role and importance of monitoring load and how best this can be achieved in both professional, amateur, and individual sports. Dr Gabbett’s recent paper can be found as free access here:The training—injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder?Gabbett TJ.Br J Sports Med. 2016 Jan 12. pii: bjsports-2015-095788. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-095788. [Epub ahead of print]

  • 010 Talking Posture, Pain, Stretching, and Mooses with Greg Lehman

    10/01/2016 Duration: 54min

    Happy New Year. We start 2016 on the NAF with a bang, talking with the well-known physio/chiro/researcher/sceptic Greg Lehman. In this episode we finally find out which side of the physio/chiropractic fence Greg sits on, and who he thinks would win a fight between a physio and a chiro. We also find out that he can’t hold his beer and that he has some unusual bedroom companions… Canadians eh!!! We do talk about some sensible stuff eventually such as the role of posture and pain, stretching effects on tendon and muscle tissue, and how education and biomechanics fit in with pain science. Enjoy!

  • Holiday Extravaganza

    14/12/2015 Duration: 01h41s

    It's that time of year again and the PT Podcast Network crew are in the holiday spirit! The gang got together, as best they can scattered across the world, to share a little eggnog and make fun of each other. So pour yourself a drink, sit by the fire (or pool in the Southern Hemisphere), and enjoy a little holiday cheer.

  • 008 Talking Policy and Procedures with Steve Tolan

    22/11/2015 Duration: 51min

    In this episode Adam talks with Steve Tolan, Head of Practice of the UK professional body for physiotherapists the CSP. He asks Steve what the CSP does for its members, as well as discussing the issues physios are facing in the ever cash-strapped NHS. We also talk about the role of evidence based practice and the need for physios to demonstrate and prove their worth and value.

  • 007 Talking Wobbly Shoulders with Anju Jaggi

    25/10/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    In this month’s episode Adam talks with shoulder specialist Anju Jaggi about shoulder instability, in particular the complex multi-directional non traumatic unstable shoulder. Anju shares her years of clinical experience in how to assess and manage unstable shoulders with some invaluable tips and clinical gems. We also talk about the role of the structure and other psychosocial factors in the unstable shoulder and finally discuss the exciting placebo trial currently underway looking at the role of stabilisation surgery in non-traumatic unstable shoulder. Also keep listening right until the end of the podcast to find a little surprise offer you may be interested in...

  • 006 Talking Pain and the Brain with Mick Thacker

    27/09/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    After a month away Adam comes back with a bang! In this episode he talks with the well-known and respected Dr Mick Thacker about pain, the brain, and the person. Mick has recently been involved in some rather heated debates on these subjects and has been misinterpreted and misquoted in his discussions. In this episode Mick voices his concerns and warns us against becoming too brain bound when explaining and managing those in pain. In this episode Adam also questions Mick about his thoughts and feelings on social media, peer review, and the thorny subject of the academic-clinical divide and the issues it creates.

  • 005 Talking Penises and Vaginas with Sandy Hilton and Sarah Haag

    16/08/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    In this episode Adam talks about pelvic health issues with Sandy Hilton and Sarah Haag, two specialists from Chicago, IL in the US of A. We discuss pelvic pain and incontinence, as well as discussing why there are no male pelvic health physios. Sarah and Sandy also discuss how to overcome the embarrassment of discussing personal and intimate things with patients, and Adam tries his hardest to offend everyone with coming up with as many different terms for male and female genitalia.

  • 004 Talking Ultrasound with Peter Gettings

    19/07/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode Adam talks to Peter Gettings (aka "The Librarian"), an MSK physio and sonographer, about ultrasound. Not the "Is it even plugged in, rub it on my skin, and make it feel better" type of ultrasound, rather the "Rub it on my skin and look inside me, and then make me feel better" type of ultrasound. They also talk about issues with peer review and access to research for some, and of course the dinosaurs get mentioned… again! The Ultrasound Website mentioned is

  • 003 Talking Dinosaurs and Special Interest Groups with Dr Langridge

    21/06/2015 Duration: 55min

    In this episode Adam talks to Dr Neil Langridge, a consultant physiotherapist and ex vice chair of the MACP, about the role of special interest groups within physiotherapy as mentioned in his recent blog here: They also discuss the role of manual therapy, its mechanisms, and effects. However, at the start of this episode Adam starts by responding to some recent accusations of being disrespectful for comments he made calling for the removal of some outdated yet influential figures from our profession. He goes on to challenge those who appeal to authority and attack differences of opinion en masse to stand up and be counted one to one. Watch out, this podcast gets a bit feisty.

  • 002 Talking Running With Tom Goom

    24/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    In the second episode of The NAF Physio Podcast, Adam talks with Tom Goom aka The Running Physio about babies, blogs, twitter and superman, and of course about running, and runners injuries, from the common calf strain to anterior knee pain, we talk about the role of isolated and functional exercises for runners, as well as the controversial topic of running gait mechanics: Should we try to address them and how?

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