Pilgrim Heart With Krishna Das



The Krishna Das Pilgrim Heart Hour features Krishna Das no-nonsense take on everyday struggles for finding balance on the spiritual path. Through the honesty, humility and humor of his own personal experiences, he points to the possibility of navigating lifes trials with a true inner yearning for truth. His own practice of kirtan or chant is the well stone of his ability to share from his spiritual heart. As KD says, Love is a disease - we catch it from those who have it.


  • Ep. 19 - Meaning of the Names, Loving Kindness, and Paying attention

    28/06/2015 Duration: 29min

    KD reminds us that it is what is underneath the names that we chant which matters. He also borrows a line from longtime friend Sharon Salzberg by encouraging the practice of Loving Kindness, through which we make a concentrated effort to soften to ourselves and eventually to others. After all, where will we find peace of mind if we can’t be at ease with ourselves? Paying attention is heavily emphasized as a means for remaining present, even in higher states of consciousness. Where we place our attention is primary in determining how we will react to the ever-changing world that surrounds us.

  • Ep. 18 - Refuge, Sharing, Guru and the Path

    15/06/2015 Duration: 45min

    KD explores the religious concept of refuge in relation to the chanting of the Name, explaining that we always have the option to let go in order to come back to our true nature. Questions from the audience unlock memories from India, through which KD illustrates the importance of finding that place inside ourselves where we are content, no matter the circumstances. We can learn to move deeply within our own being. There is no time frame, but the work must always be done in the now.

  • Ep. 17 - Maui Meetup, Round 2

    02/06/2015 Duration: 01h13min

    KD is joined once again by Raghu Markus and Duncan Trussell at the Courage to Love retreat in Maui. The power trio takes a break from the action to fine tune some of the more profound and novel moments experienced at these gatherings. KD discusses ways to approach habitual patterns as well as how to create positive pathways in the mind. Other menu items include mantras, the feeling of being at home in Love, and the bittersweet nature of longing. As always, no conversation from the Das brothers would be complete without some deep cuts from the Maharaji memory bank. Free Love for everyone.

  • Ep. 16 - Integrating India, Muktananda, and Ego

    20/05/2015 Duration: 27min

    Krishna Das responds to questions from a workshop audience, explaining his delayed reactions to the events that transpired during his travels to the East, as well as his interesting encounter with Muktananda. He genuinely feels that he hasn’t even begun to process what he experienced throughout his time with Maharaji and many other great beings. KD also touches on the ‘thinning’ of ego in relation to practice.

  • Ep. 15 - Practice: Waking from the Movie of Me

    07/05/2015 Duration: 35min

    A sharp reflection on the power and necessity of practice in gaining ground on the self-centered mind. We are fortunate in this world to have a choice, to have the ability to vote on the actions we will take throughout our lives. Which of these actions will bring joy, peace and presence into our being, and how can we align ourselves with an attitude that maintains this understanding? The answer, as always, comes in the form of practice. When we can remember that we have the option to choose how we will spend our time, we then need only to remind ourselves, and to trust our own hearts in moving forward.

  • Ep. 14 - India Stories Pt. 2

    24/04/2015 Duration: 31min

    Further stories from the East in which KD explains the initial communication breakdown in attempting to translate his profound experiences through his native tongue. The Love he experienced with his Indian family was expressed and understood in a way that he didn’t know was possible. The process was one of ripening, for all of those who encountered such grace.

  • Ep. 13 - Traveling to India, Love and Happiness

    13/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Through a serious of questions KD explains what prompted his initial travels to India, and offers up some advice for others who are looking to make the journey. He also comments on ways to work with the more obsessive elements of Love, and explains the reality that our happiness is an ongoing practice.

  • Ep. 12 - Best Effort, Culture and Unconditional Love

    26/03/2015 Duration: 37min

    Through stories of Maharaji, KD encourages listeners to give their best effort in whatever they are practicing, as the seeds we plant now will bloom when the time is right. KD also responds to questions about his travels, Christianity and the intense power of unconditional love

  • Ep. 11 - Surrender, Responsibility, and Pain

    15/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    KD responds to questions on some of the more common themes encountered on the path, including true surrender, and where our responsibility lies in making decisions. Pain is also discussed in regards to illness, and how we can remain present throughout our struggles.

  • Ep. 10 - India Stories

    27/02/2015 Duration: 41min

    KD recounts a series of stories from the early days leading up to India, including his initial experiences with chanting that would foreshadow his eventual immersion in the practice. Raghu Markus makes a brief appearance to tell the ‘true’ story of his ‘meditate like Christ’ instruction from Maharaji. Warm tales, of basking in the light of the Guru.

  • Ep. 09 - Desire, Discernment, Love and Practice

    13/02/2015 Duration: 37min

    Letting go begins when we get what we want, and realize we are still dissatisfied. We learn to work with our desire systems, moving through them, and cultivating a greater discernment for our actions in the world. We slowly move towards Love, and come to understand that it is all around us, never coming, never going.

  • Ep. 08 - Politics, Pain, Depression and the Guru

    20/01/2015 Duration: 29min

    KD’s trademark humor helps balance the darker themes discussed in this Q&A session. He describes his often-simple approach to life’s many challenges, and encourages others to start where they are, in working with what is. Practice is highlighted as a means for creating space around the difficulties that we inevitably encounter.

  • Ep. 07 - Krishna Das Meets Duncan Trussell

    19/12/2014 Duration: 49min

    Krishna Das, Raghu and Duncan take a time-out from the Open Your Heart in Paradise retreat to talk about their ‘chosen’ vocations. Drugs, demons, chanting and love - little is left uncovered in this lighthearted discussion from the sacred shores of Maui.

  • Ep. 06 - Chanting, What's in a Name?

    01/12/2014 Duration: 33min

    Chanting is a truly sustainable practice, with benefits reaching far beyond the present moment. Through the repetition of these sacred names, we are invited and encouraged to uncover our basic goodness. We bring our fractured minds to a single point, and are then able to operate from that space of loving awareness. The name itself is often mysterious, but the presence that we discover is decidedly familiar

  • Ep. 05 - When the Saints Come Marching In

    13/11/2014 Duration: 34min

    It is only out of pure compassion that great beings make themselves available to us. They don’t require anything on the physical plane, and are therefore capable of acting only in the best interest of those in need. Krishna Das expounds on this concept through stories of Maharaji and other great Saints. As a result of their profound love, and deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of it all, they remain present, to help and to heal. - The Primacy of Grace - Compassion of the Guru - Necessity to honor our Karma (no matter what) - Detoxing through Maharaji’s love - The paradox of non attachment

  • Ep. 04 - Equanimity, God, Chanting And Love

    30/10/2014 Duration: 28min

    Krishna Das responds to questions on a variety of topics including faith in God, energy and awareness through chanting, and the eternal presence of love. He also touches on ‘spiritual materialism’, and offers some advice when searching for an environment in which to practice.

  • Ep. 03 - Chanting and Awareness

    29/09/2014 Duration: 23min

    Krishna Das discusses the relationship between chanting and awareness during the Heart of Devotion workshop at Princeton University. Our natural state is one of awareness, but our thoughts continuously pull us away from this presence. Chanting helps to create a sense of spaciousness by offering the mind something to focus on. Each repetition is like a seed of awareness that grows throughout the process. The practice slowly dissolves the more transient aspects of our personhood, and what’s left is the true presence in which the spirit resides.

  • Ep. 02 - Peace of Mind

    29/09/2014 Duration: 28min

    Krishna Das explains that simple peace of mind is often underrated in our culture, and that thinking about peace is not the same thing as being peaceful. We seek enlightenment or bliss, not realizing that a calm and present mind is equally profound. Peace of mind is the middle ground from which we can choose what we want to hold in our thoughts. We have to allow it to arise from within through practice. How we live today is how we will live tomorrow, and our practice gives us the strength to let go of what is no longer serving us.

  • Ep. 01 - Maharaj-ji, Chanting, Love and Grace

    23/09/2014 Duration: 34min

    Krishna Das recounts the events and experiences that originally brought him to chanting. Though his path was paved with personal struggle and self-doubt, the love of his guru kept his devotion alive, and he eventually began to find peace in the practice itself. Through chanting he was able to deepen his awareness of the presence of love.

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