The Ted Broer Show - Mp3 Edition



The Ted Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more


  • 08-06-20


    Major announcement from on Deutsch Bank and Trump today. 2018 Netanyahu pointed to the very spot bombed yesterday. Ordinance dropped right before explosion. Jerry Falwell literally caught with his pants unzipped with his arm around another women with her pants unzipped. What is the Greater Israel project? Who controls Trump? This is a must hear segment. Should we feed those who didn’t prep? Plus much much more! Probably the best show in several weeks. Hard hitting politically incorrect broadcast.

  • 08-05-20


    Was a mini nuke used in Beirut? An extreme explosion has caused massive damage and casualties. California Jezebel Women attacks a man with hot coffee for not wearing a mask. Will people finally understand the vaccine narrative? How important is a second opinion from a medical doctor. How important is preventative health care? What you should look for in storable food. Gold surges past 2000. Is the earth really round? This is a high energy must listen show.

  • 08-04-20


    It’s not China! What’s happening in the China Sea? Trump wishes Ghislaine well again. What is up with him? Why to alt news sites promote gematria? Austin gets temperature scanned. Why is a relationship with Jesus essential? Why are people so asleep?

  • 08-03-20


    Why are twitter accounts advocating pedophilia still allowed? Are aborted fetal cells in vaccines causing gender dysphoria? Another cruise ship has outbreak. Trump condemns income disparity. What? Who controls the CIA? Another FED lowlife says further economic shutdown is necessary. Do you believe the Space X narrative? Trump says military will have unprecedented role in vaccines. World bank offers Belarus 940 million to lock down country, It’s not China it’s the Kabbalist bankers controlling everything . Plus much much more. High energy informative show.

  • 07-31-20


    Three things to do to slash dementia rates by 40%. Trader Joe refuses political correctness. Ghislaine Maxwell is a Kabbalistic sex pervert. Extensive discussion on these weirdos. Ghislaine says Epstein did nothing wrong. The blasphemy of the starbucks logo! Why won’t the media discuss ways to build the immune system? This show is a thought provoking must listen expose on the cult that runs the world!

  • 07-30-20


    Netanyahu in artwork depicting the last supper. Such blasphemy! Dr Russell Blaylock warns of brain damage from wearing mask. Outer limits alien episode discussed from 1963. The power in the name of Jesus. Christians walk in love! Luke 6 discussed in detail. Will Trumps re-election cause a civil war. Drs censored and their website removed. Everything is obfuscation to cover up child sex trafficking and the sick world leaders. This is a must listen “out there” hard hitting show!

  • 07-29-20


    Is Cigarette smoking making a comeback? Side effects of nicotine discussed. Alcohol consumption all time high. People are depressed and self medicating. Suicide going higher. Governor Desantis questioning fake tests. Why are bars closed? EU still banning Americans. Ron Paul warns against a Fed crypto coin. Remington files bankruptcy again. Will anyone discuss Bill Barr’s role at Ruby Ridge? Who runs this planet? This is a high energy must listen green show!

  • 07-28-20


    Communists want you to be sick it increases dependence on the state. Why it’s so important to eat clean. The USA is waking up to the dangers of vaccines. The kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking. It’s important to take care of yourself. Why do people wait until they are dying before changing lifestyles? The secret to weight loss. How to burn fat and increase muscle. What cooking oil should you use? This is a must listen green show.

  • 07-27-20


    Multiple letters read from listeners. More mask stories. Fauci busted again. For not wearing a mask. Elderly women in SanDiego pepper sprays couple for not wearing a mask. Vote with your pocket book. Diamond market in free fall. Rutgers declares grammar racist! Couple banned byWalmart for wearing swastika mask. The goal posts keep moving. Who is Sinclair media? Why did they pull Mikovits interview? Alt media is full of operation mockingbird. Here are the topics they won’t talk about. Plus much more!

  • 07-24-20


    Ted discusses a must watch video exposing organized crime and child trafficking posted at This discussion is mind boggling. China tells USA to close consulate in China. Kanye threatens to tell all. Patriot former fired UNC professor flounder dead at 55. Another UFO update. College student sanctioned for legally posting a gun picture. Is there a new virus being released. AI now being used to force ask wearing. Plus much more. This is a politically incorrect must listen show!

  • 07-23-20


    What is happening with Kanye West? Be careful who you marry and who your friends are. DC implements 1000 dollar mask fines. New 5 G study says it’s even worse than we think. Must listen segment. Remember Wuhan 5G city. Will 5 G combined with vaccine be the mark of the beast? Will it make your DNA incompatible with God? Fathers plan to protect your families. Forced quarantine in California? More info on intravenous vitamin C. Must listen high energy show!

  • 07-22-20


    Where did the term Teddy Bear come from? A little light hearted nostalgia. Chinese consulate in Houston closed as their documents are burned. Joe Biden in NOT a christian! Why did Trump wish Ghislaine well? With The Gates of he... final solution be upon us? Trump about faces and tells us to wear masks. More die in Chicago. Plus much much more!

  • 07-21-20


    Biden wants more Islam taught in schools. Man who shot judges son supposedly kills himself. Couple who defended home charged will felony’s. Jacksonville sheriff says he can’t supply enough officers for RNC. Karen’s continue screaming this time on a beach. Hollywood satanic cults exposed. Scriptures to dwell upon daily. Ted is at Sheraton and tells another encounter story. Lincoln was a racist. More and more mask legislation. Are we in the hunger games? Plus much more. High energy politically incorrect show!

  • 07-20-20


    Nick Cannon proves himself to be a racist. The clown cars are loaded.. the Fauci parade to destruction Kentucky couple forced to wear an,Le bracelet for refusing to sign documents concerning quarantine. Child sex trafficking has become an epidemic. How is it liked to Epstein, Clintons and NXIVM? Where’s the economy heading? Plus much more. This is a direct show on what’s really happening. It is a must listen!

  • 07-17-20


    What does the Charlemagne firing prove? Ted does empassioned plea for christian leaders to lead! This is a must hear segment. California beach goers refuse to wear masks. More disinformation about . Why used masks are so dangerous. Man in Canada ends up being shot and killed over not wearing a mask. Big news story of week . USA threatens to cut off Chinese-access to swift accounts. This would be an act of war. Plus much much more! This is a very politically incorrect must listen show!

  • 07-16-20


    Father charged for beating up adult male for raping his 14 year old in the fathers house? What? Parents deciding to home school rather than returning children to school. What is adderall? Revelation 13 discussed. initiation ritual. Mortgage delinquencies soar. Asheville agrees to reparations. Don’t talk to investigators! Here’s why. AC spreads and other false statements. Plus much more. High energy must listen show!

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