Stasis Pod



Rewatching post-G1 Transformers cartoons with analysis and fandom insights.


  • Stasis Pod Episode 42: Changing of the Guard

    26/02/2016 Duration: 32min

    Did you have your fill of pretty CG water in Deep Metal? Well TOO BAD, because it's time for more! Rhinox concludes that the only way to get the Ark properly secured is to retrieve the Sentinel console from the Axalon. But with the Maximal's old base at the bottom of a river, it's up to Rattrap to pilot a tiny submersible pod into the ruins to retrieve it before the Predacons come after him! Can he escape the claws of Rampage? Can the Maximals keep Sentinel from falling into Predacon hands? And just where is that music coming from anyway? Join us this week for a Changing of the Guard!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 41: Deep Metal

    20/02/2016 Duration: 42min

    The year is 1998, and Mainframe Entertainment has finally gotten the hang of really nice CG water. So it's time for something new and exciting: a character with an aquatic beast mode! But why does newcomer Depth Charge have a revenge boner for Rampage? How many fish-based nicknames can Rattrap come up with? And do Transmetal cats hate water? Join us as we get into some Deep Metal!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 40: Optimal Situation

    12/02/2016 Duration: 47min

    It's a new season, and that means new toys to sell! To save the universe as they know it, the Maximals have to save Optimus Prime! But what effect will storing Prime's spark have on Optimus Primal's body? How many of us shot ourselves in the eyes with his toy's missiles? And how did the Predacons manage to survive the last episode? Join us as we find the Optimal Situation!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 39.5: Beast Wars II The Movie

    06/02/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    A mysterious ship crashes on Planet Actually Not Earth, and the Cybertrons and Destrons race to capture the time-travel warp gate inside so they can summon a great hero or weapon from the past to help defeat the other side once and for all! Can a character really be more annoying than Tazmania Kid? Did that gate key come from Bad Dragon? And when did Optimus Primal become Robot Jesus? Join us as we discuss these questions and more on our between-season special, Beast Wars II The Movie!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 39: The Agenda Part III

    30/01/2016 Duration: 59min

    Say goodbye to the universe, Maximals! The future has changed. Yessssss. The Autobots lose! Evil triumphs! And you… YOU… NO LONGER EXIST!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 38: The Agenda Part 2

    21/01/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    With Megatron in Ravage’s custody, the Beast Wars are pretty much over, right? But Megatron has a trick up his sleeve in his CD drive that may sway the old Decepticon to his side! Meanwhile, Optimus tries to ground Silverbolt for consorting with the enemy, but can even a big metal monkey stand in the … Continue reading Stasis Pod Episode 38: The Agenda Part 2 →

  • Stasis Pod Episode 37: The Agenda Part 1

    16/01/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    Cybertron finally learns the location of the time-lost Maximals and Predacons! But the Tripredicus Council hides this information from the Maximals, preferring to deal with the renegade Megatron on their own. When their agent shows up on prehistoric Earth and offers his help, will Optimus accept — even if he's a Decepticon? Will Ravage finally bring an end to the Beast Wars? And why is there so much sexual innuendo in this episode? Join us as we tackle The Agenda Part 1!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 36: Transmutate

    08/01/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    This week we continue Season 2's Final Five with Transmutate! When a damaged stasis pod produces a deeply flawed but powerful Cybertronian, Rampage declares the creature his sparkmate and runs away with it. But Silverbolt wants to protect it from both Rampage and the Maximals who want to power it down for its own good. Is a creature like Transmutate too pure for this cruel world?

  • Stasis Pod Episode 35: Code of Hero

    24/12/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    "The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic... for I now find that I have no choice at all! I am a warrior... let the battle be joined."

  • Stasis Pod Episode 34: Bad Spark

    18/12/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    Don't look in the basement! When Cheetor finds a giant stasis pod marked with a big X, Rhinox and Optimus fear that the science experiment gone wrong known as Protoform X has escaped! Can the Maximals or the Predcons get the monster under control before it hunts them down and kills them all? Is Silverbolt's thing for Blackarachnia cute or hella creepy? And when did Megatron get a 3D printer? Join us this week as we hunt down a Bad Spark!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 33: Other Visits Part 2

    11/12/2015 Duration: 48min

    Megatron gets control of the latest alien weapon, but instead of using it to unquestionably destroy the Maximals, he decides to head straight for a bigger target: Cybertron itself! Can Optimus Primal and his sweet hoverboard stop him? Is Tarantulas a better Evil Bro than underling? And what is Megatron's obsession with his own head? Join us this week for a second helping of Other Visits!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 32: Other Visits Part 1

    03/12/2015 Duration: 59min

    Tigatron and Airazor stop scouting each other for long enough to stumble onto another alien site — which attacks them mid-romantic moment! Will the Maximals or the Predacons get there to secure the location first? Have Megatron's jamming towers replaced falling boulders as the most effective weapon against the Predacons? And will Jen survive the loss of her ship? Join us as we set the dinner table for Other Visits Part 1!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 31: Maximal, No More

    28/11/2015 Duration: 59min

    The realization that Megatron's side may be the winning one causes Dinobot to rethink his loyalties. But are the Predacons the same team he remembers, or is Megatron's plan worse than Dinobot realized? If he changes his mind, will the Maximals take him back? And is Rattrap the most tsundere character in Transformers canon? Find out as we become Maximal, No More!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 30: Tangled Web

    21/11/2015 Duration: 41min

    With his old lair destroyed in the quantum surge, Tarantulas is in the market for some new real estate. Megatron sends him to scout out a possible new source of stable energon with Blackarachnia and Quickstrike in tow, and the location seems like just the place he's looking for. But will Blackarachnia thwart his plans? Just how gullible is Quickstrike? And was the whole scouting mission just a scheme of Megatron's to get Tarantulas's creepy ass out of the base? Find out as we untangle this Tangled Web!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 29: Coming of the Fuzors Part 2

    13/11/2015 Duration: 48min

    With Optimus Primal dead, Tigatron and Airazor off scouting, Rhinox doing some kind of weird New Age crap, and the newest protoforms on Megatron's side, Dinobot, Rattrap, and Cheetor are outgunned and outnumbered! But as the sun rises over this bleak scene, will a hero come to their aid? Will Optimus really stay dead? How long will it take for Silverbolt to realize he doesn't belong with the Predacons? And does Blackarachnia even try to lie convincingly? It's time for the sepia-toned conclusion to Coming of the Fuzors

  • Stasis Pod Episode 28: Coming of the Fuzors Part 1

    07/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Megatron retrieves the first two stasis pods knocked out of orbit by the planet killer, but what impact will the malfunctioning pods have on the protoforms inside? Dinobot channels Hamlet, Tarantulas's toy-accurate new body doesn't stop him from being a creeper, and Waspinator is super adorable in part 1 of Coming of the Fuzors! And stay tuned as we discuss the latest BotCon toy reveals!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 27: Aftermath

    31/10/2015 Duration: 58min

    In the wake of the destruction of the planet-killing moon, a quantum surge scours the planet. What will happen to the fallen Maximal stasis pods? Is Optimus Primal really gone? Or maybe none of those questions will be answered this week. Grab your Transmetals, because it's time to sell toys! Join us as we watch the first episode of season 2, Aftermath!

  • Stasis Pod Bonus Episode: Beast Wars II

    24/10/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    With Optimus Primal dead and Megatron triumphant, we take a break this week to take a look at how Japan continued the Beast Wars series from this point with the first episode of Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers. Will the Cybertrons find their missing leader? How much did they budget for this show? And what's Japan's deal with smooth jazz during space battles? Join us as The New Forces Arrive!

  • Stasis Pod Episode 26: Other Voices Part 2

    17/10/2015 Duration: 50min

    The Beast Wars are over, Optimus. You. Lose.

  • Stasis Pod Episode 25: Other Voices Part 1

    09/10/2015 Duration: 52min

    And now...the actual season finale! Another alien stone formation activates, and the Maximals and Predacons converge on its location. But can Optimus convince the strange aliens to stand down, or will they judge their planetary experiment irrevocably tainted and blow the whole thing up? What kind of weird tentacle porn are these aliens into? And what exactly are the proper terms for spider sex organs? Join us as we hear Other Voices (part 1)!

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