Naptime Empires With Nikki Elledge Brown: Refreshingly Honest Conversations For Entrepreneurial Moms



Theres no one RIGHT way to raise great humans, just like theres no one RIGHT way to build a profitable business. Thats why its so comforting to know youre not the only one trying to do both at the same time. Join me (Nikki Elledge Brown) and a brilliant lineup of family-focused entrepreneurs for the Naptime Empires podcast - refreshingly honest conversations on the realities of parenthood + entrepreneurship. Topics include motherhood, entrepreneurship (obvs), relationships, spirituality, inspiration, success, health, and fun (remember that?).


  • Go to sleep, mom. [NE 062]


    This episode is an audio permission slip to GO TO SLEEP, MOM. When you're feeling tired and cranky, or maybe a bit mentally foggy and slooowwww... When you're reaching for caffeine to make it through the afternoon or staying up way beyond everyone else's bedtime to squeeze in extra work (or Netflix, let's be honest)... Consider, perhaps, that a bit more sleep could do you good. [Note: This ep is for moms who have reasonable control over their bedtimes. Staying up late because of habits we can totally change. Moms with newborns or babies not sleeping through the night - listen at your own risk. I know it's annoying to hear people talk about sleep as if it's a simple CHOICE. How could we ever take it for granted?? Save this episode for when you have the privilege of taking it for granted too. Then, go the eff to sleep. Love you mean it.] In this ep, I share my own battle with the "sleep when baby sleeps" advice, how napping can qualify as a $10,000 / hour activity in my book, and a few tricks (high and low tech

  • Close the tab(s). [NE 061]


    As moms, business owners, and HUMANS in the 21st century - there's a whole lot to keep mental track of in this lifetime. At any given moment we're holding mental space for all KINDS of tasks and to-dos... scheduling dentist appointments, emails, laundry, meals, projects, client work, personal finances... it's a lot.    Thing is - when we let #allthetasks build up, keeping squillions of mental tabs open at a given time, we drain our precious energy. (And think about it - you could have all the free/ alone time in the world, but if you don't have the energy to do something fulfilling or fruitful with it... what's the value of that time?)   Every now and then we need to clear the mental decks and take our energy back. In this episode I share my fave process for doing just that -- the power of (what I call) a brain sneeze - how you can use pen + paper to take a HUGE load off your shoulders in 15 minutes or less. I also cover a simple DECISION framework to help you create a clear action plan for each and every thi

  • The Pregnant Pause: How to Come Back After a Break [NE 060]


    If you've ever gone a week, a month, a YEAR without posting in your "regular" schedule and you've felt a bit shamey or awkward about stepping back onto the field - this one's for you. In this episode I unpack my own process for coming back from my most recent (three month) podcast break. I share the fears and guilty shamey thoughts that creep in, the overwhelm of deciding which topic to choose (there are so manyyyyy hence the "pregnant" pause!), how to reframe so you can feel genuinely GRATEFUL for the break, and how to stack up the benefits to inspire yourself into aligned action again.   There are also some mentions of how my jeweler helped me learn this lesson, a sweet memory of how and when the idea for #naptimeempires first came into my consciousness, and an exciting announcement about where we go from here.   As always - let me know your fave takeaway by taking a screenshot (or a selfie as you listen) + tagging me on Instagram @nikkielledgebrown with #naptimeempires. I'll meet you there!   SHOW NOTES: h

  • You're not behind. [NE 059]


    Happy New Yeeeear! In this episode I catch you up on how we weathered the 2018 who-knows-what-day-it-is-anyway holiday vortex over here, my take on new year planning pressure (hint: you're the boss), a helpful reframe if you're feeling pressured to commit to a plan or a word or a vision you're just not seeing / feeling yet, and a simple challenge to show yourself some extra love this year (month, week, evening). Enjoy! And let me know your fave takeaway by taking a screenshot + tagging me on Instagram @nikkielledgebrown. SHOW NOTES:  INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Sarah Ashman on Bringing Your Brand to Visual Life [NE 058]


    For years Sarah Ancalmo-Ashman used her talents as a graphic designer, stylist, and creative director to craft visually compelling, award-winning print, digital, and television brand + advertising campaigns for brands like Estée Lauder, Ted Baker London, Vogue, Madonna, Origins, Mercedes Benz, Jimmy Fallon, and Coach. In 2012, she shifted her creative focus to collaborate with rule-breaking, name-taking female entrepreneurs + thought-leaders through her branding studio Public Persona. Today she uses the strategies, techniques, and discerning eye that served the big brands to help her clients stand out miles (and millions) above the competition. In this episode we talk about how the transition to motherhood is going for her (her little guy Lucas is 10 months old at the time had this convo). We talk about identity both in terms of visual branding and life in general - the value of having someone you trust to hold up the mirror when you’re getting foggy on what that looks like. We talk about the value of white s

  • A Selfish Ask [NE 057]


    Weird ep warning: I'm calling in a quick favor today, dude. Would LOVE and so appreciate it if you'd play along! If you've enjoyed any or all of these podcast episodes, this week I'm (selfishly and shamelessly) asking you to take two minutes (or less) to leave a rating + review to tell me so. WHY? Because I'm at the very beginning (fun AND awkward) stages of writing my first book, have NO shortage of ideas, and could use some aligned human (aka dreamie) reflections to serve as bumpers in the bowling lane at the moment. This review doesn't need to be fancy, clever, or any certain length. TRUTH is what I'm looking for. I'd just love to know why you tune in to this podcast. It can be a particular message or solo episode... a key takeaway, perspective shift, or even a feeling. Just let me know you're out there - and what you're getting from these convos we've been having in my guest room studio ;) BONUS: If you're listening to this LIVE as it goes up - when you leave a review, screenshot it, and tag me @nikkiel

  • Reina Pomeroy on Trust, Transitions, and Finding What's FUN [NE 056]


    Reina Pomeroy is a speaker, coach, podcaster, founder of Reina + Co and creator of the Dreamy Client Magnet Program. In this convo we cover all kinds of life + biz goodness - from why she left her career in social work to support creative entrepreneurs, to how she intentionally created new hobbies when she realized that, well, she had none. (I can totally relate. ha) We talk about how working fewer hours has been exactly what she needs in this season of life, how she's read over 130 (!) books in 2018, and a fun sneak peek at a big (totally not biz-related) goal she has for 2019. I love this convo and - if you could use more trust and FUN in your life - I think you will too :) Tune in and tag us on Instagram @reinaandcompany @nikkielledgebrown with your fave takeaways! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deli

  • Get back in the game. [NE 055]


    If you're sitting on the figurative sidelines of your own life or business, feeling stuck in imposter syndrome and excuses - why you're not qualified, why your voice isn't as valuable as the so-and-so the next tab over, why it's just not the right time to share that message you genuinely feel called to share...pull up an earbud and get comfy, friend. In this ep I share some ideas / reframes to help you shift OUT of imposter syndrome and INTO joining the conversation. Owning YOUR perspective for what it is at the moment, trusting that if and when your understanding shifts, you'll know what to do next. I also encourage you to practice discernment as a *consumer* - because once you realize we're all just making this ish up as we go, you'll realize how subjective "the conversation" really is. Get in the game, dude. We need you to play your part. (And as you do - take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram @nikkielledgebrown - I'll meet you on the field ;)) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: http://ins

  • The Gift of Mom Guilt [NE 054]


    Mom guilt gets a bad wrap.

  • Rachel Rodgers on Becoming a Million Dollar Badass [NE 053]


    Rachel Rodgers is the founder of Hello Seven + Million Dollar Badass, a mastermind for business owners who are committed AF to making seven figures. In this episode she shares how she was able to grow her business exponentially while on bed rest during her second pregnancy, what she loves about being the primary breadwinner for her fam, what’s currently lighting her up in her business and why she says her “Million Dollar Badass Framework” is about so much more than just money, and a WHOLE LOT MORE. Tune in and tag us on Instagram @rachrodgers @nikkielledgebrown with your fave takeaways! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • How to Appreciate Where You Are NOW. [NE 052]


    In this ep I share a simple reframe that's been helping me appreciate the current moment(s) more. As opposed to arm-wrestling them, stomping my feet and asking "why isn't X happening yet?" in my most obnoxious whiney voice. LIFE SKILLS. Have a listen and give it a go - then tag me in your Instastory @nikkielledgebrown with your fave aha! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Laura Roeder on Systems, SaaS, and Social Media Scheduling [NE 051]


    Edgar’s Laura Roeder is an amazing example of a founder who’s kicking SaaS WHILE also having young kiddos. In this episode, her take on systems, team building, and work environment will help you see what’s possible when you dream (think, plan) bigger. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • It's okay to take a break. [NE 050]


    In this episode I'm asking you to get HONEST about the why, where, what, when, and how of your online presence. In Permission to Unplug [NE 007] I shared ahas from my social-media free weekends, and that was more about CONSUMPTION. In this ep we're talking more about creation. Behind the scenes I see so many biz owners questioning if they should take a break from the internet - step away for a little bit (for a baby, for a holiday, for ANY reason), feeling fear that they'll be forgotten if they honor that nudge. #spoileralert: there's no one right answer but this is YOUR LIFE and every day matters, so you gotta get clear on YOUR answer. In this thinking-out-loud solo ep, I talk about why I think *most autoresponders are unnecessary, why you don't need to apologize for shifting how and when you show up online, and how your truest dream clients + customers will love you even MORE for how you show up for yourself (because you're showing that it's possible for them too). I love this convo. If you decide you're no

  • Lana Shlafer on Life Mastery + The Power of Alignment [NE 049]


    Lana Shlafer is a speaker, life mastery and law of attraction coach, and creator of the Master Your Life Academy. In this convo she shares her insights on allowing support (both in motherhood and in business), the importance of alignment, practical keys to manifestation, the power of perspective, and more. Enjoy! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • The Power of Real Friendships [NE 048]


    I recently returned from a ridiculously amazing trip over the rainbow -- back to Hawaii for the first time since moving to Texas one year ago! - and one of my BIGGEST reflections was the reminder that life is SO much better when it's shared with people we care about. Motherhood, entrepreneurship, even LIFE in this social media age can feel surprisingly isolating at times. In this episode I share some of my best practices for attracting + nurturing meaningful friendships - how to find 'em AND how to prioritize 'em. Your homework for today is to reach out to a buddy who's on your heart and mind and check in to see how s/he's doing. BONUS points if you plan a lunch / dinner / weekend to get together for some face-to-face friend time. As one who's still riding the wave of love and friend time even a week after returning home, lemme tell you: the potential ROI is infinite. CALL 'EM, DUDE. Then tag me @nikkielledgebrown once y'all have made a date ;) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: http://instagram

  • David Siteman Garland on Lifestyle, Discipline, and the Future of Online Courses [NE 047]


    David Siteman Garland is the creator of The Rise To The Top & Create Awesome Online Courses. Over the years he's helped thousands of his students in over 100 countries (myself included) create and sell successful online courses on everything from kindergarten teaching to snowboarding. In this convo we cover the bases... the role that discipline plays in creating a "freedom-based lifestyle" - how to use those chaotic experimental years to your advantage, why competition in the online course space is a GOOD thing (if you've got genuine value to offer your community), and how to handle a pivot / change in the course of your business - whether that involves creating another course or not. If you enjoy this convo and want to learn more from David, be sure to register for the free training we're c-hosting via We'll load you up with super-actionable info in the time we've got, then show you where to go to get more help from both of us if you want + need it. Either way - I have a fe

  • How to Make Time for Life Stuff [NE 046]


    This episode was inspired by the loooong list of "personal" to dos that I've carried with me for several months since moving back to Texas from Hawaii. You know -- the to-dos you write down week after week, month after month, because you know they’re air quotes important and you really SHOULD sit down to just do the thing: Schedule a dentist appointment. Schedule a dermatologist appointment. Schedule a mammogram. (Do your own self breast exam!) Contact the Apple store. Order those lightbulbs. In this ep I share a handful of my own personal to do items that have finally graduated to the “done” (or at least “scheduled”) pile in my brain. (They’ve graduated because I wanted to be able to report that to you in this VERY episode. How meta.) If you’ve had at least ONE simple yet meaningful personal to do haunting you for way too long, listen in and grab a shot of inspo so you can throw your own personal to-do-to-done graduation party this week. I wanna hear about it, so come find + tag me on Insta  @nikkielledgebro

  • Chrissa Benson on Health, Humor, and Blogging for Business [NE 045]


    Chrissa Benson is a is a fitness enthusiast passionate about cooking EASY, healthy, real-food meals and finding ways to sneak in workouts, all while managing life as a military spouse and mom of two little guys. She's a super inspiring human who walks her talk -- exercising to keep her sanity - genuinely LOVES the work she does (dreaming up actual food recipes is about the farthest thing from my zone of genius) and is making a super meaningful difference in the lives of everyone in her digital orbit. Our convo turned into a bit of a friendtorship brainstorming session about midway through - dreaming up how she can spend more time doing what she loves MOST about her business. After you listen, be sure to check her out @physicalkitchness - I dare you not to fall in love with her via Instagram stories! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlik

  • 7 Money Mindset Shifts to Make TODAY [NE 044]


    It's time to get back to basics over here - and we're starting with money mindset. If you've ever thought to yourself: “I have to be thin / organized/ otherwise perfect to be successful.” “If I’m not going to be the #1 expert in the field (#oprah), I shouldn’t even try.” “If I’m not working hard (i.e. near burnout), I don’t deserve to make money.” QUEUE this one up and repeat as needed. In this ep I review Denise Duffield-Thomas' seven money mindset shifts to help you clear the way to make more money without adding MORE stress and overwhelm to your business. Once you give yourself permission to flip these scripts (it's a practice!), you'll be able you can create something amazing + enjoy the benefits of (mostly) passive income as you get paid for it over and over (and over). We'll get to that one next month ;) In the meantime: Join the convo / tag me @nikkielledgebrown and let me know which of the seven shifts is most powerful for you right now! FULL VIDEO:

  • Suzy Ashworth on Mindset, Messaging, and The Calm Birth Experience [NE 043]


    If you’re pregnant, hoping to be pregnant, or know / love someone who’s pregnant, you gotta know Suzy Ashworth. I am SO thankful our paths crossed in 2015 in my final months of pregnancy - can’t imagine prepping for my VBAC experience without her empowering affirmations in my earbuds! While she’s literally written the book (+ created a course) on positive birth experiences, Suzy’s strengths in mindset go far beyond pregnancy and birthing. In this episode she shares her journey through baby business and beyond. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

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