Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk



Welcome to Every Body, a podcast counteracting the pervasive myths and misconceptions about food, dieting and body image with hard science and engaging storytelling. Each week, Every Body will hosts guest scientists, storytellers, psychologists, dietitians and more to help you better understand your relationships with food and your body. We hope to shed a light on the grim state of our culture's dysfunctions when it comes to these issues.EVERYBODY is welcome here - all sizes , all ages, all genders, all races, all abilities.


  • Ep. 10: Healthy Relationships to Food & Stop Binge Eating - Judith Matz

    22/06/2017 Duration: 53min

    EB010 - Healthy Relationships to Food and Stop Binge Eating with Judith Matz  Judith Matz realized the work she wanted to pursue after seeing the connections between her personal experience with losing weight, her professional experience with people going through Optifast, and the book she read titled Overcoming Overeating. It was made clear that her purpose is to help individuals stop dieting and she made this her mission ever since.  With over 25 years of experience as a therapist, speaker, and author, Judith is a licensed clinical social worker with a Master's degree from the University of Michigan. She is the author of The Diet Survivors Handbook, Beyond a Shadow of a Diet, and Amanda's Big Dream.  She joins me today to discuss binge eating disorders, weight bullying, and how we feed our children. She explains how binge eating gets passed on from generation to generation, and the role of sugar addiction in our society. She also shares the Health At Every Size paradigm, and the social justice aspect of th

  • Ep. 09: Secrets from the Eating Lab - Dr. Traci Mann

    08/06/2017 Duration: 42min

    Today's guest, Traci Mann, a professor of social and health psychology and the principal investigator of the Health and Eating Laboratory at the University of Minnesota, sheds light on the truth about self-control and dieting.  She talks about the relationship between dieting and weight gain with the aim to identify and understand the behaviors related to eating and a person’s body image. Traci also shares her work at the Eating Lab and how her team studies the mindsets people have about dieting and its effects.     “Weight gain really needs to be thought of, not as an unfortunate screw up after dieting, but it should be looked at as an expected result of dieting.” - Traci Mann      This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  What brought Traci to focus on eating for her life’s work  Detrimental effects of dieting and its inevitable consequences  How your body responds to keep you in a certain weight range  How historical famines changed people’s metabolism to survive  Things that change and problems that occur wh

  • Ep. 08: Fat is a Feminist Issue - Susie Orbach

    18/05/2017 Duration: 26min

      EB008 Fat is a Feminist Issue with Susie Orbach  Dr. Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist, keynote speaker, and the author of several books including Fat is a Feminist Issue, a trailblazing book addressing compulsive overeating and the toxic diet industry. She is the co-founder of The Women’s Therapy Centre in London.  She joins me today to share her views on body image, how social media is effecting the way women and children think and feel about their bodies, and how female body image issues can affect our children and the future generations of our society.  “I don’t think the body is like a house. I don’t think it needs to be redecorated every minute by moving the walls.”   – Dr. Susie Orbach    This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  Fat is a Feminist Issue book and how the diet culture is so destructive in our society  How the dieting industry has changed over the last 40 years and its lasting impact  The underlying messages in new media and how they can manifest into different psychological concerns rega

  • Ep. 07: "Fat Femme" Yogi - Jessamyn Stanley

    05/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    EB007 Fat Femme Yogi with Jessamyn Stanley  Jessamyn Stanley is a yoga teacher, activist, and author of a newly released book: Every Body Yoga. She was launched into the limelight with Instagram, almost by accident. Her initial intention with her Instagram account was to have a way to document her yoga practice and use it as a way to check her at-home progress over time.  Jessamyn joins me on the show today to share her in-depth knowledge and insight on what yoga truly is – a practice about truth and authenticity. She shares her own challenges and conflicts with her own body image throughout her childhood and early adulthood. She shares how she overcame these challenges and improved her self-image and confidence and why she feels so strongly about identifying herself as a “fat femme” and what that term means to her.    “Yoga, while it obviously encourages body positivity – yoga is also a lot bigger than body positivity.” – Jessamyn Stanley    This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  The conflict

  • Ep. 06: Fat Shamed at the Doctor - Evette Dionne

    28/04/2017 Duration: 39min

    Download EB006 Fat-Shamed at the Doctor with Evette Dionne  What would you do if your doctor fat-shamed you?  Would you go back?  Evette Dionne, senior news and identity editor at the Revelist, explains in an article titled I Got Fat-shamed at the Doctor – and They Completely Missed the Problem her story.   Her voice is an important one and on today's episode, she shares her intersectional feminist  insights on the Body Positivity Movement, how Beyoncé has inspired the young black feminist movement and so much more.   “One of the biggest things is that doctors are treating fat.  They are trying to figure out a way to make fat people permanently thinner.”   – Evette Dionne    This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  Her experience being fat-shamed by a doctor   Where doctors get their ideas of pathologizing women’s bodies  Why she has a complicated feeling about the Body Positivity Movement  Ways in which the intersection of race, gender, ability plays out in our culture  The ways Beyoncé has contributed to bla

  • Ep. 05: Body Postive Instagram Celebrity - Megan Crabbe

    28/04/2017 Duration: 32min

      Body Positive Instagram Celebrity Megan Crabbe CONTENT WARNING: Eating disorder behavior and weight conversation. My guest today is Megan Crabbe. Megan is an Instagram body positivity celebrity working to address the body negativity issues through her Instagram account. Former anorexic and self-loather, Megan is passionate about debunking the myths and lies within the diet industry. She joins me on the show today to share her personal journey through body positivity and eating disorders. She shares the story of being admitted into the hospital due to her disorder and how she ultimately recovered from it and began feeling better about herself. We also discuss how eating disorders are strongly linked to psychological concerns and her experiences with therapy. “It's terrifying to consider dropping everything you've ever believed about food weight your body your value and think maybe I've had it wrong all these years. ” – Megan Crabbe This Week on the Every Body Podcast: How your psyche and mindset about yours

  • Ep. 04: Neuroscientist explains "Why Diets Make Us Fat" - Sandra Aamodt

    28/04/2017 Duration: 32min

    Download Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt Explains Why Diets Make Us Fat Every year, millions of Americans turn to diets to lose weight, but an increasing number of studies are showing that dieters are more likely to gain more weight over the next two to 15 years than those who don’t diet. Many people hear phrases like “diets don’t work” and “diets make you fat,” but rarely believe these concepts are true – until they experience it themselves. On today’s episode, I’m talking with neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt. Sandra serves on the board of The Center for Mindful Eating and is the author of the recently published book – Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss. She joins me today to share her journey through dieting, starvation, and explains what happens in the brain when we diet. “Low fitness, smoking, high blood pressure, low income, and loneliness are better predictors of early death than obesity when considered individually.” – Sandra Aamodt This Week on the Every Bo

  • Ep 03: Lose Hate Not Weight - Virgie Tovar

    28/04/2017 Duration: 41min

    Download Lose Hate Not Weight with Virgie Tovar Virgie Tovar is a fierce fashionista, feminist, and fat activist. She is an expert on fat discrimination and body image, and has a Master’s in Human Sexuality with a specific focus on body size, race, and gender. She is also a writer and the founder of BabeCamp, a course designed to help people “break up” with the diet culture. Virgie joins me today to share her story of dealing with fat discrimination and body image issues. She explains how she has had to cope with body image problems and fat discrimination from people all her life – even as young as five years old. She shares how the discrimination of others, especially from boys, had started her journey and experimentation with starvation dieting, which later lead to scurvy. Virgie also shares her turning points – when she began to accept her body for what it is and accept herself for who she is, and the transformation that came from this acceptance process. She shares her thoughts and insight on why today’s

  • Ep. 02: Religion of Thinness - Michelle Lelwica

    28/04/2017 Duration: 41min

    Download Download Religion and Thinness with Dr. Michelle Lelwica Dr. Michelle Lelwica is a religious scholar who proposes a connection between eating, weight, and our spiritual need and how an obsession with food or one’s weight may mask a deeper, more spiritual need. In her book, The Religion of Thinness: Satisfying the Spiritual Hungers Behind Women’s Obsession with Food and Weight, she outlined her research and today, she joins me on the show to share her findings and insight on the connection between our spirituality, religious beliefs, and how we view foods and weight in today’s society. She also shares her personal story as a “devotee” during her indoctrination, her experience with bulimia, and the turning point in her life that began her journey to truly connect with her body and it’s needs. “Oftentimes, we don’t realize that the voices in our head reflect the messages from the outside that we have internalized.” – Dr. Michelle Lelwica This Week on the Every Body Podcast: Feature similarities of

  • Ep 01: National Eating Disorders Awareness - Claire Mysko Interview

    28/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    Download Ep 01: National Eating Disorders Awareness - Claire Mysko  EB001 National Eating Disorders Awareness with Claire Mysko This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness week. In the United States, about 30-million people suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Of that number,it is estimated that 10-million are men, and 20-million are women. My featured guest this week is Claire Mysko. Claire serves as the CEO of the National Eating Disorders Association. She is internationally recognized as a leader in eating disorder advocacy and education and she joins me to share her personal story of overcoming an eating disorder, why she is so passionate about educating the public and debunking the myths and misconceptions of these disorders, and how her personal journey has led to her passionate career in educating and advocating on this epidemic. "One of the great joys of recovery is that you can find your voice and you can connect with what you are truly passionate about, and really make

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