Plain Donuts



Plain Donuts is a comedy and pop culture podcast that has been described as kind of like Nerdist and the Febreze of podcasts, but also cool, very entertaining, and hilarious."


  • 005 - Spotted Politic

    19/10/2016 Duration: 55min

    Steve can barely contain his apologies after he gets a little mad about politics. Alicia recounts her brush with a would-be serial killer.

  • 004 - Amazon Confessions

    12/10/2016 Duration: 45min

    Steve and Alicia take questions from the audience. They discuss the origin of the "Plain Donuts" name, then delve into strange bodily functions before turning a critical eye on some Amazon reviews.

  • 003 - Beef Sushi

    05/10/2016 Duration: 43min

    Steve and Alicia introduce themselves. They discuss their respective histories, and then talk about crappy cars and crappy sushi.

  • 002 - Sky Wars - Live Long and Punch Her

    28/09/2016 Duration: 43min

    Steve finds himself on the spectrum, Alicia recounts getting mauled in the street for twenty dollars, and we discuss the confusing trilogy of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Dancing with the Stars.

  • 001 - Justin Leonardo Craig

    21/09/2016 Duration: 42min

    In this episode, Plain Donuts legitimize themselves on social media; Steve waxes nostalgic about Justin Timberlake's snare drum, and Alicia laments that she wasn't old enough to "do anything to him" when he broke off from *NSYNC; then our cohosts bring out their psychoanalysis armchairs to diagnose Creepy Craig of Elimidate fame.

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