Racine Bible Church » Sermon Audio



"We are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." Racine Bible Church has a goal to make and train disciples who make and train disciples.


  • Tiny but Tremendous


    James 3:3-8 The post Tiny but Tremendous appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • We all need all the help we can get


    James 3:1-2 The post We all need all the help we can get appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Faith, Works, Justification, & Being a Friend of God


    James 2:21-26; Genesis 15 and 22; Joshua 2 Here are a couple of definitions that may help – “Justification is an act of God’s free grace wherein he pardoneth all our sins, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.” “We […] The post Faith, Works, Justification, & Being a Friend of God appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • What a Fool Believes


    James 2:18-20  What a Fool Believes   The structure of the passage is built around four pictures A hungry person 15-17 Demons believing and shuddering 18-20 Abraham 21-24 Rahab 25-26 Notice two are negative – what faith is not and two are positive – what true faith is. And each picture ends with a powerful […] The post What a Fool Believes appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • What Good is it?


    James 2:14-17 The post What Good is it? appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • The Law of Liberty


    James 2:8-12; Exodus 20:1-21; John 14:15-21 The post The Law of Liberty appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Love your neighbor as yourself


    James 2:8-13  If we look carefully at this passage we will uncover four surprising insights into ideas that we think we already have covered – What is partiality and how do I know if I have it? What does it mean to love my neighbor as myself? Are Christians under the law or not? Are […] The post Love your neighbor as yourself appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • The Peril of Partiality


    James 2:1-7 The post The Peril of Partiality appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Restarting the Church II


    As many of our ministries start back up this week, this sermon will explore four reasons why it is essential for us to meet together. 1) We need to meet together (practice) –  Hebrews 10:19-25 2) We need to meet together to encourage each other (protection) – Hebrews 3:12-14 3) We need to meet together […] The post Restarting the Church II appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Restarting the Church


    As we, Lord willing, restart all of our ministries this month this sermon will commend four mindsets each one of us needs. 1) Spiritual Revival Heb. – 12:25-29; Acts 2:42-47 2) Unity and Humility – Phil. 2:1-15 3) Submission and Support – Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:1-7 4) Focus on Jesus – Heb. 12:1-2; 2 […] The post Restarting the Church appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • God’s Word to a Broken City


    Selected Scriptures The post God’s Word to a Broken City appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • The Real Thing


    James 1:26-27 Verses on speech — Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6; Psalm 141:3; Proverbs 12:18-19; 15:1-2; 17:27-28; 18:1-8 Verses on widows and orphans —  Ex. 22:20-24; Deut. 10:12-13, 18, 19; Psalms 68:5-6 and 146:5-9 and 94:1-7 Verses on worldliness — Rom. 12:1-2; 13:11-14; Titus 2:11-14; 1 Peter 1:14-16; 1 John 2:15-17 The post The Real Thing appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Look in the Mirror


    James 1:22-25    How is God’s Word a Mirror? In it we look internally at what is really going on in the soul In it we look at gospel identity – who we really are in Christ   How is God’s Law a Law of Liberty? It creates new life and grants new power It […] The post Look in the Mirror appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Doing or Deceiving?


    James 1:22-25   The post Doing or Deceiving? appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Receive the Implanted Word


    James 1:21-22   James 1:22 says we must “Put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness.” This command is echoed in Romans 13:12; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Ephesians 4:22; Colossians 3:5-8. Turn to those other references and note what they say about putting away sin. What stands out to you from these commands?   What does someone […] The post Receive the Implanted Word appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • How Faith Works in Real Life


    James 1:2-22 The post How Faith Works in Real Life appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Anger – Too Much and Not Enough


    James 1:19 and Selected Scriptures God calls us to be angry and not sin. Anger can be a helpful force for good. Anger can be a sinful force for bad. 2 Corinthians 12:20 Ephesians 4:31 Colossians 3:8 Proverbs 15:8 Mark 3:5 Psalm 7:11   Christians can express anger and disagreement in ways that honor God […] The post Anger – Too Much and Not Enough appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Stop Talking Start Listening


    James 1:19 The post Stop Talking Start Listening appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Quick, Slow, Slow


    James 1:19-21 The post Quick, Slow, Slow appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

  • Of His Own Will


    James 1:12-18 The post Of His Own Will appeared first on Racine Bible Church.

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