Real Relationships With Paula

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 24:05:43
  • More information



Paula is a Relationship Expert, speaker and author of Embracing Conflict - aself-help guide filled with practical tools and insights empoweringindividuals to overcome challenges and enable personal growth.


  • Money Matters

    31/07/2017 Duration: 17min

    Niche Radio — Let’s face it, discussing budgets and finance is not romantic and who wants to do that when you’re in love and having fun? One area that many couples get stuck in their relationship is finances and if left unresolved, it can cause frustration, resentment and ultimately lead to the breakdown of the relationship. Couples need to have an honest conversation before they take their relationship to that next level where they decide to move in together or get married. This week I talk to Money Coach Winnie Kunene from Married at First Sight SA TV show on why it’s important for couples to discuss their finances and how to go about doing it. Twitter - @WinnieKunene

  • Moving Back Home With Your Parents

    24/07/2017 Duration: 21min

    Niche Radio — As a teenager growing one, one of the first things you can’t wait to achieve is getting your driver’s license followed closely by moving out of home into your own place so that you can live life the way you want and not have to conform to your parent’s rules and restrictions. However there comes a time when you may be forced to move back into with your parents and that can be quite a transition for both you the one moving back home as well as your parents – each party having established their routines whilst on their own and now having to integrate lifestyles, schedules and differing views and opinions. If not managed properly, it can lead to conflict and clashes amongst family members.

  • Why Don't Men Talk?

    17/07/2017 Duration: 14min

    Niche Radio — There is a common perception out there that men don’t talk about how they are feeling or what they are going through when faced with a challenging or trying time in their life. This predominantly comes from a childhood where men were conditioned from a young age that it was not ok for men to show emotion as it was considered ‘weak’ men are supposed to be ‘tough’ and ‘cowboys don’t cry’. Traditionally men would go to the pub for a few drinks or participate in a sport such as playing golf. Believe it or not, men do have feelings, they do feel hurt and they can feel overwhelmed at times and more and more men are starting to seek the necessary support and help to deal with the challenges they are facing. I asked a number of men what their views and perceptions are today when it comes to men expressing their feelings and emotions.

  • Living the dream with Annah Waktinson

    10/07/2017 Duration: 19min

    Niche Radio — It’s not every day you get to chase your dream but for those few who do it comes with some sacrifices, (or choices as some would say) and this week I speak to Annah Watkinson, the SA National Triathlete Champion on the challenges she has had to face juggling a full-time job, elite training and the impact that has on both her personal and professional life. If there is one thing that could make her life a little easier in rising to the next level, it’s sponsorship which is hard to come by. Twitter: @Annahbanana247

  • Dating in a Millennial world

    03/07/2017 Duration: 17min

    Niche Radio — Even if you're the most social of butterflies, dating in the Millennial world can be quite challenging especially with some of the complexities young people face today living life through their various social media platforms. Dating tends to be more casual, less defined and often less serious with them having to master the art of being ghosted, ducking one-night stands, spiking of drinks at clubs and so much more. This week I talk to Samantha and Tessa who share their stories of how they are navigating the dating world and what it means for them to be out there in a Millennial world. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Should You Confess?

    26/06/2017 Duration: 15min

    Niche Radio — You’ve had an affair and it’s over. Never mind why you did it and the right and wrong of the affair itself—these are important issues but assuming you want your relationship to continue, the question you face now is: should I tell my partner about the affair? Of course, your partner may not want to work on the relationship once you confess to the affair. But don’t keep your affair a secret just to save the relationship—that isn’t fair to your partner, and only serves to preserve a relationship with cracks that will inevitably spread. You owe it to your partner to let him or her make that decision with all the information you can provide. You don’t want the relationship to end, but neither do you want your partner to stay with you out of ignorance, mistakenly believing that you’ve been loyal. The fact is, you haven’t—and your partner deserves to know that so he or she can decide whether to give you another chance. And then you both have to work at it to come out tops on the other side.

  • Sibling Rivalry

    19/06/2017 Duration: 09min

    Niche Radio — Sibling rivalry is a common issue that many parents face in their families and if not addressed in a healthy manner, it can risk destroying the relationship and potentially where families end up not talking to or engaging with each other for years or even a lifetime. Families provide us with much needed support, structure, love and nurturing. The best we can do is to give our children a healthy emotional foundation by teaching them how to express their emotions and needs in a healthy way through elements such as communication, respectful healthy debate, solution based thinking and problem solving and basic human morals and values. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Turning your gift into your Business

    11/06/2017 Duration: 23min

    Niche Radio — We all have a gift to share with the world but many of us have not yet tapped into what our gift is, and then there are those who have turned their gift into their passion and ultimately their business. This week I talk to Tumi Frazier a seasoned entrepreneur, internationally renowned and one of South Africa’s great Leadership and Change experts. She shares her journey with us on how she balances work, life and family and that life is not always easy, there is nothing that we really ‘deserve’ except opportunity. If you want to create the life you desire, then consider the Mancave Mastermind Program for men or the Womenology Masterclass for women starting in June, you can find details here.

  • Who cares if I’m Gay?

    05/06/2017 Duration: 21min

    Niche Radio — We get conditioned from a young age as to what is right vs. wrong and we carry these labels with us and seldom question whether they are still relevant or serve a purpose. Why do we need to box and label people and things? What if we removed all the labels and brought humanity back to the forefront of everything we did? This week I talk gay couple Wade and Ross as to the journey they have had to endure and some of the challenges they have had to overcome in both their 14yrs together as well as being in business together for the past 5yrs. If you would like to know more about my Mancave Program for men or my Womenology Masterclass for women starting in June, you can find details here. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Have You Been Ghosted

    29/05/2017 Duration: 11min

    Niche Radio — In today’s digital era, the playing fields have changed substantially from generations before us. This week I talk about dating in the digital era and being ‘ghosted’. If you have been dating someone and they, after a few days or dates, simply up and disappear on you without a trace, then you may well have been ‘ghosted’. You can download the Partner Checklist tool I talk about on my website here. If you would like to know more about my Mancave Program for men or my Womenology Masterclass for women starting in June, you can find details here. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Dealing with Addiction

    22/05/2017 Duration: 23min

    Niche Radio — When we think of addiction we traditionally think of drug and alcohol abuse, however there are various types of addictions such as emotional eating, self-harming (i.e. cutting), pornography and more. This week I talk to John Smith who is a recovering addict himself and now works with other addicts to help them transition into healthier life choices. John shares his journey, where it started for him and how his relationships were impacted as a result thereof his addiction and how 11 years later, it is still a daily challenge to keep going. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Why relationships are key to our success.

    15/05/2017 Duration: 16min

    Niche Radio — Managing a business is not easy by any means. When it comes to managing business vs. personal relationships, the basic principles are the same. The key difference is that our personal relationships are emotionally charged and driven by romantic love while in the workplace, we are driven by the love we have for the organisation, our colleagues, as well as being valued for our contribution. This week I speak to Phillip Knibbs of K2 Capital who shares his insights and journey of his business which is built on the relationships he has with his clients but also his relationship with his wife who happens to work in his business too. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Saying No to Abuse

    08/05/2017 Duration: 18min

    Niche Radio — Any form of abuse is not acceptable and should not be tolerated, it goes against basic human rights – personal safety (you and/or your children) comes first. In all instances of abuse, there is, over time a breakdown of the person’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing which can cause mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Low self-esteem can also lead people to stay in abusive situations because they do not believe they deserve better or have the power to get out of the relationship. If you feel you are in an abusive environment, you need to get yourself into a safe/healthier environment to begin the rehabilitation and healing process, this is applicable to both the abused and abuser.

  • Rising from the Ashes

    01/05/2017 Duration: 17min

    Niche Radio — Sometimes circumstances will dictate a path for us that we are forced to follow in order to survive however that doesn’t mean it is our destiny. When you’ve hit rock bottom, there can only be one way and that’s up and that is exactly what Kathryn did when she was forced to drop out of school at 15 and started working to help her mom put food on the table. Having only a Std 7 education has not stopped this inspirational woman from becoming a successful mom and business owner who has just sold one of her businesses to a Blue chip company. In this week’s podcast, she shares her story and how she had to learn to hustle to make it in life. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Surviving Cancer

    24/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    Niche Radio — Many couples when first getting together don’t have the tough conversations around what would happen if a crisis had to happen in their relationship, in other words one partner is retrenched, there is a death or heaven forbid a life threatening disease and how they would cope and support each other through the process not only financially but also emotionally. I speak to New Zealand couple David and Janine who are currently facing a scenario just like this and how this has not only impacted them as individuals but also as a couple and their family. If you are interested in downloading the Partner Template I refer to in the podcast, you can find it on my website here. Please follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Living a Large Life

    17/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Niche Radio — For the majority of us clothing shopping is a relatively easy task but for a plus size person, it can be quite traumatic and difficult. Society at large attached stigmas and labels to people who are overweight whether that be due to health or other reasons. Hayley-Joy has had to learn to embrace her insecurities of not only being older than her partner but also about her weight and having to put herself out there as the face of the Hayley-Joy brand. She is revolutionizing the fashion industry by literally removing these labels and by providing a safe place where plus size woman can feel at ease in that they are #ashapenotasize Listen to dynamic duo Hayley-Joy and Cornel who chat to me about their journey and their recipe for success. If you want to know the secret to having a great relationship, have a look at my upcoming Building Relationships workshop for singles and couples on 27 May 2017. Follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Living with Infertility

    10/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    Niche Radio — There are a number of challenges that can really test a relationship such as moving house, changing jobs and having children. However, some of the silent killers that are not really spoken about are having to deal with infertility as a result of health or medical reasons. The latest reports show that about 15% of South African couples experience infertility problems in other words they are struggling to fall pregnant and have children. This week I chat to Billy and Jackie who share their journey with us as to how they dealt with infertility and the impact it had on them as individuals and as a couple. If you want to know the secret to having a great relationship, have a look at my upcoming Building Relationships workshop for singles and couples on 27 May 2017. Follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Being a Single Dad

    03/04/2017 Duration: 09min

    Niche Radio — It’s not easy being a parent let alone a single parent. I lost my mother at age 7 and that in itself was difficult for a child to comprehend but equally so it has challenges as a parent who is now left to raise a child on their own and to play both roles. Dealing with that void is tough no to mention trying to provide for your child’s every needs. This week I speak to John a single dad who raised his daughter as he shares his journey with us. Have a look at my upcoming program The Mancave Mastermind Program for men which kicks off on 8 Jun 2017 and is aimed at men who ultimately want to become a better person, partner and leader. You can follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

  • Going from Singledom to Coupledom

    26/03/2017 Duration: 11min

    Niche Radio — Going from being single to being in relationship can be a quite an adjustment. In this week’s podcast I chat to Kelly and Jacques as to their journey and how they managed the transition from being single to being a couple. It starts with changing your mindset from a single perspective (i.e. I, me and mine to a us, we and ours). You’ve got to realise that there is someone else in your life now and that you need to take them into account too when it comes to decisions, emotions, feelings and needs. A relationship is a partnership and you both need to work together to make your relationship thrive. Download my Perfect Partner checklist to help you discover the kind of life partner you are looking for to share your life with. Also have a look at my Building Relationships workshop on 27 May 2017 which is applicable to both singles and couples where I take you through the dynamics of a relationship and how to equip yourself with tools and insights that will set you up for success.

  • Are you sabotaging your relationships?

    20/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Niche Radio — Self-sabotage is one of those things we do without even realising we’re doing it. Some of the signs can be you’re constantly dating the wrong type, attracting the crazy ones, or the emotionally unavailable ones. But there does come a time where we have to stop and take a long, hard look at ourselves. If you aren't sure if you are self-sabotaging your relationship, take a listen to my latest podcast to find out. If you would like to know what it takes to have a healthy relationship, there are still a few seats left on my upcoming Building Relationships workshop on 25 Mar in Jhb. Follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn

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