Touching Lives With Dr. James Merritt



Under the leadership and dynamic preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Touching Lives exists to touch the lives of the lost and enrich the faith of the found. Our goal is to present the eternal, never-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would hear and pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily among His people.Touching Lives is currently broadcast in all 50 states and in over 140 countries around the world. All sermons, articles, and other content is made available through various digital media formats on the web. Literally millions of people have been affected through the ministry of Touching Lives with thousands responding to the Gospel of Jesus for the very first time.


  • Generosity, Give It All You Got

    22/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    There is one particular story about Jesus that is so remarkable, first of all, because it even made it into the Gospels, and also because it didn’t involve a miracle. The reason the story is so phenomenal is because of what Jesus saw and what Jesus said. What Jesus said was so remarkable, because what Jesus saw was so refreshing. He saw the greatest example of generosity anyone has ever witnessed. A generous person is the epitome of what generosity is all about. It really is amazing that this story makes it into the Bible, because this woman that is talked about does something that to the ordinary eye was so small, so unimportant, so inconsequential, that nobody would have given it a second thought except Jesus. In fact, only one person left that day talking about it, but because Jesus did talk about it, we are still talking about it two-thousand years later.

  • Perseverance, Run the Stop Sign

    15/03/2020 Duration: 43min

    In this portion of our study on character, we are going to talk about one of the greatest values and virtues you must have if you are going to be a person of character and that is perseverance. You will never read biographies of great quitters. You will never see a long line of followers behind great quitters. You will never see trophies and awards given to great quitters. There is a man in the Bible who is in the Bible and has a book about him in the Bible, because of one thing – his perseverance. He ran the stop sign and didn’t quit, but he had every reason to. His name was Job. No man in the Bible, outside of Jesus Christ himself, suffered more than Job. It would even be fair to say that outside of Jesus, no man suffered more unjustly and more unfairly than Job. If Job had responded the way the vast majority of people would and do this book would have never been written and Job’s name would have never been known. We learn a great character trait called “perseverance” from this man who teaches us that tough

  • Courage, Go Big Go Bold

    08/03/2020 Duration: 39min

    As we continue this series on character, we are going to deal with a character trait that I believe is lacking more and more in every part of our society. It is why we refuse to listen to each other, refuse to face and solve our biggest problems, refuse to face up to reality, and refuse to call things the way they are and that is courage. The type of courage I am talking about is moral courage. It is the kind of courage that exposes you to ridicule, criticism, ostracism, and the judgmental wrath of others. It is the kind of courage described in the story that has been preserved for more than twenty-five hundred years, and that is the story of Esther.

  • Authenticity, The Real Deal

    01/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    When you are authentic, you are the real deal. You aren’t one thing in public and another thing in private. You aren’t one thing with this group and another thing with that group. To be authentic, you never put politics above people and popularity above principle. A conversation between Paul and Peter gives us a great example of what it looks like to be authentic. Paul reminds Peter that a big part of character is authenticity. It is being the same person in public as you are in private. You being you regardless of where you might be or who you might be with. Paul shows us what authenticity looks like, how authenticity acts, and why authenticity is important.

  • Loyalty, I'll Be There

    23/02/2020 Duration: 40min

    In this message, we are going to talk about a trait that is becoming more and more rare but is still desperately needed, and that is loyalty. There is a book in the Bible that has as its main character, a woman named Ruth, neither of which we would have heard of had it not been for her incredible loyalty. Ruth is one of the greatest love stories not just in the Bible, but in history. Movies, novels, and books have been written about this beautiful story, but there would have been no love story had it not been for Ruth’s loyalty. It is a story that will take you from the agony of defeat to the thrill of victory. It’s a story that will make you appreciate your family, your friends, your future, and your faith more than ever.

  • Humility, It's Not About Me

    16/02/2020 Duration: 42min

    One of the greatest character qualities you can possess is humility. If you see good character in yourself, then you will be humble about it. Nothing will take you lower than pride, and nothing will lift you higher than humility. In this message, we are going to take a look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how she was an amazing picture of humility. What made her most blessed and most favored was not just that she was the mother of the Son of God, it was that she was incredibly humble. As we study this story, we are going to see time and time again how God places a supreme value on the sublime virtue of humility. We enjoy the greatest blessings of life today because of a woman who did not go as high as she could, but got as low as she could and because she went as low as she could, she went higher than any woman ever before or since.

  • Honesty, Nothing But the Truth

    09/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    Unfortunately, we are living in a world where lying is common, practically expected, and seemingly just the way we do business. But at the end of the day, character is still important, and it still matters. It matters not just morally, ethically, and spiritually, but practically. We began by saying that the foundation of character is integrity. In this message, we are going to learn that the first fruit of integrity is honesty. Integrity is more than just honesty, but there can be no integrity without honesty. There is a man in the Bible who exemplified this trait in an incredible way, and that is Samuel. What elevated Samuel, both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of his people was his absolute, unfailing, uncompromising honesty. What distinguished him was not the high positions that he held, but the honest person that he was.

  • Integrity, Under the Microscope

    02/02/2020 Duration: 41min

    The first thing that people would know about you if you truly have the right character would be integrity. We are going to study a man who was the epitome of the word “integrity.” It is because of his integrity that we even know who he was and why he has a book in the Bible. His name was Daniel. Anyone familiar with the Bible thinks about Daniel and the lion’s den. But what is important about this story is not that Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den. What’s more important is what happened beforehand that resulted in him being thrown into the lion’s den. This story teaches us three tremendous truths about integrity, why it is so important, and why we must have it.

  • Direct Flight

    26/01/2020 Duration: 35min

    There are two words in our vocabulary that carry very negative connotations: conflict and confrontation. Now, with few exceptions, most of us don’t like conflict. But we are going to learn from Jesus that neither conflict nor confrontation has to be negative. God can use conflict as an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ, to bear witness to the Gospel, and to teach other people how to work out their differences. The negativity comes in when the conflict is unresolved and the confrontation that is needed never takes place. The reality is that there are no problems too big to solve, only people too little to solve them. If we would just follow the simple instructions Jesus gave, we could defrost cold marriages, resurrect dead friendships, and restore broken relationships quicker than we could ever imagine.

  • The Middle Seat

    19/01/2020 Duration: 29min

    One of the reasons why we have so little influence with those outside the church is because we are experts at condemning those who are on the outside while cutting slack for those who are on the inside. When people outside the church see us do this, it is no wonder that our light has become a flicker and the salt has lost its flavor. The same exact thing happened to the church at Corinth. And to make matters worse, everybody in the church knew about the problem, but nobody was doing anything about it. The result? The character of the church was compromised, and its witness was weakened. The church needed to lose some baggage. When a church today is in that same situation, there are three steps it must take.

  • Flying Standby

    12/01/2020 Duration: 28min

    One of the most widespread criticisms of Christians is that we are judgmental. We are told that we sit in the judge’s seat far too often, pointing fingers at those we deem unworthy. But if you think about it, as human beings we’ve all sat in both seats. We’ve sat in the seat of the judge, and we’ve sat in the seat of the judged. While we can all admit that it’s must easier to judge than it is to be judged, the truth is that nobody should be sitting in either seat. Jesus was very clear when He said, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). Unfortunately, most people don’t understand what Jesus meant by this statement. Thankfully though, He goes on to explain what He means, and He has a message that those inside and outside the church both need to hear.

  • Losing Your Baggage

    05/01/2020 Duration: 30min

    In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul talks about the importance of ridding yourself of bitterness and instead being kind and forgiving towards others. He says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind of one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31-32). The word “forgiveness” literally means “to let go” or “to send away.” It refers to a cancellation of debt. In essence, when somebody does you wrong, they are in your debt. So, forgiveness is your willingness to simply write off that debt. Now, there is not a more difficult decision to make in life than to decide to forgive someone. But Paul is making it clear that God took the biggest debt ever incurred, which are the sins of everyone who has ever lived, and let Jesus Christ pay for them and cancel them. Therefore, we must understand that we should be forgiving people because we are forgiven people.

  • Raising Arrows

    29/12/2019 Duration: 25min

    Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”  As followers of Christ, we have a divine plan from God himself, to enable us to be the parents, that our children need and to give our children the guidance they deserve.

  • Christmas Doxology

    22/12/2019 Duration: 44min

    The word “doxology” comes from two weeks Greek words, one which means “praise” or “glory” and the other one which means “word.” A doxology is literally a word or an expression of praise and glory. To understand Christmas doxology, we turn to a man who unlike the shepherds and (a little later on) the wise men, was not at the birth of Jesus. This man is the apostle Paul. As a writer of Scripture, he never explicitly talks about the birth of Jesus. Unlike the disciples, he never physically met Jesus, but he did meet the risen Jesus. Though he never mentions of the biology of Christmas and doesn’t dwell on the theology of Christmas, he does record the greatest doxology of Christmas. He shows us the full meaning of Christmas. He shows us Christmas completely unwrapped. He tells us the rest of the story.

  • Christmas Theology

    15/12/2019 Duration: 25min

    The hardest thing to believe about Jesus is not how He got here or what He did while He was alive on the earth. The real difficulty is truly understanding Jesus Himself and who He was as God in the flesh. The hard message for many to swallow is not the Good Friday message of atonement, or the Easter message of resurrection, but the Christmas message of incarnation. The first Christmas gift ever given was given by God Himself, and it is the greatest Christmas gift ever given because the gift was God Himself. As we move from Christmas Biology to Christmas Theology, we will learn that Christmas doesn’t just celebrate how Jesus was conceived, but Christmas also celebrates who Jesus was when He was born.

  • Christmas Biology

    08/12/2019 Duration: 25min

    The story of Christmas begins with the virgin birth of Jesus. This virgin birth remains the second-most controversial miracle in all of history, second only to Jesus’ resurrection. Unfortunately, this miracle has been under intense scrutiny by scientists, physicians, and people who simply say common sense tells us this isn’t possible. But as you will see as we begin this study, the virgin birth is essential to Christianity, and if you understand Christmas biology you will see why.

  • Front and Center

    01/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    As we conclude our series on Galatians, let’s remember how Paul has emphasized from beginning to end how the cross of Jesus that delivers us from the burden of sin and the bondage of religion. While the entire world wanted to take the focus off of the cross, Paul wanted to put it front and center. So how do we follow Paul’s lead? Well, he gives us three tremendous reasons why all of our focus should be solely on the cross of Jesus Christ.

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