Power Line



John Hinderaker, Paul Mirengoff, Scott Johnson, and Steven Hayward bring you the Power Line blog's perspective on the week's big headlines.


  • Phantom Bias and The Incarceration Myth

    30/10/2015 Duration: 49min

    The Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald joins John and Steve to discuss her poltically incorrect (and therefore quite thought provoking) new piece in City Journal titled, “The Decriminalization Delusion.” Heather describes the “phantom bias” that the press and academics are trying to root out, because, as she notes in her article, “At the state and city levels, hardly a single criminal... Source

  • Lawless

    23/10/2015 Duration: 52min

    This morning Paul, Scott, and John got together for Episode 28 of the Power Line Show. They were joined by law professor David Bernstein to talk about his new book Lawless: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law. This is a can’t-miss conversation and a must-read book. For the rest of the show, the PL crew talked about Hillary Clinton’s committee... Source

  • Let The Felons Go!

    09/10/2015 Duration: 57min

    Today, John, Paul and Scott got together for Episode 27 of the Power Line Show. They were joined by former federal prosecutor Bill Otis, and discussed the criminal justice “reform” bill that is being rushed through the Senate. If you have wondered whether it is really a good idea to let a lot of convicted felons out of federal prisons on the ground that their drug dealing was “non-violent... Source

  • Truth and Rathergate

    11/09/2015 Duration: 49min

    The entire Power Line gang gathered for the latest episode of the Power Line Show. They talked about Rathergate and the absurd new movie mis-titled Truth, which just opened in Toronto. Harry MacDougald, the famous “Buckhead” of the Rathergate story, joined the group and related his part in one of the biggest journalism stories of modern times. From Rathergate, the gang moved on to Iran and the... Source

  • Donald and the 16 Dwarfs

    28/08/2015 Duration: 55min

    Today John, Paul, and Steve got together for Episode 24 of Power Line. They’re joined by Eliana Johnson, Washington Editor for the National Review. They kicked around the latest news and Washington gossip about the presidential race on both sides of the aisle. The remainder of the podcast was spent talking about the Vester Flanagan murders and related topics such as, the political misuse of mass... Source

  • The Selfie Vote and Keeping Up With Millennials

    12/08/2015 Duration: 52min

    Join John, Paul, and Steve for Episode 23 of Power Line. In this episode they are joined by Kristen Soltis Anderson, of Echelon Insights and author of The Selfie Vote: Where Millennials Are Leading America (And How Republicans Can Keep Up). It was a wide-ranging interview with one of America’s most interesting young conservatives. The interview was followed by a spirited discussion of two of the... Source

  • The Lion, The Donald, and The Video Tapes

    01/08/2015 Duration: 51min

    The entire crew — Scott, Paul, Steve and John — assembled for this episode of Power Line. They kicked around the issues of the day, including the pros and cons of Donald Trump, Cecil the lion, the seemingly bipartisan criminal justice “reform” movement, and the Planned Parenthood videos. The discussion was lively, to say the least. If you haven’t been listening to the Power Line Show... Source

  • The Coalition of the Unwilling

    15/07/2015 Duration: 53min

    The Power Line crew joins the Coalition of the Unwilling in finding nothing to cheer in the Iran nuclear arms deal that was announced today. But the first half of the show features a conversation with Stanley Kurtz, author of several important books including, most recently, Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities. Stanley has been all over the unfolding... Source

  • Good News and Bad News With Dana Perino and SCOTUS

    27/06/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    This afternoon John Hinderaker, Steve Hayward, and Paul Mirengoff got together to record Episode 20 of the Power Line show. They talked with Dana Perino about her new book, And the Good News Is… Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side, her experience as press secretary for President George W. Bush, and her starring role on Fox News’s The Five. Then it was on to the news of the day... Source

  • How Obama Abandoned Israel

    19/06/2015 Duration: 33min

    In this episode of Power Line we welcome Israel’s former ambassador to the United States Michael Oren. Ambassador Oren’s new book is Ally: My Journey Across the American Israeli Divide. Oren’s June 15 Wall Street Journal column “How Obama Abandoned Israel,” drawn from the book, has already elicited a demand from the Obama administration that Prime Minister Netanyahu denounce it. No kidding. Source

  • Making History By Changing History

    17/06/2015 Duration: 55min

    Steve, Paul, and John present Episode 19 of Power Line. They are joined by Professor Charles Kesler of Claremont McKenna College, the editor of the Claremont Review of Books. Professor Kesler is one of the scholars who signed a letter objecting to the College Board’s new standards for teaching American history to advanced placement high school students. The standards require teachers to put... Source

  • Making History By Changing History

    17/06/2015 Duration: 55min

    Steve, Paul, and John present Episode 19 of Power Line. They are joined by Professor Charles Kesler of Claremont McKenna College, the editor of the Claremont Review of Books. Professor Kesler is one of the scholars who signed a letter objecting to the College Board’s new standards for teaching American history to advanced placement high school students. The standards require teachers to put... Source

  • Peter Wehner on Obama’s Cataclysmic Foreign Policy Failures

    30/05/2015 Duration: 58min

    Power Line welcomes Peter Wehner to the show this week to discuss a recent column where Whener asks, “What are the worst foreign policy failures of Barack Obama’s presidency?“ In a wide ranging conversation, the gang talks about the rise of ISIS, losing the war in Iraq, failing to aid Iran’s Green Revolution and triggering a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. (And that’s only half of what... Source

  • More Chases than "The Fugitive," Exciting Like "The French Connection"

    19/05/2015 Duration: 52min

    What do The Weathermen, The Symbionese Liberation Army, The FALN, and The Black Liberation Army all have in common? Well, besides being a swell bunch of fellas, they’re all featured in-depth throughout Bryan Burrough’s great new book, Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence. The original Power Line crew welcomes Burrough to the show and... Source

  • The Stories Inside "Clinton Cash"

    09/05/2015 Duration: 44min

    Unless you’re waking from a long coma* you’ve likely heard that the philanthropic endeavors of the Clinton Foundation may not just be for the common good. But while TV’s talking heads have been discussing the book’s details, they’ve largely overlooked some of the fascinating stories inside Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary... Source

  • Gov. Scott Walker

    25/04/2015 Duration: 10min

    Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) addressed the Freedom Club’s annual dinner in Minnesota. Walker made time between photos and the dinner for a Power Line interview. From Power Line’s John Hinderacker: How was his speech? It was terrific. I have wondered whether Walker would be dynamic enough to succeed on the national stage. His low-key style has served him well in Wisconsin, but would he be able... Source

  • Hillary, Scooby, and the Burrito Bowl Incident

    17/04/2015 Duration: 42min

    Last night, three of the PL crew (John, Paul, and Steve) got together for a review of the presidential race as it currently stands. A principal topic was Hillary Clinton’s bizarre rollout, complete with her incognito Chipotle appearance, “common man” meetings with Democratic Party officials, parking the “Scooby” van in a handicapped space, and more. Compared to that, Marco Rubio’s launch was... Source

  • John Yoo on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

    05/04/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    The whole PL gang assembled this afternoon to tape Episode 13 of the Power Line Show. They discuss Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the controversy that followed its passage. Law Professor John Yoo of Berkeley joined us for an extensive discussion of the legal issues relating to RFRA — and, trust me, the conversation is entertaining as well as informative. The crew then goes on to... Source

  • Netanyahu's Win, Iran, Rubio, and GOP Frontrunners

    19/03/2015 Duration: 41min

    John, Paul, and Steve talk about Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning win and the American Left’s reaction to it. Iran was also front and center, along with the latest on the budget front. Then they’re joined by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for a short but enlightening interview; Rubio explained his thinking behind the famous open letter to the mullahs, and elaborated on his interview with the Associated... Source

  • Queen Hillary's Emails and the Feds Bust Sen. Menendez

    07/03/2015 Duration: 38min

    The Power Line team gets down to business with the latest Democrat scandals: Hillary Clinton’s “clear cut” violation of State Department rules and the Justice Department’s criminal corruption charges against Senator Robert Menendez. The team expires several important questions. Did the White House know about ClintonEmail.com since August? What’s Clinton’s most ludicrous claim about her email? Source

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