Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth



www.knowthename.comSHARON LYNN WYETH graduated from the University of Redlands with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics at the age of twenty. She began teaching that same year in a public Junior High School in California. During her three years there, she obtained her Master of Arts degree from Azusa-Pacific University in education administration with an emphasis in math.After her initial teaching assignment, Sharón moved to Germany where she taught for the Department of Defense Schools. She continued to move around as she married an Air Force soldier. She was fortunate to always find a teaching job in each location. After Germany came Texas, and then Japan. Eventually she would also teach in Idaho, New Mexico, Nebraska, Washington state and China, besides being a high school administrator in both Texas and Oregon. She retired as a high school principal in 2002, only to come out of retirement in January 2008 to become involved in schools again.It was during her time in the schools that she linked the patterns in names to a persons mindset or personality. She worked on figuring out the patterns of the different letters for fifteen years before she fully comprehended all of the nuances. Sharón took the opportunity to travel a large part of the world testing her theories for the first three years after leaving the education field. Many people requested that she write a book so that they could learn what she had realized about names.It was during this time that she wrote Know the Name; Know the Person, with the first edition being published in December 2006. The second edition, published in May 2010, added chapters on mnemonic devices to help people remember the patterns explained in the book and also how to compare two names. The third edition was released in June 2012, with more updates. She is currently working on another book, Know the Name; Know the Spirit scheduled to be released September 25, 2014, and is still teaching math. Her name app, NAME MEANINGS is now available on iPad and iPhone plus both of her websites.


  • KTN: Vimala Rogers - Director of the International Institute of Handwriting Studies

    06/06/2018 Duration: 01h24s

    Vimala Rogers - Director of the International Institute of Handwriting Studies and a zealous pioneer in brain/hand research, Vimala Rodgers is an educator, handwriting expert, and impassioned alphabetician whose focus is on the inherent spirituality of the letters of the alphabet and their effect upon the psyche. Trained as a Peak Performance Coach at Stanford University, Vimala works with people in our global community who want to redefine their life work and create a dazzling future doing what they love.

  • KTN: Dusti Garside Branecki - House Keeping Fairy Godmother

    30/05/2018 Duration: 01h27s

    Dusti Garside Branecki, your Housekeeping Fairy Godmother. I am passionate about helping my clients enjoy free time by handling their cleaning needs.We serve: Sacramento, Carmichael, Antelope, Fair Oaks, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Granite Bay, Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, and Loomis. We are licensed, insured, and bring our own supplies and equipment.We offer customized services including Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Move In, Move Out, Special Occasions.

  • KTN: Bernard Morin - From UFOs, Psychic Phenomena to Shamanism

    16/05/2018 Duration: 01h25s

    Bernard became aware at a very young age that the world was not entirely as it appeared. Some of that awareness was because of nightmarish events he had as a UFO abductee. These abductions started for him at a very young age and continued well into the first few decades of his life. Initially his childhood fear was that he was insane and he therefore tried to suppress all memory of it. It felt much more important to fit in, have friends and to be accepted. However, later as an adult he realized that these experiences were, in fact gifts that came to him too early to comprehend in his young life. In the relative safety of his early twenties he began to observe the physical world around him for any clues that would make sense of those early experiences. He found himself drawn to people with particular physical difficulties and anomalies. His observations subsequently led him to identify patterns that would reveal histories of both emotional and spiritual trauma. Additionally he found that he could intuit a pers

  • KTN: Jennifer Crebbin

    09/05/2018 Duration: 01h23s

    Jennifer Crebbin, founder of Change Your Handwriting, helps people to make changes in their lives. She has helped people have better relationships, more abundance, greater self-confidence, to overcome fear and worry and have more ease. Her work is based on the Vimala Alphabet and looks at how you form the letters and how they block or assist you in reaching your goals. Her offerings include audio-visual courses over the internet, one-on- one coaching, books and in person courses. In a recent survey of Jennifer’s coaching clients, she received the highest rating from all her clients on her service and quality. Every client said it met their needs very well to extremely well. Clients describe her as generous, intuitive, and a moving and inspired coach, who expands and uplifts consciousness. She has written two books on using the Vimala Alphabet. Soul Development through Handwriting: The Waldorf Approach to the Vimala Alphabet, shares qualities of each letter and what these sacred forms can say about us. Althoug

  • KTN: Lori Ann Spagna - How Psychic are You

    02/05/2018 Duration: 01h25s

    “How Psychic Are You?”, “Learn Animal Communication”, “Animals in the After Life”, and The Secret Energy of Money and the Spiritual Laws of Wealth”. Lori has assisted others in transforming their lives, for over twenty years, so that they can live their live to their best and highest. Lori is best known for her recognition of the deep and intimate animal-human connection in terms of how animals mirror their human’s behavioral, physical and emotional tendencies and for focus on the interconnectedness of all beings. She has served animals and humans around the world offering seminars on how we can improve our lives by learning from animals. Her inclusive approach benefits both the animal and the human to deepen the bond between them. In other words, Lori’s services provide to the humans that which their animal friend and the greater animal kingdom wants and desires for all humans. Lori has created classes that share how to communicate with your pet, which includes telepathic methodologies and energy healings.

  • KTN: Julie Woik - Life and Times of Lilly the Lash®

    25/04/2018 Duration: 01h22s

    Julie Woik is a writer and poet who has created the character-building children's book series, The Life and Times of Lilly the Lash®. Having worked in the field of psychiatry and as a teacher's aide earlier in her career, Julie discovered her innate ability to connect with others. Her dynamic personality and inherent sensitivity enable her to relate to children of all ages, and her relaxed demeanor allows her the opportunity to instill the important life lessons found throughout each of her books.In addition to the writing of the anticipated fifteen book series, she applies her meticulous attention to detail in all aspects of the books' development; from art direction to design layout, printing to distribution, and ultimately advertising and promotion. Julie is also the creator of the educational activities and motivational board game that accompany the series.Julie's tremendous energy and her own child-like playfulness help her bond with children at book signings and author presentations around the country.

  • KTN: Audrye Arbe - Diversity Expert

    18/04/2018 Duration: 01h21s

    Audrye is a diversity expert, who has lived a multicultural, multiracial, and multidimensional life for more than fifty years. Audrye is an artist, prolific author, life strategist and vegan by choice. As an engaging speaker, Audrye galvanizes her audience to participate and grow in awareness of how the world is changing so that they can feel comfortable with the constant changes. Audrye's most recent book is Raising Race Consciousness, Healing Racism, Sexism and Other Isms which is an international bestseller.

  • KTN: Stella Frances - The Dream Builder

    28/03/2018 Duration: 01h19s

    Helping others find success and fulfillment in their lives is what makes her happy and keeps her motivated. With this goal in mind, Stella became a Certified Dream Builder Coach and now lifts up others, so they can reach for the stars. Her circumstances weren’t always easy, but she taught herself to be an overcomer, and she believes you can be an overcomer, too. Stella helps her clients achieve emotional well-being, improve themselves in meaningful ways, truly start a new chapter in their lives, and reignite their long-lost passions.In a short few weeks, Stella will present her signature, “Find Your Happy” program. This guided tour will show participants how to unleash the energy they need to achieve their goals, gain the economic freedom to overcome their so-called “obstacles,” and develop positive relationships. If you’re wondering what your next chapter in life will look like, Stella will help you wonder no more.Helping others find success and fulfillment in their lives is what makes her happy and keeps he

  • KTN: Julie Ryan - Businesswoman, Inventor

    21/03/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Julie Ryan is a businesswoman, an inventor, an author and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally, and she has founded nine companies in six areas including, medical, natural gas, advertising, long-term care, compliance, and data breach prevention industries. The most amazing thing about Julie though is that she learned how to be a psychic and medical intuitive who can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. Julie communicates with spirits both alive and dead. She can scan animals, access people’s past lives, remove ghosts from homes and other buildings, and she can tell how close to death someone is. She’s written about these abilities in her book, Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens as We Transition from this Life into the Next. Each week, Julie scans callers on her “Ask Julie Ryan” podcast which is heard by people in numerous countries throughout the world.

  • KTN: Sharry Edwards - BioAccoustic Biology

    14/03/2018 Duration: 01h20s

    Sharry is the acknowledged pioneer in the emerging field of Vocal Profiling using BioAccoustic Biology. She has provided the leading edge research for years, to show the frequencies of the voice can be used to create a holographic representation of health and wellness. Her research has caught the attention of large pharmaceutical houses, government agencies, alternative health providers and those who wish to create a better future.Recently, AT&T declared that BioAcoustics is the medicine of the future. Sharry uses BioAccoustic frequency patterns to shed light on what is happening in our bodies. BioAccoustic Frequency is used to assist in the understanding of what is happening in the body, like inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, and other health challenges. All of this is done based on sound. Sharry Edwards was named scientist of the year in 2001 by the International Association for new science for her work in BioAccoustic Biology. She is the director of the Institute of BioAccoustic Biology which p

  • KTN: Katrina Sawa - JumpStart Your Marketing System

    07/03/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Katrina Sawa - The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach, Katrina Sawa, helps you make more money doing what you love. She is the creator of the JumpStart Your Marketing® System, a dynamic, tell-it-like-it-is speaker and author of the book, Love Yourself Successful. Katrina has a no-nonsense approach to showing entrepreneurs how to develop consistently profitable businesses implementing proven marketing and business strategies plus she kicks you in the butt to get it all done too. With 30 years’ experience in sales, business and marketing Katrina speaks to groups of all sizes and holds live training events annually. Find out more and get her Free Jumpstart Your Biz Kit online at www.JumpstartYourBizKit.com.

  • KTN: Joyce Gioia - Startegic Business Futurist

    28/02/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Joyce Gioia is a Strategic Business Futurist concentrating on relationship aspects of the future. This arena includes workforce and workplace trends, as well as consumer, education, and business-to-business trends. Joyce is President of The Herman Group, a firm serving a wide range corporate, trade association and governmental clients on an international basis. Through consulting, speaking and training, Joyce helps clients position themselves for success in the future. Joyce has served clients on six continents and in 43 states. Focusing on what will be most valuable for her clients and audiences, Joyce tailors her messages to what is most needed with an emphasis on take-home value, practical tactics and strategies that can be put to work right away. Joyce has co-authored five books with her partner Roger Herman. These books are focused on what employers must do to attract, optimize, and hold onto their best employees. Joyce approaches Human Resources from an Internal Marketing perspective, taking external ma

  • KTN: Gail Minogue - Pythagorean Numerology

    21/02/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Gail Minogue is a published authority in the symbolic relationship of numbers to our lives, with solid experience as a licensed commodities broker since 1987, 30 years now, and a history of offering visionary viewpoints on world events. Gail combines many disciplines to deliver wise perspectives coupled with practical understanding of trends and events---past, present and future.Gail assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes. She provides clients with remarkable insights through a unique combination of trends analysis and forecasting, ancient & contemporary cyclical data, Pythagorean numerology, plus the wisdom gained from her experience in business markets and her intensive study and use of intuitive spiritual systems.

  • KTN: Michelle Schaeffer - Lingo Dynamics and the HookLine Dynamic App

    14/02/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Michelle Shaeffer is the creator of Lingo Dynamics and the HookLine Dynamic app. She’s passionate about helping mission-driven entrepreneurs build successful, profitable businesses that make a positive difference in the world.She’s written 42 blog posts in a single day… mentored more than 15,000 bloggers through the Ultimate Blog Challenge and Extreme Traffic Adventure… published 1,000+ posts on her own blogs… and with blogging since 2008, she’s made just about every blogging mistake possible (and shares them), so you don’t have to! This is possible as she has almost 70,000 followers on her various blogs.A typical day in Michelle’s life includes a whole lot of coffee, obsessive blogging, and content creation, coaching fabulous entrepreneurs, working behind the scenes to support her awesome clients with their blogging and marketing, and sneaking a little bit of sci-fi in there somewhere.

  • KTN: Alan Eisenberg - Bullying Recovery

    07/02/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Alan Eisenberg is a Certified Life, Solutions-focused, and Transformational coach with a niche in self-esteem building and personal growth, particularly in the area of bullying and abuse recovery. He is also the author of two books, "A Ladder in the Dark", his memoir, and "Crossing the Line", a cautionary tale about use bullying. Alan is also the owner of Bullying Recovery, a company that helps long-term survivors of bullying learn to overcome the long-term effects bullying and abuse and thrives in life.

  • KTN: Sharry Edwards - BioAcoustic Biology

    31/01/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Sharry Edwards is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associated frequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. The technology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health and well-being possibilities that you have never encountered.Sharry Edwards' work is now included in The Duke University Encyclopedia of New Medicine, by Leonard A. Wisnecki and The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, by Lucy Anderson. The effects of BioAcoustic Biology, now accepted by these prestigious medical encyclopedias, have unlimited health and wellness potential.According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body tha

  • KTN: Carol Ann Liaros - Psychic

    10/01/2018 Duration: 01h09s

    Carol Ann Liaros is a professional psychic with over 50 years of experience as an intuition trainer, lecturer, and author. She has worked with Edgar Cayce’s Association for
Research and Enlightenment for over 30 years, and has given seminars for them, in addition to
CEOs and upper management of Fortune 10 corporations, churches, psychologists and psychiatrists. Carol Ann is a recipient of “The Edgar” awarded by Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment for her years of work in the practical applications of intuitive skills in everyday life. Her innovative psychic techniques led to designing Project Blind Awareness and Junior Project Blind Awareness: a training program for the blind to help become more mobile and independent using their own psychic / intuitive skills. The Parapsychology and Medicine training for doctors and nurses was a breakthrough in the 1970’s and her Mentoring Program and Psychic Intensive are very popular! Carol Ann Liaros has appeared on national and international TV. F

  • KTN: Sharry Edward - Human BioAcoustic Biology

    04/01/2018 Duration: 54min

    Sharry Edwards™ is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associated frequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. The technology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health and well-being possibilities that you have never encountered.Sharry Edwards' work is now included in The Duke University Encyclopedia of New Medicine, by Leonard A. Wisnecki and The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, by Lucy Anderson. The effects of BioAcoustic Biology, now accepted by these prestigious medical encyclopedias, have unlimited health and wellness potential.According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body th

  • KTN: Lyon Zonamyari - Name Reality: Unlock the Ancient Code and Discover the Secrets Hidden Within Your Names

    13/12/2017 Duration: 59min

    Lyon Zonamyari - Lyon wrote the book "Name Reality; Unlock the Ancient Code and Discover The Secrets Hidden Within Your Names." His book is on numerology and doing it the "correct" way versus how some in mainstream use the numbers.

  • KTN: Mark Juarez - The Happy Company

    06/12/2017 Duration: 01h13s

    Mark Juarez - Published writer, designer, teacher, certified masseur and avid cyclist, Mark established The Happy Company in 1992, with his personal savings of $22,000. Within three years, the company was earning $20 million and garnering the number five slot on the "Top Ten Companies" list for Northern California. It rose to the number two position on the "Top Ten Fastest Growing Companies" list in the Bay Area in 1996. Happy Massager, his flagship product, was the world's best-selling massage tool. Through The Happy Company, Juarez has invented and managed the development cycle of more than one hundred products, trademarks, and copyrights. The inspiration behind his products was to introduce what he calls "the caring touch" to the world and that touch extended him into the non-profit sector.

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