Birds In A Tree



Birds In A Tree features stories about parenting. Topics include family, birth, adoption, fostering, autism, military, stepchildren, loss, addiction, ADHD, special needs, allergies, empty nest, marriage, divorce and everything in between. We focus on the good, the bad, the hard and the glorious. Through each story, we hope to find the bond and similarities that we all share.


  • Staci - "We Want Her To Grow Up To Be Polite And Care About Other People And Be Empathetic, And All Of Those Values Exist Without Religion"

    26/09/2017 Duration: 22min

    Staci and her husband have a beautiful rambunctious daughter and are preparing to welcome their second child in the next few weeks. When we recorded the interview, the couple hadn't told anyone but family that they were expecting their second child, and we talked about the craziness that is the second pregnancy.  Staci and her husband decided when they were engaged that they were atheists, and are raising their daughter as both an atheist and as a feminist. We talk about letting children - especially daughters - set boundaries early, respect when they say no, and let them explore their own spirituality as they grow up.  

  • Pat and Cristina - "We Might Disagree On Tactics, But We Have The Same Vision. The Big Picture Is The Same"

    19/09/2017 Duration: 27min

    Today's episode features our very first couple - Pat and Cristina! The couple are parenting two beautiful daughters, live on the West Coast, and try to foster a love of the outdoors in both girls. Pat is from the east coast and Cristina is from the west coast - and after living in coastal California and New York City, the two decided to settle on the west coast to be close to her family. That means, however, that they have to make the time to see his family as much as possible. We talk all about the highs and lows of living "far away from home," figuring out parenting styles as children grow and parenting gets harder, and what to do when you hear a bear outside your tent at 4 AM.  

  • Laura - "I Was Open To Feeding Him However He Needed To Be Fed. I Didn't Have Any Guilt; For Me It Wasn't An Issue"

    12/09/2017 Duration: 18min

    Laura is the mother of one beautiful toddler and her story is not unlike many of ours. Laura and her husband were not even sure for many years that they wanted children, so when they decided to get pregnant they knew early on that they would only have one child. What they did not bargain for was a difficult labor and delivery that took many hours and various tools that most expecting mothers do not think will be used. Laura also tried very early on to breastfeed, however, when it wasn't working out she decided to switch to formula and never felt bad for doing so. we talk all about nightmare deliveries, rolling with the punches when things don't go your way, and when "fed is best."

  • Brandi - "We Had Just Gone From Telling Our Families And It Being One Of The Best Days Of Our Lives...To Three Days Later And Now There's Nothing"

    05/09/2017 Duration: 31min

    Brandi is the mother of a beautiful toddler, Asher, and has always been very frank and open about her struggles with motherhood. After thinking that she did not want to breastfeed, Brandi decided during her pregnancy that she would try it and it all started perfectly. However, after her son developed a bout of colic, Brandi started to feel like a slave to the breast. We also talk about the worry of a possible speech delay, and when it is the right time to look for therapy and help when children don't reach milestones. Finally, Brandi opens up about a miscarriage she suffered before giving birth to her son, and what helped her during that painful period.

  • Jen - "I Was The Pinterest Perfect Mom - But If I Were At The End Of My Life And Asked My Kids 'What Do You Remember About Me?' They Would Say 'You Were Grumpy, Tired And Exhausted'

    29/08/2017 Duration: 25min

    Jen is a mother to six children and a Women's Happiness Expert. After earning a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies in 2003, spent time as a stay-at-home mom. However, after trying to be the perfect mother, wife, and bread baker, Jen took a good look at her life and decided she was going to work every day at being happy. So that's just what she did. Along her journey, she decided that working with other women to get them to find their own happiness was another source of joy for her, and she never looked back. Jen is the host of Vibrant Happy Women, a podcast about women finding what makes them happy.  You can find her podcast on any of your favorite formats. For more information about Jen, visit:  

  • Dana - "Being A Blended Family, Having Gone Through Divorce, Seeing What That Does To Kids...Knowing That We Have Similar Parenting Skills, We Knew It Was Going To Be Okay"

    22/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    Dana is the mother of two boys from a previous marriage and is now the step-mother to two more sons with her husband. Dana and her husband knew when they began their relationship that they needed to make sure everyone was comfortable as they progressed, and they understood that they needed to be on the same page about parenting before making it official.  In this episode, Dana talks openly and candidly about the joys and challenges blending a family, what it's like living in a home with four adolescent boys, and how the kids have begun to bond as brothers.

  • Chaz - "It's Gonna Be Intense, Because All Of A Sudden You're Responsible For This Whole New Human"

    15/08/2017 Duration: 23min

    Chaz is the mother of a very precocious four-year-old, and a labor and delivery nurse. She has witnessed so many of us become parents, and she says it is the greatest job in the world. As the mother of a child, she knows how hard the transition is from regular old human to parent, and she tells her new parents that this huge life change takes more time to fully accept. We talk all about her job, the highs and lows of being in the room when life comes roaring out, and what she wants parents to know about their impending parenthood. We also talk about her spectacular co-parenting relationship with her son's father, and what it took to meet each other halfway for the sake of their child.

  • Becky - "Nothing Else Worked. We Tried Medication, Diet, Therapies, Schools...We Couldn't Live Like This"

    08/08/2017 Duration: 37min

    Becky is the mother of two children. She is in the unique position of having a child with autism while also being a special education teacher. Becky talks about what it is like trying to understand her son's autism and being able to see both perspectives as a teacher and as a parent. We also talk about finding the right school to help him learn, and what that meant for her preconceived notions about discipline and therapies. Becky is also a "direct sales" mom, and she let me pick her brain about the why and how of having a side hustle.

  • Bobbie - "Daughters Look Up To Mothers...I Didn't Want My Daughter To Grow Up Thinking That It Was Okay For A Man To Yell At Her Or Call Her Names"

    01/08/2017 Duration: 24min

    Bobbie is the mother of two children. Bobbie was raised in a rural area, and the prevailing thought in her family was that women should marry and not continue an education. However, her mother always wanted Bobbie to further her education and be able to provide for herself; something her mother was not allowed to do. Bobbie was able to complete her undergraduate and masters degrees and now works as a teacher. She was able to use her mothers guidance and advice when she decided to walk away from an abusive relationship, and she built her life back up on her own terms as a result of her independence. She knew that she needed to leave the relationship because, like her mother, Bobbie knew that she wanted her daughter to know her own value and place in the world. 

  • Megan - "I Feel Like It Gets Worse, Not Better...But You Just Get Through It. You Take Strength From Your Kids"

    25/07/2017 Duration: 28min

    Megan is the mother of four children, including twins. Megan is also a widow. Her husband Dennis died in 2014. Megan has been navigating her way through her pain by taking strength from her children, going to therapy, and a strong support system. We talk about what her early days were like, how she has moved forward raising her children, and what being a widow means to her.

  • Elizabeth - "Knowing And Understanding My Worth, Being Able To Claim The Things I Do Well, That's Been A Real Asset In My Parenting"

    18/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    Elizabeth is raising three children in the mountains of West Virginia, and doing it while piecing together a career in the arts. As a voice instructor with a masters degree from the Boston Conservatory, she knew moving to a rural area would mean finding a different career path than if she stayed in the city. However, with grit and determination, she has been able to remain an artist and a successful businesswoman all while raising her children where she has always wanted. We also talk at length about social justice, progressive Christianity, and making room for everyone to have a seat at God's table. 

  • Michelle - "Everyone Knew This Was What I Wanted To Do...But Can You Make Money?"

    11/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    Michelle is the mother of three boys who was working a typical desk job but knew she had bigger career dreams. A fitness enthusiast and former dancer, Michelle knew when she saw her gym advertising a yoga instructor training that she wanted to make a change. Changing careers and following your dreams is easier when you don't have children, but how do you make a plan and get trained and change life paths when you have mouths to feed? You do it with a long-term plan, lots of family discussion and a desire for a better life. Michelle admits it was hard and there were bumps in the road, but she is much happier doing what she loves. She also drops a bomb of another major life change that she and her husband are currently planning, and it will inspire you to follow your own dreams.

  • Sam - "I Have Extreme Chest Pains, I Have Pains Going Down My Arm...It Almost Feels Like A Heart Attack"

    04/07/2017 Duration: 27min

    Sam is a mother of two girls who was diagnosed in her formative years with an anxiety disorder.  Managing her disorder through medication, Sam decided when she became pregnant to stop taking her medicine because of the risks to her children.  As a superstar career mother and wife, Sam admits that even though she's outgoing and personable, it takes all her energy to be in public and she has had to take a step back to keep her sanity.  We talk in this episode about removing stigmas surrounding anxiety and mental disorders, what it's like to live through a panic attack, and why she hopes more people could show empathy to those who struggle with this disease. 

  • Abigail - "Early Intervention Has Been Proven To Be The Most Effective For Children With Autism"

    27/06/2017 Duration: 22min

    Abigail is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Pediatric Behavioral Therapist and works with children on the Autism Spectrum. She knew early in her college career that she wanted to make a difference in children's lives, and has recently become officially nationally board certified. I asked Abigail to be a guest on the show to talk about what parents should look for, the importance of early intervention and diagnosis, and what a behavioral therapist can do to help the lives of children who are autistic. She is a wealth of important information, and I am so thankful she is sharing her experience with us.  

  • Laurie - "Anyone Can Be Strong And Smart, But You Have To Put In The Time To Achieve It"

    20/06/2017 Duration: 31min

    Laurie and her husband Dan are both working parents. Laurie, an engineer, has always been a boss lady. However, after her company relocated, she was able to spend some quality time with her young boys while looking for a new job. After she found a new position located over an hour away, her and her husband had to shift family roles and responsibilities, and Laurie had to let go of a lot of "mom perfection" for the new transition. In this episode, we also talk about the power of someone's words to alter the course of your parenting, or to offer comfort in a moment of fear and heartbreak. Laurie also offers her hilarious perspective on the comparison of parenting to the never ending laundry pile.

  • Monica - "We Know How To Build A Following...This Is the Punk Rock Way To Start A Business"

    13/06/2017 Duration: 24min

    Monica has spent the majority of her adult life as a wife to a professional rock band trombone player. As a member of the band Reel Big Fish, Monica has watched her husband go from trombone player in a local ska band to playing packed arenas, being a regular on MTV and featured in movies like "BASEketball." However, it wasn't all rock and roll. When Monica and her husband Danny decided to get married and start a family, they had to make big choices about his constant touring and where their careers would go from there. As they settle into a new life, both as entrepreneurs in businesses they have created, she talks about life with her husband on the road and making room for her own dream as an owner of a fitness studio.

  • Barbara - "I Did All Of Those Things That Her Mother Missed...Those Things Are Precious To Me"

    06/06/2017 Duration: 24min

    When Barbara married her husband, David, she became a step-mother to a then three year old daughter, Michelle. Through various circumstances, Barbara and David received full custody of Michelle while raising their second daughter Jaime. Barbara has always had a very special bond with Michelle. Growing up not having the relationship with her own mother that she had always wanted, it put Barbara in the unique position of understanding Michelle and her mother's relationship better. Barbara served as Michelle's Matron of Honor in her wedding, and the two continue to have an extraordinary friendship now that Barbara is the grandmother to Michelle's three rambunctious sons.

  • Lori - "We Understand There Are Milestones He Needs To Reach, But We Need To Let Him Just Be A Kid"

    30/05/2017 Duration: 28min

    Lori is a mother of a son about to start kindergarten, as well as a successful blogger, HuffPo Contributor, and Declutter Coach. When her son was diagnosed with a speech delay, Lori says that the initial assessment and testing threw her for a loop, but they have been working hard on getting him on track to start kindergarten. Lori and I talk all about how hard it is to declutter, some strategies for getting rid of all the "stuff", and we also talk about what it is like being a female entrepreneur while working from home and juggling all the tasks of motherhood. For more information on Lori, please visit her website,

  • Karlo - "I Can't Imagine What It's Like To Build A Future Without Family"

    23/05/2017 Duration: 39min

    Karlo is a successful photographer who built his business from the ground up, becoming a premiere wedding and commercial photographer in the Mid-Atlantic region. While he built his business, he met and married the love of his life, Amanda. Amanda had a young daughter when the two met, and Karlo worked hard to blend the family and put the well-being of their daughter first. He knew how successful co-parenting should work because he was the product of a blended family and a step-father who understood the importance of family. In this episode, Karlo talks about how the three parents worked their way into successful co-parenting, starting a business and following your dream, and when it's time to change your life in order to have more time with the most important people: family. Between taping this episode and the release, Karlo's beloved step-father unexpectedly passed away. This show is dedicated to him, Captain Michael P. Goodfellow.

  • Alie - "I'm Always Present...I'm Never Worried About Missing Something Because I'm Hungover"

    18/05/2017 Duration: 38min

    Alie has spent the last 13 years sober. She realized in her mid-twenties that she was powerless to alcohol, and decided to stop drinking completely in order to have a fulfilling life. She got married sober and her children have never seen her drink. In this episode, Alie and I talk about finding sobriety early in life, and how grateful we are that we quit drinking before children. We also talk about how hard it is to "come clean" to new mom friends about our sobriety, and navigating in a culture that suggests that "Mommy Juice" is the norm.

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