Universal Family



A spiritual, religious, and philosophical podcast . . . presenting a philosophy of living in truth, beauty, and goodness . . . centered on the concept that we are all brothers and sisters in the universal family of God.


  • Who am I

    18/01/2019 Duration: 05min

    When we establish our core identity in the truth of our being a son or daughter of God, we have gone a long way to ending whatever craziness may have infected us. We can enjoy the beauty of nature and the arts, including healthy pleasures and uplifting recreation. And we can lead a life dominated by goodness and make a more effective contribution to the progress of sanity in our world.

  • Enter the family of God with the faith of a little child

    11/01/2019 Duration: 05min

    We start physical life as a one-celled zygote. We start the development of our mind in complete ignorance. Why should we expect that our physical and mental development gives us advanced standing as we begin our spiritual journey?  

  • The accessible, liberating truth of the Fatherhood of God

    28/12/2018 Duration: 05min

    Turning to him as his child, we can discover God as our Father. We thus discover a central truth of the Creator and the core of our own identity. 

  • God is within you

    17/11/2018 Duration: 08min

    Here are four thoughts designed to help you realize this transforming truth more fully.

  • Peacemaking Lucid about Spiritual Warfare

    27/10/2018 Duration: 35min

    As a both-and thinker who sometimes recognize an either-or, I see that (1) there can be no peace between light (divine truth) and darkness (rebellion against God). But (2) countless other conflicts arise in which we can make tremendous progress if we mobilize different attitudes and tactics, such as we can learn from Marshall Rosenberg's methods of nonviolent communication and Thomas Aquinas's method of discussing disputed questions.  

  • Light on the Ramparts

    26/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    How can someone who used to avoid social service start to become a server of all?

  • The Transformation Blues

    15/09/2018 Duration: 42min

    From Dante's Divine Comedy to 12-Step programs to the Enneagram, insight is mixed with overemphasis on the negative and a failure to recognize the new and better way: we (at least we non-addicts) can first be transformed by the Spirit of Truth before we go on to cleanse ourselves from all evils of mind and body.

  • Love and Cosmic Truth

    01/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    Along with a revised version of the Serenity Prayer, this episode offers  an outstanding spiritual practice of Stephen Post, and shows how to cope when we are relating to a person we find difficult to love. These examples make the philosophy of love come off the page. 

  • The kingdom of God as a moving target

    24/08/2018 Duration: 04min

    The kingdom of God, the spiritual family of God, is open to all who seek it in the faith of a child. But a living faith is a growing faith; and as challenges rise, we may need to re-enter. But we may need more than a child's faith; we may need the spiritual force of the faith of a mature adult.

  • Jesus yes. Christianity, I hope so

    20/08/2018 Duration: 07min

    Christian teaching mingles life-giving teachings of Jesus with other teachings, some of which are needless obstacles for those who need to enter into the family of God. On a handful of key controversies, here are questions with contrasting possible answers. 

  • Werner Herzog: Is God in Control?

    24/07/2018 Duration: 08min

    Werner Herzog's film Huie's Predigt (Huie's Sermon)--the film is really in English with a few German subtitles) presents a worship service in an urban black church. The sermon which asserts over and over that God is in control--which seems to be refuted by images of the utter bleakness of a trashed out slum. A reflection on what it means for God to be in control accounts for the success of the sermon in its hearers. 

  • Coffeehouse Contemplative

    13/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    Spirituality as connection to a larger, all-pervading reality (for example, God, as revealed in Jesus) is cultivated by spiritual direction. This book, based on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, does an extraordinary job of introducing the reader in a gentle, perceptive, illuminated way to our images of God, our narratives of self, our need to listen and respond and engage. This book review of Jeffrey A. Nelson's Coffeehouse Contemplative summarizes the book and celebrates its effects in this reader.

  • Life of prayer, life of worship

    10/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    The spiritual life involves seeking for value (which I symbolize by the term prayer) and celebrating value (which I symbolize by the term worship). Whichever one of these predominates flavors the experience of the other. 

  • After a spiritual experience is over

    23/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    Nicole Stark relates a revelation of the kingdom of God within, and struggles after it is over. Although I encouraged her then about the quality of the event, I have more of an answer now. 

  • The Art of Living

    01/01/2018 Duration: 05min

    The Last Jedi moves the viewer/hearer from the emotions of conflict to the thought of higher wisdom and the triumph of spirituality. A philosophy of living functions as an art of thinking, but the art of living is practice, action, doing. Divine love motivates and beauty pervades its unfolding harmony. 

  • Soul Surge of Wholeheartedness

    22/12/2017 Duration: 10min

    Striving to love God with all my heart, I reflected on wholeheartedness and made a discovery. The tip of the iceberg: wholeheartedness is an experience of the soul, and it implicitly includes the heart, mind, and strength. But what is the heart? What is the soul, and how do we recognize it in experience? What is going on when we are half-hearted? And what can we contribute with our will-power?

  • Universal Thanksgiving

    23/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    This is a 3-minute appeal to strengthen our bonds with our siblings everywhere by giving thanks for blessings that we all share.

  • Universal Affirmation. Targeted Critique

    04/11/2017 Duration: 37min

    Jesus' last discourse in the temple, as we have it reported in Matthew 23 has two parts, the first of which reaches out in mercy with the universal truth of the Fatherhood of God and the siblinghood of humankind. The second is like the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence, enumerating a list of grievances against a particular group of religious leaders. Read well, this speech shows the coherence of mercy and justice.

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