Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker



Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business? If it isnt would you like to change that? Alun Jones & Tamara Yonker


  • Are you creating your life on Viagra?


    If life wasn’t often challenging enough, how often do you make it even more difficult for yourself? And what’s the value of that? So many people make their life harder, or seem harder, in order to fit in and not be seen and perceived as different. After all, how many people do you know who praise or encourage you to have an easy life?  How many things do you add to your life just to make it harder and appear harder just to satisfy other people’s desire? In short, are you creating your life on viagra? Wanna change that? What if the only hardness you choose to enjoy in your life does not have to mean creating pain, suffering, and stress for you? What else is possible beyond the hardness you’ve been choosing? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Emotions – Gift or Curse? With Alun and Tamara


    Do you find yourself easily triggered and hijacked by your emotions? Most people live entirely at the effect of their emotions trying to rid themselves of the “bad” ones and magnify the “good” ones. What if that just amplifies the emotional reaction you’re already in, and leaves you feeling like you have less choice than ever? Emotions can be signposts that lead you to reveal where you are lying to yourself, and have become trapped in a prison of judgment. What if you can use them to your advantage to liberate BEing YOU in ways you have yet to acknowledge is possible? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Skooling dun diffrant wiv speshul gest Simone Padur


    Going to school. How much did you enjoy it? Did you even feel like you had a choice? How much fun did you have while you were in lessons? Or was fun something you only had during breaktimes and not while you were sitting behind a desk? There has to be another way to engage children with education right? But what is it? Does it even exist? Join us as we get to play again with Simone Padur who, as well as being an Access Consciousness Facilitator, is a teacher with a different point of view about teaching; it should be fun! She turns crazy wall climbing kindergarten classes into excited learning enthusiasts and give hope to teens to know that they can change the world. “How?” do you ask? By using the tools of Access Consciousness® in her classroom daily; through asking questions to empower kids to know what they know and being in allowance of whomever they might choose to be.​m simonepadur@accesspossibilitiess​ Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: ht

  • Are you shaming the fun out of sex?


    In this reality sex is very often spoken about in hushed tones and not considered to be “a subject for polite company”. For some it’s even seen as a purely perfunctory process of pro-creation and has nothing to do with having fun. Where are you with all this? Do you know what you enjoy? Do you allow yourself to get curious and play with possibilities? Or do you shame and guilt yourself into closing down your sexualness and joy when it comes to sex and copulation? If you don’t know what is fun for you with sex, can you really expect the person who’s playing with you to know? What if sex is meant to be fun, and not something to be ashamed about?   Find out more about Alun and Tamara here: Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • What is it Costing You to Refuse to Receive? With Alun and Tamara


    Most people, without even knowing it, are playing the game, Who Can Refuse Receiving the Most?!   Do you receive things with ease, or is life a constant struggle of working hard to get what you need and want? That’s exhausting! Believe it or not, refusal is considered normal in the world and most people have mastered refusal quite well. What if the universe is naturally magnanimous and generous, and there is a way to tap into the readily available abundance of it all with more ease than you’ve ever known? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Have You Enslaved Yourself to Service? With Alun and Tamara


    Did you learn it was noble and good to be selfless and serve others before yourself? Have you built your identity and life around the adage, “It is better to give than receive?” Do you find yourself noticing how much and how often you sacrifice in your giving, yet the receiving never seems to come back around to you? What if this way of living in service is enslaving you to a lie that controls you, and ensures the exclusion of the contribution you truly be?   Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: Find out more about Alun and Tamara here:

  • Are you living voluptuously? Would you like to?


    Have you ever admired the way animals seem to move effortlessly through the world taking pleasure in and just luxuriating in being? How they use their senses to revel in the sensual enjoyment of living? What if you could have that sense of play and communion with your body? Join us and our special guest Simone Padur in the Playground of Possibilities as we play with and explore voluptuous possibilities for creating and experiencing your life. Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business??If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in a dark tunnel, feeling that there is no way out, no choice, and most certainly no fun? What if life doesn’t have to be that way? What if living in the Playground of Possibil

  • Nice and Kind … Same or Different?


    Nice and kind are very often used in the same sentence - “isn’t he nice and kind”. But are they even related? What if they’re not? How often do you “try to be nice”?  What if kindness doesn’t look at all like what you’ve been told it is or should be? Is being “nice” actually an unkindness? What if “nice” and “kind” have nothing to do with each other? How much of you do you have to cut off in order to be nice to someone? What would your life be like if you functioned from Kindness and not from trying to be nice?  Join Alun and Tamara for this show where they play with questions and possibilities about kindness….. Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business??If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in

  • Are you fed up with this reality’s version of relationSHIT? with Alun and Tamara


    Power struggles.  Bargaining. Entitlement.  Compromise.  Extraction.  Control.Possession.  Restriction. Emotional manipulation.  Sound way too familiar? Are you having any fun? The rules of engagement most people learn in relationship just don’t work, and too many people end up feeling like failures or give up entirely. What if there is a different possibility?  Freedom.  Harmony. Desire. Choice. Ease. Contribution.  Expansion. Intimacy. Limitless. Creation.  Caught your attention? Join Alun and Tamara when they explore a new paradigm of radical relationship on the Playground of Possibilities where the anything is possible, and everything is play. Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Are you refusing the potency of vulnerability? With Alun and Tamara


    Potency and vulnerability are not often referred to together. But, what if vulnerability is your greatest strength? And, what might be possible if you lead your life from the strength of vulnerability with no more need to defend or protect? People often misidentify vulnerability as something that would allow them to be victimized or hurt. What if vulnerability is something totally different than you have been taught? What if it is the gateway to greater possibilities, and actually allows you to receive more? Are you curious about amplifying your own potency of vulnerability? Alun’s website: Tamara’s website: Find out more about Alun and Tamara here:

  • Stop Pretending to Be a Muggle, You ARE Magical with Guest Glenyce Hughes


    Remember when you were young and everything in life seemed so much more fun and the possibilities seemed endless? Is that still the same for you or has life become a serious business??If it isn’t would you like to change that? And if it is, would you like even more of it? How much and how often have you been told “you have no choice” or felt you had no choice? And how often have you found yourself in a dark tunnel, feeling that there is no way out, no choice, and most certainly no fun? What if life doesn’t have to be that way? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible and available to you right here, right now? If you would like more fun, more magic, more choice, and more possibilities in your life then, come and join Tamara and Alun as they have fun playing, laughing and exploring in The Playground of Possibilities. Find out more about Alun and Tamara here: Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • We or me – are you being a selfish asshole? With Tamara and Alun


    Ooops – did we say that out loud? Well now we’ve said it we may as well continue! So… how are you functioning in the world? Do you always try to put the needs of others first? Do you ever choose for you? What if we’ve been getting it all ass-about-face and back to front? What if not choosing for you is actually limiting the world and the contribution you can be? What if you’re being incredibly selfish every time you don’t choose for you? Say what?! What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be and nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be? Facebook Link: Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Command and Control?! With Tamara and Alun


    Do you try to control everything in your life, or do you have ease with being in command? The irony is that if you are playing the control freak of magnitude, you might have less power than you think. Say what?! What’s the difference between command and control? Is there any? Absolutely!  One is generative, and one is based entirely on avoidance and judgment. One can contribute to expanding your life, and the other contracts and limits the possibilities. So, are you willing to resign your post as controller and take command of your living and reality? Wanna play with this some more?   Alun’s website: Tamara’s website:

  • Play and Fun – How Mutually Exclusive Are They in Your Life?


    If you watch babies and young children, almost everything they do is play AND fun. There is no separation for them. Was your life ever like that too? Is it like that now? If not, at what age did you start to separate the two? How many rules do you live your life by that make your play not fun? Ever noticed that when there’s no play or no fun in your life different possibilities seem almost non-existent? What would your life be like if you had fun AND play with everything you do? Do you even believe that’s possible? What possibilities and opportunities would open up for you if you had even more fun in your play? What if living in the Playground of Possibilities is totally possible and available to you right here, right now? If you would like more fun, more magic, more choice, and more possibilities in your life then, come and join Tamara and Alun as they have fun playing, laughing and exploring in The Playground of Possibilities. Find out more about Alun and Tamara here: Alun’s we

  • What if contribution is a gift you keep refusing?


    Contributions… aren’t they those things you feel obliged to give to charities, or the church, or “the poor and needy”? Aren’t they also things you have to give to the government in the form of taxes? Whatever they are, are they fun for you or are they a moral obligation? Bearing all that in mind, do you allow yourself to receive  contribution? To be blunt, what the hell is contribution really? What if contribution is not at all what we thought it was? What if you BEing YOU is an incomparable contribution you have yet to receive and be? What if a magnanimous universe is poised and waiting for you to stop valuing judgment so you can receive with ease everything you desire? Would you like to get clear on what contribution really can be? Tamara and Alun invite you to come and play in the Playground of Possibilities where the possibilities are limitless and playing is the sovereign reality! Monday, May 25th at 3:00 pm UK, 7:00 am Pacific and 10:00 am Eastern on Join us with your questions and comments an

  • Flying the Winds of Infinite Possibility! with Tamara and Alun


    When it comes to possibilities in your life and for your life what have you decided or been told is impossible? And does that feel expansive or contractive for you? And how many things did you know as a child were be possible that you were told were impossible by others? Did you know that when you conclude anything about anything you totally shut down the possibilities available to you? What if you could regain that wonderful sense of curiosity and total knowingness that you had as a child that anything is possible? What if getting curious about possibilities could open up so much more for you and the world? Tamara and Alun invite you to come and play in the Playground of Possibilities where the possibilities are limitless and where playing is the sovereign reality on Monday 11th May at 3pm UK, 10am EDT, 9am CDT, 8am MDT, 7am PDT on This will be a pre-recorded show so there’ll be no chatroom or live calls this week – sorry everybody. However, we’ll be back on the 25th and playing with the topic of c

  • Question: Your ticket to limitless possibilities! with Tamara and Alun


    Continuing our theme of creating from question, choice, possibility, and contribution – guess what we’re talking about in this show? Was that clue too subtle or blatantly obvious?! OK – so it’s probably quite obvious right? So how much fun do you have asking questions? A little? None? A lot? Megatons? A common theme in this reality in terms of people creating their lives is that they try to create from conclusion. And then they wonder why things don’t change, or if they do change that it always seems hard and takes a long time. Another commonality with people when they ask questions is that they’ve often already decided what the answer should be. And then comes the insanity – asking the same questions over and over again and expecting a different answer!  Conclusions are the paving stones on the road to the desert  island of frustration! What if questions are a superpower of change that can be an awesome invitation to creating something even greater in and as your life? What if questions are the magical wings

  • Choice. What is it good for? With Tamara and Alun


    Why are you listening to our radio show? Because you’re choosing to right? And do you get that everything that happens in your life is as a result of a choice you made? So is choosing easy for you? Are you clear about what you’d really like to choose in and as your life?  Or, are you often looking to see what others are choosing or what others will think about your choice before you choose?  Indeed, how many of the choices you make are to avoid something rather than from a desire to create something greater? If you really knew  you could choose anything at all in and as your life, what would you choose? And what if you could enjoy the ride no matter what shows up? Choice is a potency and superpower the can be as dynamic as you willing for it to be, and it allows you to create and receive whatever you desire with greater ease. If you’d like to play with this some more, choose to come and play with Tamara and Alun in the Playground of Possibilities on Monday 4th May at 3pm UK, 10am EDT, 9am CDT, 8am MDT, 7am PD

  • What does the future have to do with me?! With Tamara and Alun


    So what the fuck does the future have to do with you? After all, we won’t be here to experience it so why should we even bother concerning ourselves with it? Interesting points of view huh? What if something else is possible here? What if one of the reasons we all chose to be here was to contribute to creating something even greater? And how often have we bought the lie that “we are just one person and are not big enough or powerful enough to effect any change in the world”? What would it take to change that? What if it’s our choices that we’re making now that will create something even greater for everyone? If you would allow yourself to know that EVERY choice you make affects the whole world AND the future, what choices will you make? What if now is the time to stop pretending that we have no impact upon the world or the future and instead begin to ask “what else can I choose and create now that will create a greater future for every one and every thing?” Find out more about Alun and Tamara here: www.facebo

  • What do you mean, I create my own reality? With Tamara and Alun


    How often have you been told that you’re trying to live in a dream world and need to wake up to the reality of the way life really is? After all, we all live on the same planet and in the same world, therefore we must all experience the same reality right? Is that true for you? Is it more bonkers to try to live your life from what you’ve been told by so many others is reality, or to experience your reality for you in the way that you create it? The irony here is, that the people who tell you that you “you’re not living in reality” are actually trying to manipulate and bully you into living from their reality. How do you even create your reality for you? Where do we learn how to do that? And if someone is teaching you how to do it, aren’t they just teaching you how to function from their reality? The mind boggles! Is now the time for you to have more fun, choice, and possibilities in your reality? Wanna play with this some more? Join Tamara and Alun in the Playground of Possibilities on Monday 20th April at 3p

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