Meg-john And Justin

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 131:39:22
  • More information



Meg-John Barker & Justin Hancock. They/he/we. 'Enjoy Sex (How, When and If You Want To)' is out January 5th 2017


  • Ask Justin: I've Never Had An Orgasm

    18/02/2022 Duration: 18min

    It's another Ask Justin week and this time I'm reading out an article I've written which is available at 'I’ve Never Been Able To Orgasm.' There are a lot of aggregated ideas about sex and bodies in your question which I think would be useful to examine up close to see how much we can see them shifting. The way that you refer to orgasms, the body, and the self could all do with being allowed to move. Please help support the podcast by either signing up to the Patreon or you could also buy some of the resources that I made with Meg-John Barker. Find those at Justin

  • Tina Sikka: Sex, Consent and Justice

    22/12/2021 Duration: 01h12min

    I think many of us might agree that #MeToo has been an important and much needed movement. Putting consent, sexual violence, instutional power, and genderered power dynamics, into our everyday conversations. But in what way has it transformed our understandings of consent and justice, and the possibilities for sex. Probably not a lot. It has both uncovered and reinforced very basic and binary notions of consent, justice, and sex and has seemingly got stuck in an endless dialogue which, compared to #BLM, is anything but transformative. But what if we really expand the meanings and possibilities of both consent and justice. How can this both prevent harm on an individual and institutional level. What can we learn to do differently going forward? How can we transform society so that the sociological and legal standard for sex is care, mutuality, co-creation, embodiment, and autonomy? Tina Sikka has written an amazing book about this called Sex, Consent, and Justice and she joins us today. You can buy the b

  • Rebecca Saunders Bodies Of Work: the labour of sex in the digital age

    09/12/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    When we talk about porn it’s invariably about what effects it causes. What is it doing to our sexualities, what is it teaching kids about sex, and blaming it for hacking into and hijacking our desires. More interesting is to look at porn in culture just as we might look at any other media such as social media industries and streaming platforms. What kinds of active relationships might we have with it, and it on us, on an individual and also on a cultural level. What is the relationship that porn has with capitalism? Looking at porn has gone from being a frowned upon unproductive activity, to a still frowned upon but now productive activity for capital. With the major porn streaming sites being as popular as other streaming media, they have managed to turn viewing into labour. They keep viewers attentive, but also distracted, with the seemingly endless opportunities to view and click elsewhere. The data from the viewer is used to inform the production of porn (which is also owned by the free streaming sites

  • Jacob Johannsen: Fantasy, Online Misogyny and the Manosphere

    26/11/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    Regular listeners of this podcast will know that we recently had Scott Burnett on the show to talk about his work on understanding online communities of men related to the No Fap movement, the manosphere, and the alt-right. His work charted these groups and some of the often dangerous and worrying views they espouse. In today’s show we are going to take a more psychoanalytic approach. How are men in the manosphere constructing their masculinities. How does this relate to fascist ideas now, but also the fascist histories of the early 20th century? How can men in the manosphere both repress sexualities yet also built entire communities talking about it? What fantasies are told about the threat to masculinities and how are they both necessary and necessarily destroyed? And what are our best hopes for how we can respond, or how these men might respond? Is there ever a way back for violently misogynistic men? Jacob Johanssen has written an excellent and engrossing book called ‘Fantasy, online misogyny and t

  • Dave Pickering: Podcasts

    29/10/2021 Duration: 47min

    This week I chatted with the critically acclaimed, and multi award winner and nominee, podcaster Dave Pickering about podcasts. You will hear: - Dave doing an intro about their podcasts and history with them - why people might listen to them, what are the motivations - the danger of neoliberalism 'self improvement' and podcasts - the parasocial relationships that we have with podcast hosts and guests and how much that is part of why we listen (atomised, alienated from those around us we might turn to these kinds of relationships maybe?) - recommendations for good shows Dave’s own projects are Getting Better Acquainted Stand Up Tragedy The Family Tree Down to a sunless sea: memories of my dad (I’ve listened to the first of these, it’s really moving and excellent. Current (Client) projects: Who Hurt You (formally Made of Human) (I sort of mentioned this) The Restart Project Race Reflections AT WORK The Breakup Monologues Check all those out via Dave’s website

  • Kim Loliya: The Body, Trauma, Oppression, and Solidarity

    15/10/2021 Duration: 51min

    As many of us are getting used to opening up our lives again in the middle of a pandemic, we might start to feel different kinds of feelings and thoughts about how safe and comfortable we might feel. Being at the pub, cafe, theatre, cinema, meetings, conferences or protests now has a very different set of concerns or anxieties for many of us. Also over the last couple of years the protests around the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sarah Everard, and also the Kill the Bill protests have been a reminder to us that our capacity to feel safe and comfortable in public spaces has been extremely unfairly distributed in the modern era. And furthermore we maybe now have a greater awareness how people’s experiences of systemic oppression might show up in people’s bodies in the context of complex post traumatic stress disorder. So I thought it would be timely to talk about the body and to invite Kim Loliya onto the show to talk about her work as a therapist, particularly somatic therapy, and for us to learn mor

  • Sex Jams 7: Je t'aime (moi non plus)

    01/10/2021 Duration: 44min

    We're back with another Sex Jams. This time it's the classic of the genre, Je t'aime (moi non plus). I love you (me neither). Dr Eleanor Janega and I (Justin Hancock) analyse it to death and ruin it for everyone. You're welcome! Dr J's blog is here her Patreon is here and her other excellent podcast We're Not So Different is here Hope you enjoy it.

  • Ask Justin 5: Should We Have No Contact After A Break Up?

    23/09/2021 Duration: 37min

    I've written a blog post to accompany this one which you can read over at the now unlocked Patreon post

  • Meg - John And Justin: Kink

    07/09/2021 Duration: 44min

    We're back with a Meg-John and Justin episode We chatted about: Why we haven’t talked about kink as different to any other erotic / sexual / sensual activity. How common kink is. How kink is still positioned as ‘not normal’ despite it being incredibly common. The weight of should stories of what is kink and how kink should be practised (and how this might be an over correction to the messages about kink being not okay). The challenge into tuning into what we want. How do we create our kink subjectivities? Communication and consent. What familiarity with all the terms and knowledge might open up or close down Different meaning and motivations for taking part in kink Different kinds of activities and the different things we might get out of it (and how this can be really different depending on context). The importance of being slow and avoiding pushing people / being aware of being pushed. Solo / partnered. Erotic / nurturing/ power. In the rest of the conversation (on the Patreon feed) we cover:

  • Rachel Thompson: Rough

    23/08/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    As we’ve covered recently in the episodes with Katherine Angel and Joy Townsend, the on-going journey to sexual subjectivity for women is often difficult and fraught with harms, violence, degrees of unwantedness, coercion, and a lack of consent. The narrow, legalistic, framework we have for understanding these harms are geared towards identifying (or perhaps not identifying) perpetrators. This often stifles the voices of survivors of violence. In a society where sex is still so stigmatised how do we find the spaces, and the vocabulary to talk about sex and make sense of our own experiences. Where we are given such strong messages about what sex is, who is allowed to have it, and who should do what to whom. How as individuals can we navigate sexual encounters when society unfairly distributes agency and gives us few tools to allow for the possibility of collective agency and joy. Rachel Thompson’s book Rough - How violence found its way into the bedroom and what we can do about it, is a timely and wide rangi

  • Scott Burnett: Masculinities, Masturbation and No Fap

    13/08/2021 Duration: 39min

    As we covered in a recent podcast Her Sexual Self, drawing and redrawing our sexual or asexual subjectivities is something that we are all in the process of doing - whether we know it or not. How do we come to know and understand and become our sexual selves? How do we do this when discourses, or should stories, of how we should do our gender and sexuality are so powerful and all around us. What happens in communities, or at an interpersonal level when these stories can be told and retold to others Scott Burnett has written an excellent paper on how men who abstain from masturbating make sense of their sexual subjectivities and how this is produced and reproduced in online communities. Some of this is quite everyday and benign, but some of it is quite troubling. So here’s a warning that some of what we might talk about might refer to racist tropes and sexist and potentially violent views of women. Here are the notes I made before the sho

  • Ask Justin 4: Her Asexual Self

    06/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    I'm doing things a bit differently this week as my 'Ask Justin' episode is just me reading out advice which I've written in a column, over at the patreon. I thought I'd try this approach out. I'm more used to writing for young people over at BISH but I might do more of this kind of thing for adults here too. I also thought this would be a nice complementary episode to the last one with Joy Townsend called Her Sexual Self. To read it head to (where you can also sign up to get more benefits)

  • Her Sexual Self: Joy Townsend

    23/07/2021 Duration: 51min

    I’m afraid the audio of this episode isn’t as good as usual because we had to rely on the back up recording. Sorry about that. I’m also going to give you a content note here in particular for Natalie’s story where there is a description of a rape. There aren’t graphic details and in the story Natalie has ambivalent feelings about it, but I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you want to skip it. It’s around 28 minutes in and if you skip ahead for 2 minutes from when you first hear Joy mention Natalie’s name then you will miss it. Her Sexual Self: A narrative investigation of young women’s sexual subjectivities Listeners to this show will know that we have always tried to grapple with questions of the personal and the political, the structural and cultural messages that we receive, and the possibilities for agency and freedom to choose within this. It’s hard to articulate and sometimes it means that we have to treat them separately or as things happening in parallel, or by simply just pointing out

  • Time: Mental Health And Prison

    02/07/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Before we start here's some housekeeping. This show is inspired by Time, the drama on BBC 1 that concluded last week and is available on iplayer. It’s not a review of the show but there are a couple of spoilers. We also mention self-harm but don’t go into any detail at all. As you’ll hear Jazz Tehara works in a prison environment with offenders with highly complex and challenging behaviour but with a NHS led pathway strategy in place. So this conversation raises some of the possibilities of what a well funded and resourced prison service, focussing on mental health outcomes and work on masculinities, could look like. Also if you would like to support this podcast please consider becoming a Patron of the show. Just £1 a month will help to pay me to make this show as well as to pay an appearance fee to fellow freelance guests. There are also occasional bits of bonus content for Patrons as well as access to the Discord server where you can chat with other listeners. That’s at

  • Juliet Jacques Variations

    20/06/2021 Duration: 42min

    I was delighted to be joined by Juliet Jacques, who is a writer, film maker, and one of our leading cultural commentators. We talked about her latest book Variations which is her debut short story collection. She uses uses fiction inspired by found material and real-life events to explore the history of transgender Britain. Juliet very kindly agreed to do a reading for us where she tells the story of a press intrusion into the life of Laura, a model and actress in the 1950s. We also talk about the transphobia and 'trans discourse' in the mainstream media (and how stupid and reductive this often is) and how the role of fiction and story telling might be a compelling and creative alternative. Variations is out now on Influx Press Her excellent podcast Suite 212 can be found here and the Patreon for that is here If you like this interview and would like to support us, from just £1 a month, please consid

  • Digital Intimacies

    08/06/2021 Duration: 44min

    I was delighted to be joined by Jamie Hakim and Ingrid Young to talk about their project ‘Digital Intimacies: how gay and bisexual men use their smartphones to negotiate their cultures of intimacy’. We chat about intimacy and why it’s not just what happens in private between two people but actually the connections we depend on for living - be that public or private. The loss of the possibilities for public intimacy was felt keenly by gay and bisexual men, where, as with for a lot of queer folk, counter public spaces were some of the few places they could 'be'. Interviews with participants reveal how smartphones could open up new avenues of intimacy during a pandemic, just as others are closed down. The opportunities for pause and reflection and new relationships, as well as the possibilities for negotiating safer covid safer sex practices. All of this as a counter to the ‘common sense’ and reductive stereotypes about gay and bi men, technology, and sex. This was a super interesting chat and there’s so much

  • Eurovision Sex Jams Special

    22/05/2021 Duration: 45min

    We did a live stream on our new twitch stream just now about Eurovision. Here's the audio!

  • Ask Justin 3: Non-Monogamy, BDSM, arousal and desire

    13/05/2021 Duration: 50min

    This weeks' Culture Sex Relationships is the 3rd Ask Justin. You send your questions and I try and give great advice. There are three questions this week. One on sex discrepancies and opening up a relationship to non-monogamy. Second is about BDSM and the risks of practising it when you have a straight laced job. The third one is about disentangling arousal and desire and the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. This last one contains a mention of sexual assault but I don't go into any detail or specifics. If you like this show and would like some more of it, please considering supporting the show on Patreon. From just £1 a month would be a great help. If you can afford more so that I can keep as much as this free for others that can't, that would be even better. Thank you! Here are some links I mention For the user guide zines check out Here's our book

  • Decriminalise Sex Work

    29/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    I chatted with Sarah from Decrim Now about the laws around sex work and why it's an issue at the moment. We cover the current position (which is partial criminalisation), the Nordic Model (which criminalises the client), and full decriminalisation (which is what sex workers and many big unions and charities are calling for). As I mentioned in last week's show we would please encourage you to use this template to email your MP about it and if you have clout or belong to an organisation that does, please sign the open letter

  • MJ&J Opening Up Again

    16/04/2021 Duration: 50min

    Meg-John and I did a show about how we might slowly begin to open up again. How we might be able to make it easier for others. The importance of good consensual processes (and how we can pay attention to those). Here's the excellent infographic we talked about Here's the link to the open letter put together by Decrim Now for the decriminalisation of sex work Support Meg-John's Patreon and please sign up to the Culture Sex Relationships Patreon to help support the show

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