Liberti Church Carrara Sermons



We are a gospel-centred family of churches, who worship joyfully, grow together, and live sent. This podcast features weekly messages from Liberti Carrara. Podcasts are also available for other Liberti churches. For more info, visit


  • Acts #11 - Gospel-Courage in a Hostile Culture


    In this lifetime, Christians should not be surprised by opposition. To follow in the footsteps of the Saviour, is to walk towards a Cross. Yet as the thermometer of cultural hostility towards the early church increased, so too did the courage of Jesus’ disciples. They had seen a resurrection. They had heard a powerful promise. And they kept preaching Jesus.

  • Acts #10 - Repentance and Refreshing


    Repentance is an about-face, an ongoing war, and carries with it the promise of 'times of refreshing.' God's calls to stop running from Him and run to Him instead, is a call of love and mercy. Though our sin is great, the eraser of Christ's sacrificial love is infinitely greater!

  • Acts #9 - Signs and Wonders that Actually Glorify Jesus


    The purpose of a sign is to point to something beyond itself and foreshadow what is to come. In Acts 3 we see the miraculous healing of a lame man that Peter uses to point people to Jesus. In this message, we also explore some of the common questions surrounding signs and wonders like, “Do miracles and healing still happen today? Does God promise to heal everyone in this lifetime? How should we approach supernatural healing and the miraculous?”

  • Acts #8 - A Colony of Heaven in a Country of Death


    Eugene Peterson wrote, “The church is a colony of heaven in a country of death.” God’s people are marked by an attractive otherworldliness in their priorities. They are devoted to God’s presence, God’s mission, God’s people and God’s Word…all because of the gospel. In this message, Pastor Adam shares four prayers from Acts 2 for the future of Liberti Church.

  • Acts #7 - A Devoted Church


    Because the early church had been captivated by the gospel, their lives overflowed with devotion. They were deeply devoted to God’s Word, to one another, to God’s presence, and to prayer. This new community of believers were marked by an otherworldly gladness and generosity that turned their world upside down. Are you dating your church or are you devoted to her?

  • Acts #6 - It’s All About Jesus


    At the centre of both Scripture and history stands Jesus Christ. Only the gospel provides us with the transcendent story that each of us deeply longs for, and the transformational power that each of us deeply needs.

  • Acts #5 - Tongues, Confusion, and a Global Gospel


    Torches are not made for the daytime, but for the dark. So are God’s people. At Pentecost we see the Holy Spirit come upon the early church with power, for the purpose of spreading the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth. In this sermon, we take some time to look at the big questions around speaking in tongues, along with the bigger purpose of God’s people fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • Acts #4 - God’s Sovereignty and Making Big Decisions


    When it comes to making big decisions in life, how do you know what God's will is? In Acts, we are given wisdom and a warning. We are to come under God's Word, come into wise community, come towards God in prayer, and trust God and get going!

  • Acts #3 - Life Between the Mountaintops


    Life between the promise and Pentecost can be disorienting. Yet it is in the ‘white space’ between the paragraphs of our lives that God does some of His best work. Our power for God’s mission, is found in prayer. Jesus is a King who does not sit on a throne of gold, but on a throne of grace.

  • Acts #2 - The Promise of the Holy Spirit


    Being filled with the Holy Spirit is experiential, continual, noticeable, and powerful. God doesn’t want your strength; He wants to give you His.

  • Acts #1 - God's Mission through God's People


    The local church is not an event to attend, but a community of people to belong to. Throughout history, God’s people have been captivated by the message of the gospel, and liberated into the mission of God.

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