Beginning Within



Empowering Our Lives Through Personal ResponsibilityBeginning within is all about repeatedly asking ourselves the one question that always matters, What can I do about this situation? Beginning within is about changing the one person we can change. Beginning within is about learning that by transforming ourselves we transform the world.


  • 179 Black Out Shades

    14/06/2021 Duration: 09min

    If it gives me pleasure – what difference does it make to G-d if I indulge in the forbidden fruit? Surely G-d loves me anyway!

  • 178 Bowling With Bumpers

    07/06/2021 Duration: 07min

    Unconditional love is unconditional love. Learning from G-d’s relationship with us to be observational without being judgmental and knowing that we are worthy as we are right now. This is a key ingredient in living up to our own expectations.

  • 177 Do Stones Fly

    31/05/2021 Duration: 09min

    If you see a stone fly, you can be sure that it has not taken flight on its own.  You can be sure that it has been propelled into the air through an external energy source. When we see the world in its constant state of being, we can be sure that there is an energy force that is sustaining its existence.

  • 176 My G-d Isnt Great

    24/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    G-d is greater then great, He has no definition and cannot be limited. In this week’s podcast let’s learn about why this makes Him more relevant and more accessible to us.

  • 175 Why G-d Hides

    16/05/2021 Duration: 08min

    This week’s podcast discusses that G-d is the only true independent existence and explores how through our service of Torah and Mitzvos we bring this reality to the consciousness of mankind.

  • 174 So Nu, Is There Really A G-d

    10/05/2021 Duration: 08min

    In this week’s episode we touch on cultivating faith with all its challenges and explore why wrestling with faith, absolute doubt and being angry with G-d are actually all good signs. 

  • 173 Becoming Intimate with the Infinite

    03/05/2021 Duration: 07min

    What is closer to Infinity, 1 or 1 million? Exploring the relationship of a finite being with his infinite creator.

  • 172 Foresight, Hindsight… Insight!

    26/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    How can you be confident in the action you are about to take? In this week’s podcast we explore that clarity of motivation elucidates the action. The clearer our insight and understanding is into the why, the more obvious our path of action will become.

  • 171 What Does HE Expect?

    19/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    If so much of Judaism is based around fulfilling the mitzvot, is G-d’s love for us performance based? What if we do not fulfill G-d’s expectations of us? This week we continue exploring the idea of expectations in relationships. 

  • 170 Can We Agree?

    12/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    In this week’s podcast we examine the idea of expectation vs. agreement within the dynamics of a relationship. Expectation denotes a position of power which ultimately leads to disappointment. Whereas, when an agreement is established, leveling the playing field, we make space for a healthier relationship.

  • 167 Excuse me, I am in my way

    05/04/2021 Duration: 06min

    A personal anecdote illustrating how we often get in the way of our own experience. Removing our filters allows for a present and real conscious experience to living life meaningfully. 

  • 168 Fly Free

    30/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    It is tempting to settle for external freedom, changing our circumstances or the people around us. It won’t take long to realize that your new circumstances are another, perhaps improved, set of constrictions. When we learn to operate from our spirit, no matter the circumstances, we can always choose to bring our spirit into them. We define in place of being defined. We are liberated. This talk was given as part of a larger program that you can watch here:

  • 167 Liberation From Our Stories

    22/03/2021 Duration: 16min

    We all create stories about ourselves. We do this to create safety from the many things that threaten us. These stories keep us small. Liberating ourselves from these stories and venturing out beyond them is truly liberating. In this week’s podcast, I discuss how I do this for myself and how I’ve helped others do the same.

  • 166 How to Deal with Hatred

    15/03/2021 Duration: 11min

    Within our digital age, there is a lot of negativity being spread online ranging from strangers to loved ones. What is the best way to deal with hatred? Learn what hatred is, what it does and how to best combat it.

  • 165 Perspective on Heaven and Afterlife

    08/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    What is the Jewish perspective on heaven and afterlife? What is heaven and do we all go there? What is hell? Is G-d vengeful? Gaining a healthy perspective on these subjects improves the way we live our lives. Watch the below video and listen to the below class for further elaboration. Conversation in the Womb Video: Class on the Afterlife:

  • 164 What Is Success?

    01/03/2021 Duration: 13min

    What is success? How do we achieve it? What do we need to do or accomplish to be a success? The answer, nothing! Our inner magnificence is, we only need to let it free. The more we accomplish this, the more successful we are.

  • 163 Is Judaic Law Rational?

    22/02/2021 Duration: 15min

    Is Judaic law rational? Is there a benefit to laws that are not rational? Why are we more comfortable with things that are rational? In this episode, I answer the second of five questions about which two high school seniors asked me for more insight.

  • 162 What Is Our Purpose?

    15/02/2021 Duration: 18min

    What is our purpose on earth? What are we here to do? In this episode, I answer the first of five questions about which two high school seniors asked me for more insight. 

  • 161 True Reconciliation

    24/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    If you're apologizing because you feel bad, are uncomfortable or don't want to be disliked, you haven't apologized. It's all about you. So when you show up to synagogue and want to experience true repentance, stop thinking about yourself and what you want and how you feel bad. Take a few minutes and think about G-d.

  • 160 Life Is a Workshop

    16/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    Everything we experience in life offers us an opportunity to refine ourselves and become a better person. This is the reason G-d created an imperfect world with challenges and tests. Every test is an opportunity to raise ourselves higher. And it can't be realized without us going through the process. Life is, after all, a workshop.

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