Your Gps To Success



Are You Ready to Activate Your Spiritual GPS? Join Dr. Michael Mosley every week to explore a weekly lesson on mental techniques that will activate the Law of Attraction in your life to achieve individual goals. Send me an email with your question and I WILL answer it over the air as I connect with your energy to give you a very special READING. Questions can include anything related to personal problems and finding out how to improve the results they are looking for through LOA. I interview�?� Best Selling Authors, Motivational Speakers, Spiritual Teachers as well as My LISTENERS to give you the DIVINE�?� information you need for your success.


  • Listen to the Small Voice!


    You're going to love this show as Dr. Mosley discusses what many people most often disregard, the inner voice. We all have it, but are we are using it? Dr. Mosley gives us personal encounters of how he learned to listen to the "small voice" which helped to develop his intuitive abilities. He shares an intuitive reading with a listener that brought her an emotional sense of appreciation. You're going to want to share this podcast with a friend.

  • The Process of Elimination


    In this episode, Dr. Mosley discusses "The Process of Elimination." He gives us keys as to how to identify those items in our lives that are no longer serving us. In addition, he helps us to get rid of those things that are becoming a hindrance in our productivity, helping us to purge our environments physically and emotionally. As well, Dr. Mosley talks with his LIVE radio audience and even the audience offers a gift to a listener. You are going to be inspired in this episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!" Blessings... Show less

  • Treat Yourself RIGHT. .. This is a very important Lesson!


    This show is sure to be one of your favorites as Dr. Mosley gives compassionate and humorous guidance about the way we treat ourselves. In fact, we teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves. You will realize in this show, who is the most important person in your life and why. In addition, you'll understand the difference between being selfish and taking time for yourself. Listen, right now, to this wonderful show and hear Dr. Mosley give readings and inspiration to the callers and we're sure you will be inspired as well.

  • Massive Hiring being done by the Universe!


    Wow, it the best word to describe this broadcast! You are going to receive a tremendous revelation as Dr. Mosley instructs on a Massive Hiring being done by the Universe! It doesn't matter where you have been in life or where you currently are, you are a wonderful candidate to be hired by the Universe with excellent pay benefits. Dr. Mosley shares some of his personal story of struggle and triumph as he yet encourages you to realize your success is not just for you, but for someone else's motivation. You will realize two wonderful positions the Universe is hiring for with immediate openings and the only qualification you need to be hired. This is one show you're going to want to listen to again and again. So let's get started with "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Appreciating What's Different About You!


    Maybe you don't like the food the majority of your family does. Maybe what's funny to others isn't funny to you. Maybe you have a different viewpoint on a situation than others. Sometimes we can ask ourselves, "What's Wrong with Me?" However, it may not be that something's wrong with you at all. Our Spiritual Life Coach, Dr. Michael Mosley just may have the answer to your question and offer some guidance that will give you a greater appreciation for who you are and how you think. Turn your headsets up and listen as Dr. Mosley gives insightful reading to callers and words of motivation to us all, on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success."

  • Celebrating FREEDOM!


    While many of us look at the 4th of July as a once-a-year holiday, Dr. Mosley encourages us to keep the thought process of freedom ringing in our minds. In order to really celebrate freedom, one must acknowledge and identify that negative energy of limitation. During this show, you will hear live callers talk about how they overcame that feeling of being limited to the productive feeling of liberation. Keep the celebration going on this episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Sucess!"

  • Dr. Mosley - Talking to the Dead


    This show is in response to many inquiries about Communicating with the Dead. Being a minister of the Christian faith, and mainly a Spiritual Teacher of Truth, Dr. Mosley deals with this amazing phenomenon and shares insightful stories about his experience in communicating with the Dead. While often considered to be taboo by many, Dr. Mosley shares how the experience of communicating with the Dead can assist us on this earthly plane on our successful journey. I'm sure you will find this podcast very enlightening and informative as you listen to "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Law of Attraction According to Jesus


    In this week's show, Dr. Mosley starts by paying tribute to the lives that were killed in a shooting. You will be moved by his sincere passion as he encourages us all to be proud of who we are and to recognize all lives are important to God. Of course, you will be inspired to really understand how the great Spiritual Teacher, Jesus taught the concept of the Law of Attraction and how the simple formula can get you whatever you want. Dr. Mosley also talks with listeners, giving readings, advice, guidance, and a whole lot of laughter and fun!

  • Time to Make A Decision!


    Join Dr. Michael Mosely as he answers your questions with insight. He gives his psychic impressions as well as a little bit of coaching on how to move forward and MAKE A DECISION! This is a fun show that will warm your heart! Listen to past episodes:

  • Your GPS to SUCCESS - Time to Feel Good!


    This week, Dr. Mosley talks about the importance to feel good even though it's necessary to sometimes feel bad. He gives some great personal examples and delivers some powerful reading to his callers.

  • Your GPS to SUCCESS - Live Show


    Another great live show with Dr. Michael Mosley as he talks to phone-in guests about their children, hypnotherapy, and life in general!

  • Enjoy Dreaming About It!


    Remember when we used to simply dream or daydream about our goals and desires, as children? Well, our Spiritual Life Coach, Dr. Mosley encourages and even challenges us to return to dreaming about our future. In addition, we are urged to dream without feeling guilty for taking the time to dream. Yet, as you dream about your fantasies or desires, you attract the manifestations of those dreams. Dreaming has a profound method of engaging feelings and visualization to bring about manifestations. All this and more on this episode of “Your Spiritual GPS to Success1” Https://

  • No More Excuses!


    In this episode, Dr. Mosley talks about how easy it is to use an excuse to limit one's success. He reveals what really classifies as an excuse and how to move past excuses into the dreams of your heart. Also, Dr. Mosley answers a question, helping a listener to move past an affair, which led to divorce, and how to enter back into the dating scene. It's all for you right now on your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Self-Sabotage


    So many people talk themselves out of the opportunity before even giving it a chance. There are many, due to various reasons, who will degrade themselves to beat the competition of others degrading them. Turn your headsets up to listen as our Spiritual Teacher and Prophet, Dr. Michael Mosley gives Divine Insight to callers that causes them to reshape their thinking and to eliminate self-sabotage. If there's one person who needs to believe in you, it's you! You are created with greatness and there's no need to no longer belittle yourself. Listen to the prophetic messages given to LIVE callers and you too, are sure to be motivated to achieve. Get ready for SELF-BUILD on this episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Visualization - The Rehearsal of Your Life


    Your inner self is always aware of you and wants to guide you toward everything that you want. However, some of us are not listening. This week we talk about how to communicate with our inner selves and how to receive the guidance we need.

  • The Process of Elimination


    In this episode, Dr. Mosley discusses "The Process of Elimination." He gives us keys as to how to identify those items in our lives that are no longer serving us. In addition, he helps us to get rid of those things that are becoming a hindrance in our productivity, helping us to purge our environments physically and emotionally. As well, Dr. Mosley talks with his LIVE radio audience and even the audience offers a gift to a listener. You are going to be inspired in this episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!" Blessings... Show less

  • Dr. Mosley: Remember to Receive


    Today, Dr. Mosley encourages us all to appreciate the joy of receiving. Many are encouraged to give of their time, finances, and love however, that's only half the fun. There are so many opportunities that are surrounding you, but they are just waiting to feel welcomed into your life! In this session with your Intuitive Life Coach, you will understand some benefits and techniques in experiencing the joy of receiving, on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!" Show less

  • Visualization Leads to Manifestation!


    You will be inspired as you listen to Dr. Mosley explain the power of visualization. You will receive a clear understanding of what visualization really is and how it leads to manifestation. Dr. Mosley also encourages you to remove the barriers or any limitations you may have in dreaming big and believing in the power of the Universe to materialize what you visualize! You are guaranteed to be inspired as you listen to Your Intuitive Life Coach on your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Enjoying Changing Times


    Time presents many changes in life, including setting your clocks up an hour. Yet, no matter how time consists of seemingly never-ending changes, there's always guidance available from the Divine. Listen as our Spiritual Life Coach gives insightful answers to LIVE callers about the "Changing Times" in their lives. You are sure to be inspired as you listen to answers regarding a woman's question about love and relationships, or another person's question on what's next for her in 2022! It's all right here on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success" with Dr. Michael L. Mosley!

  • Raising Your Vibrations to Attract Your Desires


    In this episode, each listener is encouraged to push past any discomfort to a level of feeling good. No matter what state one may be involved in, there is also peace. Each person must take a more mature position in life to find the good in any situation. When one can find good, they will find God. Dr. Mosley teaches that each of us are attracting according to the level we are vibrating. This episode will motivate you to raise your vibration to increase the good of your manifestation!

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